July 30th, 2023

Holy One, your welcome is wide

and the table is wide

and your arms open wide to gather us in.

You invite us to “come” just as we are

with all that we hold – our joys and gratitude,

with the heavy baggage that weighs us down

and the unhealed places of our hearts.

Your welcome extends to us whether

youthful or weary

tired or troubled

gracious or grumpy

secure in our faith

or seeking and searching.

You invite us to your table with joy.

And we come

as your people who trust in your grace.

We come unhindered and free.

And our deepest hunger will be

satisfied with the Bread of Life, which is you.

And our deepest thirst will be quenched

as we drink deeply from your cup of blessing.

At your table of grace

transform us to be bread

for a hungering world,

and drink for those who thirst.

May our table be wide

and the welcome be wide.

May our hospitality be generous and joyful.

God of grace, you welcome us and prayers

for our needs, those we love, and the world.

Be comfort for the grieving – our hearts are weeping.

Be strength for the hurting, those faced with big decisions and transition,

and those who struggle or find life hard.

We pray for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness.

Held in your wide embrace, hear our prayers for those

who gather at conflicted family tables;

world leaders gathered at the tables of power.

Pour out your grace at the tables of the poor, the marginalized,

the sick, those who are far from home,

and those who yearn for safety and security.

May all creation know your justice,

your peace that surpasses all understanding,

your love that sustains and heals.

May we each know your welcome and grace

and extend your welcome wide.

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

July 23rd, 2023

Great God:
Thank you for the constant call we hear from you every day.
The wind whispering around our ears, the birds singing to us from the trees,
rain pinging on the window, the good earth inviting our steps.
We hear that call again and again, through kind hands and warm hearts around us.
Open our ears to your call, which is as expansive as the world,
and as particular as a poor man walking a dusty road to a cross on Calvary.
Like him, help us to love, not just in word, but in deed:
love for our neighbours who are hard to love,
love for newcomers in our community,
love for people who are cast out by others.
Forgive us for the times we have failed to share your love,

choosing to hoard what is freely given,
fearful that we have limited resources, limited time…we’re too tired.
Thank you that even then, your consoling voice calls us.
Help us to respond with cheerful hearts as we do your work.
Strengthen those among us who face heavy burdens

who live with pain; physical, emotional, spiritual.
Holy Spirit, bind us together as a community to sing your chorus of love faithfully, heartily.
Multiply your call in us and through us.
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. [Carol Penner]

July 16th, 2023

Holy God, where can we go from your spirit?

Where can we flee from your presence?

If we ascend to success, happiness, esteem, confidence, pleasure,

you are there.

If we descend to failure, depression, humiliation, fear, pain,

you are there.

Even when we try to get away from you,

when we desperately want to hide ourselves from you,

you do not stop loving us.

You do not stop leading us into fullness of life.

Your creative energy is part of our deepest selves—

selves that you have loved, and do love, and will love until the end.

Thank you, God, for being around us and within us,

with us and for us, now and always.

July 9th, 2023

God of sunlight and starry summer nights, we yearn to truly become the

salt and the light of the world. We yearn for there to be more love on earth.

Change our hearts and our lives that we may be more understanding

and loving to one another, ready to respond to needs.

Righteous God, we pray that there may be greater justice on earth.

May governments and public officials

make room in their priorities and budgets

for the socially marginalized, those without work,

immigrants, the poor, and the hungry.

May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

God of peace, we pray that there be more peace on earth.

May nations put an end to words of hatred

threats of revenge, and lay down the weapons of war.

We pray for peace in our hearts,

our homes, our nation, and in the world.

We pray for peace through peaceful means.

God of joy, we pray that there be more joy on earth,

May we who strive to walk in the ways of Jesus

ask questions, cultivate curiosity as we learn and

grow in faith together.

God of compassion, we pray for healing, hope, and wholeness

for ourselves and for all who are journeying painful health challenges,

We pray for the grieving,

the lonely,

the isolated,

those distanced from family or friends by miles or conflict,

and those who find life hard.

Surround us and fill us with your presence of peace.

Grace us with resilience, the capacity to wait,

tolerance for differences, and kindness in all our words and actions.

Hear our prayers which we offer you now in the silence of our hearts.

Faithful God, may there be more faith on earth,

May the fruits of our VBS labours

bear good fruit in children’s lives

and in all of our lives.

Strengthen us to serve you

with all our heart, mind and strength

in Jesus’ name. Amen

July 2nd, 2023

Loving Parent,

who exists beyond the realms we can imagine

and within the deepest parts of ourselves,

we thank you for the joy of gathering in community

and we celebrate together,

all that is good, and beautiful, and holy in our lives.

Tender Parent,

we thank you for the teachings of Jesus

and for the privilege of coming to you in prayer.

We lift up the people in this community and those we love,

for concerns which we know,

for the needs of loved ones which we carry in our heart.

May your tender embrace each,

the weary, those who are awaiting on referrals,

treatments, or next steps,

and those who find life hard.

Nurturing Parent,

we pray that all people will have their daily bread—

the food, housing, health care, support, and safety they need

to survive and thrive.

We pray for equitable care, just systems,

and that the humanity of each be respected.

Guiding Parent,

let our earthly leaders follow your will

so that the people and the systems of this world

might look more and more like your reign of peace and justice.

Protecting Parent,

deliver your children from all harm.

We pray for all who suffer pain in mind, body, or spirit,

all who live in fear,

all who grieve,

all who face violence in its many forms.

Holy Parent,

let these prayers rise up as incense before you

as we pray with this community of faith

and in the quiet of our own hearts.

We offer our prayer in all the holy names of God. Amen.