January 30th, 2022

Giver of every good and perfect gift, you tend to the earth as your vineyard, longing for it to bring fruit. You desire society and our lives to look more and more like the Kingdom of Heaven.

We confess, at times we work against your plans, sometimes by what we do, and sometimes by what we leave undone. We abuse the land, take advantage of the weak, and turn a blind eye to the poor.

We confess, we struggle to give back to you from the bounty of gifts your hand provides, worrying we will not have enough. In response, we hold tightly for ourselves and for our family. Remind us again that you have blessed us to be a blessing to others. Free us from that which we do not want to see in ourselves, free us for more generous living. Free us to see as Jesus sees.

We thank you for the joy of community – growing together in faith, practicing our faith, making decisions, praising you together. Thank you for providing leadership, a shared mission and vision, and abundant gifts to minister together congregationally as we endeavour to do you will.

As a community we rejoice with those who rejoice and grieve with those who grieve. We strive to share your love with one another through prayer, words of encouragement, and compassion.

Today we pray for those facing significant decisions, those who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness, and all who are struggling from loneliness and isolation.

We pray for peace in the world – for peaceable negotiations between nations, leaders, and peoples. We pray especially for escalating tensions between Russian and Ukraine.

We pray for the most vulnerable, and for the strength and resilience we need for the living of these pandemic days.

Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care including our Aldaview friends. Strengthen them in mind, body, and spirit.

We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

We also pray for our Households of Faith. May each household be held in peace and strength, experience fulfillment in their work, and joy in their relationships.  For your faithful presence, your listening presence, your sustaining presence, we offer all of our prayers with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus. Amen.

January 23rd, 2022

This week is “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” an occasion when we acknowledge we are members of a large body of Christ, a global body diverse in language, culture, practice, made one through Christ. We give thanks for ecumenical brothers and sisters in Christ – and we strive to build bridges of understanding and walk in the ways of peace together.

just as you prayed for your disciples so long ago
Pray for us,
Pray for our wellbeing,
Pray for our protection.
Pray for your joy to be made complete in us.
Pray for our spiritual growth and transformation.

Pray for your truth to be made complete in us.


we often do not know how to pray,
So pray for us,
Pray with us,
That we may be one with you,
One with each other, and
One in ministry to the world you love.

Pray for your weak ones,
Your strong ones,
Pray for your ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness
Pray for your ones who breeze through life,
And your ones who struggle in life.

Pray for those who have lost loved ones,

whose grief is deep
pray for those facing tough decision, those taking on new positions,

or those in need of freedom from bondage.
Pray for all impacted by covid – health care providers, the sick,

the dying, the recovering, the self-isolating, and all who

are experiencing isolation, loneliness, or disconnection.

Hear us now as we pray as you have taught us….

Our Father……

Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need. Hold all in need close to your heart. Surround them with care, protection, and strength. We also pray for our Households of Faith….. May they know your peace in their relationships, in their work, as they share their lives generously. Amen

January 16th, 2022

Holy God,

thank you for giving us life and breath.

The sun beams out praise!

Pines and spruce offer their green hallelujahs!

Winter birds join the seasonal song of praise!

Buried in the cold earth, bulbs and roots rest at your command!

The glory of your goodness bursts out all around us,

The heavens declare your glory

the skies proclaim your handiworks.

Our hearts overflow with worship!

Today we say thank you for all who are nurturing life.

Parents awaiting the arrival of a newborn

for those who cook and clean,

for those who change diapers and do laundry,

for those who listen and encourage,

for those who give undivided attention,

for those who provide the necessities of life

willingly, lovingly, consistently.

Be with those who face challenges,

give patience where there is frustration,

resilience where there is weariness

and wisdom where there are challenges

You walk beside us on long caregiving journeys,

and you won’t leave us.

We pray especially today of those in our own community living in poverty

who have trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent;

Guide our politicians as they make decisions that affect children.

We pray for places where life is threatened…

due to violence, political instability, divisive policy.

We long for your intervention in these aching places of the world.

We also acknowledge our carbon footprint is driving enviornmental disaster.

Holy God, all of life on earth is your creation;

we repent that we have disregarded and ignored the treasure of diversity.

Help us find the will to change our ways and truly value all you made.

You hovered over the deep at the beginning of time;

you dared dream a world of life and beauty.

We want to dream together with you!

Send your Spirit on this community so that we can be your people of peace

living life to the fullest on earth as it is in heaven.

In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

We pray for all who grieve. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

We also pray for our Households of Faith. Grant each of our households of faith much joy, loving relationships, and meaningful connections.

This morning many engaged in our second “congregational conversation”.

Here are the questions were are invited to reflect upon. As we continue to reflect, let us also continue to pray with John 15: 1-5 and listen for God.

1. As we reflect upon stories on congregational time-line, where do we witness God’s faithfulness?

2. Where do you witness abiding in God? Pruning? Fruit bearing?

3. How have these practices shaped WMC as a worshipping community?

1. Can anything that occurred over the past 22 months help us as we prepare for the next year?

2. What have we learned about ourselves? God? The world?

3. What are we learning about what people need from the church right now?

4. What brings us joy?

Have a blessed day,

Pastor Kara

January 9th, 2022

Holy One, we thank you that we stand in a long line of believers who have been faithful through the ages. You have been leading your people through trials and change and have always set before them / before us, hope for today and bright hope for a better tomorrow. We pray that you would bless us each day as we strive to be your faithful followers. May we know your gift of faith given freely, filled with hope in things not seen.

Give us faith we pray, like the grain of mustard seed which had small beginnings, but which yielded large results.

Give to us faith to move the mountains of racism, marginalization, and injustice.

Give us faith amidst our questions and when fear and doubts threaten to overwhelm.

Give to us a faith which has a vision of a new world where peace and love flow abundantly – where your shalom permeates all, and where war, hunger, and oppression is no more.

Give to us a faith such as Abraham’s to move forward not knowing our destination but trusting in your guiding providence.

Give to us a faith which is able to endure those moments of personal disquiet and to trust that you are with us.

Give us faith that you are growing something new in us as a faith community – something beautiful, something fruitful.

Give us faith amidst pruning and fruit bearing, growing and releasing.

Give to us a faith which sees the welfare of all creation including all peoples held in your enduring love and care.

Give to us a faith which sees beyond the present to an eternal home within your very heart.

God, give us faith to walk with you, vulnerability and courage to go wherever you lead.

Deepen our capacity to listen for you and a surrendering willingness to respond.

Surround our loved ones in long-term care.

We pray for all who grieve. May comfort and care surround them. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them.  We also pray for our Households of Faith….. May each know your love and care more deeply each day as they turn their hearts toward you. May their hearts and homes be filled with joy, peace, and love. We offer all our prayers in the name of your Jesus who taught us to pray. Amen

January 2nd, 2022

We come to adore you, little one. We come on bended knee with hopeful hearts, and eyes stretched wide with wonder and awe. The gentleness of your gaze draws us into the mystery of all that lies beyond, and in that place of falling into joy, we yield all that we are to you.

We pray…..

for those who are broken, those who seek, the trembling, and the rumbling tummies, those without a home, the haggard spirits and the ragged lives, and those whose hearts pine for love or the lost.

We pray for our Households of Faith:

We give thanks for all the ways each of these families share God’s love, for the ways they generously contribute to congregational life, community life, and enrich the lives of those they encounter day by day. Bless each with good health, peace and contentment, joy and fulfillment each day.

We also pray for those whose needs we hold deep in our hearts…………

Protect our loved ones in long-term care amidst tighter pandemic restrictions. Keep them safe and secure in your love.

We pray with thanksgiving for your generosity moving in and amongst us – for faithful weekly tithes and offerings and the generous response that furthers the work of the church across the street and around the world. Bless the many ministries that are supported as we give of ourselves, our gifts, talents, and our money.

We pray for all who are grieving this Christmas season. Grant peace and comfort.

We also pray for wisdom and strength for all leaders charged with oversight and policy as covid infection rates soar. Help us to remember that human suffering is more than a number or daily statistic. We pray for the sick, those who grieve, the isolated, and the fearful. Continue to strengthen and uphold front-line workers, all who work and learn in classrooms, and provincial and national leaders. Be near to us and our loved ones as we continue to journey through this difficult time together. While we are receiving booster vaccinations, we pray for those in the world who continue to await their first vaccination. We pray for justice and equitable world-wide response amidst this global pandemic. As the privileged according to world standards, may we be humble, aware of our North American privilege, and be faithful in prayer, care, and compassion.

Bless us, O Lord, whom we adore, and turn our faces ever toward you. We pray for peace, for mercy, for the sake of all that is holy. We come to adore you, O Christ. Amen