January 29th, 2023

Faithful God, despite all the abundance and blessings in our lives, we worry. We worry about finances, health, loved ones, our work, the church, and the future. We worry as Covid continues and its impact on the most vulnerable. We worry amidst uncertainty, change, and conflict. We worry about the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and so much more.

Calm our troubled hearts. Still our racing thoughts. Free us from anxiety that flutters deep within our being. As we turn our gaze and hearts to you, help us remember that you are with us and that we can trust you to light our steps, to provide wisdom and courage, strength and resilience. We can trust you to provide our daily bread. When we feel overwhelmed, remind us that you see us, that you care about us, and that you are the God who will provide all we need for healthy, faithful, and wholehearted living.

In gratitude for all that you provide, we offer our thanks: for loving relationships, breath and movement, rest and energy, beauty and stillness, hope and peace, thank you.

We name aloud or in the silence of our hearts our thanks for all that you provide……….

God of compassion we pray for your provision for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness. For the grieving, those living with pain, change, struggles, we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery, and those recovering from surgery, we pray.

We pray for those who hunger – whether for food or for new beginning. We pray for those who thirst for justice and those who seek your kingdom.

And we pray for your Spirit to move amongst us as we meet today to discuss the work of the church and make financial decisions. Grant your church wisdom and gentle listening. Free us from all fear in order to live generously.

For prayers offered aloud and for those not yet formed into words, we offer all our prayers in the name of the God who provides. Amen

We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

We pray for our Households of Faith.

January 22nd, 2023

There is no part of life

you do not touch, O God,

infusing your rich fragrance— your God colours and God flavours – gritty and real—

getting in underneath the surface,

drawing out and lifting up, winding love around

until defences are lowered, barriers broken down,

and the power of your love reveals the beauty

you intended for all your children and creation.

May our actions draw attention to you,

to the richness you bring to all life

and the abundance you share,

setting the scene for us to share too.

Help us to bring light

into all the darkness of life, spreading hope for a better world,

a world where justice is made real by your people living together

in harmony.

Help us to bring salt

into the blandness of life,

encouraging vitality and joy in living

in a world that dares to hope

for the future that you promise

where all people will know themselves

loved and valued and treasured,

created in your image,

bringing you glory forever.

We pray too for those in our own community today. For those for whom life is hard – those living with illness, pain, grief, change, struggles – we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery, and brighter days, we pray. And for those in our community of faith, especially our households of faith for this week, we pray. We are grateful for one another.

Finally, for the church, your body, your people, here in this world. We need your mercy and your grace to release that which holds us captive from fullness of life, your hearts desire. Breathe your spirit of life into your people and into your beloved world. Walk closely beside us each day.

We pray as those seeking to follow and learn from you.


As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

We pray for our Households of Faith.

Bless each of our households of faith with deep faith that holds them. Amen

January 15th, 2023

As we come before God together, I would invite us into the Beatitudes: into their surprising blessings, and
their bold proclamation of the Kingdom. Throughout generations, the followers of Jesus have relied on
these seemingly simple words to guide their lives, to help them understand God’s will, and to direct them
into prayer for and suffering with the world.
This morning as we gather our prayers, I will read each blessing and invite you to repeat it. Then I will
suggest a focus for a brief time of silent prayer. Let’s begin with silence.
Brief silence
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
All: Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Lord Jesus, you see past achievements, status, and work ethic choosing to be on the side of the weak,
the forgotten, the despised. Your gaze is upon the broken – of heart, body, spirit.
Reveal yourself to the poor of this world
for whom the kingdom of heaven often seems distant and unattainable.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
All: Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Comforting God, draw near to those who are in mourning,
who have lost someone or something dear to them.
Draw near to those who mourn the injustices of this world
such as hunger, homelessness, corruption.
We pray for the blessing of comfort to strengthen us.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
ALL: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
We praise you Jesus for your example of humility.
We strive to be more like Jesus every day.
but our pride often gets in the way, as does our stubbornness and selfishness
Rescue us from pride, we pray and help us walk the path of humility.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled
ALL: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.

Fit us we pray to call attention to the injustices in the world that abound,
Strengthen us to work together in support of ministries of justice
and may your Spirit transform us through our active participation
feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, caring for creation.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
ALL: Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
Lord God, you are merciful, slow to anger, abounding in compassion and truth. Be merciful to us, our
families, your church, and those who stand in a place of need.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
ALL: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
We pray for a heart that desires nothing more than to abide in You and Your love.
Open the eyes of our heart to your presence in our lives and in your world.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
ALL: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
generously sowing love, injuring pardon, living faith boldly.
Where there is despair may hope abound; where darkness dwells may your light of love break through.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
ALL: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of

Around the world, many Christians are persecuted — imprisoned, even killed — for their faith.
Be their rock, their safety, their peace and may their witness remain strong.

Emmanuel, God with us,
as we continue on this journey with you and one another,
may we live into your blessing and be a blessing in your world
we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

We pray for those who are journeying through hard days – those who are waiting on tests, follow up appointments, or living with
chronic pain. May your love surround them.

We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-
term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant
deep measures of compassion and patience.
As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for
healing, grace and protection over all.
We pray for our Households of Faith. Bless their lives with purpose and meaning, rest and loving relationship. Draw them ever near to Your heart of blessing. Amen.

January 8th, 2023

God of wonder and mystery,
God of the stars and sky,
God of winding ways and straight paths,
our hearts overflow with gratitude

for the gift of your constant presence,
your trustworthy guidance,
and your daring risk-taking with us.
You dare to love us despite our inability to respond fully.
You dare to care for us, despite our challenge in caring for others.
You dare to walk with us, despite our wayward wandering.

As we journey into this new year,

lead us we pray,

light our steps,
guide us by the teachings of Jesus
to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly in your loving light.

God of peace, we pray for peace in this world,
the kind of peace in which we celebrate diversity,
are joyfully challenged by adversity,
and share in the joy that is to be found everywhere.

May peace grow in our hearts, in our homes,

in our actions and our words.

God of compassion,
we pray for those who are lonely.
Lead us to reach out with compassion and fellowship.
We pray for those who are hungry,
Lead us to respond to real human need.
We pray for the lost, the least, the last.
Lead us to share hope and joy.

We pray for the church.

May we work together, always lifting one another up.
May we be open to the transformation of your Spirit,

freeing us from fear and strengthening us to walk in faith,

liberating us from scarcity thinking that we may live generously

Gentle our wounds into wisdom, we pray,

our anxieties and worries into deep trust.

May your Spirit guide us

in decision making, giving, priority making,

as we come through so much change and transition

all for the furthering of your mission.

And we pray for our communities

in which we live, work, attend school, and serve.

May the light of your love shine in and through us

as faithful witnesses to the wonder of your incarnation.

Emmanuel, God with us,

as we continue on this journey with you and one another,
may we learn the lessons you offer
and seek the fullness of your purposes and your love,

Reveal yourself anew, your love and grace,

your mercy and forgiveness,

and may we respond with faithfulness and gratitude.


As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

January 1st, 2023

“O beautiful star, the hope of rest, for the redeemed, the good, and blest, yonder in glory when the crown is won; for Jesus is now that star divine; brighter and brighter He will shine; beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on.”

O God, we rejoice and give thanks for this season of Advent & Christmas, the wonderful reminder that you entered our world through the person of Jesus, providing to all humanity the gift of a Saviour. Thank you for beginning a process of restoration that night in Bethlehem; a process that will only be completed when Christ returns in majesty and glory to take His children home to a new heaven and earth. And God as we begin this New Year, while we recognize that the time of Christ’s return is uncertain, we trust in your perfect timing. Our prayer is that as you led the shepherds, and later the wise men, into the presence of Jesus by the light of the star, you would also continue to lead us to your throne of grace as individuals and as a church. We also would pray for many in our community, our families, our world, who have yet to come face to face with Jesus, that you too would lead them to your Son. God use a star if you choose, use us in spite of our weakness; but our prayer is that you would open the eyes of many to the reality of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. O God we give you praise!

God, this morning we also pray for those who today are suffering with loss and pain. Grant healing and hope, pour your love through us as your children, may your grace be evident through the lives and actions of believers all around our world. We pray for peace to come in places of war; we pray for justice and righteousness to prevail; where there are ethnic tensions, bring renewal & understanding; may love overcome hate.

God, we would also echo the words of this prayer:

“Living Christ, in these times when we fear we are losing hope or feel that our efforts are futile,

let us see in our hearts and minds the image of your resurrection,

and let that be our source of courage and strength.

With that, and in your company, help us face challenges and struggles

against all that is born of injustice.

Amen” VT 1033

We praise you God for the significant health care available to us in this country. While there are challenges at times, we pray for all those who serve in the medical field and ask God that you would grant strength, wisdom, and perseverance as they serve. We also rejoice that you are the great Healer and as such we bring the following requests to you.

We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and our loved ones in long-term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

We pray for our Households of Faith:

In the name of Jesus we pray
