February 16th, 2025

Congregational prayer

Snowy and Sacred God,

In what ways will you hunker down among us today and tomorrow?

Is this snowfall a gift?

When we look up during these hours, are we meant to feel a dose of heaven?

We listen for you. We wait for you.

Holy Spirit, bless all of us with safety as we drive on the roads.

Bless us with steadiness as we walk on the slippery surfaces.

Bless all of our neighbours to be snug in their beds, cozy in their kitchens.

Bless all our neighbours up and down the road.

Bless our buildingmates, our hospitalmates, our housemates.

Bless our furry pets.

Bless our livestock.

Bless the scampering ones in the winter woods.

We pray for our congregation as a whole:

How will you polish us during this fiftieth year?

What leaps for joy lie ahead? What lessons?

God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, teach us again about your gospel.

Give us the fiftieth or five hundredth chapter of your Word.

We are paying attention.

We pray for members of church who are dealing with health difficulties.

We pray for our Households of Faith:

Bustle among them with your enlivening presence,

Motivate them, comfort them, inspire them, heal them,

Bathe them in Light – whatever it is they need during these days!

For a brief moment we lift a prayer for the wider world:

In this dear moment in history,

Even as some of our precious common good is seeming to garble,

God, can you lurch into the political meetings, for the grand sake of kindness?

Can you bombard the swaggering ones with your amazing grace?

What can your heavenly power accomplish during these days?

Go ahead: brawl with the principalities of the highest heavens.

Make presidents suddenly forget their foregone plans.

Outperform every fear and every vengeance with your love.

And implant in us a readiness to embody your gospel of peace.

Jesus, your well-taught gospel of peace!

Snowflake God, Blizzard God, Blanket God,

Bless us with an inner coat.

Or bless us with snow angels inside, outside, wherever you like.

You made us, you keep making us, no matter the weather,

And so we praise your name.


… and now FOUR THINGS for Sunday morning (choose your own adventure!):

ONE – Scripture reading and question

Psalm 65:5-13 (printed below) talks about God’s awesome deeds that are observable in nature. The word “snow” doesn’t appear in this passage, but what are your thoughts about how a snow event can be an expression of God’s power?

TWO – Snow picture

Make a creative picture about snow, or an image of snow. Be creative: use paper and crayons, or use snow, or use clay, or use found objects from around the house. Take a photograph of your picture and send it to matthew@wellesleymennonite.ca if you want it to be included in a Powerpoint slide show (slide snow?) next Sunday morning.

THREE – Poem

“A Winter Day” by Lucy Maud Montgomery (she’s also the author of Anne of Green Gables) – the poem is printed below. Consider taking several minutes to slowly read through. Take note of unfamiliar words, maybe look them up in a dictionary. After the last line, ask yourself: “How am I reverent? What is my winter prayer?”

THREE – YouTube video

Make sure the audio is turned on for this video! Perhaps this can be the worship music for Sunday morning. With whatever sounds are available to you in this winter wonderland, what kind of outdoor, worshipful experience can you make for yourself?

Psalm 65:5-13

5 In righteousness you answer us,

by your awesome deeds,

God of our salvation—

you, who are the security

of all the far edges of the earth,

even the distant seas.

6 You establish the mountains by your strength;

you are dressed in raw power.

7 You calm the roaring seas;

calm the roaring waves,

calm the noise of the nations.

8 Those who dwell on the far edges

stand in awe of your acts.

You make the gateways

of morning and evening sing for joy.

9 You visit the earth and make it abundant,

enriching it greatly

by God’s stream, full of water.

You provide people with grain

because that is what you’ve decided.

10 Drenching the earth’s furrows,

leveling its ridges,

you soften it with rain showers;

you bless its growth.

11 You crown the year with your goodness;

your paths overflow with rich food.

12 Even the desert pastures drip with it,

and the hills are dressed in pure joy.

13 The meadowlands are covered with flocks,

the valleys decked out in grain—

they shout for joy;

they break out in song!

A Winter Day

by Lucy Maud Montgomery

The air is silent save where stirs

A bugling breeze among the firs;

The virgin world in white array

Waits for the bridegroom kiss of day;

All heaven blooms rarely in the east

Where skies are silvery and fleeced,

And o’er the orient hills made glad

The morning comes in wonder clad;

Oh, ’tis a time most fit to see

How beautiful the dawn can be!

Wide, sparkling fields snow-vestured lie

Beneath a blue, unshadowed sky;

A glistening splendor crowns the woods

And bosky, whistling solitudes;

In hemlock glen and reedy mere

The tang of frost is sharp and clear;

Life hath a jollity and zest,

A poignancy made manifest;

Laughter and courage have their way

At noontide of a winter’s day.

Faint music rings in wold and dell,

The tinkling of a distant bell,

Where homestead lights with friendly glow

Glimmer across the drifted snow;

Beyond a valley dim and far

Lit by an occidental star,

Tall pines the marge of day beset

Like many a slender minaret,

Whence priest-like winds on crystal air

Summon the reverent world to prayer.

February 9th, 2025

Hello God

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

God thank you for the “waiting” moments. The times when we shut off the rest of the world and listen for what you want to teach, show or present to us. Waiting is a verb, it requires action, or doing something. This may mean shutting off the radio, going by ourselves, or somehow just shutting out the outside world that pushes in on us. Not always easy to do. There is much to learn when we “wait”. When we truly shut off all the outside noise and hear what you want us to hear, see or feel, there is much to be gained. Sometimes waiting can be agonizing because we don’t know how long we must wait. The promising thing is that if we “wait” or pause we shall renew our strength, run and not be weary and not faint. May we take time to wait.

Thank You God for answered prayers that we have brought forward for our members here at WMC. Thank you for hearing the prayers brought forward and for hearing and answering the prayers that were not expressed openly. Thank- you for being an all knowing God.

In particular we continue to ask for prayers for the following:

We ask that you continue to be with all our members who over the past year have dealt with the loss of a loved one. Be with all who have dealt with loss as they work thru all the “first times”. May they dwell in the good memories they have of their loved one. Thank you for families that offer support here.

God, we live in a world that seems like a blender at times. in this may we feel your presence. Give us peace to not be anxious as things change all around us and we feel like we are sometimes not in as much control as we would like to be.

We offer prayers for our Political leaders, locally, provincially, and nationally. They to live in a landscape that is ever changing and challenging. May they govern with integrity, honesty and humility. Hold them close.

This week we ask that you be with our Households of faith here at WMC.

    God we are blessed with so many gifts and abilities you have offered to those of our active members here at WMC. May we continue to somehow be a presence in our community. Thank you for guiding us and may you continue to be with leadership as they/ we look ahead to the future.

    God, may we truly take time to pause and “Wait” for you and what you have to teach us. Sometimes this can be very challenging in a world that has many pushes and pulls. In a world that requires us to make decisions and changes in can be very tough to wait…… . You have promised us renewed strength and energy if we do “WAIT” . May we apply this to our lives this week and weeks ahead.

    In your name we ask it


    January 26th, 2025


    Everyday our life is guided by lights. Green to go, Red to stop, Yellow to caution. If we see flashing blue or redlights we are concerned and very aware of our current situation. When we enter our house at night one of the first things we do is snap on the lights so we can see. As the days grow longer daylight last longer. Increasing daylight forces us to reset our outdoor light timers.., 😊 . Light and/or lights are good and important in our lives . They guide us along the way. We need light to grow and feel healthy. Even plants need light to help in photosynthesis. We maybe appreciate light more when we are travelling at night when it would be impossible to see down the road with out light. So light is good and we are thankful for the many values of light

    So in the same way we need light for our physical well being we know and can trust that God provides light in order to guide our spiritual life.

    There are many verses in the bible about light but several stand out in this instance :

    Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

    Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

    John 8:12 “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

    Very encouraging words on light. May we understand this and look to turn on our spiritual light switch, so we don’t fumble in spiritual darkness.

    God, we thank you for many answered prayers in our congregation. For the health and well being of each member we ask that you hold close all those who may be suffering or experiencing health issues. It can be scary if we try go it alone. Help us to be humble in sharing our needs . God you know the unspoken requests. We ask that you stand close with those needs.

    Our world seems too chaotic and everchanging at time when we want consistency, normalcy, and some form of control. We ask that you be with all world leaders as the make decisions on a stage that seems to be more a carousel then a platform. Please grant presence of mind, integrity and unselfishness to those who govern whether internationally, nationally, or locally. Being a leader is not easy and it requires the ability to make sometimes quick decisions. Please grant clarity of mind for those making these decisions.

    Thank you for the many gifts and talents that you have provide many members here at WMC. Continue to be with Pastor Matthew as he leads us and supports us. Bless both Matthew and Nina as they continue to make this transition.

    Thank you for the many gifts of Leadership, Pastorship, Administration, Mentoring, Caring, Song leading …..etc. over the 50 years that WMC has been in existence. Thank you for those who are heading up the celebration. Give them energy as they take on this role.

    This week we ask for prayers for our HOF

    May they all feel your presence at some level.

    God in the same way we require light to see our way may in our every day physical life may we in turn be light in a world that may often be dark and in desperate . A world in need of light that provides direction. Give us clarity to see when and where we can be that light.

    In all this we ask it,


    January 19th, 2025

    We pray for others who are continuing in hospital or recovering at home. As we speak their names, we lift them to you:

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We pray for our world. So many looming uncertainties. So many things teetering on the edge. We yearn for an end to violence. We yearn for new political pathways, and different ways of solving problems. We yearn for good news, for bold announcements of the strategies that are working, of the places where new pathways are being discovered.

    Holy God, there are many other prayers in our hearts. In these moments of silence we will pray these other prayers, also paying attention for your help, listening for your unexpressed groans.


    January 12th, 2025

    Hello God

    Thank you for granting us another week and being with us in the good and the bad.

    From time to time, we all have experienced times of uncertainty, frustration, ‘over our head” situations and just plain feeling weak. We sometimes feel like we are out on our own and we don’t have the physical, mental or emotional strength to handle our current situation. We thank you for the words the Psalmist provides in Psalms 46.

    1 God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
    2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
    3 though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.

    I believe that if God could be present in these natural challenges he is more then capable of being there for us in our challenges, whatever they maybe. However, in order to truly experience this we are reminded in the first part of verse 10 that it requires us to “Be still and know that I am God” Yes …be still and give it over to God. We don’t have to do it all on our own but we do have to pause and hand it over. Can we do that ?? God help us to truly understand that you are there in the most trying situations.

    God this week we ask that you be with those in the world who are living thru War and never know when things may escalate. We give you thanks for living in a country that has Peace. We offer prayers for our Leaders of this Great country Canada. We are at a crossroads in our Country and we ask that you continue to give guidance to all our leaders whether nationally or provincially. Please continue to give clarity of mind to all our leaders especially in this time of transition.

    We thank you for answering prayer when it come to health situations. We ask that you continue to be with those who are healing and for those that may be anticipating medical testing and/or further medical procedures . In particular we keep in mind the following requests made known:

    Thank you for the Christmas season we have just come thru and for time we could spend with family and friends. A truly special time. For those who may have experienced family loss in past year may they feel your peace and presence.

    We pray for our Households of Faith this week.

    God, we thank you for the reminder in Psalms that you will be with us when we are facing challenging situations in our personal or public lives and experiences . Help us to pause “be still” for a moment and know you have things in control.

    In all this we ask it


    January 5th, 2025

    Holy God, we come together in prayer.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We pray for our world that seems to ooze with violence and anguish. Lord, can you create some new options? Can you help us write new stories? Can you intervene when someone is planning to injure or kill? Can you inspire us with visions of wholehearted community, or visions of the common good? Lord have mercy.

    At the same time, we give thanks for the big things and the little things that lift our spirits. Thank you for new animal species discovered this week: the starry night gecko, the patagona chaski hummingbird, the Guianan long-nosed armadillo. Beautiful work, God! Thank you for the news of the recent World Plogging Championship, where participants pick up litter while jogging. Thank you that making the world a better place can be filled with joy and camaraderie.

    Jesus, thank you for being born, thank you for being the mysterious Word, thank you for shining the Light all around. Make us into light for all to see. Make us into your building, sheltering others. Amen.

    December 29th, 2024

    Holy God, carrier of our hearts, illuminator of our minds, knitter of our lives, we praise you. We lift our voices and our silences to you.

    This morning we pray to you with mixed-bag emotions – some of us brimming with happiness, some of us weeping inside, some of us carrying a jumble of this and that. Thank you for loving us in our jumble. Thank you for remaining with us all along the way.

    This morning we come to the end of a calendar year and so reflect: What has this last year been for us? For you? How has the journey been? Great Historian, what can we learn from 2024?

    This morning we pray for members of our church family.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We pray for our world. God, break into the world of politics. Rattle the systems, shake up the politicians, bewilder the bureaucrats, and inspire us as citizens to grab hold of the levers of power that are available to us. Break into the world of culture, and make it so that some of the greed and apathy fizzle away. Make it so that some of the scorn is brushed away by compassion. Break into the world of economics and make it so that the value our precious planet is accounted for. Make it so that more and more people think that it’s exciting and worthwhile to safeguard our ecological home.

    Holy God, maker and carrier of this world. We lift our voices and our silences to you. Amen.

    December 22nd, 2024

    Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    As we celebrate the birth of Jesus at this this time of the year we hear again the prophecy of the impending birth in Isaiah. Wow such a large gift in one package! So many titles for one person but many times in our lives we have experienced each on of these titles. We have seen the Wonderful in creation of our families and in times of Joy in our lives. We have relied many times on the title of Counselor in the many challenging times of life health and sickness, surgery troubles at work etc. In the title of Counsellor we have found much support when we needed it most. We have seen Mighty God in Nature whether mountains, seas or storms, etc.; we have seen the Mighty and have been in awe. So much strength can be gleaned in the Everlasting Father title. There is not much in this physical world that lasts forever and yet you are called the “Everlasting Father” , time before us and after us. And finally, Prince of Peace. Wow does this world need Peace both here in North America and around the world Peace is needed. But we also need Peace in our personal Lives. At this time of year when gifts are given and received, we are so blessed in our spiritual lives to know that in one single birth one person could bring all these Titles and Gifts. for this we need to be thankful. Help us to reflect on this at this time of year.

    Thank you, God, for this Christmas time when we can slow down from normal routine for a bit and spend time with family and friends. We anticipate the magic of the season as we gather close to home and friends. Please help us not to take this for granted. B e with all those who are travelling as well at this time of year.

    God, we ask that you be with those of our group who may be experiencing loneliness at this time of year. We have had members of our Church family who have passed on in this past year and for their families it may be a difficult time. Hold those close who are experiencing loss and loneliness of a spouse, father, mother, family member. May the feel your peace and grace at this time of year.

    We also ask for Peace at this time of year for our Politicians whether locally, provincially, or nationally . May they govern with integrity, responsibility and good Character. In particular we pray for our federal leaders as they sort out the confusion and unrest that is happening in our National capital. Give them clarity of mind.

    We are thankful for answered prayers in health concerns here at WMC.

    We want to lift up our Households of Faith this week as well.

    Thank-you God for the Prayer requests that have been made known. We also pray that you be with those who have not shared but have concerns. You are all knowing and you know our thoughts even when not shared so we ask that you hear those as well.

    As we anticipate Christmas time and all that goes with it may we take time to reflect again on the Birth of Jesus and all that it means both in time past , present and future. In the busyness of the season may we find time to pause, find Joy and Celebrate the Reason for the Season.

    In your name we ask it

    Amen .

    December 15th, 2024

    God of grace, Light of the way ahead, Source of love,

    We come together to pray. We give deep thanks for your presence in our lives – individually, as a community, and in the bigger scheme of things.

    We pray for your dawn to keep breaking, to keep surprising us, to keep blessing us.

    Today we pray for our Households of Faith.

    Today we pray for our children – all those who were part of today’s Christmas presentation, and many more who are part of our lives in so many ways. We pray for your special blessing upon ALL our children. Bless them and keep them in your embrace. Make your Advent face to shine upon them and give them so much joy!

    God of grace, we praise you. We lift up our prayers to you. How will your dawn break into our lives today? How will your Light surprise us this week? We put our trust in you. We love you. AMEN.

    December 8th, 2024

    Good morning God

    As we head for and anticipate the Christmas Season, we are excited about the time we have with family and friends. For some it will be a very festive time and for some it is tough as they celebrate without a loved one. In the Christmas season, beyond the excitement of gatherings, parades, festivities and social times, we recognize that there is a part of the season that is mystical , enchanting and unpredictable. When we review the Birth of Jesus where the Christmas season began we recognize there was some enchanting and unforeseen events that happened there as well. Events like Mary being a virgin Mother, Jesus being born in a stable because there was no room in the Inn. How about Wise men and shepherds deviating from their duties and schedules to come and see this baby born in a manger. A bright star leading them directly to the manger. I am not sure even sure the best script writers could have put all this together. Perhaps this is where the “magic” of Christmas began. Maybe this is where the excitement and anticipation for the season began. Events like this in the Birth of Jesus truly were life changing for Mary and Joseph but I believe all this drama and the way things unfolded allow for us to truly enjoy the excitement, pageantry, unforeseen and magic of the season. It can be truly as magical time of the year. And it all began with a carpenter, a virgin mother and unfolded in the unlikeliest places …..a Stable. Thank you God for allowing this to happen this way. We are blessed.

    God we pray for those in our church family and beyond that may be grieving during this festive time of the season. for those who are grieving God we ask that you hold them especially close during this time. Allow them to feel your grace and love and may they be able join some way celebrate the season as if their loved ones were still here. God hold them close.

    For those experiencing health concerns Lord we ask that you be near them. It can be a trying time of the year if one is not feeling well. Give those who may be experiencing discomfort or pain some relief. Hold them close to you. And for those that have experienced healing and or relief from pain may they be grateful. We rejoice with them. We are thankful for the Doctors, nurses, specialist and health care practitioners that help us thru our tough times. Bless them for their support and care.

    Even though we live in a country that sometimes has issues we must be thankful for a peaceful existence. We pray for our national leaders that run our country. It is not an easy task by any means. Help us to pray more than grumble about our politicians whether nationally, provincially or locally. Help us to be careful in our words. We lift up our politicians in prayer.

    We pray for those of our numbers in long term care or extra care living . may they somehow be able to experience the festive time of the year as well. we thank you for those of our families who have gone on before. Be close to those in LTC.

    We also pray for HOF at EMC this week

    Lord help us in our busyness of the season to take time to really understand the reason for the season. The reason why we celebrate. We anticipate time with family and friends and that is good and expected. May we spend time in an and enjoy the magic of the season as we reflect on the birth of Jesus – the stable birth, the virgin Mary and the visit form shepherds and wisemen .

    Thank You God for this time of year.

    In your name we ask it


    December 1st, 2024

    (Adapted from Voices Together #985)

    Gracious God, we bring our prayers to you as acts of love for you and for our neighbours. God of mercy, hear our prayer.

    We pray for ourselves and those dear to us: We pray for your Advent power to flourish inside of our congregation. We pray for your Advent hope to befriend the members of our Households of Faith for this week. We give thanks for our connections with them. We hold them in your light.

    We pray for our friends who are contending with sickness, with pain, with uncertainty of diagnosis, with lack of diagnosis. We pray for your inexplicable, healing strength to course through their veins. We pray for your Advent hope to become their physical hope, their mental hope, their emotional hope.

    We pray for our community, and for our neighbours. We pray for your welcoming hope to swirl up and down these country roads and the streets of this town, and then to fortify those who are striving to be at home along these country roads and streets.

    We pray for the world. We pray for your mysterious and real-life peace to quake in the community of nations, to cause noticeable change. We pray for your ancient heart to buzz inside of political leaders, organizational leaders, and cultural leaders.

    Gracious God, we bring our prayers to you as acts of love for you and for our neighbours. God of mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.

    November 24th, 2024

    Hello God

    Thanks for guiding us thru another week , for being there when we needed you and also for being there when we probably weren’t even aware.

    Thank you for the many lessons and teachings in the Bible that give us strength and energy when required, in particular Psalm 121: 1- 2 “ I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth” . And Matthew 28:20 where Jesus tells his disciples “ Lo I will be always with you even unto the end of thee world”. We know that being here forever is impossible but it is reassuring to us to know That even in Spirit Jesus will be with US “even unto the end of the world” this reassurance allows us to find hope from the Psalms that basically states that when things are down and we are discouraged and even a little bit off the path we should lift or eyes up towards the sky and mountains. In these times may cling to the lesson that “When the Outlook looks bleak try the UPLOOK. Thank-you God for this support and wisdom

    We want to keep in our prayers all those who may be suffering medical issues. We pray for those who have on going testing being done. We also pray for those that just aren’t feeling right. May you hear them as they call out whether silently or in outward request. Hold them close. Be with the doctors, Nurses and Specialists that are there to support us in our time of need. Thank- you for answered prayers for past medical prayer requests. We thank you for the recovery or for providing strength to keep fighting.

    We also ask that you continue to be with our seniors whether members here at WMC or in our families. Grant those seniors who are battling life changes grace as they try to make sense out of things that always may not make sense. Thank you for the caregivers that provide support to our loved ones.

    Be with those in a position of Authority whether world leaders, national leaders, or more locally may they govern with understanding, dignity, and true unselfish character. We hold in Prayer those with authority.

    Thanks you also for the many functioning parts here at WMC . thank you for the many, many gifts you have granted those here at WMC. Continue to be with pastor Matthew as he stives to learn about us and the life here at WMC. We thank you for the ways you have provided pastors and leaders here thru the many years at WMC. We have been blessed.

    We also lift up our Households of faith this week.

    As we enter the holiday season may we recognize again the reason for the season … the birth of Jessus and the Hope it provides. Help us to continue to enjoy time with family and appreciate what each one means to us. And again, we thank you for being there for us in the good times and the tough times. And when times seem bleak and the outlook is going tough help us to try the UPLOOK

    IN Your name we ask it


    November 17th, 2024

    Dear Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and sky, humans and 
    animals. We come before you with humble hearts knowing you have given us
    these many blessings to care for and to enjoy. May we continually praise
    and thank you for your gifts to us.
    May we earnestly seek your will. Influence our thoughts and lives to
    follow in your footsteps and use our gifts thereby enhancing your
    kingdom. You are forever faithful to us and we give you thanks.
    We thank you too for life.

    Today we remember others who are mourning their loses. This can be
    ongoing and difficult but we know our ongoing communion with you helps
    us find comfort and peace.

    Then our thoughts go to those in Long Term Care. May they feel your
    presence oh Lord while living in their twilight days.

    There are others awaiting surgery or results and those who have unspoken
    concerns. May you draw near to them during their challenges and may they
    know you care.

    Lord, we name our Households of Faith for this coming week.
    With life and daily living comes joy and sorrow, cares and concerns. We
    pray Lord that they each feel your presence and feel surrounded by your
    love and guidance throughout this coming week.

    We know of the struggles of war, pain, loneliness, fear, hurt and sorrow
    in this sad world.
    May those in leadership whether local or global aspire to the words from
    Matthew 6:10: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is
    in heaven”
    Be with each of us as we search your will for our lives. We pray you be
    the guiding light that leads us all through life.

    May we seek peace, love and joy today knowing you will reign today and
    We give you all the praise and thanks! Amen

    November 10, 2024

    “The road we travel is equal in importance to the destination we seek. There are no shortcuts. When it comes to truth and reconciliation we are forced to go the distance.”

    –Justice Murray Sinclair (who died on Monday of this week), Chairperson of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

    God of the road, Maker of ways forward,

    Thank you for your provisions as we travel together:

    You give sustenance. You allow for rest.

    And you offer really great stories around the campfire.

    Encourage us, God!

    Encourage us along the road, we pray!

    Spirit of the road, Tireless Traveller,

    While we begin our worship with a land acknowledgement,

    Bless us as we discern how to move beyond acknowledgement.

    When we think of truth and reconciliation,

    When we estimate the hard-scrabble distance that lies before us,

    How will you give us courage and vision?

    Will you give us strong walking muscles?

    Show us new options for building connections,

    New shared paths for Indigenous and non-Indigenous.

    Jesus of the road, Teacher of ways forward,

    We pray for the world.

    As your gospel of peace keeps moving and evolving,

    We pray for blessed bewilderment for world leaders,

    And then courage to make a change.

    Can you provoke our leaders to instigate a ceasefire?

    Can you provoke us to be peacemakers day by day?

    Mapmaker of love,

    We confess that sometimes we want the shortcut.

    Sometimes we want the simple answer.

    Then bless us with our next big surprise, and don’t hold back with the wilderness.

    Confound us, make us sweat, and then make the sweat sacred.

    Today we pray for our Households of Faith.

    God of the road, Maker of ways forward,

    We want to follow your way,

    But sometimes we wonder about the destination.

    Sometimes we want to travel faster or slower or more directly

    Or we feel like taking the scenic route.

    Be a hand on our shoulder, or a hand we can hold as we walk.

    Be the wind in the trees, or the falling leaves,

    Or the mystery critter in the underbrush.

    Be the energy that pushes us to go around the next corner.

    At the end of the day,

    Be our God. Be our Holy Spirit. Be our Jesus.


    November 3rd, 2024

    God of the cosmos and the caverns,

    God of rainbows and roly-polies,

    God of electricity and enzymes,

    You created this world and proclaimed it good.

    Such amazing life, this that you have made!

    Chickadees, praying mantises, maple trees, spireas, grape vines,

    Porpoises, polar bears, orchids, donkeys, humans, earthworms –

    How can you cradle all of us so well?

    How can you care for so many creatures?

    Kindle in us a spirit of awe for your creation.

    Urge us to deeply love and guard this precious planet of ours.

    God of our scruffy, worldwide human community,

    God of the right and the left and the undecided,

    God of workers, leaders, followers, revolutionaries, pundits, and lowly ones,

    You create us to be fleshy, quirky lovebearers.

    You breathe into us so that we can live well together.

    Will you put your hand on our collective shoulder and wake us up?

    Could you startle us with a bold-type memo of peace?

    Renovate us. Rip out the toxicity and install new pillars of openness.

    Make it so that this week’s news will be crammed with hope.

    God of Wellesley Mennonite Church,

    God of those of us who attend in this building, and those of us who attend online,

    God of we young, we old, we 2SLGBTQ+, we straight,

    You are our faithful God and we know you walk with us through the years.

    You bless our ministries and you give flavour into our efforts to be salt in the world.

    This week how will you bless our crazy quilt of a congregation?

    Where will we meet you as we go about our work of discipleship?

    God of healing, consolation, hope, and strength,

    We ask for your mercy and love to gush through all of us.


    God of our Households of Faith,

    We pray for others in our congregation.


    Jesus Christ, teacher of peace.

    We look ahead to next Sunday when we celebrate your gospel of peace.

    Help us to unroll the ancient scriptures of peace and shalom.

    Open us to Jesus’ words: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness… Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

    Open us to questions and insights about nonviolence.

    Unsettle us so that peacemaking becomes real protein rather than a cliché.

    Jesus Christ, beckon us onto your path of justice.

    Ignite us as eyes-wide-open followers of your gospel.


    October 27th, 2024

    Good evening God

    Thank you again for guiding us thru another week. For some it has been a good week. For some it has been a busy week. And for some it has been a challenging and tough week. We see so many signs of your creation in the Fall colors. It seems like there are new colors every day , for this we are thankful

    This week I became increasingly aware of how LIGHT or LIGHTS are a part of and Impact our lives. There are many things to be learned through light. We know that when you created the world you created night and Day. Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. The original beginning of light and Dark.

    Light or Lights are there to guide us and for us to see our way. Light makes things safe for us to move around whether in a vehicle or just walking. Without light signs our travel would be chaotic and out of control. Lights give us direction as well, it can tell us when to walk and when to wait . in the same way the light that you provide in our spiritual life can guide our faith walk. Psalm 119:105 says : Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path If we keep our heads up and appreciate what you want us to see we can be safe in our spiritual life. Can you imagine what it would be like to be out in a boat at night without navigational lights? Or to not be able to see that bright light of lighthouse on a foggy stormy night. We know how anxious we get when the power goes out in our house and the lights don’t work. We are thankful for the warning lights that you provide us as we navigate thru life.

    We recognize that as days get shorter how important light is for getting our outside work done. We are able to see your handiwork in the trees and sunsets and sunrises.

    We also recognize that you are present in the sunsets and night time as the light of Day fades. When it is dark and there is no daytime light it helps us vividly perceive the nighttime universe in Stars, Planets and the Moon. Yes Beauty in the Darkness. You provided darkness to so that we would have to slow down and rest. Help us to recognize this more.

    And then in Matthew 5:16 you state In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

    In this way we are challenged to be a light to others in the world where much light is needed. Help us to be a light in what ever corner of the world we are in. Help us to be beacons of light wherever we may be and what we may be experiencing, even when our energy levels and patience may be low.. Give us strength for this .

    Thank you God for Light and Darkness, Day and Night.

    We thank you for the ways you have provided some healing for those members around us.

    For other who may be experiencing health concerns or medical follow-ups please be close to them as well. We know your ways are higher then our ways and your strength will always be there.

    God for a world that often seems to be coming apart at the seams sometimes we ask that we could see and feel you at these times. For the unrest, wars and bombings around the world we pray for PEACE. We ask that leaders would understand the destruction that is caused by War. Be with the innocent children and families who live in fear. Grant them courage in troubled times.

    We thank you for the ways you have been faithful to us here at WMC. We have been very Blessed by the leadership in our Pastors. Today we especially thank you for allowing Clare and Gloria to be a part of our lives here at WMC. We have been so blessed by your servant Clare and for the gifts you have bestowed on him. May Both Clare and Gloria feel your presence in their lives going forward. We join together in saying “ Well done you good and faithful servant.”

    We want to recognize our HOF this week as well.

    God, we do not know what the week ahead may have for us. But as we head out in whatever direction we may be going may we be the light that you want us to be. And we ask that you continue to shed light on both our physical and spiritual paths

    In all this we ask it.

    October 20th, 2024

    Creator God, we rejoice and give thanks this morning for the beauty of this world you have created. For brilliant red sumac, the dancing display of Northern Lights we have recently experienced, for the beauty of coloured leaves displayed in majesty throughout our forests, and for sunsets that gild the sky with beauty, lending hope to our hearts. We give thanks for rivers and streams, and for the wildlife that currently prepares for the bite of winter, just as you ordained. We give thanks for fertile fields where crops of beans and corn continue to be harvested, trusting your promise that in springtime, there will again be opportunity for new seeds to be planted. Oh God, we lift up your name in praise.

    We echo the words of the Psalmist David who wrote

    “Praise the Lord.

    How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him.

    He heals the brokenheartedd and binds up their wounds.

    He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.
    Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.
    The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground.

    Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.

    He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain
    and makes grass grow on the hills.
    He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.

    His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear him,

    who put their hope in his unfailing love…..

    Praise the Lord” – Psalm 147

    Holy God, we acknowledge that as we raise our hearts in praise, we also come to you with grieving hearts for a world that is writhing in pain and turmoil. God, we pray for the Middle East asking that you intervene in the minds and hearts of political leaders who only see war as the solution. God, change their hearts and minds; may your will be done!. Lord, we pray that leaders would seek peace, that people would come to know and understand that there is a better, holy way. We pray for Haiti, asking God for your protection of and blessing on the church in that country. May your church flourish and grow as followers of Jesus live out their faith in dangerous and tumultuous times. God, be their strength and guide!

    We pray for all those in our congregation who continue to face health challenges.

    Oh God, we also confess our individual needs to you as in this moment of silence we lift our burdens to you. (take a moment to acknowledge your needs to God) Thank you God for hearing our prayers and for your gift of peace.

    God, we also take this opportunity to pray for the following individuals/families in our Households of Faith.

    O God, pour out your love and peace on these individuals/families, and may they know your strengthening power in their lives.

    We pray all this in the name of Jesus.


    October 6th, 2024

    “I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter
    his courts with Praise”
    Dear Lord, you are a God of love and bless us with so much. In the
    quiet of this moment we pause to give you praise and thanksgiving for
    the many daily blessings you give us which we take for granted – for
    food, for water, clothes, our church family, friendship, peaceful
    neighbourhoods, health, your grace and peace.

    We are grateful for our church family. We say thank you for bringing
    Matthew to us and the blessing of this service. We are grateful to
    those who give generously of their time and energy, those we can confide
    in and know they sympathize as we deal with challenges arising in our
    lives. We know there are those around us with inner conflicts whether
    physical, mental or spiritual. May they too feel your
    “He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort

    We are thankful for health, for continued treatment and for healing
    for those with recent challenges. We pray for those anticipating surgery
    knowing you are in control. Give each one patience knowing you are with
    ”Healer of our every ill, Light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond
    our fear and hope beyond our sorrow.
    Remembering others in the congregation: Those in LTC, or living alone
    and feeling alone with their thoughts. We pray for those who struggle
    with the daily chore of living, morning prep, meals, etc. Lord you know
    their needs and may we all know with the rising sun and the evening
    sunset that you are watching over us daily.
    “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face and the
    things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory
    and grace.”

    We pray for those who survived the hurricane but have lost their homes,
    possessions and worse, family and friends. Oh Lord we look to you for
    food and water, clothes and a home for their care and comfort.

    Lord have mercy on the people in countries suffering helplessly from the
    effects of war today. Our hearts go out to those who just want to move
    on with life and live peacefully. We are so fortunate that we can
    worship in peace. Continue to nudge our hearts to remember those in
    their suffering.
    God’s grace is usually defined as ‘undeserved favor’. Grace cannot be
    earned. It is something given to us. Because you Oh Lord gave your life
    you have gifted us with life!
    “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once
    was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.”

    Remembering our Households of Faith this week.
    We pray they have full, rich lives and healthy relationships with family
    and friends.

    Lord you know our thoughts, our words, deeds and actions. Lord God you
    do know us better than we know ourselves.
    “Be thou my vision…Be thou my Wisdom…Thy presence my light!”

    With another new week, bless us with your continued grace, your
    guidance, your peace and make us a light to those around us through
    Jesus Christ our Lord.

    September 29th, 2024

    A prayer especially today from Pastor Matthew on this ‘World Heart Day’
    “God, Maker of our amazing hearts, we pray thanksgiving for all the
    doctors, nurses, and researchers who are helping us to understand the
    human heart. We pray thanksgiving for the ingenuity that guides people
    to perform complicated surgery on the heart. We pray thanksgiving for
    all those who have learned therapies that help the heart to heal and
    strengthen. Heavenly Trainer, bless and bolster our hearts today so that
    they can keep pumping well. Amen.”

    As we feel the beating of our hearts and wonder in amazement at each
    lifegiving beat we are deeply grateful. Silently beating approximately
    60 beats per minute our hearts allow us to enjoy the many gifts you give
    us, the sun and warmth, the awesome sunsets, the changing moon, the
    seasonal changes, relationships, family and so much more. We know these
    gifts are from you and we praise and thank you for the many blessings
    you have given us.
    We thank you for giving leadership to those who prepared this morning’s
    service. We pray your blessing on Pastor Matthew as he begins to know
    and understand our church family. Pray for patience and your guidance
    as he navigates these next weeks of seeking your will for this
    congregation and for himself.
    We thank you for the healing you have granted to those recovered from
    surgery or injury. We do pray for those who await surgery. May they know

    your grace and feel patience as waiting is long while
    awaiting these surgeries.

    We know there are those who have unspoken concerns. We too now remember
    those in LTC and those who have lost loved ones, who may feel lonely and
    discouraged. May they each be filled with daily comfort and peace. Lord
    you alone can fill their needs with your loving kindness, care and
    Today we too remember the families and friends of those deceased and
    mourning with the tragic accident this past Monday north of Wellesley.
    We pray for those who survived that moment when their lives were forever
    changed. Be near to them as they recover physically but also emotionally
    recalling those indelible moments in their minds. May each one know you
    are Lord and feel your presence and your comfort. The farm accident
    involving a tractor outside Wellesley this week, Lord we pray those
    involved may too know you, find peace and comfort following this trauma.
    Our minds go to the First Responders and those who arrive on these
    scenes and react amidst their own thoughts, fears and concerns. May
    they know and feel your presence as they perform their daily duties.

    Our thoughts go afar to those in conflict in Israel and Lebanon,
    Ukraine, Haiti and other countries disrupted by war. We pray for the
    leaders making decisions! Somehow guide their thoughts and decisions.
    For those in the midst of devastation who are powerless to make changes
    oh Lord we don’t understand the why and wherefore but ask you to be near
    these your people.

    Praying for Our Households of Faith this week.
    Oh Lord we know life is filled with daily challenges of living. May you
    bless each of these households and hold them in your care!

    This week the words of Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”
    were drawn to my attention. Pastor Clare wondered how do we “Be still”
    and quiet our hearts amongst life’s challenges?
    Thursday afternoon I experienced the unveiling of the plaque now placed
    at the Montreal River site commemorating the work and lives of the young
    COs who stood for peace during World War 11.
    These young men experienced many challenges in the uninhabited north
    away from home and often in difficult situations. The words: “Be Still
    and Know that I am God” again surfaced. How did these young people
    mentally process your peace among those harsh and unsettling conditions?
    How Lord do we internalize this peace you speak of?
    Only by your grace did they and today do we experience the words of John
    14: 27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to
    you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be
    And Philippians 4:7 The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
    will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    As we feel our hearts beat, Lord God we know you gifted us with life. We
    know that only through you do we receive your gift of peace as we
    navigate life.
    Give us this peace we pray!
    Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

    September 22nd, 2024

    Holy and awesome God, we come to you this morning with hearts that are full and overflowing with both praise and grief. We come to you humbly as your children, with lips that offer words of rejoicing and sighs of pain.

    This morning we rejoice in your goodness and answers to prayer as we welcome Pastor Matthew into his new role as our pastor here at Wellesley Mennonite. We pray for the presence and blessing of the Holy Spirit over both Mathew and Nina, as well as over their children as they adjust to a new home and community, and experience these early days of a new school year and workplace. God, may they know your peace and presence, as well as your holy guidance and mighty strength each day as they serve, study, and build relationships. Father God, we pray for Pastor Matthew that you would calm his spirit, fill his heart with your grace and love, and gently lead him as he shepherds this congregation in the months and years ahead. Fill him with courage and increase his faith as he walks with you.

    This morning as we both rejoice and grieve, we also choose to proclaim the words of David in Psalm 23.

    The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
    he refreshes my soul.
    He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
    Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
    I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
     they comfort me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
    Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
     forever.” (NIV)

    O God, we also pray for your peace to reign in our world, especially in the Middle East, Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Mould and soften the hearts of leaders that they may choose to walk in your way. We would also pray the same for Ukraine and Haiti. God, grant us wisdom as individuals to be peacemakers, caregivers, and people of grace in our community and world as you direct us.

    We rejoice and give thanks with so many of our congregation who have received healing and renewed strength over the past weeks and months.

    This morning we pray for the following families in our Households of Faith.

    We pray all this in the name of Jesus.


    September 15th, 2024

    The four C’s Challenge, Change, Conflict and Compassion

    Hello again God

    Thank- you for granting us another week and thank you for watching over us.

    This week these four words came to my mind. Challenge, Change, Conflict and Compassion. In some way and time we have all have experienced these. We are constantly and individually being CHALLENGED in our lives, whether vocationally, physically, emotionally or in many other ways. In the secular world they say, “what does not kill you make you stronger”. In the spiritual world CHALLENGE may make us aware we can’t carry the burden alone and we are stretched. Stretched like Clare talked about last week. This stretching may make us aware that we need your presence in our lives more often then we think. We also face CHANGE in all our lives. Think of the Joesph story that Paul so eloquently led us through a couple weeks ago. What can we learn from all the CHANGE that happened to that family? We are even experiencing CHANGE here at WMC both today and in the coming weeks. Grant us patience, calmness, grace and understanding as we walk this path. Thank you, God, for the ways you have guided our CHANGE over the last year and a half. We graciously thank you for guiding and leading us even when we may not have been aware. In all our daily movements and interactions CHANGE can sometimes lead to CONFLICT. We also saw that in the Joesph story. CONFLICT can be hard and make us uneasy, angry, jealous, frustrated and may more emotions. However, somehow out of CONFLICT we arise often a little beaten and worn down but we arise having learned something about ourselves and those around us. Give us strength and love to support the CONFLICT we may experience. Only a God like yourself can allow that to happen. As we work thru the other three C’s we need COMPASSION, love and support to get thru. The type of COMPASSION that feeds five thousand people or forgives a disciple or follower that may have betrayed you, or the type of COMPASSION that it takes to forgive brothers who may have abused their younger brother. We long for that COMPASSION. We are thankful for the ways we have experienced that in our lives. GOD, we ask that you continue to provide that COMPASSION and support at times when our COMPASSION tanks are Low to Empty. Forgive us where we have missed the mark. Thank- you for the ways you are with us in CHALLENGE, CHANGE and CONFLICT and we thank you for the COMPASSION you provide us in each of our daily walks. Thank you God.

    We continue to lift up our Leaders and Politicians . Whether Internationally, Federally, Provincially or Locally ,we ask for that our leaders have wisdom and integrity in all that they do. We also think of those in the world that do not live in the Peace that we experience. Hold all those who suffer close to you.

    As School has returned to form we hold in our prayers all Administrators, Principles, and Teachers. Bless them all as they work with our next generation. Grant safety to all children as they attend school.

    We also thank you for the ways you have heard and answered prayers for health concerns. We rejoice with those who are experiencing healing and good news in their health walks. For those still being challenged and having to make decisions daily God we ask your presence in their lives. For those unspoken needs before us we ask that you be with those who are suffering and may be facing big decisions. Be close to all who are struggling.

    As we move thru CHANGE in Pastoral Roles, we are so thankful for allowing Paul to be a part of our congregation. Thank you for his leadership, care and support through this interim process. Continue to guide him as he continues to hear your call. Thank you also for continuing to Bless us with Clare and his leadership. We are truly blessed with his leadership, and genuine compassion. As we anticipate Matthew’s arrival we realize how blessed we have been in this time of transition at WMC. We look forward to the next Chapter here at WMC. Thank you for being such a faithful and loving God in our transition.

    We are thankful for the opportunity to be somewhat of a presence in our community and we look for ways to be involved. Thank you for all those who participated in the WMC Community BBQ may your will be done here.

    This week we lift up our Households of Faith here at WMC.

    God we thank you for guiding us this past week and we ask that you continue to guide us as individuals and as a congregation. Thank you for how you have led us to date and for the ways you will continue to show COMPASSION to us in our daily walks and as a congregation.

    In your name we ask it,


    Steptember 8tgh, 2024

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    We thank you for the many blessings you have given us. We thank you for
    freedom to be and worship where we are. We remember those who worship in
    secret, those who suffer as a result of war – Fear, hunger and
    devastation all around them. Only you know their pain and desolation.
    Give courage, strength and peace in this unsettled world.

    In our congregation we remember those who are hurting whether with
    health issues, with relationships, with loss of a family member or
    friend, those awaiting diagnosis or treatment, those who suffer in
    silence, all not knowing the future. May we each look to you, oh God,
    for guidance, for peace and comfort from day to day.
    Psalm 24: verse 1 & 2 state: The earth is the Lord’s and everything in
    it, the world and all who live in it!
    May we dwell in the knowledge that you have created us, you will expand
    us but you have said you are with us, and you wish us to enjoy your
    world. We only need to look to the awesome lighning show the skies
    displayed recently, to the sunsets which become an expanse of star
    filled skies these nights, the amazing feat of a spider web, the beauty
    of our still lush green surroundings beginning to colour with fall
    approaching, the amazing miracle of a newborn baby who then becomes that
    school child. We do have daily reminders that this is your world and we
    are all a part of it. Our prayer today is that the children returning
    to school know they are loved and be given a desire to learn and grow.
    May the teachers too be given patience while being models to and
    teaching these children.

    We do rejoice with the healing that is and has occurred in our church

    Thank you for giving your life so that we may live. For stretching us
    and giving us daily strength. As we live into this next week may we
    give you our praise and thanksgiving, knowing you have created us, may
    we feel your presence in each of our lives in a very real way!

    September 1st, 2024

    We celebrate this morning Lord as we gather together as three churches, praising you for the gift of salvation, and the amazing privilege of being adopted into the Body of Christ. We give thanks for your call to be your witnesses in our homes, our communities, and in our world.

    This morning we would shout aloud the words of the Psalmist as he wrote “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods….Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” (Psalm 95)

    Thank you, God, for your amazing care and love, for the privilege of knowing that as your children, we can live each day with hope. We also recognize that on days when we struggle with grief, fear, loneliness or loss, you invite us into your loving embrace, calling us to walk with our hands firmly grasped in yours. God be our strength, our rock, and our hope.

    This weekend we pray especially for all our children, grandchildren, teens, and young adults as they head back into the classroom to start a new school year. Jesus, you have promised that you would never leave or forsake us, and we pray for your presence over each of these students. Give strength and wisdom as they meet new challenges, make new friendships, and grant them courage to trust you in all situations. Jesus, be their heavenly shepherd.

    We also pray for all teachers, staff, and Principals, especially those who know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Enable them to be the face of Jesus in their classroom, on the playground, in the office, and may they know daily the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We also pray for parents as they release their child into a system that is not always perfect. Grant them courage, and spirit filled wisdom as they affirm when appropriate and challenge as needed. God we give you praise.

    O God, we praise you for the many we know who have experienced your gift of physical healing and renewal over the past months. We rejoice in your goodness and grace. However, we also pray for those who are waiting for test results, for medical appointments, and for continued healing. God, may you continue to work in their lives and grant them patience and perseverance.

    August 25th, 2024

    O God you are our sovereign Lord; you are the Creator of all, the King above all Kings and you are the Lord of Lords. We rejoice as we come to worship and as your children we choose to lift our praise to you. Thank you for your mercy and grace, for the gift of salvation, and for the gift of this day of life.

    As a segment of your church worldwide, we proclaim with joy the words of the Psalmist David. “Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvellous deeds; you alone are God.” (Psalm 80)

    God, we praise you for the gift of your Son Jesus and celebrate His presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Continue to live in us and through us, enable us to honour you with our words and actions, and God we ask for your forgiveness when we fail you. Grant us the courage and faith to pray as David prayed when he said “Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me.”

    We joy in this opportunity to lift our praise to you, but we also recognize that many of us also come with heavy hearts, with our minds full of the pain, grief, and the challenges that friends, family and loved ones are facing. God, as we pause in silence, hear our personal prayers and cries for your mercy.


    Thank you for hearing our prayers and we praise you for the way your will is being completed in these situations.

    God, we also pray for those who are grieving the death of a loved one, whether their passing was days ago, months, or even years. Thank you for your comfort through your Holy Spirit, for the gift of memories, and for the peace that you offer each of us.

    We rejoice with all who have experienced healing and we give you praise. We also pray for those who wait for medical appointments, for test results, or simply for signs of improved health or insight into their medical situation. God, in your mercy, grant strength, perseverance and hope. We also lift up those who are struggling with worry, fear, disappointment or loneliness. Help them to see beyond the immediate and realize your great love for them.

    We pray all this in the name of Jesus.


    August 18th, 2024



    Every day when we read the news paper, read X, scroll thru social media , watch the news on TV etc we recognize we live in a world of Diversity . Diversity of age, education, race, religious beliefs, political beliefs, economic standards, jobs , (sports teams) and many more….. . while we recognize diversity can be good and can help keep us in check as well as help us learn more about ourselves and other people and cultures. And that is good when that happens. We also recognize that diversity can sometimes distract us, eat away at us and even cause splits and conflict. That is not healthy. When we don’t understand fully what others are thinking or possibly where they have come from, I think we can begin to form bad and unproven thoughts about that person or persons.

    We are reminded in Romans 12:4-5

    For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them”

    As well as in 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

    12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[a] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

    These familiar passages teaches us that there are many gifts ,different thoughts/functions and even cultures but one body. God help us to apply this to our life scenarios where we aren’t all in the same brackets in age, socio-economical state, race, career, skin color, religious beliefs etc . Help us to have the same love, compassion and respect for others as you showed us when you welcomed Zaccheus down form the tree or dealt with the women at the well, or told the parable about the women who had sinned and how she should be treated . In all our diversities may we apply these lessons. Forgive us where bad thoughts of others have entered our mind. Help us to be more open and understanding to other cultures, beliefs and ways of doing things. Give us strength for this and help us to respect and try to understand those who think different from us, who have other culture backgrounds or just plain have other ideas.

    This week we lift up those of our members and loved ones who may have lingering health issues or concerns. Continue to be with those who thru health issues may have to alter their life plans and direction. Guide their thoughts. We are thankful for the ways you have healed those who have had ailments and or continuing in their healing. We know your ways and knowledge are much higher then ours and we ask that you continue to hear the spoken and the unspoken word.

    We ask that as we transition into Fall and new leadership and role responsibilities that continue to guide us and give us wisdom. Thank you for guiding us in current and future pastoral roles and transitions.

    We also ask that you be with those around the world that are facing war and much uncertainty. It is hard for us to fathom the pain and loss war and unrest can cause as we live here in a peaceful nation. God be close to the innocent families and children where peace does not exist. Somehow allow the leaders of these groups to understand the frailty of life and to understand at what cost their power and decisions may be exacting .

    We lift up our Household of Faith (HOF) this week.

    God as we enter another week give us strength and energy to face whatever tasks are ahead of us. For some there may be challenges but we trust you will provide the energy and support required to meet these hurdles. As we enter one of the last weeks of summer holidays may we enjoy what you have to show us in nature whether in sunrises, clouds, sunsets, meteor showers, northern lights and yes even in the rain. We somehow know you have something to teach us in all this. May we not miss this.

    In all this we ask it


    August 11th, 2024

    Hello God

    As we have watched the Olympics this week I was reminded of the words in Isaiah 40:30-31(NLV)

    30 Even very young men get tired and become weak and strong young men trip and fall. 31 But they who wait upon the Lord will get new strength. They will rise up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weak.

    As we watch Athletes apply their skills and strive to win the GOLD we think of the ways they have trained , the sacrifices they have made, the discipline in their life choices, the joys of victories, agony of defeat . We recognize that our spiritual lives are much like the lives of Athletes. We strive, read, pray, train, and work to be good people and to be good Christians . But sometimes we fail and miss the mark. It hurts when we don’t attain or maintain our Christian values or goals. It’s like missing the bar on a pole vault, or missing a shot in basketball , etc. We know the athletes trained and are trying to achieve their goals and to be the best; but it sometimes just does not happen. Similarly, we sometimes just get tired and worn down and we miss the mark of being a good Christian. God forgive us for this , its not like we didn’t try we just came up short. In all this cling to the words in Isaiah 40:30-31. We are human and we may grow weak and stumble, yes even the strongest of us. We find hope and are reenergized by vs 31 where we are taught that when wait on the Lord ie pause and listen ,we can get new strength and rise up like eagles run and not get weary, Walk and not grow weak. Thank you God for this reminder. As we apply this to both our spiritual and physical lives we can then maybe also apply the Olympic motto FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER.

    We thank you for watching over us another week. We thank you for the many places we have been, the people we have met and sights we have seen. We have witnessed and felt your creation and for that we give you thanks, In some way we are all blessed.

    God we thank you for the many ways you have stood by our members who have been sick , suffered some ailment or are waiting for upcoming medical procedures. We thank you for the healing you have allowed to happen in those of our Immediate and Church family. We know and thank you for being all knowing and caring for even the unspoken needs and ailments. May you grant patience and hope for those who may be struggling with sickness, ailments or pain. We especially ask that you be close to those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Give them strength and hope.

    August 3rd, 2024

    Loving Lord,

    We sing with David the Psalmist who wrote in Psalm 103:

    Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

    Bless the Lord O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,

    who forgives you, and heals you,

    who redeems your life from the pit, and crowns you with love and compassion,

    who satisfies you with good as long as you live . . .

    We raise our hearts and prayers in gratitude and thanksgiving for all you’ve blessed our lives with – they are gifts of grace from your generous hand.

    And we give voice to the concerns of our hearts . . .

    The items mentioned in our info page – the voices that cry for peace in Myanmar, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine – we pray for those who are displaced, those who search for family members, those who make decisions, and those who try to provide aid.

    In our community of churches we lift up in prayer: the Lao Christian Fellowship, the Vietnamese Evangelical Fellowship, and especially Waterloo North Mennonite and Kendra’s family; still trying to find their feet in the wake of her sudden death.

    We ask for your blessing on our joint worship service with Poole and Crosshill on Sunday,

    And give thanks for our households of faith.

    July 28th, 2024

    Loving Lord God of heaven and earth,

    We bow our heads and hearts before you, in gratitude and praise, in adoration and petition; we worship you with gladness, for we are yours, you have made us, we are your people and the sheep of your pasture.

    We trust in your grace, knowing your steadfast love endures forever, and your faithfulness to all generations.

    And we lift up to you concerns that press upon our hearts; those close at hand in our church and family circles, as well as tragedies far away.

    Lord hear our prayers . . .

    For those caught in war zones – knowing hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands have perished on lands you once walked upon – we pray for a cease fire, and for the refugees suffering this great trauma; for food and medicine, for safety and security, for an understanding and desire to build peace with peaceful means.

    Lord hear our prayers . . .

    We pray for those in wild fire zones – fearing the loss of house and home, way of life and community.  They too are refugees, we pray for their safety and shelter, for resources to address their needs, for hope from day to day, and into the future.

    Lord hear our prayers . . .

    For those in our circles of family, friends, and church.  We thank you for opportunities to rejoice with those rejoicing, knowing each blessing is a gift of grace from your hand, and we lift into your care those with burdens to bear, as well as our households of faith for the week.


    July 21-24, 2024


    Hello God

    We have many things in common with each other but if there is one thing we have in common more then anything is that we are all moving on in time and are constantly in a state of TRANSITION.  Whether as young people, young families, starting new job, working thru health issues, retiring, or even in a pastoral search we are all in a state of transition.  Winter becomes Spring, Spring becomes Summer, Summer becomes Fall, Fall becomes Winter. And then the whole process repeats itself.  This shows that times moves along. For the most part we do well and are satisfied moving along and transitioning thru life experiences. For that God, we give you thanks for blessing us. And sometimes God we can feel overwhelmed, frustrated and even scared about these transitions we are involved in . Sometimes we feel like we are doing these things all on our own and not sure where we will get the strength and energy to move forward.  These may be the times our boat takes on water and we begin to sink. We should remember how you responded to your disciples when their boat was rocking and taking on water.  When times are rocky, and life is challenging we actively seek words of encouragement and support.  We look to the Bible where there was much transition and movement of time . Here we can find words of wisdom and support .

    Like in Joshua 1:9 where we read

    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    Or in ISAIAH 43:1-3

    But now, this is what the Lord says—    he who created you, Jacob,    he who formed you, Israel:“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.When you pass through the waters,    I will be with you;and when you pass through the rivers,    they will not sweep over you.When you walk through the fire,    you will not be burned;    the flames will not set you ablaze.For I am the Lord your God,    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;” Isaiah 43:1-3a

    God when we are burdened and bogged own with decisions and transitions may we turn to you and the Word where there is much support and words of wisdom that will buoy us and give us the strength we need to get thru these times.  Help us to be humble enough to depend also on fellow friends and family for support.  We know that even you relied on the support of your disciples while you walked this earth. God continue to give us wisdom and strength to continue to get thru .  We lean on you to make our transitions and time travel easier. 

    We pray for our leaders in government. Whether Internationally, Federally, Provincially or Locally there are many decisions to be made and we ask that you give all our leaders, wisdom, integrity and clarity of mind to make the decisions they are faced with. 

    We also pray for those in the world that do NOT experience the peace we feel here in Canada.  We ask that you hold close those that are powerless and are suffering from war. Stand by the innocent children and families in areas that are not safe.  Sometimes we feel so powerless, yet we know you hold all in your hand. 

    As we move on with Pastoral Transition here at WMC we ask that you continue to guide the process.  We ask that you be with Matthew Dyck Bailey as he continues to ponder serving us here at WMC.  Be with leadership as we process new beginnings and reflecting on those who have supported and served faithfully over this time of transition.  Continue to give wisdom and support to Clare and Paul as they currently lead us.  We are so blessed for their leadership.  

    July 14th, 2024

    “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1

    O God, we give you thanks and praise for your gift of life this day, for the amazing awareness that we are loved by you, the Creator of all we know and see. We rejoice in the privilege of being called your children and ask that you continue to enfold us in your arms of love.

    Thank you for your presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit and we pray that as individuals and as a body of believers, you would continue to lead us, speak to us, and love others through us. We praise you for your Holy presence during this season of transition as a church, and as your children ask that you help us to grow in trust, in courage, and in deeper dependence on you.

    We praise you for the privilege of being able to gather together in worship, to glorify your name, and to pray for each other, and our world. God, we pray for peace in our world and ask you to intervene where hatred and fear prevails. We pray for peace in Gaza and the West Bank, in Ukraine, Haiti, and in all areas of war and conflict. God, may your kingdom come and your will be done, in our world and in and through us. May we as your children be agents of peace, comfort, and hope in a hurting world.

    July 7, 2024

    Many Parts but One Body

    Dear God we thank you for the words given to Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. We reflect on 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 where Paul beautifully illustrates how we are made up of many parts but are all one body.  In particular  Chapter 12 verse 12

    12 There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ

    Thank you for the way that has been portrayed here at WMC.  We have had many moving parts thru this past year but with your presence and guidance we believe we have continued to function as one Body.  In naming a few of our parts that have been functioning thru this past year ;we are thankful for the ways that our Worship team, Care team, AV Tech team, BOD, Admin staff , Elders, our Pastoral Leadership, CE team, and many more have done their part to make us a functioning and hopefully productive body here at WMC.  We recognize that trying to do it all on our own would not be possible but with each functioning part we have been able to continue to find our way here at WMC.  We thank you for giving us the energy and drive to make this happen.  We are also thankful for and recognize the efforts of our body who are no longer with us but were very instrumental in establishing the life here at WMC. 

    Thank you for the way you have continued to care for and guide us in the past year of transition.  You have allowed so many things to fall into place.  I am not sure we could have planned it to come together like it has.  Thank you for the teachable and yet sometimes raw moments along the way.  Thank you for the energy and messages you have sent our way.  We are thankful and blessed  for our Pastoral leadership in Paul and Clare.  Continue to bless them for all they bring to us. We will forever feel their leadership, care and presence among us .

    And now as we look forward to what may lie ahead for pastoral leadership, we pray that you would continue to guide us and show us the way. May we be patient and flexible in this time of transition.  We know your ways are higher then our ways and we know that you already have a plan for us. Help us to be good servants and stewards of what and who you may send our way. 

    God, we thank you for all those, of our members, who gave of their time and energy for this past weeks VBS at Crosshill.  Thank you for the many gifts of teaching, preparing, leadership, creativity and just plain energy required to create a beautiful environment for young children to hear your words.  May those who provided leadership, though weary, feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction for their efforts.  God, please Bless all those involved.

    This week we pray for all our members who may have health concerns and are dealing with potential tests/medical procedures and are anticipating test results.  We know you have heard their prayers. Continue to provide healing for those who are dealing with acute health issues.  Thank you for the ways you have allowed healing to happen with medical issues and may healing continue.   

    We also ask that you be with those who are missing loved ones and are still grieving the loss of a loved one.  God, we pray that you would especially hold them close as they deal with darker and lonelier times.  And for those dealing with deeper more personal issues we ask that you would stand close to them. Allow them all to feel the grace, hope and love that you can provide

    June 30, 2024

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, worship His holy Name.
    Sing like never before, O my soul. I’ll worship Your holy Name.

    Verse 1
    The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning;
    It’s time to sing Your song again.
    Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me,
    Let me be singing when the evening comes.

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, worship His holy Name.
    Sing like never before, O my soul. I’ll worship Your holy Name.

    Verse 2
    You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger,
    Your Name is great and Your heart is kind;
    For all Your goodness I will keep on singing,
    Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.

    –        Matt Redman

    Loving God, this morning we choose to bless you, to worship your Holy Name, and to give thanks for your love which you have lavished on us. We praise you that we are called your children; you have called us by name and you have promised to always be with us, to strengthen and hold us by your powerful right hand. God, lead us and lift us up, today and every day, and give us the strength and courage to trust in your promises.

    Thank you God that we can be a part of a body of Christ-followers, that you hear and answer our prayers for each other. We praise you for your great mercy. We pray this morning for all who grieve the death of a loved one, whether this loss was recent or years ago. May the fullness of your presence bring comfort, healing, and hope. Where families have suffered separation, conflict, and broken relationships, God may you redeem and restore to wholeness.

    We praise you for your healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the lives of many  whom we love.

    June 23rd, 2024

    Lord our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth,

    You have set your glory above the heavens and throughout the earth,

    above and below the seas and the oceans, the rivers and lakes,

    in the birds of the air and the forests and meadows, mountains and valleys, and in the people all around us.

    We are your people, the sheep of your generous pasture, and we bow our heads and hearts before you in praise, and in thanksgiving and petition.

    Lord hear our prayers . . .

     . . . hear our prayers of thanksgiving for your grace and love poured upon us, for stability and security in our land, for healthcare and food, for prosperity and abundance, for freedom of worship.

    These are privileges we enjoy at this time in this place – they are gifts we did not earn – and come with responsibility to use and share as you call us to. 

    Lord hear our prayers for courage and compassion to live as you call us to, with generosity and warm, open, hearts and minds that hunger for your Kingdom to grow. 

    Give us thirst for justice and longing for fairness; a craving to find ways to alleviate suffering; close at hand in relationship with the people around us, and around the world in the works that we support.

    And Lord hear our prayers for this congregation, this flock of yours that is close to your heart, and such a blessing in our lives.

    May your Holy Spirit be strong in our midst this morning – for Matthew to speak and share and be with us as you empower him, and for us to discern your guidance for future leadership of this part of your body.  We welcome and anticipate your light upon our path forward.

    June 16th, 2024

    Hello God.  Thank you for granting us another week.  It has been another week of joy and celebration but also a week of sadness.  Despite the sadness, yet there is joy.  God forgive us for where we become too busy and anxious in our schedules that we forget to look around and see and appreciate all that we have in front of us.  We are thankful for our immediate families and the joys they bring.  We are thankful for our work, social and our Church families we encounter throughout the week.  We are thankful for all the cues in Nature that should make us aware of your presence and love.  Forgive us for when we miss these. Thank you for the ways you make us stop, pause and see these moments. 

    In Colossians  1:16 we read “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

    And in Matthew 6:28-29 (NIV)  Matthew  says these words “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

     God when the outlook seems bleak or challenging and we are anxious help us to try the Uplook.  Rather than battle all the torments of the day, our work experiences, family challenges, health scares help us to try the UPLOOK. 

    Thank you for the many ways you have blessed us and kept us safe this week.  We have been many places and seen many things.  We are so thankful for that.  And even if we haven’t been able to travel we have witnessed your evidence in the people or nature around us.  For that we are thankful and give you praise. 

    We lift up our leaders whether locally, provincially or federally.  Continue to give them wisdom, energy and most importantly integrity in their roles. We are fortunate to live in a peaceful nation where we don’t worry about bombs and drones overhead.  Please hold close to you those that do.

    We are thankful for the ways you have been guiding the life here at WMC for the past 50 years.  We anticipate the news that might be forthcoming in as far as a potential pastoral role.  We are excited and look forward to this advancement. We are also so blessed for our current pastors in Clare and Paul. Bless them in their service here.   We have many emotions and thoughts  that come with transitions here but help us to be patient, deliberate, and responsible in what lies ahead.  We know you already know the way.  Help us to understand and manage it as it unfolds.  Thank you for those that have done the heavy lifting here thus far.

    June 8th, 2024

    O Creator God, as we gather for worship outdoors this morning we choose to give praise and thanks in worship for the beauty that we see and sense all around us. We give thanks for the music of birds, the freshness of the breeze, the beauty of sunshine reflecting off water, the gift of green grass and trees, and all of creation including all of humanity. Thank you for creating with wisdom, grace, and joy.

    In praise we rejoice with David Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.Come, let us bow down in worship,  let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.”
    We praise you Lord!

    We give thanks for the body of Christ and joy in the fact that as a body we can care for each other. You remind us to rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn, and you call us to carry each other’s burdens and serve each other in love. Sometimes you lead us to pray for those in our world whom we have never met, however, this morning we choose to focus on those in this community of believers.

    O God, we give you thanks for your sustaining grace and presence in the lives of those who grieve all forms of loss, and especially those who have experienced the death of a loved family member.

    May 26th, 2024

    DEAR GOD thank you for guiding us another week. We have many experiences again.  Some are bumpy and some give us joy and excitement.  We thank you for keeping us safe and healthy for another week.  For those of us who have had some health issues we ask that you continue to give us strength to battle thru these tougher times of illness or injury.  

    As the week unfolds, we again see your handiwork all around us as grass grows even greener and flowers continue to pop their buds.  We thank you for the opportunities to plant gardens, whether vegetable or flowers.  It allows us to help manage what gifts you have given to us in seeds and starter plants.   When we see things sprout it somehow gives us new life and energy.  Energy to face the day and whatever it may bring.  Help us not to pass over these beautiful signs and cues of growth and wonderment.  And yes, we even thank you for the rain that sometimes forces us in and alters our plans. 

    We pray for those in power in our government whether local, provincially, or federally.  They all have tough decisions to make and it is not always easy to make tough decisions.  Continue to give our politicians, at all levels wisdom, respect for each other  and courage .  We also lift our prayers for other parts of the world that are not experiencing the peace that we do.  When we read or see the news it is unfathomable how people could treat others with such hate.   We know this has been in the world since time began but somehow, we wish and hope for a better opportunity for those in unsettled and troubled parts of the world.  Hold the innocent parents and children close to you and somehow give them peace.   In our own small way allow us to be peacemakers in the world that we live in. 

    We are thankful for the ongoing work of the church here at WMC and we are thankful for our pastors Clare and Paul.  May you continue to give them wisdom as they lead us here.  We are blessed to have them here and we are thankful for their spouses as they offer support.  We also offer thanks for the administrative and support staff that keeps our church moving and viable.  For all the volunteers here we are also thankful for their energy and attention to detail.   Continue to guide leadership and also the Search committee here at WMC as we look ahead.  We fully believe you have a plan and you will lay it out to us.  Help us to be wise and patient in our decisions.  As you have for almost 50 years here at WMC continue to lead us and allow us function humbly and wisely moving forward.

    We are reminded about your presence in PSALMS 23 where you describe yourself as a Sheperd.  You tell us that in good and bad times you are with us guarding and guiding.  Help us to remember that in the times of strife, anxiety and struggle we ALL face .  Forgive us when we go off on our own and try and do it our way.  It can be easy to do but help us understand the correct path.  As we hear the message on SUNDAY may we again understand that the Holy spirit is ever present.  This is a gift and a promise from you.  We are thankful for this gift.

    We bring to you prayers for our body here at Wellesley Mennonite.

    May 19th, 2024

    Dear God we come to you this week with many things on our mind.  Some come with joys and celebrations others come with sadness and genuine concern about  current life situations.  We bring all these to you and ask for your ongoing strength and guidance.  We thank you for meeting us in the GOD moments both the mountain top experiences and even the times when we least expect it.  We thank you for taking care of us even when we aren’t aware of imminent danger or concern.   We also thank you for guiding us thru stressful and life challenging experiences.  You promised us you would never leave us or forsake us.  It is easy to feel you when things are calm. Help us to know we can and should reach out to you when times are tough, chaotic and we are feeling pressure from all sides.  Help us in these challenging times to know we should flex our faith muscle and allow you to be in the moment with us. In those days that are long, and it feels like we may not make it thru, continue to be there for us.  Help us to cling to what you told us thru Paul in Ephesians 3:20 that you, GOD , “can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think”. 

    As Spring is upon us, we are thankful for all the visible, aromatic and audible cues of your creation.  For the ever-growing green grass, the new buds that are popping out, the fresh smell of lilacs allow us to gain spring energy from this.  When we see the many different colors of the birds that land on our bird feeders we are in awe of your creation.  We thank you for the many stars that enhance our night skies and the northern lights that make us aware of your creation.  From all these Spring cues we are so thankful for your creation, and we thank you for these signs that you have everything under control.  May we use these cues to gain strength and give us energy to face the tasks in front us as well as to know you are right there with us. 

    For all this we are thankful

    May 11th, 2024

    Transforming, creator God, we celebrate and rejoice in your goodness and love this morning, knowing that as we come to you in worship, you desire to change us, to renew and transform each of us to be more like Jesus. We hear the words of Paul resonating with our hearts and desires.

    “I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, on the basis of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12: 1-2, NRSV)

    O God, we confess that there are times when we fail to present ourselves as a “living sacrifice”, when we find our minds trapped by the perspectives and craziness of the world. Forgive us Father and renew our minds and hearts. Holy Spirit, give us courage to trust our lives to your leading, to live each moment, each day, in the awareness and power of your presence, allowing the love and grace of Jesus to come alive in and through us.

    For those in our community who grieve and are hurting today, bring comfort and peace. Give patience and a spirit of hope to all who wait, whether for healing, answers to prayer, wisdom for tough decisions, or for the walls of hate and broken relationships to be torn down. God, transform lives and situations in ways that bring glory to your name. And God, if you choose to bring about that transformation by working through us as individuals, give us obedient hearts and the courage to be led by your Spirit.

    God, we praise you for the calling you are birthing in the heart of the individual who will be the next pastor here at WMC. Grant to this individual a spirit of obedience, and bless our Search Committee and Church Leadership with holy wisdom and discernment.

    May 5th, 2024

    “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.

    Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145: 1-4

    Creator God, we give you praise for the beauty and wonder of creation as brown lawns turn green, dry bulbs burst forth in beautiful flower, trees bud, blossoms proclaim your greatness, and birds sing. As you spoke this world into existence, you saw that it was good, and we too would say, yes and Amen. We give you praise!

    This morning we are again keenly aware that many in our world also groan in pain, go to sleep hungry, and live in fear and uncertainty. God, we pray for a miracle of renewal and healing, peace and forgiveness in our world, especially in those parts of the world where hatred reigns and wars and conflict take centre stage. We also pray for a spirit of forgiveness and peace in our lives and our relationships. Make us instruments of your peace, Holy Spirit, and mould our hearts so that we grow in our walk of obedience to our Lord. Grant us sensitivity to hear the voice of God, eyes to see needs and opportunities, and courage to act with love and Holy Spirit power. God, we celebrate that you choose to work in us and through us. May your will be done.

    For those in our families, our congregation, and our community who grieve today, grant hope and comfort. For those who face health challenges, anxiety over jobs, finances, or relationships, fill them with peace, courage, and holy wisdom. Be our strength in all situations and seasons of life. God, we celebrate answered prayer, we rejoice in your healing, and we praise you for your presence with those who are walking through seasons of fear.  God, for those in a season of waiting grant patience and perseverance, for the lonely bring comfort, and grant rest to those who are weary. We also pray for our church leaders as the pastoral search continues. Holy Spirit, be present as we work through our annual business meeting today; grant wisdom and unity. We give thanks!

    April 28th, 2024

    As we travel thru life and we pass milestones and mile markers and as we age we recognize that we may also be passing opportunities to be a giver and to offer times of service.  Just this week I read about and became aware of people that had passed on and was encouraged by what positive things were said about them.  I attended a funeral this week and it was encouraging and challenging to hear family members talk about how important this person was and how he was  always there for their family, young and old .  It made me think about what I what and what we do and how we may impact people’s lives every day.  What if our next actions were our last action?  Would they be considered a positive interaction. One that would positively affect a friend, a family member or even someone we don’t know.  I think we can all remember what it felt like when someone said a nice thing to us in passing or maybe held a door for us to enter.  When Jesus walked the earth he had many interactions with people he came in contact with.  Sometimes I think he went out of his way to interact with people and to make a difference in their life.  The women at the well, Zacchaeus, the high priests and even those who betrayed him to name a few.  In all those events were examples of love and purpose to try and make the other person better.  I believe these interactions were to show us how to act in the everyday world we live in.   It does not take much to say a nice thing to someone, help someone who needs a hand in tough situation or even hold a door a little longer.

      I have heard it said that when you look at tombstone that more important then the date of birth and date of expiration is the Dash . The Dash represents all the years between those two important dates.  How would I describe my Dash.  How would you describe your Dash?  We are all busy people or are overcome with personal challenges that distract us but could we pump the brakes and maybe pause and see how we should act, how God would want us to act.  How can we impact people positively the way the son of God did when he walked the earth?

    Dear God , we come before you today and humbly know we have been:

    – blessed by those who have said a nice thing to us in the past, 

    – blessed by those who have done nice things  for us,

    –  blessed by those who have stood with us in our tough and sometimes dark times where we felt alone .

    – blessed by those who have given us a pat on the back for something we did right or accomplished.

    – blessed by those who have had to push us and give words of encouragement to get going again.

     God we pray that while we have time and breath  that we may not miss any more opportunities  to show a return on these blessings. No matter our age or situation help us to be a light in a world that needs it, to say a nice thing to some who needs to hear it or do something for some who needs help. Thank you God for the opportunities that are before us this week.  Please don’t let us miss them. Help us to make our DASH a positive one.

    April 21st, 2024

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    We thank you for the many blessings you have given us. John 1:16 states:
    “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after
    another.“  We think of the beautiful country we live in, the people
    around us who we know care for and about us, for the gift of freedom to
    worship. We think of so many who are forced to practise their beliefs in
    private and with much trepidation. We also think of those who hear
    missiles and see devastation all around them.  Oh God you know their
    pain and desolation.  Today we give thanks but not forgetting so many
    who suffer.  Give us all courage and be our guide this week as we go
    forth filling us with hope and strength for each day.

    And now as we go on our weekly journey may we go knowing you are there
    to meet us wherever we are at.  Thank you for giving your life so that
    we may live. May we go into this world and be ambassadors of Your light,
    your hope and your peace. Amen

    April 14th, 2024

    God, we come to you this morning as your children, proclaiming you as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Apart from you there is no God. We acknowledge you as Creator of all, the heavens and the earth, and all creatures that inhabit this earth including all of us, your created humanity. We praise you God because you are our Rock, our refuge, and our strength; our God of comfort and of love. We celebrate your love for us, as we remember that you demonstrated your love for us by sending Jesus, your one and only Son, into this world and that through His death, we can experience forgiveness and new life. We give you praise with grateful hearts. Remind us daily of your admonition from 1 John 4: 11-12. “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” O God, may your love flow through each of us in holiness and completeness.

    Holy God, in love we lift up prayer for our world, asking for a miracle of your peace in our world, in countries such as Haiti, Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, Myanmar among others. We pray that you would transform hearts, birth humility in leaders, and grant holy wisdom. Where there is famine and hunger, bring relief through organizations such as MCC. May we also be generous and open to being your hands and feet, willing to share in the care of others. Open our eyes to see, recognizing needs around us and open our hearts to reach out in love.We also give you praise for answers to prayer in our lives as individuals and in the life of our community. Thank you Jesus for your presence, for your healing, your leading, and for your peace and comfort in our lives.

    April 7th, 2024

    As a congregation we care for one another through prayer. Dear God, we pray to you with many prayer petitions that have been made known to us. We also pray for the many who hold their pain close to their hearts and only you know their needs.  We pray for our congregation in this time of transition. We feel you breathing new life into our congregation as we celebrate what it means to be a part of Wellesley Mennonite Church.  Be with our leadership, our board members, our search committee, our pastors, our administrator and our committees as together we strive to enrich the work of the church. Thank you for your ever presence as we look to you that we might see your guiding hand.

    We pray with gratitude for the many who have experienced healing. May your healing hand continue to give strength and renewal in their hearts and minds. 

    We pray for all those who continue to journey through health experiences.  We pray that you would be with the  medical teams who provide the care and guidance. The road to repair and healing can be very long and many of us need patience as we take the time needed to heal.

    We pray for all those who are still looking for answers.

    March 31st, 2024

    As we migrate through another Holy week and as we anticipate and worship thought another Easter we have many reflections and thoughts that go thru our mind.  We again are reminded about the ultimate sacrifice you made by entering Jerusalem and then facing the very men and women that had exalted you before.  How could this happen?   I think we realize as we reflect on this where we have fallen and made the same mistakes that people made that fateful night.  We too have turned and said and done things that would be considered equal with shaming you.  We ask for forgiveness, and we recognize that there is hope for us and many more because you arose from the dead and again lived that we could have HOPE.  Perhaps that is why Easter is such a special time.  God, we ask that you forgive us for the times we have betrayed you in our actions and our words.  We thank you so much for being a God who knew us before we were in existence and how you knew we would fail.   We are more like Peter then we know or care to admit.  While we need to spend time reflecting on the crucifixion we are more thankful for your resurrection  and the hope it brings us.  As we take time to celebrate communion by drinking from the Cup (your Blood) and eating the Bread (Your body)  may me again reflect and realize the pain and suffering yet beauty and true meaning Easter brings.

    We are very thankful for the ongoing work in the Congregation here at WMC and for the many hands and minds that have continued to guide us.  We give thanks for Pastor Clare and his ongoing ministry here at WMC.  May you continue to give him and Gloria strength as they serve in their roles here.  We are also thankful for the addition of Paul and Cathy Dyck as they accept the term as Interim pastor here at WMC .  Guide Paul as he gets to know us and stands alongside us a congregation.  Thank you also for the many committees, people and staff that continue to offer their gifts in the ongoing life here at WMC.  Please continue to give Wisdom and a listening ear to those working on Search committee as well as all those that offer support as we work to finding a New fulltime pastor for our congregation here at WMC. Continue to guide us as you have for over 50 years at WMC. 

    As we listen and watch News from around the world, we recognize that there is turmoil near and far.  We continue to pray for our world leaders as they govern their respective countries.  May they understand and appreciate the extent of their decision, we pray for the many who are suffering in the middle east.  God somehow give them peace as they are thrust out of their personal environments.  We pray for those who have lost loved ones and are hurting because of loss.  Stand close to them. Closer to home we give thanks  to those who are caregivers for family members who are aging .  We are thankful for those that work in long-term care facilities and provide care for the aged.  Please give them a sense of value and worth.

    Here at Wellesley Mennonite we want to continue to lift the needs and prayer concerns of our church family:

    March 24th, 2024

    May we remember this Palm Sunday as Our Lord demonstrated to us his
    Philippians 2: 5-8 NIV states: “Who, being in very nature God, did not
    consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
    rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man, he
    humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”
      May we experience a small portion of that emotional and physical
    turmoil He felt prior to dying for us and may we be willing to return to

      We are thankful for our congregation, for those who have willingly
    served of their time and efforts to prepare for these Easter season’s

    March 17th, 2024

    O God, as we acknowledge the pain, grief, and turmoil of our world, we choose this day to give thanks and praise for your grace, love, and presence in our lives as individuals and as a body of believers. We rejoice that you are the one true God; you have made us and we are yours, we are your people, your children, and the sheep of your pasture. We also give thanks and praise for the body of Christ around the world and especially lift up those who are suffering or grieving due to war, persecution, or famine. God, grant strength, perseverance, and the power of the Holy Spirit as their comforter and sustainer. May your will be done in and through all of our lives and we echo the words of the Psalmist who wrote “My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken…..Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” (Psalm 62: 1-2, 5)

    God, help us to live in hope, with our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and our lives in your hands.

    God, we ask your blessing on this congregation as we transition to new pastoral leadership. Grant Paul Dyck holy wisdom and strength as he comes to serve and lead as an interim pastor, and we pray the Spirit’s calling on the pastor you have designed to be here for the longer term. We also pray for your blessing of wisdom on our leadership and members of the Search committee.

    Father, thank you for the privilege of bringing our needs to you and we lift up prayers for members of our church family and our community. We pray for all those who grieve and experience loss and loneliness, praying that they may know the comfort and peace of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We lift up all those in our congregation and families who are being cared for in Nursing homes or in Long Term Care. Thank you for their lives and faithful witness to your grace and love. May they know that they are valued, loved, and deeply appreciated.

    March 10th, 2024

    Blessed Lord and Saviour, you have created, called and sustained us, grant us the grace and wisdom to see your continual love for us which we see most fully in Jesus Christ. Grant us insight to see that happiness isn’t what we possess but what we do with your blessings for the care and serving of others. Accept our humble thanks for times that draw us together with each other and you. As we are strengthened and renewed through your gifts, let us strengthen and renew others. As we receive and share your blessings, may we see it as your constant love for us and a foretaste of our eternal home with you. We thank you for our health , strength and love. Teach us to receive these gifts always with grateful hearts that our lives may bring honour to your name. Amen

    Taken in part from Pastor Al Maier.

    March 3, 2024

    Dear God thanks so much again for hearing our prayers. As we enter the third week of Lent we were reminded that our world is filled with the tragic and the glorious, the terrible and the wonderful, the upsetting and the joyful. This week, we are invited to feed our souls with the beautiful, not to negate the difficult but to notice God’s love displayed all around us. We see it in the beautiful skies in the am. We see it in the bright shining stars and planets on cool clear evenings. We feel it in the longer days that are expressed even better with the sunshine. We feel it in the breeze sometimes cool and sometimes warm. We hear in the birds that are beginning to sense spring is coming soon. We feel it in the genuine concern that is offered to those around us.

    In the 19th Psalm we read about the mysterious, unspoken voice that can be heard everywhere, revealing God’s nearness and glory. With the Psalmist we agree that Oh God, you promise that your presence and your love permeate our world and our lives, despite the sadness and brokenness that surround us.

    As in the Lenten guide this week let us find the ways and take the times to truly use our senses to know you are God.

    We are thankful for your presence even when we think we are far from it. Forgive us for the times we step away and try to do it on our own. Thank you for your never-failing love that brings as back to you. A love that has transcended years and many situations. A love and genuine concern that can hardly be replicated in human terms

    As taken from the Lenten guide this week we conclude with :

    For sunrises and sunsets, for the skies telling of your glory and for all your beauty displayed wordlessly around me, receive my endless gratitude. May my life reflect your beauty

    Today we all come with different concerns, challenges and requests. Some we speak audibly and some we share with trusted friends and you in prayer. Sometimes we see challenging times coming and sometimes they meet us when we least expect it. When the outcome seems bleak help us to try the up look.

    Our thoughts go to those tragedies that continue in various parts of the world. Whether in Israel or Ukraine we lift prayers for Peace . We also pray for the leaders of our world that they would use wisdom and genuine care as their basis for decisions.

    In our local congregation we pray your grace and guidance for so many needs whether spoken or in the quiet of our hearts.

    We as a congregation are thankful for guiding us thru this transition time. we Humbly thank you for all the gifts you have given each member here and for the leadership that has been shared by many. May you continue to be apart of all those involved in decision that affect who we are as a congregation. May your wisdom and guidance transcend all decisions and processes.

    We now bring before you those who are struggling with health issues, those who await tests and test results, those who await surgery, we also pray for those that may suffer in silence. We pray your guiding hand of love and care and protection on each one and those that stand by them whether named or unnamed.

    February 25, 2024

    We come to you as a body of believers in the hope of everlasting life
    with you Oh God. Many times we doubt ourselves and question our faith.
    May we seek the faith that you have said gives us permission to have
    complete confidence in you. May we know that your faithfulness to us
    is constant. May you be glorified. Romans 4: 18 states: Against all
    hope, Abraham in hope believed. Verse 20: Yet he did not waver through
    unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith
    and gave glory to God. May we be strengthened in our faith giving God
    the glory in our daily walk.

    February 18th, 2024

    O God, we come to you this morning as a body of believers who individually have walked different roads this past week. Some of us have struggled on paths that were rocky and steep, some sped along open highways with little joy or imagination, while others walked a winding road where at each turn a new and beautiful vista greeted our eyes. We give thanks and praise that you were present with each of us, ministering your grace into our lives even when we were not aware.

    Thank you Father for reminding us that you are the everlasting, faithful God whose love for us is beyond understanding. We hear the words of the prophet Isaiah echoing in our ears.

    Do you not know? Have you not heard?
    The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
    29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
    30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
    31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

    Thank you for reminding us as a church and as individuals that our hope must be fixed on you, Lord, and that as we live in hope, you will renew our strength. God, we rejoice in your promise and invite you to enable us to soar, to run, or to walk our road of faith with perseverance. Lead us and guide us Lord; may your will be done in and through us.

    February 11th, 2024

    Good and Gracious God,

    We lift your name on high, like a blanket of praise. Thank you for being present and embracing a fallen world. Thank you for this grace that flows endlessly to us each day, Lord, we celebrate your love for us, as we lay our burdens down at the foot of the cross. For those who are sick or have physical needs and surgical procedures we ask for healing. For all those in conflict, anxious and burdened we pray they may come to know peace as they lean on you. We extend our prayers for our Households of Faith, may they know the love and care of this church that they call home. We invite your beautiful holy spirit to move freely amongst us. Come dwell in each of our hearts as we strive to be disciples of healing and hope.

    Thank you that even as our grief is raw and deep we can breathe in resurrection life. Lord, today we drink in once again the hope of eternal life and the promise of heaven. Thank you for your presence.

    February 4th, 2024

    Dear God thanks so much again for hearing our prayers. We all come with different concerns, challenges and requests. Sometimes we see challenging times coming and sometimes they meet us when we least expect it. We often feel alone and weak and feel like we are all by ourselves in our challenges. Forgive us for being slow learners as we know you have always been right there by our side. That being said it does not always lighten the emptiness load and anguish we feel when we meet these challenges. As We flip another calendar page in this new year of 2024 ,we recognize to that time passes and we age. Aging brings more physical challenges and limitations. We ask for strength as we hit these milestones. We cling to Deuteronomy 3: 18 “the LORD goes before you and he will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do NOT be afraid , do not be discouraged.”

    We also give you thanks for the beautiful GOD moments you provide. For friendships past and present, the weddings, the new born, changing goals and moving on. Thank you so much for those times of joy and new life. We recognize these as gifts from you.

    We ask that you continue to be part of our current time of transition here at WMC. We are thankful for those pastors and leaders that have come before us. We know you have empowered them to lead us here at WMC. As we look forward, we are excited about potential opportunities for new leadership. We ask for patience for the anxiety that me created by time like this. We also ask for wisdom as we as a congregation and leadership will require for looking ahead as to our future here at WMC. Thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on each acting member here at WMC. Gifts that have allowed us to continue to work thru this transition.

    January 27th, 2023

    Rooted and grounded in God’s love, the trunk of the tree provides
    May we be like the trunk of the tree. Steadfast in our faith, constant
    even through the winds of change, ever growing and reaching upward
    toward the sunlight of His Love!
    Today we are thankful for our church family as we seek together our
    values and our identity. Blessed with our many and various talents like
    the rings of the tree trunk, collectively we can do what we cannot do as
    However we feel you stretching us Mighty One to learn and grow during
    this time of discernment. We figuratively look upward envisioning our
    future like the trunk and the branches of the tree knowing you are our
    constant. No matter how young or old we are we continue to grow and
    reach toward your light, warmth and comfort.

    January 21st, 2024

    Our gracious God we are grateful to you for so many blessings – For the
    beauty of a white blanket of snow to shed light on our world during the
    dull days of winter.
    We are grateful for our homes and warmth with the past week of cold
    weather but our hearts ache for those without a place to call home and a
    warm meal. May they know to draw near to you and may those who work to
    find shelter and food for those in need be blessed.

    Our thoughts go to those in war torn countries, The Ukraine and Gaza –
    The Israeli and Palestinian conflict ongoing since October 7, 2023. Oh
    Lord we think of the innocent victims of war. The children who when
    they hear a noise tense up knowing a bomb has fallen too near. The
    parents who try to shelter their children themselves struggling with
    physical and emotional pains of war:
    When asked what message he has for Christians outside Palestine to know,
    Palestinian Pastor Ashraf
    Tannus leader of Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation in Beit
    Jala stresses:
    ‘Remember the kinship shared among all brothers and sisters in Christ.
    We are all praying
    the Lord’s prayer. When we say “Our Father” this indicates relationship.
    We are all God’s children!”
    (From A Common Place MCC publication)
    Father we pray as your children, as brothers and sisters in Christ for
    peace in a world of unrest.

    In our local congregation we pray your grace and guidance for so many
    needs whether spoken or in the quiet of our hearts.

    January 14th, 2024

    Almighty God,

    To you all hearts are open, all desires are known.

    Be with us now, that you may hear my small voice, my quiet whisper magnified by all who pray together with, and for, our congregation. Give us the strength to live and work together with respect and commitment as we grow as disciples of healing and hope. Some seek you today with mountains of enthusiasm and encouragement. Others from valleys of grief and darkness. Still others with hope and determination. Together we carry the light, basking in the glow of Christ as we pray for one another.

    We humbly bring all this to your feet Lord and we know that you see far more than we do. In all this we ask in your powerful name. Amen

    January 7th, 2024


    As we enter another New Year Year a variety of thoughts and expectations come to mind.

    • Wow 2024. We weren’t sure what to expect when we went in to 2000 and 24 years later here we are
    • For some a New year brings hope and excitement for upcoming events
    • For some a New year brings new physical challenges as we age.
    • For some a New Year is tough because we lost someone in the past year
    • For some a New year means New beginnings
    • For some a New year means the treadmill speeds up and for some it means we are changing gears and maybe slowing down some.

    So we enter another year with many emotions and challenges. Even our Congregation enters a New year with out a full time Pastor. It is a challenging time for our Congregation. For some it can make us feel anxious and unsettled while others may have feelings of anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead.

    As we move forward may we reflect on your promise from Deuteronomy that says:

    “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8.

    Or maybe we need to draw strength from 2 Corinthians where Paul tells us

    “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16

    No Matter where we are in the gamut of emotions, challenges or life experiences may we take time to know that you God are even closer than we can imagine. Help us to take some time to reflect on the many ways we are fortunate and to be thankful for what we have. As we enter 2024 help us to be better people to those around us or those we may encounter. At Christmas we were reminded again of the hope that came to us in the birth of Jesus. Truly a remarkable story filled with mystery and suspense yet giving hope.

    No matter where we are at or how we are feeling may we start off 2024 with Hope for our families, friends our Church and maybe more importantly ourselves.

    We bring to you our concerns and needs as a congregation and individuals. They are as varied as the number of people in our congregation. You know the pains that some are feeling. For those that are suffering give strength to move on. We are thankful for our caregivers and for those that continually support us. Thank you for the healing you have granted some of us and for the potential healing that may be taking place.

    We are also thankful for the holiday season we just came thru. A different and sometimes slower time of the year. A time where we can spend time with our families and start new memories.

    We also ask that you give us strength as a congregation as we pass thru another transition here at WMC. There are many decisions to be made and we trust that you will guide us in this process.

    December 31st, 2023

    At the dawn of a new year,
    we come to welcome hope for a new world.

    Let the darkness lift,
    to welcome a dawn of plenty,
    with enough for everyone
    and people ready to share.

    Let the day begin,
    with new energy for the struggle
    to protect our children
    and to care for the vulnerable.

    Let the light shine,
    to open a path to safety
    for all who are seeking home
    and longing for life.

    Let the sun rise
    on new talks and new resolve
    to end the bombing and the terror
    and to find solutions that will last.

    At the dawn of a new year
    we come to declare our hope
    and to welcome a new world. ~ written by Susan Durber

    O God, there are many in our church community, our neighbourhoods who grieve today due to the death of a loved one, some in the past weeks and months, some possibly years ago. When a relationship of love is broken, the result is pain and grief. And we know you understand and feel our pain because Jesus we too read about your grief as you stood by the tomb of Lazarus.

    God, be present in our grieving, grant comfort and healing to our brokenness, and remind us of our eternal hope. We give you thanks and praise.

    We also lift up those who are in need of physical healing today. God, thank you for healing through the gift of medicine, the wisdom of doctors and nurses, and for the miraculous healing of your touch as a result of the prayers of your people. God, hear our prayers as we silently lift up individuals to your throne of grace.

    December 24th, 2023

    As we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, this weekend, I invite you to pray the following prayer for peace in the Holy Land.

    O God of life and love and peace,

    We witness the violence and injustice in your Holy Land

    And our hearts break.

    Our hearts break for the people of Israel –

    For the victims of violent attacks by Hamas

    For those who live with fear and insecurity

    For those who suffer from the inter-generational

    trauma of violence.

    Our hearts break for Palestinians –

    For the victims of violent attacks by the Israeli military

    For those in the West Bank under attacks from Jewish settlers

    For those being denied water, electricity and medical care

    For those who are refugees, long displace from their homes.

    We especially pray –

    That weapons of war be laid down, that walls of separation be dismantled

    That prisoners of war be released, that demonizing of “the other” cease

    That political leaders seek the good of all people in

    Palestine and Israel.

    O God, whose heart breaks for the world,

    May your justice dwell in the land

    May your righteousness abide in fruitful fields

    May the effect of righteousness be quietness and trust forever

    May the effect of justice be peace – enduring peace.


    (Mennonite Central Committee)

    O God we give you praise for sending Jesus to live and walk among us in human form, for the gift of salvation, and for now your presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit. God, continue to give us strength to live with hope, to strive for peace, and to allow your joy and love to fill us and flow through us to others we come in contact with. Help us to be candles of light in a dark world.

    God we also pray that you would bring healing to all who are wounded by loss, fear, and grief. Grant physical healing to many in our community here at WMC and may your grace renew hearts and minds. We give you thanks.

    December 17th, 2023

    Holy God, as we together light the candle of JOY, we choose to celebrate.

    Good news! The Holy One, God Almighty, claims us as His very own!
    Rejoice in the Lord!
    Good news! The times of trouble are nearly over!
    Rejoice in the Lord, always!
    Good news!

    God is in our midst, ready to renew us with holy love!
    Rejoice in the Lord, always! Again we say rejoice!
    Good news! The peace of the Lord will dwell in our hearts!
    We lift up our hearts in thanksgiving. Thanks be to God!

    Move us, Joyful God, take our hands and lead us in your dance of creation.
    When we are uncertain, guard our hearts with your peace.
    When our steps falter, surround us with the strength of your Spirit.
    Guide us, Awesome and Powerful God,

    until we are move and sing with the joy of your salvation.
    In the name of Emmanuel, God with us, we pray. (adapted from wordpress)

    (take a moment in silence to give praise for God’s work and presence in your life)

    Awesome God, we give praise for your faithful work and presence in our lives, for the gift of life for each day, for the joy of community, for family and friends, and for the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We rejoice for the evidence of healing and restoration in lives, both physically and in their spirit. God, continue to work out your will in and through us.

    O God we also lift up to you those in our community and families who are grieving, who are struggling in loneliness and fear, and those who desire renewal and healing. Jesus, touch their bodies; Holy Spirit move with power and comfort; O God, we give you praise. During this season of advent, we also pray for the Peace of Christ to descend on us as individuals, on our families, community and on our world where war rages. Lord Jesus have mercy.

    December 10th, 2023

    An Advent Prayer

    For the darkness of waiting

    of not knowing what is to come,

    of staying ready and quiet and attentive,

    we praise you, O God: For the darkness and the light are both alike to you.

    For the darkness of choosing

    when you give us the moment

    to speak, and act, and change,

    and we cannot know what we have set in motion,

    but we still have to take the risk,

    we praise you, O God: For the darkness and the light are both alike to you.

    For the darkness of hoping

    in a world that longs for you,

    for the wrestling and labouring of all creation

    for wholeness and justice and freedom,

    we praise you, O God: For the darkness and the light are both alike to you. (adapted)

    Holy God, we come to you this morning with deep longing in our hearts for your mighty work and power to flow in and through us. Although our world writhes in pain and groaning, we praise you for your presence as the Prince of peace, and pray that your will be done in this world and in and through our lives. Grant us your strength and the courage to live as your servants, as agents of hope, peace, joy, and love. We desire to live in faithfulness and truth.

    Oh God, we also pray for all in our church and local community who are in need of your healing and desire renewal. We praise you for answered prayer, for the evidence of your grace, and pray for your will to be done in each of our lives.

    God, comfort those who grieve in this season; grant healing to hearts and minds. Enable all to be aware of your presence, knowing that you are present through the Holy Spirit. We also pray for a miracle of your peace in the Holy Land; transform hearts and minds so that a ceasefire can be agreed upon and lives can be saved. Oh God, have mercy.

    We give thanks and praise in the name of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.

    December 3rd, 2023

    O holy God, today we have come to worship, to celebrate in hope, and yet to grieve in this time of releasing and saying good bye. Thank you for Pastor Kara and her years of loving service here with this body of believers at Wellesley Mennonite Church. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading Kara here, and for gifting her with love, compassion, wisdom and courage. Thank you for ministering through her, and to her over these many years. God, we give you praise. And now as we release her into a new season of your leading, may you grant deep peace and the comfort of your presence. Pour out your rich blessings on both Kara and Alvin; God, hold them close to your heart.

    This morning we also choose to live with Hope in a world that is writhing in pain. God, where there is war we pray that you would change the hearts and minds of world leaders, and in doing so that peace would reign. Give us hearts of compassion to feed those who are hungry, to provide a cup of cold water to the thirsty, and wisdom to be people of justice as you enable us. May we see with your eyes and love with your love God.

    O God we pray for those in this congregation and community who are grieving, those facing major decisions, and all who are in pain. Grant comfort, your holy presence, and the gift of your healing touch for all who are facing health issues.

    We pray all this in the name of Jesus

    Lord God, we also bring the following individual needs to you asking for your loving intervention.

    November 25th, 2023

    Eternal God, you are our God and we are your people.
    You have claimed us as your own and have placed a seal on our hearts.

    You nurture and sustain us in the garden of life.

    Living God, we thank you for your gift of life eternal

    and for all those who, having served you well,

    now rest from their labours.

    Today we give thanks for those who during the last twelve months

    have died and entered into glory

    including Marjorie, Patrick, Joan, Kevin, and those whom we hold in our hearts.

    We thank you for their life and love,

    and rejoice for them “all is well,

    and all manner of things will be well.”

    Be near to those who are grieving. Hold them.

    Fill them with your comfort and peace.

    Compassionate God, you attend to the wounded places of our hearts and lives,

    You grieve with us in our losses and our fears.
    You journey with us in our celebrations, our sorrows.

    You are close even in the mundane routines of our days.
    You delight in us, and you love us.

    We pray for our siblings in faith in need of healing grace ….. we name them before you in the silence of our hearts.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May each family rest in your peace and be filled with your joy. May love rule in their hearts and fill their homes.

    We pray for this world,
    for the places and precious people

    who are striving to recover from the effects of climate change.

    We pray for peace among nations. May the weapons of war be laid down.
    Make us instruments of that peace.

    We pray for our children and our youth

    that they may come to know you more fully,

    growing to be all of who they have been created to be.

    Give us an unwavering passion for justice,

    and a tenacious faith that will not rest

    until the hungry are fed,

    until the oppressed find relief,

    until the outsider finds welcome.

    Hear us now as pray as you have taught us: Our Father.

    November 19th, 2023

    Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill-health,

    with their families, friends and those who care for them:

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit, and all who

    care for them…

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those suffering due to broken relationships, we

    pray for the marginalized, the silenced…

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those struggling with isolation, anxiety, mental

    health challenges….

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those struggling to overcome addiction or

    abuse, those supporting and working with them, and all whose suffering has

    distanced them from those who love them…

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those grieving the loss of loved ones

    and those who are walking through the dark valley of death and those who care

    and support them.

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to

    us but known to you. In silence, we offer our prayers ….

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    God of compassion and love, we offer you all our suffering and pain. Give us

    strength to bear our weakness, healing even when there this is no cure, peace in

    the midst of turmoil, and love to fill the spaces in our lives.

    Glory to God from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus who showed his love

    through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit who brings light to the darkest of

    places. Amen.

    November 12th, 2023

    God, we have a lot on our hearts today. We’ve prayed prayers of lament, holding the heaviness of so many problems. We’ve prayed prayers of commitment, grasping at courage to make changes, to care in ways that matter. We want to live as your people in this world, every day. We need more strength than our own. We rely on you to fill us with love, with hope, with peace, in whatever situations we find ourselves in.

    We pray for those in our midst, in our community, around the world, who struggle to find what they need to live.

    We pray for those who are hungry, or homeless.

    We pray for all affected by conflict, by war.

    We pray for those who are grieving.

    We pray for those living with illness, struggling with worries or sadness.

    We pray for those facing decisions, or unwanted changes, or waiting for things beyond their control.

    We pray for those supporting others.

    You give us strength, God. You are the source of our life. You lead us to peace.

    Thank you.

    Amen. (prayer by Jane Kuepfer)

    November 5th, 2023

    O God, this morning we come into your presence with both cries of lament and praise on our lips. We bring our lament and anguish for the devastation and loss of life in both Israel and Gaza, crying out for your intervention, your work of grace in this land where Jesus walked and ministered. God, move in the hearts of leaders of both sides, calling them to agree to a ceasefire, opening their hearts and minds to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

    We also pray for countries such as Ukraine, Haiti and more recently Myanmar where war rages, civil unrest is the norm, and where people suffer and grieve the deaths of family and community. Lord, may the church rise up and become agents of your peace…may your will be done in and through us. God we lament and grieve with those within our church families who today face significant health challenges or are caregivers. We pray for your healing hand over those who suffer and for strength & grace for all who provide care, support and love. Jesus, remind us daily of your words, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

    O God we receive your peace with joy and thanksgiving, and give you praise. We also give praise and rejoice with those in our midst who today celebrate healing and wonderful answers to prayer. We also give praise God for your leading and guiding, for daily provision of food and for the gift of life for this day. Holy Spirit, live in and through us in such a way that the world around us may see the face of Jesus. Father, we give you thanks.

    October 29th, 2023

    Thank you, God, for the joy of today.
    It is still morning, and yet so many good things have come our way.

    Thank you to all those who call this church home, in body and spirit.
    Thank you for the joy of worshiping you, our Creator. We pray as a community of believers, a church family in your care, as we nurture and care for one another. We welcome our newest members and embrace our collective yearning as we desire to be disciples of healing and hope.

    As we cling to the common threads that bind us together we are witness to the letting go of nature all around us. The clouds let go of moisture in rain and snow. Trees letting go of their leaves, revealing their naked beauty. The winds let loose and blow everything away.
    As the days grow short, and the nights grow long, help us this week to have compassion for those who struggle to let go of fears; the fears of an unknown diagnosis; those who are embracing a loved one in order to let go,’ all who are suffering and in need of healing and comfort; all those who are grieving; the fears of the news of this world of all those who are fleeing bombs and bullets, and all people who live with the fear of violence.

    God of hope, thank you that you are with us in all our fears,
    and that you bring joy even in the midst of them.
    Thank you for your faithfulness through time,
    for the ways you have been there for us in the past,
    and the assurance that nothing can separate us from your love. Amen

    Adapted from: Leading in worship by Carol Penner

    October 22nd, 2023

    Lord Jesus, True Vine,

    in our need we come to You.

    Amidst the troubles and sufferings of the world

    we come to You.

    Teach us to remain in You

    and to find Your life flowing in us

    providing strength, hope, and resilience.

    Trim away all that is unproductive in our lives and your church.

    Prune also that which is productive so that

    fruit borne will be even more plentiful:

    the fruit of peace, love, justice, goodness, generosity.

    As we abide in the embrace of Your life-flowing love

    may Your wisdom inspire

    ongoing learning and unlearning

    as we grow as disciples of healing and hope.,

    We come this morning,

    hearts heavy with images of violence we have seen on the news,

    places of fear and terror, places of war, where

    human suffering and disregard for human life is deep and broad.

    Oh God, how You must weep.

    Our hearts turn to the land You called holy,

    where missiles shower death and destruction

    chaos and terror.

    We pray today for Israelis, for Palestinians…

    and because you teach us to pray for enemies,

    we pray for Hamas terrorists.

    For those who are fleeing, we pray for sanctuary

    For those who are staying: safety

    For those who are fighting: how do we pray???

    For those whose hearts are breaking we pray: comfort

    For those who see no future: hope

    God of peace, prune back all that stands in the way of peace.

    We pray for people in leadership and power –

    who have decisions to make

    which impact world peace and the wellbeing of many.

    We pray for our nation, and its leaders.

    May changes and decisions be shaped by the values of the kingdom.

    We pray for those in need in our church and community.

    Wherever hearts are breaking,

    bodies are failing,

    minds troubled

    families and relationships conflicted

    uncertainty deep

    loads too heavy to bear,

    Lord, come with Your help and healing,

    Your compassion, loving kindness, and grace.

    Lord Jesus, True Vine, in our need we abide in You.

    Amidst the troubles and sufferings of the world

    You faithfully abide with us.

    As your followers desiring to walk in our ways,

    we offer our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen

    October 15th, 2023

    Holy One, maker of heaven and earth,

    you formed the mountains, the desert places, the fertile lands.

    You created autumn colours, tart apples, refreshing rains,

    and you made us.

    You love us. You see us. You know us.

    Thank you for guiding our lives and holding all of creation in your loving hands.

    In the knowledge of your love and your power,

    we bring before you our prayers for the world you love, the church you call, and the needs of our hearts.

    Lord of all,

    guide the leaders of our world and inspire wisdom for all making decisions.

    Send your peace on earth the peace that comes from making justice.

    May the weapons of war be laid down,

    the dignity of all upheld. May the oppressed be set free.

    Lord, oh how you must weep to witness the violence done in your name,

    the violence we further through intolerance of differences,

    the pride of privilege, complacency amidst injustice.

    Lord, have mercy.

    God of compassion,

    in you alone we find our help.

    you watch over all day and night,

    you provide all we need.

    Thank you for safety, security, and freedom

    we so easily take for granted.

    Thank you for harmonious relationships,

    meaningful work, and this community of faith.

    Grant us vision and courage to walk the path which you are leading us.

    As we take the reimagining church road, we hold to the promise that you are

    able to do abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine.

    Our journey is in your hands. We place our trust in you!

    Listening God, you are familiar with all our ways,

    our greatest joys and our deepest pain.

    You know our dreams and our hopes.

    You know what causes us to stumble or stray.

    Your desire for our flourishing is steadfast.

    May your hand of blessing rest upon and uphold

    those whose needs are deep,

    those whose suffering or pain is known only to you.

    Comfort the grieving,

    Strengthen the weary.

    Lead the wandering by your hand of grace.

    Restore those whose hearts ache and burn.

    Surround the lonely and the aged with your joy and hope.

    Draw near to us as we draw near to you.

    May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    We pray in Jesus, name.

    October 11th, 2023

    Let us join in prayer as conflict escalates, human suffering deepens, and the grieved and traumatized cry out for comfort:

    Prayer of Lament and Intercession for Palestine and Israel

    By Palestine-Israel Network

    Since the October 7 Hamas attack near the Gaza Strip and Israel’s crushing military reaction, violence and destruction have escalated in the land we often call “Holy.” As we lament the carnage among Israelis and Palestinians, let us also pray for those working for a future that ends the deep and longstanding injustices that lie at the root of the crisis.

    Prayer of lament and intercession for Palestine and Israel

    God of love and justice, our hearts are perplexed, paralyzed and broken at the recent carnage in Palestine and Israel. We lament the loss of life and the suffering of so many innocent people on both sides. We are shocked at the inhumanity of soldiers and militants, especially when they act in the name of God.

    We lament that our prayers for peace seem to go unanswered. We wish you would intervene. We cling to your promise of a different world, but we see so few signs of its fulfillment. Why?

    In our feeble faith, we declare your desire for life and for peace.

    Holy Spirit, strengthen our resolve to advocate for peace, justice, equality, and compassion for all. Don’t let us turn our face away.

    Comfort all who are overwhelmed with loss—loss of life, loss of homes, loss of safety and security.

    God of the vulnerable and the oppressed, neutralize the power of tyrants in their thirst for domination and control. Renew the strength and resolve of leaders committed to nonviolent resistance and change.

    Remember the Christian communities in the land where Jesus walked ad where the church was born. May their witness to your love remain bright among their Muslim and Jewish neighbours. May they recognize your hand in their lives, even amidst the suffering.

    God of all nations, guide our own government in responding in ways that support the legitimate rights of all, especially those who are most vulnerable, those who continue to suffer after decades of occupation, dispossession, and denial of basic human rights.

    May your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Yours is the kingdom, the power, the glory, now and forever. Amen

    October 8th, 2023

    God of all blessings,
    source of all life,
    giver of good gifts:
    we thank you for the gift of life,
    for the breath that sustains life,
    for the food of this earth that nurtures life,
    for the love of family and friends
    without which there would be no life.

    We thank you for the gifts of creation:
    for the beauty that the eye can see, colours, landscapes, and seascapes
    for the joy that the ear can hear,
    geese winging their way southward, rain gently falling,

    for the delights of tastes and flavours

    berries and melons, tomatoes and squash

    We thank you O God, for setting us in communities:
    for families who nurture our becoming,
    for friends who love us by choice,
    for companions at work,
    who share our burdens and daily tasks,
    for strangers who welcome us into their midst,
    for people from other lands and cultures
    who call us to grow in understanding,
    for children who lighten our moments with delight.

    In silence or aloud we name our thanksgivings to you, O God…..

    We also thank you O God, for your faithful presence amidst the

    troubles and sufferings of the world and our lives.

    Draw near the grieving, the lonely, the weak.

    Grant strength to those enduring treatments and their side effects,

    those awaiting medical tests and next steps.

    Surround with peace those living with limitations of many kinds

    and those whose unhealed hearts burn within.

    Hold with comfort those walking the shadow of death and their loved ones.

    In silence or aloud we name our need to you, O God ……

    We raise our thanks to you God, who hears our laments

    and our words of praise,

    who cares for the world, our loved ones, and our needs.

    We give thanks that you open new possibilities, new beginnings, new life

    that stir our hearts again with thanksgiving and praise.

    For all your good gifts, your love, and your amazing grace

    we lift our hearts in thanksgiving in Jesus’ name. Amen

    October 1st, 2023

    Oh God, as we gather together this morning around the table of our Lord, we recognize and celebrate the beauty and wonder of the Body of Christ around the world. We gather as one body, believing in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross. Thank you Jesus for paying the price for our sin, for the gift of redemption, and for the hope of eternal life. We lift up our praise and thanks to you God.

    We pray as well for the unity of the Spirit to bind us together in love. We affirm Paul’s words that “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. As the bread and cup is shared today around the world in different cultures and languages, may we together remember the death and resurrection of Jesus, and as such be obedient to His command. Grant us courage to proclaim Jesus to our families and our world through words and actions.

    We also pray for believers around our world who are suffering persecution or discrimination as a result of their faith in you Jesus. Grant courage, strength and perseverance; pour out your grace on their lives. May their faith be a holy witness to those who do not yet know you as Saviour and Lord.

    September 24th, 2023

    Holy One, you have built your church

    on the foundation of disciples

    and prophets, Jesus Christ himself, the chief cornerstone.

    Join us together in unity of spirit

    that we may become a holy temple,

    ever growing and serving as your faithful people.

    With reverence and awe,

    we place our trust in you who

    is able to do immeasurably more

    than all we ask or imagine, according to your power that is at work within us.

    Expand our minds;

    guide us beyond our well-worn paths;

    challenge our assumptions;

    gentle our anxieties;

    liberate us from all fear;

    and grant us courage and patience to wait on you,

    with hope and curious anticipation.

    Loving God, hear our prayers for the world around us.

    We pray for those oppressed by governments or economic systems,

    those who are living amidst war and violence

    those who can only stand by as their children die

    from starvation, preventable disease,

    or street violence.

    Hear the rising cry from all who stand in need.

    God of life hear our prayer for creation

    Forgive us for our overuse and misuse

    or natural resources,

    for our excessive carbon footprint

    and our contribution to climate change.

    May we steward your gift of creation

    with humility and deep gratitude.

    Gracious God, we also bring to you our own needs.

    Hear our prayer for all who suffer,

    whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

    May your presence surround and sustain us

    so that we may know your love and live.

    Where there is pain, grant peace;

    Wherever grief is deep, grant comfort.

    May your healing touch restore health and strength.

    Hold the broken places of our hearts and our lives

    In your loving hands.

    We pray your kingdom come and your will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven,

    in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    September 17th, 2023

    Faithful God, we call on your presence and your grace

    as we journey the reimagining church road and

    the race you have set before us.

    Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus.

    May our hearts be deeply rooted in trust.

    You are with us.

    Set our pace that we may further your will, not our own.
    When we falter, give us fresh strength and courage.
    When we sail fast as the wind, may your name be glorified.

    Keep us from wanting to win at others expense.
    As we marathon together,

    Holy Spirit, stir our hearts,

    inspire and nourish our faith,

    shape and transform us as disciples of healing and hope. .

    We offer our thanks for the treasure of good company

    accompanying us each step, including our Hampstead friends.

    Grant them deep peace and comfort as their journey continues to unfold.

    God of all our journeys,

    open our eyes that we may see the deepest needs of people;
    move our hands that they may feed the hungry;
    touch our hearts that they may bring warmth to the despairing;
    teach us generosity that welcomes strangers;
    Give us compassion that strengthens the sick

    and comforts the grieving.

    Listening God,

    Thank you that you continue to meet us, whatever road we journey,

    whether it be endings or fresh beginnings.

    whether it be amidst our celebrations or deepest sorrows.

    You know us. You see us. You love us.

    Hear now our prayers for our households of faith;

    family and friends, our own needs…. Which we now offer in silence.

    Grant peace to those struggling with mental illness or addiction

    those who live with pain, loss, uncertainty.

    Comfort those walking through the valley of the shadow of death and their loved ones.

    We pray for all who stand in a place of need.

    Holy One, open our eyes to recognize the new thing you are doing

    In the world, in your church, in our lives.

    Grant us grace to see, and courage respond.

    We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray saying:

    Our Father…….

    September 11th, 2023

    Lord Jesus, we thank you for the call to be disciples which came in such an uneventful way.

    Contrary to the wisdom of the world you didn’t start with the privileged and the wealthy and the powerful. You didn’t begin with those who had little need and little desire for change. Rather, you began with the ordinary. You began with some fisherfolk.

    We pray that your call “Come, follow me,” might again reverberate through our souls and your church.
    May we hear again the challenge to be your disciples and leave behind the security of our nets.

    May we hear again the message of God’s good news and God’s vision for the world restored.

    May we with courage respond to your invitation to “become” – living into transformation through the power of your Spirit.

    May we be freed from all that keeps us from casting new nets – rethinking, reinventing, recasting, reimagining.

    May we hear again those simple words: “Come, follow me,” and may we come, just as we are, and know again the depth of your grace and love for us.

    Lord, we pray for world leaders that they might work for peace,

    lay down the weapons of war, and uphold the dignity of each person.

    We pray for the displaced, the despairing, and those who live in desperate situations. May all receive the security and safety they need to prosper and thrive.

    We pray for your church that we may be salt and light,

    hope and healing for the hurting, and those who struggle

    We pray for our households of faith

    our family and friends

    Hear our prayers for

    those struggling physically, emotionally, or relationally,

    those working to overcome or live with mental illness

    those facing challenges at home or at work,

    those grieving the death of a loved one,

    those who seeking wisdom and light amidst troubles.

    . Strengthen those we pray, awaiting medical appointments;

    draw near to those absorbing a hard diagnosis and uncertain next steps;

    comfort those walking through the valley of the shadow of death and their loved ones.

    We pray for all who stand in a place of need.

    Holy One, open our eyes to recognize the new thing you are doing

    In the world, in your church, in our lives.

    Grant us grace to see, and courage respond.

    We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray saying:

    Our Father…….

    September 3rd, 2023

    (Based on Genesis 1)

    In the beginning God created all things,
    and God saw that they were good.

    At our beginning, God created us
    unique and irreplaceable, loved and wanted by God,
    known and treasured by God even before He created us.

    In all our new beginnings, God creates something new
    so we will seek God in the freshness of this morning,
    in the laughter of friends,
    in the colors of creation,
    and in the beauty of community.

    Lord God, King of Creation,
    open our eyes to see your presence,
    our souls to sense your presence,
    and our hearts to love your presence,
    ever here in your creation,
    and ever beyond it in eternity.

    O God, thank you for the amazing beauty, wonder, and diversity of all of creation around us. We see your fingerprint on all that you have made. Sea life, flowers and trees, the animal kingdom, the wonder of stars, galaxies, nebula, atoms, and electrons; so much of our created world is too minute to see with our eyes….yet all was designed and created for a purpose by you God. We also give thanks that you have created each of us, all of humanity in your image. You know us intimately, you know our names, our thoughts before we speak, and you love us. Thank you Jesus!

    O God, as we rejoice and celebrate your creation this morning, we also recognize that there are those who grieve today, those who are struggling thru painful situations, those in need of healing, of food, of renewed relationships. God, be present in their lives. We pray that your comfort and peace be poured out on all who are weary, lonely and exhausted. Holy Spirit, be their strength and their source of Hope. Lord Jesus, grant us wisdom and a renewed sense of awareness to the needs around us. Renew and fill our hearts with your compassion and grace…help us to love others as you have loved us. We give you thanks!

    August 27th, 2023

    This summer’s worship theme has focused on “Seeking Peace Together.” Worship themes have included “Peace with God,” Peace with Self,” and today’s theme “Peace with Others.” When we sing, it is an act of peacemaking as is our practise of praying for the world God loves, the church God calls, and lifting our needs:

    God of peace, we bow our hearts before you in prayer for this world that so desperately needs your peace. Here in this corner of the world, our lives are filled with bounty – fresh fruits and vegetables, clean drinking water, meaningful work, homes, and safety in our communities…..

    and we are so deeply aware that peace can be fleeting and all the ways control can lead to conflict. Guide us we pray to make the difficult decisions required to be makers and maintainers of peace, in our families, our relationships, our workplaces, our neighbourhoods.

    Listening God, we pray for peace of mind, body, and spirit body for those we love

    and those whose needs we carry deep in our hearts.

    Comfort the grieving

    Grant courage to the despairing, the weak, and the struggling

    Hold steady the troubled, the conflicted, the worried.

    Be bright hope for those anticipating transitions,

    new responsibilities, new places of learning or work.

    Gentle all fears and light the paths you call us to walk.

    May your healing touch and your comfort enfold and

    restore the sick to health. We pray for peace within whom we share life aware how our actions can escalate or diffuse conflict. Lord, hear our prayer.

    God of peace, we pray that conflicts within our community will be resolved in healthy, life-giving ways. We pray that the divisions and animosity present in our nation be eased; that people would listen well, think clearly, and speak with truth and kindness.

    We pray for those in places of violence, that you would calm their fears and shield them from harm. We pray for all affected by raging wildfires – first responders, the displaced, and the weary. We also pray for those with power, that they will work toward the justice that leads to peace.

    Holy God, we give thanks that despite our brokenness and the messiness of our own relationships your will is done. Your grace is sufficient. Your grace abounds. You are faithful and good. Bless your church, as we strive to walk in the shoes of peace.

    We pray in the name of the Prince of Peace, Amen

    August 20th, 2023

    Oh God, make me, make us, an instrument of Your Peace
    Where there is hatred let me sow Your love.
    Where there is injury, your pardon Lord.
    And where there is doubt, true faith in you.
    Where there is despair, may we be agents of Holy Hope.
    Where there is darkness, let us shine Your light.
    And where there is sadness, may we be a source of comfort and joy.

    O Divine Master grant that we may
    not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    To be loved as to love
    For it is in giving that we receive-
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
    And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    Holy God, make us an instrument of Your Peace.

    (adapted from The Prayer of St. Francis)

    We give you praise O God for the fact that you call us your children, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for working in us and through us, calling us to be your hands and feet in this world, in our communities, and in our families. Make us instruments of Your Peace.

    God, grant us the ability to see our world through your eyes, mould our hearts with renewed compassion, grant us courage and strength to strive for justice, and in love always strive to see others as Your created children. We praise you for answered prayer, for the gift of life and strength, and for the gift of family, friends, and community. We also commit our needs to you, calling upon you God for healing, for comfort for those who grieve, for your work of grace in all of our lives. God of power, God of love; lead us and guide us by your holy hand.

    August 13th, 2023

    God, like the Israelites in the wilderness, we too have known Your love,

    and experienced Your care and provision.

    You invite us to extend that love to the world around us—

    to care for others as deeply as we care for ourselves.

    And so we bring the needs of our world before You now.

    In Your mercy, hear our prayer.

    We pray for the many who do not have enough:

    enough food to eat, or shelter to keep warm; enough employment, or money to pay their bills;

    enough medicine or medical care.

    Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

    We also pray for those who have more than enough,

    but who still struggle to find meaning and purpose in life;

    who indulge in dangerous or self-serving activities to dull their pain or loneliness.

    Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

    God, Your grace reaches out to all of us.

    You call us to live as citizens of heaven, working together on earth with one heart and mind.

    Strengthen us to live in a manner worthy of the Good News we have received,

    offering our lives in service of Your kingdom, where the last are first, and the first are last,

    and there is grace enough for all.

    Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

    In the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, Amen.

    – Christine Longhurst (adapted)

    August 6th, 2023

    We give you thanks and praise always, Creator God,

    for your love and knowledge surpasses all.

    Like a potter at the wheel, you created every part of us,

    shaping us in secret, in the hidden depths.

    You read our inmost thoughts and desires and keep your hand upon us.

    You know us by name and have claimed us as your own.

    You are familiar with all of our ways,

    our greatest joys and our deepest pain.

    You know our dreams and our hopes.

    You know what causes us to stumble or stray.

    Your desire for our flourishing is steadfast.

    Still, your hand of blessing and healing is upon us.

    May your hand of blessing rest upon and uphold

    those whose needs we know

    and those whose needs are tucked deep in their hearts.

    Be comfort for the grieving,

    strength for the weary.

    Lead the wandering by your hand of grace.

    Surround the despairing, the lonely, the isolated with your joy and hope.

    Fill our hearts, our homes,

    our country, and your world with your peace.

    As we soak in these summer days,

    we pray for safety for summer travellers,

    restoration that comes with vacation time,

    meaningful times of fellowship

    and delight in all the flavours and bounty of this season.

    Loving and creative God, make us the people you want us to be.

    May we follow in the path of Jesus each day

    and proclaim your love in all that we say and do.

    We pray in the strong name of Jesus. Amen

    July 30th, 2023

    Holy One, your welcome is wide

    and the table is wide

    and your arms open wide to gather us in.

    You invite us to “come” just as we are

    with all that we hold – our joys and gratitude,

    with the heavy baggage that weighs us down

    and the unhealed places of our hearts.

    Your welcome extends to us whether

    youthful or weary

    tired or troubled

    gracious or grumpy

    secure in our faith

    or seeking and searching.

    You invite us to your table with joy.

    And we come

    as your people who trust in your grace.

    We come unhindered and free.

    And our deepest hunger will be

    satisfied with the Bread of Life, which is you.

    And our deepest thirst will be quenched

    as we drink deeply from your cup of blessing.

    At your table of grace

    transform us to be bread

    for a hungering world,

    and drink for those who thirst.

    May our table be wide

    and the welcome be wide.

    May our hospitality be generous and joyful.

    God of grace, you welcome us and prayers

    for our needs, those we love, and the world.

    Be comfort for the grieving – our hearts are weeping.

    Be strength for the hurting, those faced with big decisions and transition,

    and those who struggle or find life hard.

    We pray for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness.

    Held in your wide embrace, hear our prayers for those

    who gather at conflicted family tables;

    world leaders gathered at the tables of power.

    Pour out your grace at the tables of the poor, the marginalized,

    the sick, those who are far from home,

    and those who yearn for safety and security.

    May all creation know your justice,

    your peace that surpasses all understanding,

    your love that sustains and heals.

    May we each know your welcome and grace

    and extend your welcome wide.

    We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

    July 23rd, 2023

    Great God:
    Thank you for the constant call we hear from you every day.
    The wind whispering around our ears, the birds singing to us from the trees,
    rain pinging on the window, the good earth inviting our steps.
    We hear that call again and again, through kind hands and warm hearts around us.
    Open our ears to your call, which is as expansive as the world,
    and as particular as a poor man walking a dusty road to a cross on Calvary.
    Like him, help us to love, not just in word, but in deed:
    love for our neighbours who are hard to love,
    love for newcomers in our community,
    love for people who are cast out by others.
    Forgive us for the times we have failed to share your love,

    choosing to hoard what is freely given,
    fearful that we have limited resources, limited time…we’re too tired.
    Thank you that even then, your consoling voice calls us.
    Help us to respond with cheerful hearts as we do your work.
    Strengthen those among us who face heavy burdens

    who live with pain; physical, emotional, spiritual.
    Holy Spirit, bind us together as a community to sing your chorus of love faithfully, heartily.
    Multiply your call in us and through us.
    In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen. [Carol Penner]

    July 16th, 2023

    Holy God, where can we go from your spirit?

    Where can we flee from your presence?

    If we ascend to success, happiness, esteem, confidence, pleasure,

    you are there.

    If we descend to failure, depression, humiliation, fear, pain,

    you are there.

    Even when we try to get away from you,

    when we desperately want to hide ourselves from you,

    you do not stop loving us.

    You do not stop leading us into fullness of life.

    Your creative energy is part of our deepest selves—

    selves that you have loved, and do love, and will love until the end.

    Thank you, God, for being around us and within us,

    with us and for us, now and always.

    July 9th, 2023

    God of sunlight and starry summer nights, we yearn to truly become the

    salt and the light of the world. We yearn for there to be more love on earth.

    Change our hearts and our lives that we may be more understanding

    and loving to one another, ready to respond to needs.

    Righteous God, we pray that there may be greater justice on earth.

    May governments and public officials

    make room in their priorities and budgets

    for the socially marginalized, those without work,

    immigrants, the poor, and the hungry.

    May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    God of peace, we pray that there be more peace on earth.

    May nations put an end to words of hatred

    threats of revenge, and lay down the weapons of war.

    We pray for peace in our hearts,

    our homes, our nation, and in the world.

    We pray for peace through peaceful means.

    God of joy, we pray that there be more joy on earth,

    May we who strive to walk in the ways of Jesus

    ask questions, cultivate curiosity as we learn and

    grow in faith together.

    God of compassion, we pray for healing, hope, and wholeness

    for ourselves and for all who are journeying painful health challenges,

    We pray for the grieving,

    the lonely,

    the isolated,

    those distanced from family or friends by miles or conflict,

    and those who find life hard.

    Surround us and fill us with your presence of peace.

    Grace us with resilience, the capacity to wait,

    tolerance for differences, and kindness in all our words and actions.

    Hear our prayers which we offer you now in the silence of our hearts.

    Faithful God, may there be more faith on earth,

    May the fruits of our VBS labours

    bear good fruit in children’s lives

    and in all of our lives.

    Strengthen us to serve you

    with all our heart, mind and strength

    in Jesus’ name. Amen

    July 2nd, 2023

    Loving Parent,

    who exists beyond the realms we can imagine

    and within the deepest parts of ourselves,

    we thank you for the joy of gathering in community

    and we celebrate together,

    all that is good, and beautiful, and holy in our lives.

    Tender Parent,

    we thank you for the teachings of Jesus

    and for the privilege of coming to you in prayer.

    We lift up the people in this community and those we love,

    for concerns which we know,

    for the needs of loved ones which we carry in our heart.

    May your tender embrace each,

    the weary, those who are awaiting on referrals,

    treatments, or next steps,

    and those who find life hard.

    Nurturing Parent,

    we pray that all people will have their daily bread—

    the food, housing, health care, support, and safety they need

    to survive and thrive.

    We pray for equitable care, just systems,

    and that the humanity of each be respected.

    Guiding Parent,

    let our earthly leaders follow your will

    so that the people and the systems of this world

    might look more and more like your reign of peace and justice.

    Protecting Parent,

    deliver your children from all harm.

    We pray for all who suffer pain in mind, body, or spirit,

    all who live in fear,

    all who grieve,

    all who face violence in its many forms.

    Holy Parent,

    let these prayers rise up as incense before you

    as we pray with this community of faith

    and in the quiet of our own hearts.

    We offer our prayer in all the holy names of God. Amen.

    June 25th, 2023

    Shepherding God, you invite us to lie down in green pastures,

    to rest beside still water. You promise to restore our soul.

    We thank you for summer days of renewal, restoration, and play.

    As we stand in a place of need, we thank you that you are our source of rest.

    Lord, Jesus, you see what weighs us down,

    what causes us to lose heart.

    In times of weakness, struggle, and pain,
    yours is the strength by which we carry on,
    the shoulder we rest our head upon.
    When our load is heavy and too much to bear,
    yours are the arms stretched out to help us
    the grace that we depend on.

    In times of weariness and restlessness,
    your invitation is heard,
    ‘Come to me… find rest.’
    This is grace indeed,
    the path we journey to wholeness
    for mind, body and spirit,
    the path that leads to you.

    God of rest, within your embrace we find comfort and healing. We bring to you those who are weak, or struggling with physical, mental, relational, or spiritual health. You are the great healer, and we pray for healing, restoration, and renewal for those we now name in the silence of our hearts or aloud…………

    God of rest, within your embrace we find justice. We bring to you the brave voices who cry out for freedom and those prepared to stand up to injustice. During this Pride Month, we pray for our hearts and minds to be open to our own homophobia, transphobia, to be open to our own racism, sexism, and all the ways we fear those who are different from us. We pray that we will never cease in our journey to learn how to love more radically including walking the path of reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours.

    God of rest, within your embrace we find peace. We bring to you the displaced, refugees who have fled home, victims of violence in its many forms, and for all those who have dedicated their lives for the search for peace and reconciliation.

    God of rest, within your embrace we experience belovedness,

    belonging, and holy fellowship.

    Clear the chaos and the clutter;

    clear our eyes that we can see;

    all the things that really matter;

    Be our peace, we pray in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen

    June 18th, 2023

    Gracious God,

    In love you created us,
    and in love you sustain us, day after day.
    We bow our hearts and heads before you, 
    knowing you hear us, you know us,

    and you will respond to our deepest prayers.

    We pray for the world,

    for all who suffer and call out for help:

                those without shelter or enough food to eat ,

                those caught up in violence and political uprisings,

                those picking up the pieces after a natural disaster and wildfires,

                those desperate to find work to support their families.

    We pray for our neighbours and households of faith

                our family and friends

    Hear our prayers for

                those struggling physically, emotionally, or relationally,

                those working to overcome or live with mental illness,

                those facing challenges at home or at work,

                those grieving the death of a loved one,

                those who seeking wisdom and light amidst troubles. 

    .           Strengthen those we pray, awaiting medical appointments;  

                draw near to those absorbing a hard diagnosis and uncertain next steps;

    comfort those walking through the valley of the shadow of death and their loved ones.

                 We pray for all who stand in a place of need. 

                  In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer.

    God, you have called us to pray for our enemies;

    to bless, rather than curse, those who cause us harm. 

    We bring before you those who have wounded us, physically or emotionally;

                those who have broken trust; 

                       those who have caused harm through words, actions, or silence

                Lord hear our silent prayers…

    Forgive us when we have wounded physically or emotionally,

              have broken trust,

    or caused harm through words, actions, or silence.

                 Lord, hear our silent prayers

    Open our hearts so that we may see one another as you see us, 

    and be able to live in the ways of your love, your kindness, your compassion.

    God, we praise you for your faithful love,

    and for your sustaining strength. 

    Open our eyes to recognize your presence in our lives

    and the power of your love and care transforming us. 

    Give us grace to hear your call,

    and courage to follow without hesitation.

    We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray saying: 

    Our Father…….


    June 11, 2023

    Gracious, Holy God, we come to you this morning as your children, rejoicing in your provision, your care, and your calling on our lives. We praise you that you live in us by the Holy Spirit and rejoice that you call us to partner with you in ministering your grace and love to a hurting world.

    We praise you because You call us to service; to be your eyes and ears, hands and voice in this, your world.
    To open our eyes not only to the beauty and love which you create, but the injustice,
    hate and suffering that humankind generates.
    To open our ears not only to the chattering of this coming week,
    but the searching, fears and questioning of all whom we shall meet.
    To open our hands not only to those we choose our lives to share, but in welcome,
    love and fellowship to all who you draw near.

    To open our mouths not only to speak platitudes and simple words, but the truths you lay upon our hearts.
    Your Word for this, your world.

    You call us to service, to be your eyes and ears, hands and voice in this, your world. Oh God, give us willing hearts and courageous imagination.

    As we praise you God for all that you will do in and through us, we also pray for Aiden, Jonas, and Sam as this morning they enter the water of baptism.

    May the blessing of the three-in-one God be yours.

    May the Spirit bless you with hope poured out like water and flowing as the river.

    May Jesus bless you with discomfort at injustice and oppression.

    May the Creator who holds the Earth as an artist holds brush and palette

    fill your imagination so that you always find the world inspiring and wonderful.

    May God in whose being beauty shines on you journey with you.

    God says to you, “you are my beloved, Be blessed this day and always.”


    God, hear us now as we offer our joys, our needs, and our prayers for one another in the name of your Son, Jesus.

    We pray for our households of faith for this week – the Rath household, the Regier households. Pour out your love and grace on their lives.

    We pray for those awaiting test results, follow up, and those recovering from surgery. Comfort the grieving and strengthen those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death.

    Grant courage for those facing uncertainty, bright hope for those receiving treatments, peace for those living in pain.  May your healing touch and embrace of love sustain them.

      We hold in prayer all those affected by wildfires. We pray for shelter and an outpouring of support. We pray for peace in our world where war, violence, and fear reign. Oh God, enable us to live with courage and hope.

    May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.

    June 4th, 2023

    Earth-maker, Creator,

    giver of food and drink,

    security and warmth,

    love and hope,

    life in all its goodness – 

    we praise you –

    for corn and grain sprouting,

    the smell of fresh cut grass,

    the birds of the air.

    Jesus, wisdom and word;

    lover of outcasts,

    friend of the poor;

    one of us yet one with God;

    crucified and risen;

    we praise –

    for teaching us how to live and how to love,

    including those who do us harm.

    Holy Spirit, wind and breath of life;

    bridge-builder, eye-opener,

    unseen and unexpected,

    untameable energy of life –

    we praise you –

    for your gifts of inspiration,

    disruption, and comfort.

    Holy Trinity, forever one,

    whose nature is community,

    fellowship, and communion

    may we heed your call

    to live wholly connected,

    supporting and receiving support

    giving generously and open to receive.

    May our lives together reflect

    your sacred fellowship as one.

    Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

    You see us, you know us, you love us.

    Hear us now as we offer our joys, our needs, and our prayers for one another.

    We pray for our households of faith for this week – the Poole households, the Pretorius household. We pray for those awaiting test results, follow up, and those recovering from surgery. Comfort the grieving and strengthen those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death.

    Grant courage for those facing uncertainty, bright hope for those receiving treatments, peace for those living in pain.  May your healing touch and wide embrace of love sustain.

                So many places in the world are rocked with violence, fear, and more. We hold in prayer all those affected by wildfires. We pray for shelter and an outpouring of support. We pray for peace amongst waring nations, the peace that comes form making justice.

    May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


    May 28th, 2023

    Come, Holy Spirit! Come, anew and fill us with your love.
    Open our eyes to see the presence of God all around us,
    in the stillness of this sacred space,
    in the busyness and noise of full days,
    in the joys and celebrations of our lives,
    in the tragedies and struggles that break our hearts.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and comfort those who grieve.
    Grant them the peace that only you can bring.
    Stir within us a trust in life beyond death,
    as we ponder the mysteries of Christ’s resurrection
    and the hope we have in new and everlasting life.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and bring wholeness to the sick.
    Strengthen those who are weak;
    heal the wounded and broken;
    give rest to the weary.

    Hear us now as we name in silence our own needs for healing and wholeness.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and inspire our troubled world to seek peace,
    to love our enemies,
    to lay down all weapons,

    to respect the dignity of all.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and ignite a fire in our bones,
    a passion for justice that cannot be quenched
    until all have bread,
    until no one is marginalized or oppressed,
    until everyone has the opportunity to thrive,
    until the world is transformed and renewed.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and revive your church.
    Liberate us from complacency and apathy;
    inspire us with Christ’s vision for a world reborn;
    strengthen us in service for others;

    and transform our hearts and our minds.

    Gracious God, give us a glimpse of your kingdom
    emerging around us
    and drawing us into the new things
    you are doing in the world.
    It is for your kingdom that we now pray,
    filled with your Spirit, using the words Jesus taught us.

    Our Father…

    May 21st, 2023

    Good and gracious God, teach us what it means to be strong and immovable in our faith. Guide us to live lives to the fullest of our capacities and gifts, all for your glory. May our words and actions be seasoned with grace and kindness, compassion and empathy. Nurture the good fruit of peace and generosity, self-control and joy in our lives and in your church.

    When life is difficult, as it can be at times due to emotional, physical or relational pain, stressors of family life, work or school we confess, we don’t always show up our best selves. Forgive us when we harm others from our unhealed wounds and grant us a forgiving spirit toward those who do us harm. Restore us to wholeness. Heal and transform our brokenness into wisdom and gracious living. Foster in us a forgiving and obedient spirit ready to share the love of Jesus with all whom we share life.

    God of the journey, make us strong and firmly rooted as we are being transformed by your love and care for us. Let the distractions of greed, selfishness, pride never take root in our thoughts or hearts. May we discern your voice and truth above all other voices in our lives. Grant us strength amidst suffering and perseverance and resilience to withstand the forces that lure us away from your good way.

    God of peace, we pray for those who suffer due to war and violence; those displaced due to wildfire or floods. We pray for children who are hungry and parents unable to provide. We pray wisdom for world leaders and lasting peace that comes from making justice.

    Listening God, we also bring our needs in prayer.

    Be with the lonely, comfort the grieving and those who are journeying hard paths.

    Grant deep peace for those living with anxiety, worries, or addiction.  

    Heal those recovering from surgery.

    Grant patience for those receiving treatment or awaiting test results.

    We pray for those living with increased physical limitations,

    and those journeying the shadow of death.

    May your comfort and presence of peace draw near.

    Faithful God, gather us into the warmth and security of your embrace,

    and the stronghold of your love.

    These things we pray in the name of Jesus

    who taught us to pray saying…Our Father……

    May 14th, 2023

    O God of Love, God of grace, we come before you this morning in gratitude and in worship.

    We are privileged to be your eternal family, to be children of such a parent, loving us so perfectly. On this beautiful Mother’s Day morning we come to you celebrating the gift of family. We see your glory and your wisdom in the diversity of that gift—a diversity that has always existed. We pray for small families like Elizabeth and Zechariah and their precious only son, John, and for large families like Jacob’s, with his twelve sons. We ask your blessing on multigenerational families like Timothy’s, whose mother and grandmother raised him in the faith.  Bless single person families like Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. We pray especially for broken families like King David’s, whether that brokenness is the result of death, destroyed relationship, or simply distance. We also pray for those like Ruth and Naomi who came through the pain of loss to establish new family ties.

    We celebrate that you are a God who creates in beauty and wonder; we see that beauty and your creative handiwork in all of nature around us as Spring awakens the earth into life. We also celebrate your creation of humanity; for babies, children, adults, and elderly. We would echo the words of amazement and wonder of the Psalmist David as he wrote “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139)

    We also praise you because you are a God who heals, comforts, and restores. O God, bring comfort to those who are lonely, those who are living with grief, and those who today are facing what may seem like overwhelming  situations. May your presence bring hope and peace.

    We also rejoice with those who have experienced your healing, your gracious wisdom, or the power of your grace in their lives. We give you praise and lift our hearts in worship.

    May 7th, 2023

    Holy One, we give you thanks for all your gifts to us—

    for daily food, for health, for each breath we take,

    for freedom to choose,

    and for the gifts of your Word, your power and your love.

    Our hearts overflow,

    as we consider how you have entrusted so much to us.

    May we be worthy of that trust—

    may we be a people who are unafraid to live

    as fully and as richly as you want us to live.

    Lord Jesus, as your followers

    guide and strengthen us

    to serve wholeheartedly,

    live generously, love extravagantly,

    even if it means being misunderstood.

    May we always strive to do good

    especially to those who have done us harm.

    Spirit of God, we pray for the church gathered today,

    both here and around the world.,

    May each member be inspired,

    to discover, develop and use all their gifts,

    for the furthering of your mission.

    We pray for our annual meeting today.

    May we be open to your Spirit’s leading,

    listening deeply, open to your transforming power.

    We thank you today for each person who calls this church home.

    For caregiving ministries, teaching and worship ministries,

    Formation and fellowship ministries.

    May our lives be enriched as we serve and grow in faith together.

    Listening God, we also pray for those

    who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness.

    We pray for those who suffer, the lonely, the distressed,

    the grieving and those who are journeying a hard path.

    We pray for those living with addiction, anxiety, or worries,

    those recovering from surgery or awaiting surgery,

    those receiving treatment and those anticipating next steps.

    We pray for the aged who live with increased limitations.

    We pray for those journeying the shadow of death

    and their families who hold them with love.

    May we rest in the warmth and security of your embrace,

    in the stronghold of your love.

    These things we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus

    who taught us to pray saying…Our Father……

    April 30th, 2023

    God, our Gentle Shepherd,

    We praise you for all the ways you lead us to respite and rest

    You are provider and sustainer of our lives.

    We will never be in want.

    You lead us to fields of plenty.

    You refresh our souls with the cool clear waters of your Spirit.

    Lord Jesus, our Good Shepherd,

    we follow You because we know Your voice.

    With confidence we know You will lead us through the darkest valley.

    You are faithful to accompany us

    so we will fear no evil but be comforted.

    You came to give us life and bless life abundantly. 

    You have prepared Your table for us and anoint us to further your mission in the world.

    Pour out the blessing of your Spirit:

    as we worship, serve, and share life together,

    as we respond to your voice.

    Nourish and strengthen us.

    Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world,

    we confess that we stray from your goodness,

    your will and your ways of peace.

    All of us are like sheep who have gone astray—

    we have not loved You with our whole heart;

    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

    We are sorry and we humbly repent.

    Shepherding God, today we pray for one another…

    including our wider Mennonite Church Canada community of faith.

    Bless Doug Klassen and his ministry, MCEC leadership gathered this weekend,

    and each of our sister congregations…

    May our witness of peace bless your world.

    We pray today for those who suffer.

    We pray for the children. May hope be theirs.

    We pray for those who live in plenty, but also those who live in want,

    the lonely or isolated,

    the grieving and those who struggle or find days hard.

    May hope be theirs.

    We pray for those living with addiction, anxiety, or worries,

    those recovering from surgery or awaiting surgery,

    those receiving treatment and those anticipating next steps.

    We pray for the aged who live with increased limitations.

    May hope be theirs.

    For the needs of loved ones which we name before you now

    aloud or in the silence of our hearts…………may hope be theirs.

    Shepherd us O God, beyond our needs,

    beyond our wants.

    May we rest in the warmth and security of your embrace,

    in the stronghold of your love.

    May Your goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives.

    These things we pray in the name of your Son, Jesus

    who taught us to pray saying…Our Father……

    April 23rd, 2023

    –As the song writer pens,

    We are pilgrims on a journey

    We are travellers on the road

    We are here to help each

    Walk the mile and bear the load.

    We praise you Holy One for revealing the power of your love

    that breaks through our limited expectations, our narrow understandings,

    your love that removes every stone

    that entombs us with fear, despair, pain.

    Thank you, Lord Jesus that you come alongside us on the road of faith

    and for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit

    as we share life together.

    When we engage in conversations of faith, study of scripture,

    bread and cup, caring and forgiving,

    reveal yourself anew as the God whom even death could not hold.  

    Forgive us when we put others in boxes.

    Free us from our own confining life-denying boxes.

    Open our eyes to your presence.

    Open our hearts to your mystery.

    From gentle flicker to blazing flame,

    may our hearts burn within as we encounter your risen presence.

    In response to yesterday’s Earth Day, we pray:

    Creator God, majestic maker

    we sit in awe and wonder.

    We listen to the breath of earth and the song of heaven.

    Let the skies sing for joy,

    and the earth join its chorus.
    Let us listen to the oceans thunder

    and watch the fields join in praise

    Let the weeds in pavement cracks sing out,

    every tree, forgotten sprout..

    May we be faithful stewards of your good earth,

    Forgive us when we fail and stumble.

                          (please take a few minutes to check out this video from Rockway Collegiate’s Single-Use Plastics

    Video:  https://youtu.be/qKCTGjqq2N0   

    Listening God, we offer our prayers for one another:

    Our households of faith this week: the Miller family, the Nafziger families.

    We pray for those who grieve………

    the sick, the weary,

    those facing physical limitations due to aging bodies,  

    those recovering from surgery, awaiting surgery,

    those awaiting test results, or treatments…………

    We pray for those journeying the shadow of death,

    And all who stand in need of your healing touch and wholeness……

    May your resurrection give life,

    May your resurrection give hope to the hopeless,

    May your resurrection give joy to those who yearn for new life,
    May your resurrection bring new possibilities.

    We pray in the name of the one whose footsteps we seek to follow and who taught us to pray:

    Our Father who art in heaven,

    April 16th, 2023

    Gracious, loving God, we come to you this morning with praise and rejoicing on our lips as we have walked through this post-resurrection week. “Jesus is Risen. He is Risen indeed.” Thank you God for the gift of salvation, the gift of forgiveness through your Son Jesus. We praise you that we have a living hope through the resurrection of Christ from the grave. Death has been defeated and life eternal granted. For this we lift our praise.

    However, we also confess that there are times when hope dims, we take our eyes off you Jesus and we stumble and fall. God, in those moments help us to cling to the promise of your Word that if we confess our sins, you God are faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. We give you praise.

    We would also echo the prayer of David as he cried out “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51

    Oh God, as we see the renewal of creation all around us during this Spring season, our prayer is that you would also renew our hearts so that we may truly live in Hope and walk in obedience to you as Jesus did. May your re-creation power be at work in us.

    Hear our prayer of confession:

    For failing to love others as you have loved us,

        God of grace, forgive us.

    For wasting your gifts and hoarding our goods,

        God of grace, forgive us.

    For plundering the earth and abusing the planet

        God of grace, forgive us.

    For fearing those who are strange to us and ignoring those in need,

        God of grace, forgive us.

    For losing heart at times, and abandoning Hope,

        God of grace, forgive us.

    For all the ways we turn from you,

        God of grace, forgive us.

    We offer our prayers in the name

       of the One who saves us, Jesus Christ our Lord.


    April 14th, 2023

    Good morning WMC Family

    How about this for another sunshine “summer” day? Enjoy

    Sue Compton is a good friend of ours at The Gathering Church and has a beautiful skill in writing. She has written and published one novel and is in the process of having a second one published, Several weeks ago she shared the following poem with Gloria and I, and I would like to share it with you. God is at work in creation and within us as well.

    And yes, I realize it may feel like the days of “Slush” are behind us; however, we are still very much in the season of Spring. May you be encouraged by this poem.

    Blessings on your day.



    In seasons of ice and slush
    I spend too much time looking
    at my feet. Cautious, worried steps
    in futile attempt to avoid
    wet feet and headlong plummet.

    But the once-frozen stream now
    babbles me awake; look up, notice
    sunshine, hints of green under dead
    grass and branches not yet budding
    but no longer stiff frozen, hopeful
    sap hidden to my eye.

    If the Maker of rebirth, of
    tiny bud and hard-shelled seed
    cracked open, of hibernation
    end and unexpected warm sunrays,
    has never forgotten during
    deep winter freeze,

    what has been planted,
    cracked open, waiting to
    within my heart?

    On days like this if I stand
    still and alone in the wood
    can I hear the sap running
    to awaken fresh green life?
    Or is that my own life force
    rushing in my ears?

    On days like this I hear
    You whisper

    By A. S. Compton

    April 9th, 2023

    On this bright Easter morning,

    we welcome you Christ Jesus, into our lives.
    We welcome your resurrection for it is
    life changing, life giving , and life sustaining.
    We welcome the hope it brings to our world.
    We welcome the joy it brings to our darkness.
    We welcome you Risen Jesus,

    active and present in the world and in our lives.

    Help us to grasp resurrection,
    to understand its power,
    to see its force at work in our world,
    overturning oppressive powers,
    transforming greed and selfishness within us,
    moving the world slowly, persistently,
    toward love and justice.

    On this day of great gladness
    empower us to be your Easter witnesses
    proclaiming good news.
    Good news in our kitchens and living rooms,
    good news in our workplaces and workshops
    good news in our classrooms and committees
    Help us to be that good news,
    walking softly on this good earth
    caring gently for all people,
    living with bright hope and with praise on our lips and in our hearts.

    Amidst our joyous alleluia’s, we know many are struggling.

    We hold in prayer all who are grieving………

    the sick, the weary, the worn……..

    those recovering from surgery,

    those awaiting test results, or treatment…………

    We pray for those journeying the shadow of death,

    each one standing in need of your healing touch and wholeness……

    each place in the world that is torn by war and violence…………

    Risen Lord, may your resurrection give life,

    May your resurrection be bright hope to the hopeless,

    May your resurrection be joy to those who yearn for new life,
    May your resurrection bring new possibilities.

    Living God, Risen Christ, God of Easter resurrection
    make us your living Church,
    Your risen Church,
    Your Easter Church,
    we pray in the powerful name of Jesus the Christ. Amen

    Holy One, you invite us to come before you, faithfully presenting our prayers and requests with thanksgiving. And we have so many reasons to lift up our voices in praise.

    April 3rd, 2023

    Thank you, God for your triumphal entry into our world each and every day.
    The slow motion explosion of bulbs emerging from the cold earth, proclaim “Hosanna!”
    Melting snow, the robin’s song, spring breezes, proclaim “Hosanna!”
    The fragrance of spring in the morning air proclaims, “Hosanna!”

    We join this chorus, giving you thanks and praise for who you are, for who you reveal yourself to be.

    Holy One, you sent Jesus, who showed us your love for all creation and your love for us. He opened our eyes to see your kingdom come here on earth.

    Forgive us when we go about our own business,
    concerned with many things, oblivious to the needs of those around us,
    oblivious to the call of your love in our heart.

    Hosanna, we cry out today with hope.

    Hope that is revealed in the face of a newborn and his parents.

    Hope that is revealed through generosity of resources and time,

    and willingness to serve. We ask your blessing today upon Delores as she begins a new term as Elder… and we pray for each one who has responded to the invitation grow into their gifts and serve in the coming year.

    Hosanna, we cry out today, “save us,” because the world is in great need…..

    Bombs dropping, innocent lives terrorized.

    Environmental destruction, division between peoples and nations

    Poverty, oppression, hunger…

    We are tempted to despair.
    Open our eyes to your entry into our world as the Prince of peace,
    changing hearts, transforming our hearts, one by one,
    shaping peacemakers who say no to violence, injustice, marginalization

    God of great deeds, open our hearts to be your hearts,
    our hands to be your hands,
    our arms, to be your loving arms
    for all who need your presence.

    You know the people in our congregation and community standing in a place of need: those with new diagnoses, those waiting for tests or next steps, those living with chronic pain or facing ongoing treatments, or uncertain future. We pray for those recovering from surgery, those whose injuries are complex and many.We grieve with all who are grieving, and we ask you for comfort and healing.

    Lord Jesus, you entered Jerusalem,

    On your way to suffering and death

    For the sake of our salvation.

    This is the mystery and wonder of Holy Week which we now enter.

    As we draw near to you,

    may we not turn our eyes away

    but rather bravely walk in your footsteps….

    Sustain us as we move through these difficult days together.

    In the power of your Spirit,

    and in your name. Amen.

    March 26th, 2023

    God of resurrection new life,

    We are surrounded by a world of dry bones,

    a world of death and despair,

    a world where we lose hope in our structures, institutions,

    and at times, one another.

    We pray for this world in need of your life-giving hope.

    We pray for creation groaning under the weight of

    misuse, abuse, and the overuse of natural resources.

    We pray for all people living through war,

    oppressive political powers,

    domestic violence, racism, homophobia.

    God, who breathed life into dry bones,

    We are surrounded by people with dried up lives,

    people unable to see life past their tears.

    We pray for all who stand in need of your healing presence:

    the imprisoned, the lonely,

    the aged and the young,

    the grieving, and those who struggle to hold onto hope,

    those living with cancer, and those struggling with addiction

    and families who love and support them.

    We pray for loved ones whose needs we carry deep in our hearts.

    We name them before you now,

    aloud or in silence………….

    God of resurrection new life,

    you long to unbind us that we may live fully alive,

    in ways that bring you glory.

    Free us we pray from all that keeps us bound:

    resentment and shame,

    fear or an unhealed past.

    Open our eyes to the power of your resurrection power,

    the mystery that transforms caterpillars into butterflies

    and seeds into apple trees.

    We confess that in our end is our beginning

    in our time infinity

    In our doubt there is believing,

    In our life, eternity

    In our death a resurrection: at the last, a victory

    Unrevealed until its season, something you God alone can see.

    God, who breathes new life into us, into your world,

    call us forward to resurrection.

    Call us to follow in the footsteps of your Son Jesus,

    who taught us when we pray to say:

    Our Father in heaven . . .

    March 19th, 2023

    Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness,

    open our eyes, let us see……

    amidst war and poverty,

    injustice and oppression,

    open our eyes to see

    that which is beautiful – crocuses blooming, helping hands, the flicker of a flame;

    open our eyes to see that which is just…

    when all are fed, have safe shelter, clean water;

    open our eyes to see that which is pure…..

    glorious sunrises, sweet maple syrup, the warmth and comfort of your love.

    Sight-giver, when you walked this earth

    you healed the blind, restoring sight

    and you uncovered the blindness of your people.

    When we are blind to our pride, arrogance, privilege,

    walking in darkness,

    forgive us

    restore us.

    Open our eyes to see your gracious presence in the world,

    and in our lives,

    your beauty and your justice.

    Light of the world,

    you come to us,

    You see us – our joys and our pain,

    Our strength and struggle,

    Our beauty and brokenness.

    We offer our prayers for one another – our households of faith for this week, those awaiting test results, surgery, or recovering from surgery. We pray for those who grieve and those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray for those who live with uncertainty – grant peace we pray and acceptance. We pray for those receiving treatments, or carrying the weight of physical or emotional pain. May your healing touch and wide embrace bring comfort and deep peace.

    We also pray for all who return to classrooms tomorrow. May minds be open to learn and teach and grow. May relationships be healthy and wholesome. May the refreshment of March break sustain.

    Finally, Light of the world,

    we hold in prayer places and people in the world

    where suffering is deep…..

    The people of Ukraine and Russia….

    Those impacted by floods, or storm, or starvation.

    We pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done

    On earth as it is in heaven.

    For yours is the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. Amen!

    March 12th, 2023

    Holy God, whose Spirit moved over the waters at the dawn of creation,

    hear our prayers for all who thirst today.

    We pray for those who are spiritually thirsty,

    who long to know Your presence, to hear your voice,

    to be touched by your grace.

    We pray for those who are alone and without hope,

    those who long to feel needed and loved,

    those who are searching for meaning and purpose.

    May we remain thirsty, our deepest yearning quenched with your living water.

    We pray for all who are physically thirsty,

    who don’t have enough water to drink, or feed their animals,

    whose fields are parched, whose crops have withered;

    those who have to walk long distances to find enough water to survive,

    or whose communities including or Indigenous siblings who do not have clean water.

    We pray for those whose homes and communities are devastated

    because of drought, famine, flooding.

    We pray for those who are thirsty for justice,

    who long for an equal sharing of resources among peoples and nations;

    those who put their lives at risk to protect streams and rivers and oceans;

    those who are working to find clean water,

    and make it available to those who need it.

    God, we ask that you would open our hearts to the needs of all who thirst.

    Give us courage to work together for justice,

    to stand alongside those who are thirsty,

    so that all people, everywhere, may live without want or fear,

    and may discover the abundant life You promise to each one.

    Source of living water, we pray for all who stand in need of healing, hope,and wholeness, we pray for one another, including our households of faith for this week.

    Draw near to those awaiting test results or appointments, surgery, or recovering from surgery. We pray for those who grieve and those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray for those whose burden is light and for those whose burden is heavy. Bring relief we pray and refreshment for mind, body, and spirit.

    For needs named and yearnings too deep for words we offer all of our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, source of living water. Amen.

    March 3rd, 2023

    Oh God, in this time of Lent, we come humbly as your children, confessing our need of your work in our lives. Renew and restore us we pray.

    God of Mercy and Grace, you came to us through your Son Jesus, to break down the dividing walls of hostility between us; yet we maintain walls that separate and isolate.

    You give us the ministry of reconciliation; yet we nurse our wounds and withhold mercy and forgiveness.

    You invite us to celebrate the glory of your presence as Peter, James, and John experienced on the mountain; yet we deny the wonders you have worked in our own lives.

    You ask us to acknowledge and share our wealth; yet at times we refuse to recognize and relieve the poverty around us.

    You bless our lives with boundless love; yet we fail to witness to that love,

    and so keep others from knowing you.

    Forgive our selfishness, we pray. Transform us by your Spirit and your Word into that which pleases you.

    Make us new, enabling us to become the image of Christ in our world.

    And as you renew us, we worship you, O God, with songs of praise.

    We worship you with words of prayer and with ears that listen for you to speak your saving truth into our lives.

    We worship you in the silent spaces where we struggle for hope and for courage.

    We long for a glimpse of your glory; the glory that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it; the glory that touches lives with a beauty so holy that it heals the wounded soul;

    the glory that gives strength to the weary.

    We, who stumble and fall so often, worship you, longing for your light to shine upon us.

    Pour your holy love into our lives; draw us into your purifying presence;

    speak to us your transforming truth.

    Then, grant us grace to live every moment changed by such glory—

    daring to live with hope and courage and love, reflecting the life of Jesus,

    through whom your glory shines in the most unexpected ways.

    We lift up your Holy Name. Amen.

    February 26, 2023

    As we journey into this Lenten season, we pray for those who are being tempted:

    tempted to look the other way when wrong is happening in their family, their workplace, their neighbourhood;

    tempted to misuse their gifts for self-gratifying purposes;

    tempted to allow untamed emotions to direct or do harm;

    tempted by the corrupting power of money;

    and those tempted to stay in a rut rather than strike out on new life-giving paths.

    Generous God, steer us through times of temptation,

    And deliver us from evil.

    We pray for the many who feel pushed and tested almost beyond their endurance;

    those in positions of heavy responsibility who feel overloaded;

    or those pressured from all sides by factions in workplace or community;

    suffering people–and all who must watch a loved one suffer– who feel they can bear no more;

    kindly folk whose patience with a difficult friend is at a breaking point;

    persecuted Christians whose faith seems stretched beyond their limit;

    and the depressed and despairing whose inner being cries out for relief

    Merciful God, steer us through times of temptation,

    And deliver us from evil.

    We also pray for those whose days are sunny and bright –

    the happy, that their happiness may always be used for goodwill and compassion;

    the strong, that their energies may be used wisely and gently;

    for the rich, that their wealth may be shared generously;

    for the powerful, that they may use their position as a blessing;

    and those of strong faith, that they may act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

    Righteous God, walk with us and shape us

    And deliver us from evil.

    God of compassion, we also pray for each other – our households of faith for this week, those awaiting test results or appointments, surgery, or recovering from surgery. We pray for those who grieve and those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray for those whose burden is light and for those whose burden is heavy. Bring relief we pray.

    Look upon us all with your loving eyes, test our anxious thoughts, shape us amidst testing to see you as you see us, beloved and good.

    “save us from temptation and deliver us from all evil.”

    Through Christ Jesus our Saviour. Amen

    February 19th, 2023

    Gracious God, we come humbly before you this morning, remembering that our strength, our hope is totally in you. Thank you for your word; we pray for increased understanding and insight, for courage to walk in your way. Remind us daily that your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

    We would also echo the prayer of David as he poured out his heart to you God. (Psalm 119)

    “May my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word. May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise.

    May my lips overflow with praise, for you teach me your decrees. May my tongue sing of your word for all your commands are righteous. May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.

    I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight.

    Let me live that I may praise you and may your laws sustain me.”

    We grieve today for our world that seems to be writhing in pain. Compassionate God, the cries of the suffering and dying in Turkey and Syria rise with desperation. We rejoice with rescues that have occurred but pray your grace and comfort for those whose family members and friends have died.

    Inspire generosity in our hearts and in the global community; grant strength & wisdom to all agencies and caregivers who serve and love, especially for those who reach out in the name of Jesus. May they be salt and light so that others can see Jesus in them. Grant each of us your wisdom as to your call on our lives as individuals; how do you desire to meet the needs of our world through us.

    We pray for the many in our community who are currently suffering from COVID. Grant healing and strength to each as needed. For those living with grief, pain, loneliness, and struggle; God, meet their needs. For those awaiting test results, surgery or recovering from surgery, and those awaiting brighter days, we pray that they will experience your hope.

    God we also praise you for answered prayer, for giving us daily life, breath, and strength. All of our hope lies in you. Thank you as well for the church, your body, this community of faith where we see your love in action. Help us to love others as you have loved us.

    We offer all our prayers in the strong name of Jesus. Amen

    February 12th, 2023

    Lord Jesus,

    You call us to radical discipleship.

    You challenge us to forgive, to love our enemies,

    to bless those who curse us.

    But oh, how often we choose the easy way,

    of retaliation or revenge,

    grudge-holding, unforgiveness,

    a path that leads to bitterness and brokenness.

    But you, Lord Jesus have given us a life-giving path.

    A path that stretches us beyond ourselves.

    A path that reveals our deepest pains and every growing edge.

    A path which you accompany us on, each and every step.

    Grant us the patience and endurance to journey with You,

    to allow ourselves at times to stumble,

    to live into the hard way

    to be open to transformation through your Spirit,

    so that we might fully experience

    Your love and grace and peace in this world,

    becoming a people full of mercy and grace

    loving, forgiving.

    When we have been careless with our words that cannot be unspoken,

    reckless with actions that cannot be undone,

    and it is I, it is us that is known as enemy…..

    forgive us,

    grant us humility, the grace of accountability,

    the light of your love that illumines our shadows.

    Set us on solid ground where your mercy abounds.

    Lord, hear our prayer.

    Compassionate God, the cries of the suffering and dying,

    in Turkey and Syria rise with desperation.

    So many lives lost. So many injured and maimed.

    Comfort those whose family members and friends have died.

    Inspire generosity in the global community

    to give the resources needed to help communities rebuild,

    to heal, to live in safety.

    Oh God in your mercy, hear our prayers.

    We also bring our prayers and needs before you. For those living with grief, pain, struggle, we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery or recovering from surgery, and those awaiting brighter days, we pray. And for those in our community of faith, especially our households of faith for this week, we pray. We are grateful for one another.

    We are grateful for the bounty with which we live and the opportunities to live generously. Thank you for decision making regarding our spending plan for the coming year. Guide conversations today, remind us that we are stewards of all you provide.

    For the church, your body, your people, here in this world, we need your mercy and your grace to walk in your ways. Breathe your Spirit of life upon your people and into your beloved world. Walk closely beside us each day. We pray as those seeking to follow your way of discipleship. Amen

    February 5th, 2023

    God of blessing,

    you open your hands and provide for our deepest needs…

    healing and wholeness,

    our need for hope that banishes despair,

    our need for peace amidst uncertainties and chaos.

    We pray, loving God,

    for the blessing of your Spirit

    on all people with their widely diverse needs

    and your creation groaning

    under the weight of climate change.

    We pray, loving God

    your blessing

    on the sick and their caregivers

    on workers and employers

    on the unemployed, underemployed, and those who stand by them.

    We pray, loving God

    your blessing

    on the hungry and those who feed them,

    the unsheltered and those seeking affordable housing solutions,

    refugees and those who welcome them,

    We pray your blessing

    on those who struggle with addiction and those who treat them,

    the poor and those who see them,

    the sorrowing and those who comfort them.

    We pray, loving God

    your blessing to be poured out

    upon us as well.

    When we are weak, be our strength,

    when we are afraid, calm our troubled minds,

    when we doubt, strengthen our faith,

    when we see needs, guide our response.

    For those living with pain, change, or hurt, we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery,

    and those recovering from surgery, we pray. For loved ones whose needs to hold deep in our hearts we

    pray. For prayers offered aloud and for those not yet formed into words, we offer all our prayers in

    the name of Jesus who blesses. Amen

    January 29th, 2023

    Faithful God, despite all the abundance and blessings in our lives, we worry. We worry about finances, health, loved ones, our work, the church, and the future. We worry as Covid continues and its impact on the most vulnerable. We worry amidst uncertainty, change, and conflict. We worry about the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and so much more.

    Calm our troubled hearts. Still our racing thoughts. Free us from anxiety that flutters deep within our being. As we turn our gaze and hearts to you, help us remember that you are with us and that we can trust you to light our steps, to provide wisdom and courage, strength and resilience. We can trust you to provide our daily bread. When we feel overwhelmed, remind us that you see us, that you care about us, and that you are the God who will provide all we need for healthy, faithful, and wholehearted living.

    In gratitude for all that you provide, we offer our thanks: for loving relationships, breath and movement, rest and energy, beauty and stillness, hope and peace, thank you.

    We name aloud or in the silence of our hearts our thanks for all that you provide……….

    God of compassion we pray for your provision for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness. For the grieving, those living with pain, change, struggles, we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery, and those recovering from surgery, we pray.

    We pray for those who hunger – whether for food or for new beginning. We pray for those who thirst for justice and those who seek your kingdom.

    And we pray for your Spirit to move amongst us as we meet today to discuss the work of the church and make financial decisions. Grant your church wisdom and gentle listening. Free us from all fear in order to live generously.

    For prayers offered aloud and for those not yet formed into words, we offer all our prayers in the name of the God who provides. Amen

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    January 22nd, 2023

    There is no part of life

    you do not touch, O God,

    infusing your rich fragrance— your God colours and God flavours – gritty and real—

    getting in underneath the surface,

    drawing out and lifting up, winding love around

    until defences are lowered, barriers broken down,

    and the power of your love reveals the beauty

    you intended for all your children and creation.

    May our actions draw attention to you,

    to the richness you bring to all life

    and the abundance you share,

    setting the scene for us to share too.

    Help us to bring light

    into all the darkness of life, spreading hope for a better world,

    a world where justice is made real by your people living together

    in harmony.

    Help us to bring salt

    into the blandness of life,

    encouraging vitality and joy in living

    in a world that dares to hope

    for the future that you promise

    where all people will know themselves

    loved and valued and treasured,

    created in your image,

    bringing you glory forever.

    We pray too for those in our own community today. For those for whom life is hard – those living with illness, pain, grief, change, struggles – we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery, and brighter days, we pray. And for those in our community of faith, especially our households of faith for this week, we pray. We are grateful for one another.

    Finally, for the church, your body, your people, here in this world. We need your mercy and your grace to release that which holds us captive from fullness of life, your hearts desire. Breathe your spirit of life into your people and into your beloved world. Walk closely beside us each day.

    We pray as those seeking to follow and learn from you.


    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    Bless each of our households of faith with deep faith that holds them. Amen

    January 15th, 2023

    As we come before God together, I would invite us into the Beatitudes: into their surprising blessings, and
    their bold proclamation of the Kingdom. Throughout generations, the followers of Jesus have relied on
    these seemingly simple words to guide their lives, to help them understand God’s will, and to direct them
    into prayer for and suffering with the world.
    This morning as we gather our prayers, I will read each blessing and invite you to repeat it. Then I will
    suggest a focus for a brief time of silent prayer. Let’s begin with silence.
    Brief silence
    Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    All: Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Lord Jesus, you see past achievements, status, and work ethic choosing to be on the side of the weak,
    the forgotten, the despised. Your gaze is upon the broken – of heart, body, spirit.
    Reveal yourself to the poor of this world
    for whom the kingdom of heaven often seems distant and unattainable.
    Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
    All: Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.

    Comforting God, draw near to those who are in mourning,
    who have lost someone or something dear to them.
    Draw near to those who mourn the injustices of this world
    such as hunger, homelessness, corruption.
    We pray for the blessing of comfort to strengthen us.
    Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
    ALL: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
    We praise you Jesus for your example of humility.
    We strive to be more like Jesus every day.
    but our pride often gets in the way, as does our stubbornness and selfishness
    Rescue us from pride, we pray and help us walk the path of humility.
    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled
    ALL: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.

    Fit us we pray to call attention to the injustices in the world that abound,
    Strengthen us to work together in support of ministries of justice
    and may your Spirit transform us through our active participation
    feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, caring for creation.
    Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
    ALL: Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
    Lord God, you are merciful, slow to anger, abounding in compassion and truth. Be merciful to us, our
    families, your church, and those who stand in a place of need.
    Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
    ALL: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
    We pray for a heart that desires nothing more than to abide in You and Your love.
    Open the eyes of our heart to your presence in our lives and in your world.
    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
    ALL: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
    Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
    generously sowing love, injuring pardon, living faith boldly.
    Where there is despair may hope abound; where darkness dwells may your light of love break through.
    Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    ALL: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of

    Around the world, many Christians are persecuted — imprisoned, even killed — for their faith.
    Be their rock, their safety, their peace and may their witness remain strong.

    Emmanuel, God with us,
    as we continue on this journey with you and one another,
    may we live into your blessing and be a blessing in your world
    we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen

    We pray for those who are journeying through hard days – those who are waiting on tests, follow up appointments, or living with
    chronic pain. May your love surround them.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-
    term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant
    deep measures of compassion and patience.
    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for
    healing, grace and protection over all.
    We pray for our Households of Faith. Bless their lives with purpose and meaning, rest and loving relationship. Draw them ever near to Your heart of blessing. Amen.

    January 8th, 2023

    God of wonder and mystery,
    God of the stars and sky,
    God of winding ways and straight paths,
    our hearts overflow with gratitude

    for the gift of your constant presence,
    your trustworthy guidance,
    and your daring risk-taking with us.
    You dare to love us despite our inability to respond fully.
    You dare to care for us, despite our challenge in caring for others.
    You dare to walk with us, despite our wayward wandering.

    As we journey into this new year,

    lead us we pray,

    light our steps,
    guide us by the teachings of Jesus
    to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly in your loving light.

    God of peace, we pray for peace in this world,
    the kind of peace in which we celebrate diversity,
    are joyfully challenged by adversity,
    and share in the joy that is to be found everywhere.

    May peace grow in our hearts, in our homes,

    in our actions and our words.

    God of compassion,
    we pray for those who are lonely.
    Lead us to reach out with compassion and fellowship.
    We pray for those who are hungry,
    Lead us to respond to real human need.
    We pray for the lost, the least, the last.
    Lead us to share hope and joy.

    We pray for the church.

    May we work together, always lifting one another up.
    May we be open to the transformation of your Spirit,

    freeing us from fear and strengthening us to walk in faith,

    liberating us from scarcity thinking that we may live generously

    Gentle our wounds into wisdom, we pray,

    our anxieties and worries into deep trust.

    May your Spirit guide us

    in decision making, giving, priority making,

    as we come through so much change and transition

    all for the furthering of your mission.

    And we pray for our communities

    in which we live, work, attend school, and serve.

    May the light of your love shine in and through us

    as faithful witnesses to the wonder of your incarnation.

    Emmanuel, God with us,

    as we continue on this journey with you and one another,
    may we learn the lessons you offer
    and seek the fullness of your purposes and your love,

    Reveal yourself anew, your love and grace,

    your mercy and forgiveness,

    and may we respond with faithfulness and gratitude.


    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    January 1st, 2023

    “O beautiful star, the hope of rest, for the redeemed, the good, and blest, yonder in glory when the crown is won; for Jesus is now that star divine; brighter and brighter He will shine; beautiful star of Bethlehem, shine on.”

    O God, we rejoice and give thanks for this season of Advent & Christmas, the wonderful reminder that you entered our world through the person of Jesus, providing to all humanity the gift of a Saviour. Thank you for beginning a process of restoration that night in Bethlehem; a process that will only be completed when Christ returns in majesty and glory to take His children home to a new heaven and earth. And God as we begin this New Year, while we recognize that the time of Christ’s return is uncertain, we trust in your perfect timing. Our prayer is that as you led the shepherds, and later the wise men, into the presence of Jesus by the light of the star, you would also continue to lead us to your throne of grace as individuals and as a church. We also would pray for many in our community, our families, our world, who have yet to come face to face with Jesus, that you too would lead them to your Son. God use a star if you choose, use us in spite of our weakness; but our prayer is that you would open the eyes of many to the reality of Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. O God we give you praise!

    God, this morning we also pray for those who today are suffering with loss and pain. Grant healing and hope, pour your love through us as your children, may your grace be evident through the lives and actions of believers all around our world. We pray for peace to come in places of war; we pray for justice and righteousness to prevail; where there are ethnic tensions, bring renewal & understanding; may love overcome hate.

    God, we would also echo the words of this prayer:

    “Living Christ, in these times when we fear we are losing hope or feel that our efforts are futile,

    let us see in our hearts and minds the image of your resurrection,

    and let that be our source of courage and strength.

    With that, and in your company, help us face challenges and struggles

    against all that is born of injustice.

    Amen” VT 1033

    We praise you God for the significant health care available to us in this country. While there are challenges at times, we pray for all those who serve in the medical field and ask God that you would grant strength, wisdom, and perseverance as they serve. We also rejoice that you are the great Healer and as such we bring the following requests to you.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and our loved ones in long-term care. Surround each family with loving kindness and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    We pray for our Households of Faith:

    In the name of Jesus we pray


    December 25th, 2022

    Luke 2: 1-7 In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. All went to their own towns to be registered. Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David. He went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

    Light of the World, Prince of Peace, on this Christmas morning we celebrate Your coming to the earth in flesh. We worship you for becoming vulnerable, a baby, to live amongst us, revealing the heart of God.

    Holy One, on this Christmas morning, we remember that your Son was born into a dangerous and troubled world. We hold in prayer our world today, where conflict dominates the news headlines, where injustice fuels oppression, and where the gulf between wealth and poverty widens; the same issues that took you from the cradle to the cross. Help all leaders – local, national, and global – to use their power for the good of all. Fill our world with the joyful hope that there is a better way. Help us live in peace.

    Lord Jesus, as Mary gently cradled you in her arms, we pray for all women giving birth today, for all new born babies and for all expectant mothers. We pray for children who cry and are not comforted and for parents who fear for their children’s safety. Born into a human family, we give thanks for our families who will gather at the table for Christmas dinner and we remember those who cannot be with loved ones at this time. We pray for family members who are far from home due to weather and closed roads. Keep them safe and warm. Protect first responders, road workers, and health care providers and all who are working today to keep us safe and well.

    Emmanuel, God-with-us, we pray for all who will be alone today, without family or friends, without enough to eat, with no place to live, or suffering due to the elements. We pray for refugees, especially those fleeing violence in Ukraine, living far from home in an effort to find food and shelter for their children. Bless the work of those who give up this day to bring joy and hope to others – for those who have opened their homes and for warming centres open to provide food, warmth and shelter. May the gifts of Christmas – hope, joy, peace, and love – abound and warm the hearts of those in need and those who serve.

    God of compassion, speak words of comfort and love to those grieving, those suffering loneliness or sickness of body or mind. Bless the work of those who offer a listening ear to the needy and those living with addiction or mental illness. May the peace of Christ be with them and may they know they are never alone.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Through Christ we pray, Amen.

    December 18th, 2022

    Waiting and anticipating, we bow our hearts before you Holy One.

    Today we hear the angels’ proclamation:

    “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

    His name will be called Emmanuel, God with us.

    Show us your child, O God,

    For we walk together in hope and with deep yearnings.

    Give your justice to the nations and their leaders,

    and give your mercy to all whose decisions

    affect the peace and well-being of the world.

    Where we have power ourselves,

    open our ears to the cries of the weak, the poor, and the needy,

    and open our hearts to answer their call.

    Show us your child, O God,
    For we walk together in hope and with deep yearnings.

    Bless this community, we pray

    that in your light we may each become a servant, one to the other

    holding the Christ light for one another in the night time of our fears.

    Bring us together in story, song, joy, and sorrow;

    and let each person who comes among us

    find community and your presence of love in this place.

    Show us your child, O God,
    For we walk together in love.

    God of compassion, pour out your healing grace upon all

    who are dealing with sickness, fear, or any kind of trouble;

    Draw near to those awaiting surgery, treatment, and those awaiting recovery of strength.

    Comfort the grieving who feel their loss even more deeply amidst Christmas celebration.

    Meet each be met with rest, peace, and your comfort.

    Show us your child, O God,

    For we walk together in peace.

    God of restoration, with longing and thanksgiving,

    knowing that you hold this world and all its children deep in your heart,

    we pray for the grace to receive your gift given to the world.

    May we lift up our eyes and look around,

    and boldly join in your mission of restoration and reconciliation.

    Grant us courage as it was for Mary and Joseph

    to follow your pathway, to answer your call, to live in faith.

    Emmanuel, God-with-us, we journey to Bethlehem and the manger

    Prepare our hearts to receive you anew –

    To receive the wonder, the miracle, the profound gift of your love.

    We pray in the name of the Christ child. Amen.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and our loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We pray for meaningful family time over Christmas and deep sense of Christ’s presence with them.

    Amidst many ups and down over this past year, we give thanks for God’s faithfulness, for providing all the strength, peace, and courage they need for each day.

    We pray for safe travels and a beautiful Christmas with family. Bless them with health, much joy, and peace. Amen

    December 11th, 2022

    Lord our God, you have revealed yourself as One

    whose desire it is to bring justice, peace, and joy to all people.

    In a world that turns away from and participates in injustice,

    you cast your eyes on the destitute, the poor, and the wronged;

    You have called us to follow you, to preach good news to the poor,

    to proclaim release for the captives, and recovery of sight for the blind,

    to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the time of your blessing.

    Lord our God, be present with your church as we respond to your call.

    Open our eyes to those in need, especially the lonely and the isolated.

    Fill us with compassion for refugees and immigrants who seek safe refuge

    Fill us with mercy for those who struggle with addiction and mental illness, or bear the weight of abuse in its many forms..

    Fill us with gifts of caregiving for the sick, those who suffer pain whether in mind, body, or spirit……

    May your healing grace surround the most vulnerable amongst us, especially loved ones in long term care.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray especially for the most vulnerable amongst us – the very young and the aged. May the light of your love shine bright as we journey dark days of illness, uncertainty, pain, and suffering.

    We pray for our baptism prep class as they learn, ask questions, and explore faith. May your love and presence become more real to them, especially this Christmas season.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May their work be meaningful and purposeful, their relationships a source of great joy, and may their hearts be filled with the peace of Christ. Amen

    December 4th, 2022

    God of restoration and life,

    draw near us as we journey the Advent story
    of hope and mystery,
    anticipation and preparation,
    as we seek your kingdom
    already here amongst us – and, coming in its fullness.

    Heaven touching earth,
    the footsteps of the divine
    walking dusty roads,
    we are a people searching for you.

    We are people seeking restoration,

    in our hearts, in our relationships,

    in our relationship with creation,

    In our relationship with You, O God.

    We confess the world stands in need of restoration and healing

    and we hear your call to return to you

    and be restored to our belovedness as children of peace.

    Forgiven, renewed and restored,

    strengthen us to live generously,

    to join with you in your mission of justice and peacemaking,

    giving voice to the marginalized and oppressed,

    speaking truth to power.

    Open eyes and hearts,
    to your restoring presence in the world.

    May the weapons of war be laid down.

    May there be peace through peaceful means.

    We pray leaders will govern with wisdom and compassion

    For the desert places in which we walk,
    the streets we roam, the paths we cross,
    guide our feet.
    Take us to places
    where you would go.
    Give us words that you would use
    that in this Advent season
    ff promise and preparation
    we might point the way with John the Baptist.

    Restore us, O Lord, we pray,
    bring us back to your heart,
    Bring us back to that place
    when our love was fresh,
    and our joy uncontainable.
    Restore us, O Lord, we pray.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and care.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray especially for the most vulnerable amongst us – the very young and the aged. May the light of your love shine bright as we journey dark days of illness, uncertainty, pain, and suffering.

    We pray for deep peace for all who grieve and feel their loss more acutely these days of lights and glitter. Surround the grieving with care and comfort in healing ways.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May the gifts of this season inspire fruitful and faithful living. May joy fill each heart and home. Protect little ones from illness and grant strength for the roles of parenting. Amen

    November 27th, 2022

    This Advent, Lord, come to the manger of my heart. Fill me with Your presence from the very start. As I prepare for the holidays and gifts to be given, remind me of the gift You gave when You sent Your Son from Heaven. The first Christmas gift, it was the greatest gift ever. You came as a baby born in a manger. Wrapped like the gifts I find under my tree, Waiting to be opened, to reveal Your love to me. Restore to me the wonder that came with Jesus’ birth, when He left the riches of Heaven and wrapped Himself in the rags of earth. Immanuel, God with us, Your presence came that night. And angels announced, “Into your darkness, God brings His Light.” “Do not be afraid,” they said, to shepherds in the field. Speak to my heart today, Lord, and help me to yield. Make me like those shepherd boys, obedient to Your call. Setting distractions and worries aside, to You I surrender them all. Surround me with Your presence, Lord, I long to hear Your voice. Clear my mind of countless concerns and all the holiday noise. Slow me down this Christmas, let me not be in a rush. In the midst of events and planning, I want to feel Your hush. This Christmas, Jesus, come to the manger of my heart. Invade my soul like Bethlehem, bringing peace to every part. Dwell within and around me, as I unwrap Your presence each day. Keep me close to You, Lord. It’s in Your wonderful Name I pray. (Christianity.com)

    God we also praise you in that you call us, you invite us to share in your work of restoration within our world. Give us wisdom to discern your leading, faith and courage to walk in obedience, and as we follow, fill us with your Hope.

    O God, we pray for your presence, comfort, and hope in the lives of many in our community of faith as well as in our physical communities who today grieve loss, some through death, others thru loss of health and mobility, relationships etc. Holy Spirit invite all into a deeper relationship with the Father and as such enable them to experience healing and peace. We pray for families where there is discord and conflict. May you open their eyes and hearts to each other so that they too will hear your voice calling them to peace.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We pray all this in the Powerful Name of Jesus


    November 20th, 2022

    Eternal God, you are our God and we are your people.
    You have claimed us as your own and have placed a seal on our hearts.

    You nurture and sustain us in the garden of life.

    Living God, we thank you for your gift of life eternal

    and for all those who, having served you well,

    now rest from their labours.

    Today we give thanks for those who during the last twelve months

    have died and entered into glory

    including those whom we hold in our hearts.

    We thank you for their life and love,

    and rejoice for them “all is well,

    and all manner of things will be well.”

    Be near to those who are grieving. Hold them.

    Fill them with your comfort and peace.

    Compassionate God, you attend to the wounded places of our hearts and lives,

    You grieve with us in our losses and our fears.
    You journey with us in our celebrations and our sorrows

    You are close even in the mundane routines of our days.
    You delight in us, and you love us.

    We pray for our loved ones in need of healing grace ….. we name them before you in the silence of our hearts.

    We pray for this world,
    for the places and precious people

    who are striving to recover from hurricanes,

    snow storms, and floods.

    We pray for peace among nations.
    Make us instruments of that peace.

    Eternal God, you are our God and we are your people.

    Continue to write your law of love on our hearts.

    Give us an unwavering passion for justice,

    and a tenacious faith that will not rest

    until the hungry are fed,

    until the oppressed find relief,

    until the outsider finds welcome.

    Hear us now as pray as you have taught us:

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    We offer all our prayers in Jesus’ name.

    November 13th, 2022

    Thank you to Jamie Gerber for today’s prayer:

    Holy God. We pray with Gratitude and adoration.

    We marvel at your wisdom in creation,

    the changing seasons, the bounty of harvest,

    You have been so good to us.

    We marvel at the grace of Jesus, sent to be your living word among us.

    And at the preservation of Scripture through thousands of years… that still tells the story of your transforming love for people of every tribe and nation.

    Thank you for Greg and Tracey and their family. … for calling them to serve as translators and developers who offer scriptures to many who would not otherwise hear the gospel

    Thank you for your generosity.

    Grace us with the same spirit of giving.

    Bless the offerings we give

    so that what we say about you,

    can be a reality for others to experience.

    We join our prayers today for members of our congregation

    For those who experience life in decline through age or health. Give them hope for a better future and grace to face whatever transitions lie ahead.

    For those who find life full of energy, … give them wisdom to use their strength for your glory – blessing humanity.

    In silence now we offer unspoken prayers for ourselves and our loved ones.

    We pray beyond ourselves for our world

    For government leaders ensnared in greed leading to violence and oppression, … open doors of transformation

    For those making decisions about global warming, …

    may they have courage and common sense.

    Free our world leaders from showmanship and posturing.

    Forgive us for smug attitudes that we sometimes hold … thinking we are better then the other.

    Nudge us with gentle conviction to enact good stewardship for the land.

    Thank you now for hearing our prayer

    Through Jesus we pray


    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.


    November 6th, 2022

    Oh God, we enter your presence this morning with a prayer for peace on our lips. We pray that your peace would reign in our lives, in our churches and communities, and in our families and our world. Jesus, we acknowledge you as the Prince of Peace and pray that by your Holy Spirit living in and through us we would become peacemakers in our world. You taught your disciples that “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons and daughters of God.” (Matt.5:9) Grant us wisdom and strength to live as peacemakers so that the world would see the image of God in us. Jesus, you also taught your disciples saying, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. (John 14:27) Enable us to live in the assurance of your promise in a world where there is much to fear. Hold us close to your heart and guard our hearts and minds in you, Jesus.

    Hearing your call to be peacemakers in our world, we also echo the words of St. Francis:

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
    where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    where there is sadness, joy.

    O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
    to be consoled as to console,
    to be understood as to understand,
    to be loved as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive,
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    Oh God, this morning we also lift up many in our congregation and community who need a touch of your healing and grace, and the comfort of your presence.

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As Covid and a significant cold/flu virus remains active in our communities and families, we pray for your healing, your grace and protection over all. We pray for your physical healing in our communities as well as spiritual healing. May your will be done in all things.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    May they see others through your eyes, may they know your peace and guidance, and may they grow in faith as they live with courage and deep trust.

    We ask all this in the beautiful name of Jesus.


    October 30th, 2022

    Eternal God,

    you are the maker of us all, and we are your creation,

    people formed in your image, as individuals and community,

    fed, nourished, and strengthened at your table of grace.

    We worship you today in recognition of your calling,

    of your caring to invite us to share in your creative and healing work.

    We are here because we have heard you speak in and amongst us.

    Help us, Lord, to ever serve you with all our hearts, minds, and strength.

    God of all our moments, of our days and our nights,

    you speak and you act in the world around us,

    not only to call all people to you,

    but also to direct and guide us in the way of healing and wholeness.

    Awaken us Lord, to hear what you would say to us.

    Open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts to your presence.

    Help us to know when it is your voice we are hearing

    and when it is our prejudices or desires to which we are paying heed….

    Lord, we pray that your church may rise up with renewed commitment

    in answer to your call,

    that your people may be instruments of your grace and love,

    invitational, open, inclusive.

    We pray for those who are hurting and for those whom life is hard.

    Comfort the grieving…

    Grant patience to those who await appointments or test results

    Hold with hope those who are living with unexpected diagnoses

    Provide strength to those who struggle with declining health

    Keep the weary close to your heart

    We also pray with celebration the joys of life…..

    Life shared with family and friends at the table…

    Good food, laughter, a meaningful connection

    We are thankful for purposeful work….

    Loving relationship….

    Meaningful encounters…

    Amidst our joys and sorrows

    You come…. You weep with those who weep

    You celebrate with those who celebrate.

    Grant us deep measures of care for one another

    As we journey the ups and downs…

    Unknowns and new beginnings

    Lord hear our prayer….

    Bless us and all those committed to continue the work of Jesus,

    who came to heal, save, and teach us how to live and how to love,

    and who taught us to pray as one family, saying…

    Our Father….

    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

    As flu and covid infections have increased this fall, we pray for wisdom and patience . Protect the vulnerable. Bring about recovery and complete healing for all those who are suffering and provide strength and compassion for health care professionals.

    We pray for our households of faith. We give thanks for each person and their giftedness. Draw near to each as they draw nearer to you. Meet them at their deepest places of need. We pray for healthy balance amidst full schedules, joy in relationships, and peace that holds them secure in your love.

    We offer all our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen

    October 23rd, 2022

    Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill-health, with their families, friends and those who care for them:

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

     We hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit, and all who care for them…

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

     We hold in your healing presence those suffering due to broken relationships, we pray for the marginalized, the silenced…

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

     We hold in your healing presence those struggling with isolation, anxiety, mental health challenges….

                   May they know the deep peace of Christ

     We hold in your healing presence those struggling to overcome addiction or abuse, those supporting and working with them, and all whose suffering has distanced them from those who love …

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

     Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those facing bereavement and those who are walking through the dark valley of grief.

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

     We hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to us but known to you.  In silence, we name in our hearts those whose pain we carry….

                   May they know the deep peace of Christ

     God of compassion and love, we offer you all our suffering and pain. Give us strength to bear our weakness, healing even when there is no cure, peace in the midst of turmoil and love to fill the spaces in our lives.

     Glory to God from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus who showed his love through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit who brings light to the darkest of places.         Amen.

                    We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.  

                    As covid infections have been increasing this fall, we pray for wisdom and patience as this long journey of pandemic continues. Protect the vulnerable. Bring about recovery and complete healing for all those who are suffering and provide strength and compassion for health care professionals.

                     We pray for our households of faith: Darlene Bast; Mary Jane Bast; and Arnie & Barb Bender. We pray that you will draw near to each one, meeting them at their deepest places of need. Where there is pain, we pray for comfort. We also pray that your joy will fill their hearts and home.

    We offer all our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen

    October 16th, 2022

    Gracious God, we come to you this morning with praise and thanksgiving on our lips.

    “You are exalted, forever exalted on high. I will praise you.

    You are exalted, forever exalted and I will praise your Name!

    You are my God, forever your truth shall reign.

    Heaven and earth rejoice in your holy name.

    You are exalted, forever exalted on high.”

    Oh God, we celebrate that we are your children, your people, and the sheep of your pasture. Thank you that we can rest in your presence, we can bring all our needs to you in prayer, knowing that you hear us, and we rejoice that in all things you work for our good. We celebrate that you are a transforming God, and we invite you to mould and reshape us into your image, as individuals and as a church. Holy Spirit, speak into our hearts and minds; give us the courage to walk in obedience to our Lord. May your will be done on this earth, in our lives, as it is in heaven.

    Oh God, this morning we would pray for peace in our world, in countries where war shatters lives, where persecution tears communities apart, and in families where conflict bears anger and pain. We pray for all in our community who grieve the loss of loved ones through death, whether currently or in the past. May the memories of loved ones bring peace and comfort by your grace Oh God. We also pray for those who this morning are discouraged, lonely, living in fear and uncertainty. God of hope, Jesus, Prince of peace, may your presence bring renewal, hope and peace into their lives.

    Lord, we give thanks for answered prayer.

    This morning we also wish to bring the following Household of Faith families before you God.

    We ask all this in the name of Jesus.


    October 9th, 2022

    A Thanksgiving Prayer:

    Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

    God’s love is everlasting.

    Come, let us praise God joyfully.

    Let us come to God with thanksgiving.

    For this world you have created; for all things great and small, beautiful and awesome; for seen and unseen splendours;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For human life; for talking and moving, thinking and sharing  together; for common hopes, joys and hardships shared from birth until our dying;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For work to do and strength to work; for the comradeship of labour; for exchanges of good humour and encouragement;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For marriage; for the mystery and joy of flesh made one; for mutual forgiveness and burdens shared; for secrets kept in love;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For family; for living together; for celebrating and eating together; for family adventures and family pleasures;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For children; for their energy and curiosity; for their brave play and startling frankness; for their sudden tender hearts and spontaneous joys

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For the young; for their high hopes; for their irreverence toward worn-out values; for their search for freedom; for their courageous faith;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For growing up and growing old; for wisdom deepened by experience; for rest in leisure; and for time made precious by its passing;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For your help in times of doubt and sorrow; for healing our diseases; for preserving us in temptation and danger;

    We thank you, Lord God.

    For the church into which we have been called; for the good news we receive from the Word; for our life together in this body of Christ;

    We praise you, Lord God.

    For your Holy Spirit, who guides our steps and bears the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience and so much more; who prays for us when we have no words, and prompts our grateful worship;

    We praise you, Lord God.

    Above all, O God, we give thanks for your Son Jesus Christ, who lived and died and lives again; for our salvation; for our hope in him; and for the joy of serving him;

    We thank and praise you, Eternal God, for all your goodness to us.

    Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King

    God’s love is everlasting.

       We pray for all in our community who grieve the loss of loved ones through death, whether currently or in the past. May the memories of loved ones on this Thanksgiving weekend bring peace and comfort by your grace Oh God.

       We pray for Orie A. as he continues to receive treatments and recovers from hernia surgery. Keep him strong and may his healing proceed without complication. We pray for Vicki G. on her cancer journey, Judy St. who endures ongoing health challenges.

    Lord, we give thanks for answered prayer!

    This morning we also wish to bring the following Household of Faith families before you God. We lift up Paul, Jenny & Vicktoria Abell, Jim & Sharon Adams, and Andrea Albrecht, and Josh Kneller. Thank you that each of these individuals is created in your image, and that you love them with an everlasting love. We pray specifically for Vicktoria who deals with chronic pain which impacts the whole family. We pray for hope, for healing and for wisdom to know what to doMay your grace be poured out on all and may this weekend of Thanksgiving be a time of joy and celebration, of rejoicing in the gift of family, and may your peace reign in their lives.

    We ask all this in the name of Jesus.


    October 2nd, 2022

    Creator God, we celebrate and rejoice in the goodness of your creation and the beauty of all that you have made. We echo the praise of the Psalmist David as he proclaimed in Psalm 104, Praise the Lord, O my soul.

    Lord my God, you are very great;
        you are clothed with splendor and majesty.

    The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent
        and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters.
    He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.
    He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.

    He set the earth on its foundations;  it can never be moved.
    You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment;

       the waters stood above the mountains……..

    He makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains.
    11 They give water to all the beasts of the field, the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
    12 The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.
    13 He waters the mountains from his upper chambers;

        the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work.
    14 He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for people to cultivate—
        bringing forth food from the earth……..

    How many are your works, O Lord!

    Praise the Lord, O my soul. We choose to praise the Lord

    Yet Lord we grieve today with those who are suffering as creation groans, hurricanes and floods destroy, drought and fires cause havoc. We lift up your children from Pakistan to Florida, Ethiopia to Eastern Canada, those who today grieve the loss of property and the death of loved ones through disaster. Grant perseverance and comfort, may country and world leaders make wise decisions and may each of us hear your call as to how we may make a difference in our world and community.

    We also pray for those who grieve the death of loved ones; God may your presence bring peace and comfort. We pray for those facing health issues, bring healing and renewal, perseverance and strength. Thank you for medical staff, for those who serve in Hospitals, Nursing and Retirement homes. May they serve with wisdom, grace, and love. We pray for those who are lonely and discouraged, for those who battle mental health issues, and for all who do not yet know you as Savior and Lord. And Lord, if you choose to work and love through us to meet the many needs in our world, grant us obedient hearts and discerning minds to serve as you would lead.

    O God, today we also bring the following specific needs.

    Lord grant comfort; may Your peace reign, and may your presence bring healing.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith

    May your peace and presence surround these families, may your grace and power be their strength, and may you Holy Spirit live in and through each individual.

    God, we give you praise in the name of Jesus.


    September 25th, 2022

    Merciful and Compassionate God,

    You care for all your peoples, whether they are here around us or in far off places, you care enough to call people to share the good news of your love and grace.

    You care about our country as we continue to live through a pandemic, as hurricane winds destroy homes and disrupt daily lives in the Maritimes, and as we prepare for a municipal election.

    You care about countries like Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine and Russia whose needs are deep and where suffering is great.

    You care about those who are sick, in pain, in treatment, awaiting test results, in long-term care homes. Your compassion extends to them.

    You care about those who carry heavy burdens, broken hearts, those grieving, lonely and anxious, your compassion extends to them as well.

    You care for the marginalized, the addicted, those in need of affordable housing, and parents who weep at night due to financial challenges.

    You care for those who answer your call to lead, to preach, to teach, to administer, to share your Good News. Your compassion extends to us as well.

    Forgiving God, like Jonah we resist when asked to tell the story of your love and mercy. We can feel awkward and inadequate. But you have called us to speak and to act, and to walk in the shoes of compassion and mercy with all. As your disciples as it has been for generations, help us to rise up and follow wherever you lead.
    Hear us now as we offer our prayer as you have taught us ….

    Our Father……….  Amen.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    September 18th, 2022

    Spirit of transformation, we are grateful for the ways you inspire, disturb, and shape us through our experiences in the world and with one another. Open our eyes, soften our hearts, expand our minds, unravel our assumptions as you nurture personal growth, our callings, and deepened relationship with creation and one another. Help us to see the world through your eyes of compassion. Strengthen us to come alongside, support, and build strong communities in which all are welcome, where justice is done, and all have bread.

    Whether experiencing difference or the routine of everyday, may our lives be open to your presence, active, moving, transforming our hearts and minds, nurturing our growth as your disciples of healing and hope.

    Spirit of transformation, we pray for the world you love;

    We pray for creation groaning due to global warming and environmental destruction at our hands.

    May we be healing restorative stewards of your good creation. 

    We pray for famine-stricken nations, nations at war, nations suffering due to corrupt political leadership.

    May we endeavour each day to walk in the shoes of peace and justice, recognizing the world’s pain is our pain.

    You are the God  who brings new life from the ashes; who makes streams of water to flow in the wilderness.

    May your kingdom come, your will for restoration be done we pray….     

    Spirit of transformation,

    we pray for

    all who stand in need of healing whether for physical, emotional, or relational pain.

    Be with the sick, those living with chronic pain or physical limitations;

    Be with lonely long-term care residents who feel forgotten and overburdened heath care providers.

    We pray for those awaiting test results or appointments and those journeying cancer treatment.

    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, those who carry the scars of abuse, and the grieving.

    Spirit of transformation, we pray for the church,

                    As we live into a new church year, may we live into boldly and faithfully into your mission and vision. May ministries flourish, relationships deepen, and may joy abound as we learn and serve together including next weekend’s apple butter & cheese festival.   

    Listening God, we offer all our prayers, those spoken aloud and those we carry deep in our hearts, as your people who strive to walk in your ways of Jesus in whose name we pray, Amen.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May peace and comfort surround them. We pray as September gears up and as they live into new rhythms. May each of our households of faith draw near to You as You draw near to them with joy, hope, and peace.

    September 11th, 2022

    Thank you God that you have called us to be your people, people who live generously, who love and serve generously, who give of our gifts and abilities, loving others as you have loved us. May you use our gifts to bless and encourage others and may you God be honoured and praised as a result

    God, as we worship in the beauty of creation this morning, we give praise for the land, for the bounty of crops and food, for clean water and fresh air. We give praise for the evidence of your creative spirit, transforming even the smallest of seeds into the beauty of sunflowers, fields of corn, forests that very soon will be ablaze with your glory.

    God, we also ask that your transforming power would also be at work in us, moulding & transforming us so that the character of Jesus is evident to all. Thank you for calling us to partner in your work so that the world would see and acknowledge that you are a God who redeems and restores. Give us the courage to step out, to be obedient to your call

    Thank you Holy Spirit for your work in our lives, for holding us secure in the love of God, and for leading us, sometimes in ways we could not have imagined. Holy Spirit, may your transforming power change us as individuals, as a church

    We give thanks God for answered prayer and for your invitation to bring all our needs and requests to you. Hear our individual prayers as we pause in silence before you.

    (take a moment to pray for those individuals that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind)

    Oh God, we lift up those in our congregation and community this morning who are grieving the death of a loved one or other tragedy of life. God, bring comfort, grant peace, and may your love bring deep healing into their lives. Jesus, be their hope.

    We pray for those who are in need of physical healing and renewal….thank you that you are a God who heals and restores. Touch their bodies and renew their spirits. For those who are lonely or discouraged this day, bring hope and light into their lives.

    Grant each of us Lord a discerning heart, eyes that see, and an obedient heart so that we may be people of grace and love in our workplace, our communities and families, used by you as instruments of hope and peace.

    God, live in us and through us.

    We give you praise and Thanks in the Holy name of your Son, Jesus.

       We pray for our Households of Faith as this school year has begun and the children have enjoying their new classes and routines. May they continue to grow in wisdom and grace.

    Thank you God for these folks and may your peace and presence be their strength.


    September 4th, 2022

    Spirit of transformation and power,

    grant us the gifts of curiosity and imagination, to see the world as you do; to look on our neighbours with love and acceptance; to welcome the stranger with warmth and generosity. Grant us inspiration and courage to build bridges and connections beyond our comfortable circles of relationship and familiar neighbourhoods. May we be open to your presence, active, moving, moulding, transforming our hearts and minds, nurturing our growth as your disciples, deepening our capacity to love.

    Spirit of transformation and power,

    We pray the people of Pakistan amidst devastating floods;

    The people of China sweltering amidst extreme heat

    We pray for those whose homes and livelihood are threatened by wild fires,

    The people of Ethiopia facing famine and drought

    The people of Ukraine amidst war and unimaginable suffering.

    You are the God who transforms ashes into new life;

    You are the God who makes streams flow in the wilderness.

    May your kingdom come in its fullness we pray…. that all may prosper, live in peace and justice.

    Spirit of transformation and power, we also pray for:

    All who stand in need of healing and wholeness for mind, body, spirit.

    Be with the sick, those living with chronic pain, the dying;

    Be with the lonely and isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.

    We pray for those awaiting test results, specialist appointments, those who are journeying cancer treatment, and those living with unexpected disruptions to daily life.

    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, those who carry the scars of abuse, and all who grieve.

    Spirit of transformation and power, we pray for the church,

    we thank you for gifts of leadership, flourishing ministries, and the enjoyment of serving together in ways that further your mission and your vision. Grant us strength to release that which has served its season. May we be open and faithful to walk the new paths you have for us.

    Spirit of transformation and power, we offer all our prayers, those spoken aloud and those we carry deep in our hearts, as your people who strive to walk in your ways of peace. Amen.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Bless each one with the presence of your peace and the strength of your joy. Amen

    August 28th, 2022

    God of wedding celebrations and new wine,
    of love and laughter, dancing and singing,
    at the wedding in Cana
    your son Jesus turned water into wine,
    delighting all who were there.

    Transform our hearts by your Spirit,
    that we may use our varied gifts and abilities,
    to reflect the light of your love as one body.

    When our lives run dry,
    we rest in the hope that you will replenish us.
    Transform our lives
    and provide what we can never provide for ourselves.

    We trust you to take our emptiness
    and fill us with the richness of new creation in you.
    We submit ourselves to your love and power
    to make us into our true selves, the people you created us to be.

    Listening God, we also pray for:
    the sick, those living with chronic pain, the vulnerable;
    those who are lonely or isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.
    We pray for those awaiting tests or surgery dates, and those who are journeying cancer treatment.
    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, and those who stand in need of healing and wholeness.
    We pray for those facing major life decisions, change, and those who grieve.
    God of the church,
    We thank you for gifts of leadership, the grace of calling,
    And for WMC’s open hearts to Niahm & Peter these past months.
    Thank you for Niahm’s generous spirit, her joy, and authenticity.
    Bless her richly as her learning and formation continues
    And bless those whom she serves in your name.
    God of compassion and grace, hold all your people within the wide embrace of your love and strengthen us to walk in your ways of justice, peace, and joy. Amen

    Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care. We pray for Nithview and all other LTC homes experiencing covid outbreaks.

    We pray for our Households of Faith

    Bless our households of faith we pray with joy, peace, and loving relationships. May each day hold meaning and purpose and may each heart continue to be drawn to your own. Amen

    August 21st, 2022

    Due to rainy forecast and a family death, the campfire for tonight at Alvin & Kara’s has been cancelled/postponed.

    River of Life,

    You both steady and nourish our roots.

    You invite us to drink from your living water.

    You nourish our spirits.

    As sunlight enticing us taller,

    as the breeze rustling leaves,

    You are with us through dry seasons of summer heat,

    and through dry seasons of our lives.

    You are present through seasons of abundance.

    For everything there is a season..

    a time for every matter under heaven….

    grace us with all we need for each day,

    each season,

    for the trials and the joys

    the challenges and the delights.

    Companion us. May your love warm and sustain us.

    Water us, that we may thrive.

    God of peace, we offer our prayers for places in the world that are in turmoil….

    There are so many places….too many to name….

    We pray for parents worried about food shortages and hungry little tummies;

    Those suffering under the harsh hand of corrupt political powers;

    We pray for countries where bombs rain down and tanks rumble down city streets.

    Listening God, we also pray for those whom you hold close within your heart,

    the sick, those living with chronic illness, the vulnerable;

    those who are lonely or isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.

    We pray for those awaiting test results, surgery dates, and those who are journeying cancer treatment. May hope burn bright!

    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, the fearful, the dying, and those who stand in need of healing and wholeness.

    We pray for those facing major life decisions, change, and those who grieve.

    Hold your people within the wide embrace of your love and strengthen us to walk in your ways of love.

    For needs named and for those we hold deep in our heart, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones. Restore their strength we pray.

    Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with covid outbreaks. We pray for other LTC homes experiencing covid outbreaks.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May these summer months bring refreshment and restorative rest for mind, body, and spirit. Giving thanks for our households of faith may joy, peace, and love fill each heart and home. Amen

    August 14th, 2022

    We give you praise this morning, oh Lord our God. We come as your children, and we celebrate your majesty and power, your presence and faithfulness in our lives. Holy is your Name. We give thanks that you are our Rock, our Refuge; your presence brings comfort through the storms of life. God, help us not to fear these storms, but joyfully receive the gift of your presence and sovereign power. Help us to set aside fear and doubt, keeping our eyes fixed on you Jesus, our Redeemer, Saviour, and Lord.

    We come to you this morning with the words of David in Psalm 91 flowing from our lips.

    Psalm 91 – The Message

    Vs.1-4 You who sit down in the High God’s presence,
    spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow,
    Say this: “God, you’re my refuge.
    I trust in you and I’m safe!”
    That’s right—he rescues you from hidden traps,
    shields you from deadly hazards.
    His huge outstretched arms protect you—
    under them you’re perfectly safe;
    his arms fend off all harm.


    Vs. 14-16 “If you’ll hold on to me for dear life,” says God,
    “I’ll get you out of any trouble.
    I’ll give you the best of care
    if you’ll only get to know and trust me.
    Call me and I’ll answer, be at your side in bad times;
    I’ll rescue you, then throw you a party.
    I’ll give you a long life,
    give you a long drink of salvation!”

    As we come before you God we also bring the following praises and requests.

    Oh God, we rejoice with those who are enjoying times of rest, renewal and restoration as they holiday together with family and friends these weeks. God, grant safety, be present through your Holy Spirit, and may they experience the wonder of your love. We also lift up those who are walking through deep waters, facing storms of struggle and pain. Lead and guide, provide hope and comfort as you hold them in your hands. Grant comfort to those who grieve and may your presence bring peace to those who are lonely and discouraged. We pray especially for those of our church family who reside in Long-term care or Nursing Homes. Oh God, may they know they are valued and loved by you and us. We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones. Grant patience, an abundance of love, and the wisdom to make wise, loving decisions. For those who are facing major personal life decisions grant Godly wisdom; where relationships are broken bring healing and redemption of the situation.

    We praise you for your presence with Pastor Kara and Alvin over these past weeks as they have shared a time of rest and renewal. Thank you for ministering through her at Conference and for the gift of your grace and presence in her life as well. God, prepare her for the road that lies ahead as she serves and leads here at WMC.

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with Covid outbreaks.

    Thank you Jesus for your presence with those of our Households of Faith.

    God be present with each of these individuals, give them the strength and courage necessary to walk in obedience to you, and fill them with your love and grace.

    We give you praise and thanks in the name of Jesus!


    August 7th, 2022

    We give you praise this morning, oh Lord our God. We celebrate your majesty and power, your presence and faithfulness in our lives. Holy is your Name. We give thanks for your love and grace poured into our lives; may we extend the same to all we interact with. God, rain down your love on this earth through us. Mold us, renew us, and form us into your image.

    We come to you this morning with the words of David in Psalm 111 flowing from our lips.

    Praise the Lord.[bI will extol the Lord with all my heart
    in the council of the upright and in the assembly.

    Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.
    Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.
    He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the Lord is gracious and compassionate.
    He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.

    He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations.
    The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.
    They are established for ever and ever, enacted in faithfulness and uprightness.
    He provided redemption for his people;
    he ordained his covenant forever— holy and awesome is his name.

    10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
    all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
    To him belongs eternal praise.

    As we come before you God we also bring the following praises and requests.

    Oh God, we rejoice with those who are enjoying times of rest, renewal and restoration as they holiday together with family and friends these weeks. God, grant safety, be present through your Holy Spirit, and may they experience the wonder of your love. We also lift up those who are walking through deep waters, facing times of struggle and pain. Lead and guide, provide hope and comfort as you hold them in your hands. Grant comfort to those who grieve and may your presence bring peace to those who are lonely and discouraged. We pray especially for those of our church family who reside in Long-term care or Nursing Homes. Oh God, may they know they are valued and loved by you and us. We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones. Grant patience, an abundance of love, and the wisdom to make wise, loving decisions. For those who are facing major life decisions grant Godly wisdom; where relationships are broken bring healing and redemption of the situation.

    We thank you Holy Spirit for speaking and challenging the broader church family as Pastor Kara brought the concluding message at the MC Canada Conference. May your will be done in the life of your church, Jesus.

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with Covid outbreaks.

    Thank you Jesus for your presence with those of our Households of Faith.

    Hold them in your hands.

    We give you praise and thanks in the name of Jesus!


    July 30th, 2022

    We give thanks this morning, oh God, for the privilege of being called your people, your children, the sheep of your pasture. We praise you that through your great love and grace, we too have been grafted into the Vine, your Son Jesus. We rejoice!

    Jesus, we also celebrate that we are a part of your Body, the church, both here at WMC and around our world. This morning as we gather to worship with believers from all across Canada we give thanks for the privilege of worship, of being able to bring honour and praise to you God, in the name of Jesus. We also pray for the leadership of MC Canada, for pastors and church leaders across our country. May they be filled with your Holy Spirit, may they walk in obedience to you Jesus, and may they experience daily the fullness of your love and grace. We also give thanks for the church around the world, for all believers who know you Jesus as Saviour and Lord. My we become your hands and feet, serving and loving in a world where fear and hurt abounds. We pray for believers who face persecution and abuse. Grant perseverance, strength, and an abundance of grace and love for those who hate. We give praise for the Body of Christ.

    So this morning as we gather together, we pray and worship using the words of the Psalmist David, in Psalm 96.

    Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
    Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.
    Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

    For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.
    For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.
    Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and glory are in his sanctuary.

    Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
    Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts.
    Worship the Lord in the splendor of his[a] holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.

    As we come before you God we also bring the following praises and requests.

    We praise you God for your presence in the lives of each member of the MDS Team as they have served this past week out East. Thank you for your blessing on the physical work completed and for the building of relationships. God, may the memories and learning of this week be honouring to you and formative in the lives of each team member

    Oh God, help us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Grant comfort to those who grieve and may your presence bring peace to those who are lonely and discouraged. For those who are facing major life decisions grant Godly wisdom; where relationships are broken bring healing and redemption of the situation.

    We also pray for renewal and refreshment during these days of holiday and travel.

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones. Grant patience, an abundance of love, and the wisdom to make wise, loving decisions

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. We pray for all those in long-term care living with Covid outbreaks.

    Thank you Jesus for your presence with those of our Households of Faith.

    God, may you fill them with your joy, grant strength for each day, and may your love flow through them to all they meet.

    We give you praise and thanks in the name of Jesus!


    July 24th, 2022

    Oh God we give thanks this day and rejoice in these words of healing and hope from

    Isaiah 53. We give you praise for the gift of life through your Son, Jesus.

    Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
    He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.
    He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
    He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
    Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

    Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering,
    yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
    But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
    We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way;
    and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

    He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth;
    he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
    By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?
    For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
    He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death,
    though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

    10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
    11 After he has suffered, he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e]; by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
    12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g] and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h]because he poured out his life unto death,

    and was numbered with the transgressors.
    For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

    Thank you God for the privilege of prayer, and for your invitation to bring all our needs to you.

    We bring before you the members of the MDS/SYP Team, praying for your protection in travel and on the worksite, for joy and strength as they serve, and for deep compassion in each heart as they grow in their awareness of the needs of our world.

    Oh God, help us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Grant comfort to those who grieve and may your presence bring peace to those who are lonely and discouraged. For those who are facing major life decisions grant Godly wisdom; where relationships are in tatters bring healing and restoration

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with Covid outbreaks.

    Thank you Jesus for your presence with those of our Households of Faith.

    Be their strength, their peace, and their source of grace. Hold them in your hands.

    We pray your peace and presence over Graham, Kara, Nathan & Iris Schwartzentruber. Hold them close to your heart, inviting them to rest in your love. We give you thanks.

    We also pray for Luke & Delores Schwartzentruber. Hem them in, behind and before; grant them a deep awareness of your presence and your holy love. Grant wisdom and grace as they walk this road of life.

    We give you praise!

    July 16th, 2022

    In light of the theme “Come to the Water” that we will follow for the next several weeks, I would encourage you to read the following.

    A Letter from God – taken from portions of “Come Thirsty” – Max Lucado

    Dear child of mine

    Are you thirsty? Come and drink. I am one who comforts you. I bought you, and complete you. I delight in you and claim you as my own, rejoicing over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride. I will never fail you or forsake you.

    I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins, yet my grace is sufficient for you. I have cast all your sins behind my back, trampled them under my feet, and thrown them into the depths of the ocean! Your sins have been washed away, swept away like the morning mists, scattered like the clouds. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free. Your citizenship is in heaven. Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.

    You are worried and troubled about many things; trust me with all your heart. Let me strengthen you with my glorious power. I did not spare my Son but gave him up for you. Won’t I give you everything else? March on dear soul with courage! Never give up. I will help you; I will uphold you.

    Trust in me always. I am the eternal Rock, your Shepherd, the Guardian of your soul. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

    So, don’t worry. I never tire or sleep. I stand beside you. The angel of the Lord encamps around you. I hide you in the shelter of my presence. I will go ahead of you, directing your step and delighting in every detail of your life. If you stumble, you will not fall, for I hold you by the hand. I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. Wars will break out near and far, but don’t panic. I have overcome the world. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. I surround you with a shield of love.

    I throw my arms of love around you, lavish attention on you, and guard you as the apple of my eye. I rejoice over you with great gladness. My thoughts of you cannot be counted; they outnumber the grains of sand! Nothing can ever separate you from my love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Your fears for today, your worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep my love away.

    Give me your burdens; I will take care of you. I know how weak you are, that you are made of dust. Give all your worries and cares to me, because I care about what happens to you.

    Remember, I am at hand. Come to me when you are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. I delight in you, and I can be trusted to keep my promises. Come and drink the water of life.

    Your Maker, your Father


    Thank you God for your love, for the gift of Living Water, and for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Give us faith to trust wholly in you, to drink deeply so that streams of Living Water will flow from within us, changing our world. We give you praise.

    Listening God, we also pray for those whom you hold close within your heart,

    the sick, those living with chronic illness, the vulnerable;

    those who are lonely or isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.

    those awaiting test results, surgery dates, and those who are journeying cancer treatment. May hope burn bright!

    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, the fearful, the dying, and those who stand in need of healing and wholeness.

    We pray for those facing major life decisions, change, and those who grieve.

    Hold each heart secure within your own and strengthen us to walk in your ways of love.

    For needs named and for those we hold deep in our heart, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with Covid outbreaks.

    Thank you Jesus for your presence with those of our Households of Faith.

    We praise God as they bless their family with care and support, and use their gifts to also serve here at WMC and in the community. May God be your strength and joy.

    July 10th, 2022

    Good and gracious God, we give you thanks for summer days;

    for early sunrises and bird songs that greet us each morning.

    We thank you for summer’s change of pace,

    anticipation of travels and rest,

    the joy of weddings & reunions,

    quiet mornings enjoying coffee on the porch.

    We give thanks for your glory revealed each new day,

    for your sustaining presence with us and all of creation…

    God of peace, we offer our prayers today for places in the world that are in turmoil….

    There are so many places….too many to name….

    We pray for parents worried about food shortages and hungry little tummies;

    Those suffering under the harsh hand of corrupt political powers;

    We pray for a nation in mourning following horrific assassination.

    We pray for countries where bombs rain down and tanks rumble down city streets.

    We pray for the precariously housed here in Wtloo region and beyond;

    those struggling financially, relationally, emotionally.

    God hear our prayers for courage, peace, safety, hope!

    Listening God, hear our prayers for humanity – open the eyes of our hearts to see the good in one another, to see your image, your face, your heart….

    Listening God, we also pray for those whom you hold close within your heart,

    the sick, those living with chronic illness, the vulnerable;

    those who are lonely or isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.

    those awaiting test results, surgery dates, and those who are journeying cancer treatment. May hope burn bright!

    We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, the fearful, the dying, and those who stand in need of healing and wholeness.

    We pray for those facing major life decisions, change, and those who grieve.

    Hold each heart secure within your own and strengthen us to walk in your ways of love.

    For needs named and for those we hold deep in our heart, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for the many needs that our community of faith face. Grant courage, strength, and peace. Surround and keep safe all those in long-term care living with covid outbreaks.
    We pray for our Households of Faith. May these summer days bring about renewal, opportunity for reflection, and restorative rest for mind, body, and spirit. Giving thanks for our households of faith may joy, peace, and love fill each heart and home. Amen

    July 4th, 2022

    Holy One, thank You that You have been our strength in times past, and that You continue to support and strengthen your people through every season of life. For babies, their fragrance, their vulnerability, the softness of skin, we give thanks. For toddlers and children, full of energy and endless questions, squirming, and spontaneity, we give thanks. For teens, maturing and growing, young adults spreading wings and growing in independence, we give thanks. For all the stages of adulthood; the joys of family life, adventures, intimate relationships, for grandparenting, we give thanks. For the golden years of wisdom, grace amidst limitations, a time for reflection, a time for retirement, we give thanks and pray that you would be glorified through each stage and season.

    We give thanks for summer days – ripe strawberries, the refreshment of swimming and the fun of water balloons; backyard bbq’s and fire flies. As school terms have wrapped up, summer jobs and vacation planning under way, we pray for refreshment for educators and students, bright celebration for our graduates. We pray for spaciousness in each day to soak in the beauty of each day. Vibrant sunsets; the warmth of the sun of our cheeks, waves that ebb and flow.

    God, we offer our prayers for whose needs, or pain, or suffering, we carry deep in our hearts. We pray for compassion and comfort for all who are grieve, the weak, the frazzled. We pray for those anticipating appointments and the unexpected journey of treatment as well as their families as they support and extend care. We pray for the frustrated, the discouraged, those who are weary of struggle, or division, and those who live with pain. We pray for long-term care communities locked down amidst covid outbreaks. We pray for patience, comfort amidst isolation and loneliness. And we pray for safe travels for all on the roads these days.

    We pray for Ron Gerber who has had a difficult week. Ron is receiving treatment for an infection. He is very weak and feeling unwell. Ron appreciates prayers for healing, restored strength, and deep measures of patience. We also pray for Ron’s family as they have taken on primary care giving roles. Grant them peace, strength, and rest. We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We especially pray for all those currently impacted by covid outbreaks and lock-downs including loved ones at Nithview Home and Fairview Mennonite home. May God’s comfort surround all those experiencing isolation and loneliness.

    We pray for Grace & Elmer Neeb & family as Grace begins chemotherapy tomorrow to treat leukemia. Grace & Elmer appreciate all the prayers and care they have received. We pray for treatment to do its healing work and for sustained strength and peace for Grace.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Whether at work, at rest, at play, may each know your love and peace. May relationships be seasoned love and may the peace of Christ fill each heart.

    We pray Holy One as those desiring to walk faithfully in your ways saying: Our Father……………..

    VBS Prayer:

    VBS….. is opportunity to attend to the sowing of the seeds of faith…. Trusting that through the Spirit those seeds will be received, nourished, grow, and bear fruit.

    Bible Stories, songs, activities including comforter knotting and milk bag mat making….are seed sowing opportunities.

    Seeds are nourished through the accompaniment of patient and kind leaders and volunteers ….

    It is God that makes the seeds grow.

    Let’s pray: Abundant and Joy-giving God,

    You fill your world with a season of summer delights. Fill us with the joy of this season.

    As we gather in the midst of summer days to hear and engage with and live into your story of love, may our days together lead to new friendships, new activity, new insights, and a strengthened and deepened relationship with you.

    May your Spirit shower upon teachers, leaders, and volunteers; giving energy, creativity, and patience. May your love embrace the children and young people who join us for VBS so they may come to know you more deeply. May your people experience good fellowship in these days as we study, create, and play.

    Bless us, O God, as we seek to learn from your living Word and to share your love. As you gather us in for VBS, send us out beyond this place to show the world what we have come to know: that your grace and welcome and wonder are for all. We pray in the name of your Son. Amen.

    June 26th, 2022

    Thank you to Jane Kuepfer for offering prayers today:

    Gracious and Generous God – In your love we live and move and have our being – as individuals, and as a body in which your Spirit lives. We offer ourselves to your work and to your way when we give our offerings, when we give our time and energy, when we make commitments to be part of this family of faith. God, take what we offer and bless it, that your spirit would be known beyond these walls, and that your love would reach the places it is needed.

    As a congregation that is committed to being a welcoming community, we pray these words offered for Pride month:

    “God of love and light and life,

    We come to you because we want to embody your love.

    We come to you because we need you to light our way.

    We come to you because we seek to live our lives in you.

    Thank you for each LGBTQ+ sibling in faith, among us and around us.

    Thank you for the rainbow gifts of queerness to your Church and to your world.

    As we build diverse community together, in your image, we ask that you call each of us by name, so that we might follow.

    Show us the kaleidoscope of your grace, colourful, beautiful, and always giving us new perspectives.

    Lead us toward the horizon of your love, always just a little further, a little wider, a little beyond what we thought we knew.

    Open our hands to the wind of your Spirit, felt but uncontrollable, trusted but undefinable, around us and within our very breath.”

    We are thankful for Alissa Bender who wrote those words, and for all who are helping us to understand and love more fully.

    God, we hold with you this morning those we know to be in the midst of hard circumstances – we extend our compassion to those among us and around us who are suffering: from illness or injury, from loss and grief, from anxiety and fear. We join our hearts with those who are frustrated, exhausted, sad, lonely.

    We desire courage for those needing to move forward, wise discernment for those making decisions, peace for those who are uneasy. God, you know all our struggles and needs as human beings in this complex world.

    As those who are largely privileged and secure, teach us to live toward your ways in all we say and do. Protect those who are vulnerable and lead us all toward greater love and lasting peace.

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith: May love abound in each home and in each heart. May each home be filled with joy and may God grant health, strength, and meaningful relationships.

    We pray as followers of Jesus, whose disciples learned to pray saying simply: Our Father, who art in heaven…

    June 19th, 2022

    This morning as we gather to worship, we give thanks oh God for the gift of your presence and leading in our lives, both as individuals and corporately. We praise you for your love; your faithfulness and for your grace, demonstrated by the fact that you call us your children. We come to you this morning to worship, to give praise, and to ask for your faithful work in our lives.

    Today as we celebrate Fathers Day, Holy God, creator and sustainer, we thank you for nurturing us as a father, a mother. We praise you that your care and protection surrounds us. We remember all the people who have nurtured us, especially the important men in our lives. We praise you for those who birthed us, who mentored us, those who have seen us, not just with their eyes, but with their heart. God, we give thanks for them. [to share the remainder of this Fathers Day prayer, please see the attachment]

    We also pray the words of David in Psalm 139

    You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.
    You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
    You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
    Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
    You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

    Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
    If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
    If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
    10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
    11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”
    12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day,
    for darkness is as light to you.

    13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
    17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God! How vast is the sum of them!
    18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you……..

    Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

    Thank you God for hearing our prayer. We come as a child to a Father; hold us in your love. Strengthen our faith, give us wisdom and courage to live lives of obedience and faithfulness to you. We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus.

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones. For all who are caring for elderly parents, God, may your love flow abundantly and the gift of your grace and patience be sufficient.

    We pray for our Households of Faith that God’s peace and presence would be evident in and through the lives of these families and individuals. May God’s love fill them and flow through them to others. God, grant them strength for each day and may Your will be done in their lives. Grant strength and grace we pray.


    June 12th, 2022

    Good and gracious God,

    You created with a word and declared “it is good.”

    We bask in the beauty of your creation…

    We hear the bird’s song… the rustling of leaves

    We feel the warmth of the sun…

    We are grateful for the refreshment of rain.

    Thank you for growing seasons

    Long daylight hours,

    Seeds sprouting, lawns lush

    Water ways, lakes, streams

    Creeks and rivers.

    We are grateful for the laughter of children,

    Playfulness and spontaneity

    We are grateful for our teens,

    Growing, wings stretching

    We celebrate these special milestones

    Markers of new beginnings, growth, adventure


    We are grateful for the bright celebrations of life

    Birthdays, and special anniversaries,

    Graduations, and more

    We are grateful to be together,

    To Worship, praise, care deeply,

    To walk with one another….

    Through the grief, through the pain,

    Through uncertainties

    We also pray for peace where war rages on.

    May world leaders respond to

    Russia and the Ukraine with wisdom, integrity.

    We pray for those you hold especially close

    Those who are living with illness,

    Those dealing with change,

    Those who are lonely, or heartbroken.

    Hold their hearts secure within your own and help us to be generous with your love.

    For needs named and for those we hold deep in our heart, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for our Households of Faith
    . May energy abound as the school year wraps up. May each experience joy, peace and the love of God. Amen

    June 5th, 2022

    Today’s prayer is an adaptation of a prayer written by Carol Penner

    Lord, you are the giver of life.
    From the beginning of time, your Spirit brooded over the deep,
    your wind rushing, your breath filling.
    As creatures of the earth, we inhale your grace
    rejoicing in life abundant.
    We use our breath, our being
    to raise this hymn of praise:
    for Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
    and for the mission you give us
    to spread your love to the world.

    Our Pentecost petitions are many—
    you know the prayers of our hearts.
    Some of us are sick and tired, some of us are worried,
    we fear for those we love, we fear the future.
    Some of us are grieving, we don’t know how to go on.
    We need your help!
    We pray for the places in our world
    where poverty has an iron grip…
    whether that is close to home, or across the oceans.
    We need your Spirit to confront powers and principalities,
    tyrants and governments and corporations
    that feed off of and perpetuate poverty.

    This week, enliven us as your disciples of healing and hope

    Empower us by your Holy Spirit

    That we may breathe out the harmonies of your song,

    Melodies of the Holy Spirit,

    Unending, ageless, eternal and ever new. Amen

    We pray for students and teachers as end quickly approaches. Grant each the stamina they need to see this challenging school year through.

    We pray for our Households of Faith from this week and last. May God’s peace and presence be evident in and through their lives. May each one know God’s love and grace each day. May days be filled with joy, meaningful tasks, and healthy connections.

    May 29th, 2022

    God, like the Israelites in the wilderness,

    we too have known Your love,

    and have experienced Your care and provision.

    Like the disciples living between resurrection and Pentecost

    we too have experienced times of waiting,

    unsure what is to come.

    We hear your invitation to extend love to the world around us—

    to care for others, and so we bring the needs of our world before You now.

    We pray for the many who do not have enough:

    enough food to eat, or shelter to keep warm;

    enough employment, or money to pay their bills;

    enough medicine or medical care.

    We also pray for those who have more than enough,

    but still struggle to find meaning and purpose in life;

    who indulge in dangerous or self-serving ways

    to dull their pain or loneliness.

    We also pray for peace where war rages on.

    May world leaders respond to

    Russia and the Ukraine with wisdom, integrity.

    We pray for those you hold especially close

    Those who are living with illness, worry, or pain;

    Those dealing with change, a major life decision, those who need reassurance and support;

    Those who are grieving the loss of loved ones;

    Those who are lonely, or heartbroken.

    Hold their hearts secure within your own and help us to be generous with you love.

    For needs named and for those we hold deep in our heart, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus the risen Christ. Amen

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.
    We pray for all who grieve. Continue to draw near to the broken-hearted with comfort and peace.
    We pray for our Households of Faith from this week and last. May God’s peace and presence be evident in and through their lives. We praise God for each one and rejoice as God’s blessing flows into their lives.

    May 22, 2022

    This morning as we gather to worship, we give thanks oh God for the gift of your presence and leading in our lives, both as individuals and corporately. We praise you for your love; your faithfulness and for your grace, demonstrated by the fact that you call us your children. We come to you this morning to worship, to give praise, and to ask for your faithful work in our lives.
    We echo the words of David in Psalm 117 “Praise the Lord, all you nations, extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.”

    We also praise God along with David as we pray portions of Psalm 145
    “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
    2 Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.
    3 Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
    4 One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.
    5 They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.[b]
    6 They tell of the power of your awesome works— and I will proclaim your great deeds.
    7 They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.
    8 The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
    The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
    10 All your works praise you, LORD; your faithful people extol you.
    11 They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might,
    12 so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.
    13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
    and your dominion endures through all generations.
    The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.[c]
    14 The LORD upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
    15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.
    16 You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
    17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.
    18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
    to all who call on him in truth.

    God, strengthen our faith, give us wisdom and courage to live lives of obedience and faithfulness to you. We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus.

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.
    We pray for all who grieve. Continue to draw near to the broken-hearted with comfort and peace.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.
    For needs that have been named and for those which we carry deep in our hearts we pray.

    We pray for our Households of Faith that God’s peace and presence would be evident in and through the lives of these families and individuals. We praise God for each of you and rejoice in God’s blessing on your lives.


    May 15th, 2022

    This morning we dedicated our new worship book Voices Together.

    The following two prayers were shared during this morning’s worship.

    We are people who must sing you,

    for the sake of our very lives.

    You are a God who must be sung by us,

    for the sake of your majesty and honor.

    and so we thank you,

    for lyrics that push us past our reasons,

    for melodies that break open our givens,

    for cadences that locate us home,

    beyond all our safe places,

    for tones and tunes that open our lives beyond control

    and our futures beyond despair.

    We thank you for the long parade of mothers and fathers

    who have sung you deep and true;

    we thank you for the good company

    of artists, poets, musicians, cantors, and instruments

    that sing for us and with us, toward you.

    We are witnesses to your mercy and splendor;

    we will not keep silent…. ever again. Amen

    Great Physician,

    you touched the lives of the sick and the troubled;

    your hands rested on bodies in crisis;

    your words soothed broken hearts.

    We call on you today, O God,

    because we need your healing.

    Where we have pain, bring relief.

    When we are disoriented, bring clarity.

    When we confront disease or brokenness, bring healing.

    When we wait for tests or news, bring patience.

    When we live with barriers, bring courage.

    When we are bound by addiction, bring freedom.

    When illness separates us from others, bring friendship.

    When we cannot make ends meet, help us.

    You are with us in loneliness, bringing comfort.

    You are with us in despair, bringing hope.

    You are the God who cares and heals. Amen (VT #976)

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for all who grieve. Continue to draw near to the broken-hearted with comfort and peace.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    For needs that have been named and for those which we carry deep in our hearts we pray.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May their work be fulfilling and may joy be their strength with each new day.

    We pray for strength and much joy. AMEN

    May 8th, 2022

    Loving God, on this Mother’s Day we are grateful for mothers. We are grateful that you designed life such that when we each come into this world we’re not alone, but held and nurtured, first in the body of our mother, and then in her arms. As we grow our mothers are often our strongest cheerleaders, and our soft place to land in life. Mothers matter a lot.

    So today we are mindful of our mothers, of those who gave us life, and those who have given us love, whether biological mothers or not.

    We pray for all those in mothering relationships today, at all stages of life. We pray for good relationships and for difficult ones, and for all those normal relationships that are a mix of both.

    We pray for those who are missing their mothers today, and for mothers who are missing children. Comfort too those who have longed for a mothering relationship that they haven’t had.

    God, we experience your love for us as like that of a mother. Deeply rooted, unconditional, hopeful, persevering, warm and caring. As a congregation we hope to embody that love for each other and our community.

    We pray for those you hold especially close today:

    – those who are living with illness, and perhaps worry or frustration or pain;

    – those dealing with changes, decisions, transitions, who need your reassurance and support;

    – those who are grieving loss of someone dear to them;

    – those who are lonely, or heartbroken.

    Hold their hearts securely within your own and help us to show your love.

    We pray not only for those close by, but for your children in all corners of this world. Whatever they are going through today, hold them securely, and bring them peace.

    We pray all this in the name of your dear Son Jesus, and as we pray the prayer he taught us, we remember he spoke of you as our heavenly parent, saying “Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

    We pray for all who are caregivers for aging parents and loved ones.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    For needs that have been named and for those which we carry deep in our hearts we pray.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Surround and hold each one in the embrace of your love and grace. Whether at work, at school, at rest, or at play, may each experience joy with each new day and purpose and meaning with each new day. Amen

    May 2nd, 2022

    Lord Jesus, you conquered death.

    Raised to new life,

    you revealed yourself
    through hospitality.

    Welcomed to the table. The breaking of bread.

    Eyes opened.

    Lives transformed.

    And still, you reveal yourself

    Through the stranger, the outsider,

    in and through this gathered body, your church.

    Amidst our struggles and joys,

    amidst the everyday.

    Wherever your people gather. You are revealed.

    We pray for our family of faith.

    For those whom life is hard….

    We pray for those living with physical limitations, illness, pain, transitions, struggle

    We pray for those standing in need of healing and wholeness

    For those who stand in need of hope….. we pray

    For those in need of community,

    For all who grieve……

    For our households of faith for this week.

    We are grateful for one another.

    We pray that your healing and hope will

    move in and through us, reaching a hurting world.

    As we extend hospitality – as we take the risk,

    open our eyes to your presence.

    As we give generously in your name

    multiply our gifts of money as you did with 5 loaves and 2 fish….

    That all may be fed. That your kingdom would flourish and be revealed.

    O Lord, hear our prayer…………….

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Surround and hold each in the embrace of your love and grace. Whether at work, at school, at rest, or at play, may each experience joy with each new day. May each experience fulfillment and purpose with each new day. Amen

    April 24th, 2022

    We praise you O God whose ways are just and good.

    Whose resurrecting power sets the prisoners free – breaking the chains that keep your people bound from living fully alive.

    We praise you O God, whose healing grace opens our blind eyes revealing our biases; prejudice, and life-denying ways; who opens our eyes to identify your presence and activity in the world .

    You are the God who desires that all are fed: sustenance for body, nourishment for spirit.

    And you are the God whose desire for all people is community, healthy relationships where all can flourish, where all belong, where all are transformed as we walk together in your ways.

    Strengthen us we pray to serve until all are fed, free; healed; embraced, housed, loved.

    We pray too for those in our own community today. For those living with illness, pain, grief, change, struggles – we pray. And for those in our community of faith, especially our households of faith for this week. We are grateful for one another.

    For the church, your body, your people, here in this world. We are listening; we are open to your leading as you guide us into your future. Tune our hearts and ears and breathe your spirit of life into your people and into your beloved world.

    Walk with us. Strengthen us for the journey.

    We pray in the strong name of Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    These past weeks we have seen a significant increase of covid infections. May we continue to take appropriate precautions at this difficult time. We pray for all who are ill, recovering, and caregivers who are weary.

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Surround and hold each in the embrace of your love and grace. May each experience fulfillment and purpose with each new day. May these households experience good health, supportive relationships and peace. Amen

    April 17th, 2022

    Generous and surprising God, when we thought that death
    had claimed your only Son, you amazed us with the resurrection.
    Surprise us again. Free us from certainty that we may live with a radical openness to your ways that bring new life, new beginnings, re-birth.

    On this Easter morning we welcome your resurrection for it is
    life changing, life giving and life sustaining.
    We welcome the hope it brings to our world.
    We welcome the joy it brings to our darkness and pain.
    We welcome the empty tomb for we know your risen presence is among us.

    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning’s alleluia’s

    we know there are those who are hurting or sad.

    We pray for those that have no hope,

    those struggling with mental illness, loneliness, or fear.

    We pray for those places and peoples in our world

    where death and domination rule,

    where imperial powers ignore the poor,

    where war rages,

    where children are hungry,

    where parents grieve because they cannot provide,

    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,

    we realize the depth and breadth of what it means

    to be your Easter people.

    For we are the ones who are called

    to go into the places in our lives and world

    to work for justice and life for all in your Creation.

    It is up to us to bear witness to the promise of resurrection,

    to hold those in despair, and believe for them,

    that Love is stronger than death.

    So give us the courage to bear your living Love

    in every corner of our lives,

    so that your peaceable realm will be so, here on earth, as it is in heaven. We pray

    In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray, Alleluia! Amen.

    These past weeks we have seen a significant increase of covid infections. May we continue to take appropriate precautions at this difficult time. We pray for all who are ill, recovering, and caregivers including health care professionals who are weary.

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for all who are grieving and missing a loved one at the family dinner table this Easter. May warm memories and the love of family and friends be a source of deep comfort.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. Whether at work, enjoying recreation or rest, pour out your bright blessing. May each experience fulfillment and purpose with each new day. May these households of faith experience good health, supportive relationships and peace. Amen

    April 10th, 2022

    Today’s prayer, written by Carol Penner has been adapted.

    Thank you God for your triumphal entry into our world each and every day.
    The slow motion explosion of buds on the trees proclaim “Hosanna!”
    Rushing water, falling from heaven, gurgling to the sea, proclaims “Hosanna!”
    The fragrance of spring in the morning air proclaims, “Hosanna!”

    We long to join this chorus, giving you thanks and praise for who you are, for all you have created, all you are creating.

    Thank you for sending Jesus, who showed us your love for all creation, your love for us.
    He opened our eyes to see your kingdom come here on earth

    He came to show us that power is revealed through humble service.
    Forgive us for the times where we have gone about our own business, concerned with many things, oblivious to the needs of those around us, oblivious to the call of your love in our heart.

    God of grace, equip us to be your servants, listening, eager, ready.

    Thank you for your presence in our world, even in war-filled places.
    We hear of bombs dropped in the Ukraine, children killed, the needy betrayed.
    We are tempted to despair, and to think that you have forsaken us.
    We are tempted to think that you are powerless.
    Give us a vision of your entry into our world as the Prince of peace,
    changing hearts, changing our hearts, one by one,
    creating communities of peacemakers who say no to violence.
    God of great deeds, open our hearts to be your hearts,
    our hands to be your hands,
    our arms, to be your loving arms
    for all who need your presence.

    You know the people in our congregation with pressing needs:
    those with new diagnoses, those in recovery, those waiting for tests, those coping with chronic pain whether physical, emotional, or relational.
    We grieve with those here who are grieving, and we ask you for comfort and healing.
    We pray for relationships that are strained, walk with us, and show us the way.
    We ask all these things, in the name of Christ, Amen.

    We pray for abundant measures of care and compassion for all who are caring for aging parents and loved ones. May families work well together in caring and supportive ways.

    May comfort and peace surround the grieving.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May joy fill their hearts, peace and love flow within and through them, and may they experience fulfilling and loving relationships. May each heart turn to you as they seek to follow your ways. Amen

    April 3rd, 2022

    Great God:
    Thank you for the constant call we hear from you every day.
    The wind whispering around our ears,
    the birds singing to us from the trees,
    rain pinging on the window,
    the good earth inviting our steps.

    We hear that call again and again,
    through kind hands and warm hearts around us.
    Open our ears to your call,
    which is as expansive as the world,
    and as particular as a poor man walking a dusty road
    to a cross on Calvary.

    Like him, help us to love, not just in word, but in deed:
    love for our neighbours who are hard to love,
    love for newcomers in our community,
    love for people who are cast out by others.

    Forgive us for the times we have failed to share your love,
    choosing to hoard what is freely given,
    fearful that we have limited resources, limited time…we’re too tired.

    Thank you that even then, your consoling voice calls us.
    Help us to respond with cheerful hearts as we do your work.
    Strengthen those among us who face heavy burdens,
    who live with pain; physical, emotional, spiritual.

    Holy Spirit, bind us together as a community
    to sing your chorus of love faithfully, heartily.

    We ask you to pour life & love into our households of faith, those who grieve, those with health concerns and those who are healing. We seek your presence and your peace. ultiply your call in and through all of us.

    In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May joy fill their hearts, peace and love flow within and through them, and may they experience fulfilling and loving relationships.

    March 27th, 2022

    God of the lost, the last, the least, and all who long for home,

    when we wander from your ways and waste the gifts you have given us,

    welcome us back we pray, so that we may celebrate and rejoice

    in your presence.

    God, of prodigal grace, we give you thanks for the gift and the blessings of life,

    for family, friends, community, belonging.

    God of restoration we confess the lines we draw between ourselves and those we believe to be lost. Reveal to us the lostness of our pride, entitlement, and sin.

    Transform us and all our broken ways and make us whole.

    We pray for our community:

    Lead us through the trials; the suffering and sorrow; the challenges and struggles
    the tired time, despair, and bleak places.

    Continue to grace us with hope, with joy, and healthy relationships.

    God whose giving knows no ending, we ask your blessing upon the offerings we freely give. Bless the ministries that are supported here within these walls,

    across the street and around the world. Bless the portion we keep – make us wise stewards.

    We pray for world peace – especially the Ukraine – hear our prayer for the grieving, those whose homes have been destroyed and are far from home. We pray the wounded, the weary, and the aggressors. We pray for global leaders that they may govern with wisdom and integrity.

    Finally, for the church, your body, your hands and feet and heart in this world.

    We stand in need of wisdom and deep listening to discern who you are calling us to be, who we are becoming. May your Spirit move amongst us bringing clarity to your call and your will for our shared life together. Bathe us with your grace and you love and may that love move freely into your world.

    We pray as those who seek to walk in your footsteps. Amen.

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for all who grieve. May comfort and peace surround the grieving.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    March 20th, 2022

    Lord Jesus, our hearts are broken. The world is quaking amidst grave atrocities and disregard for human life. How your own heart must break and weep. We reach out to you amidst deep sufferings in the world you so love.

    We pray for the Ukraine – the grieving, the displaced, the wounded and weary. We pray for the nation’s leaders that they may lead with wisdom, compassion, integrity. We pray for peace through peaceful means.

    We pray for all people who are suffering or struggling – the hungry, the poor, the unsheltered. Hear our prayer for victims of domestic violence, those oppressed due to race, religion, clergy abuse, gender, sexual orientation. Open our eyes to see your face in all we meet.

    Lord Jesus, we are grateful that as the fig tree you provide us with everything we need to bear fruit. Trees grow slowly. Fruit takes time to develop and mature. Lord, you are the gardener who cultivates and nourishes. We pray for patience to wait, openness to be pruned, that we may be more fruitful to your glory. When we resist growth or change, dig around our hearts encouraging repentance and faithfulness.

    We pray for those in our community. For those living with illness, pain, grief. We pray for those recovering from surgery and those living their sunset days.

    Faithful God, we give thanks that there is no place we can go where you are not already present. Continue to walk beside us, loving us, forgiving us, renewing us, upholding us and filling us with your hope, joy and love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

    We also pray for the cares and concerns near and dear to our hearts:

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May your smile be bright upon each family. Surround each with loving relationships, meaningful work, and focus for studies. Whether at work or rest, bless their hearts and home with overflowing love. We pray for deep peace and comfort at this difficult time. May they sense they are standing on sacred ground because You God are near. Hold them close we pray. Amen

    March 13th, 2022

    Thank you to Jane Kuepfer for offering today’s Prayers of the People

    Merciful God, we reach out to you from a world that is suffering in so many ways.

    We pray for this world that you love.

    We pray for the Ukraine, for those who have left their homes, for those still there, for families separated. We pray for people in other places of conflict and danger, overshadowed by this turn of attention to what is newly distressing.

    For those who are vulnerable and powerless, in any corner of the world, God, bring strength, comfort, hope, justice.

    For those with power, God, bring wisdom, integrity, compassion and courage to do what is right. We pray, God, that the destruction will end, that life will be cherished, that the precious resources of this planet will be protected and not wasted.

    We pray too for those in our own community today. For those for whom life is hard – those living with illness, pain, grief, change, struggles – we pray. And for those in our community of faith, especially our households of faith for this week. We are grateful for one another.

    Finally, for the church, your body, your people, here in this world. We need your mercy and your grace to climb out of the past and live into the future. Breathe your spirit of life into your people and into your beloved world.

    Mold our hearts to respond in love, to live in faith and to further your ways.

    Cover this world with your strong wings.

    Walk beside us each day.

    We pray as those seeking to follow and learn from you.


    We also pray for the cares and concerns near and dear to our hearts.

    We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. May your smile be bright upon each family. Surround each with loving relationships, meaningful work, and focus for studies. Whether at work or rest, bless their hearts and home with overflowing love. Amen

    March 6th, 2022

    Lord Jesus, as we enter this Lenten season we yearn to know your ways. We confess that we are tempted to shore up our own security instead of trusting in you and in the strength of your community. Open us to generosity and trust. Free our tightly clasped hands that we may serve and give, heal and protect, hold and lift up, sow and scatter the seeds of peace….

    God of peace, the world is shaking due to an unprovoked war, a genocide.

    Our hearts ache as we witness violence against peaceful people and the greedy grasping for power. We pray for peace through peaceful means, we pray for world leaders as they discern how best to curb a huge humanitarian crisis – and because you ask us to pray for our enemy, we pray for Vladimir Putin and those under his power doing violence, maiming and needlessly killing.

    Lord, hear our prayer…..

    Lord Jesus, as people who proclaim peace and strive to live in peace, we confess that our words and actions have caused harm. Create in us a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within us. As your witnesses, may we sow the seeds of peace in all of our relationships, our neighborhoods, workplaces, and beyond. May we spread the pollen of peace and seek justice for those who hunger for bread but only find stones, those who seek justice but can find no advocate who will help them; and those who are in danger and have no one watching over them.

    Lord, hear our prayer.

    Lord, speak to us in the silence of our hearts.

    Show us the way to go as we seek your way…

    Pour out your healing grace upon our loved ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness. We know them by name. You know each need, each one, your beloved. We pray in the name of Jesus, who taught us to come to you saying,

    Our Father….

    We hold in prayer all who grieve. May each know the peace of Christ.

    We pray for all who stand in need of healing for emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual pain. May your healing grace hold the wounded and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need. We also pray for our Households of Faith.  May your smile be bright upon each family. Surround each with loving relationships, meaningful work, and focus for studies. Whether at work or rest, bless their hearts and home with overflowing love and peace. Amen

    March 2nd, 2022

    Our journey to Good Friday and Easter resurrection begins today with Ash Wednesday.

    Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for Christ’s death and Easter joy.

    Lent is marked with spiritual practices including: self-examination, prayer, fasting, giving to those in need, and more. In order for our Lent to be a time of renewal and growth we begin this season by remembering our need for repentance and for the forgiveness of God proclaimed by Jesus.

    Many Christian traditions offer services on Ash Wednesday including the imposition of ashes.

    The previous year’s palm branches are burnt and a smudge in the form of a cross is made on one’s forehead and these words offered:

    Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.

    Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ

    Repent and believe the Good News: God longs for you to be whole.

    Today you may wish to prayerfully sing “Create in me a clean heart O God” offering your prayer in song.

    We are also invited to turn our hearts to God with a Prayer of Confession:

    We have not loved you with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
    We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
    We have not forgiven others as we have been forgiven.

    Lord have mercy.
    We have been deaf to your call to serve.
    We have been unfaithful, proud, and hypocritical.

    Christ have mercy.
    We have been self-centered, and have taken advantage of others.
    We have been envious of those more fortunate than ourselves.
    We have loved worldly goods and comforts too much.
    We have been dishonest in daily life and work.

    Lord have mercy.
    We have neglected prayer and worship.
    We have been blind to human need and suffering, and indifferent to injustice and cruelty.
    Lord have mercy.
    We have thought uncharitably about others, and we have been prejudiced towards those who differ from us.
    We have wasted and polluted your creation, and lacked concern for those who come after us.
    Lord have mercy.
    Dear Jesus,

    I confess my need of you.

    I am sorry for my sin, and I trust that you forgive me.

    I accept your love and grace for me

    And welcome you into my heart and into my life

    Help me believe in you and love you every day,

    And help me show the world how great your love is.

    I commit my life into your hands. Amen (Voices Together #22)

    I pray that our Lenten journey will be a sacred time of reflection, renewal and new birth.

    Pastor Kara

    February 27th, 2022

    Lord Jesus, you are the True Vine and we are the branches.

    By your Spirit, produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, and patience in us for others to taste and see. Keep us from hanging on to love for ourselves. Prune all selfishness from us and fill us with your love.

    God of Peace, have mercy on your earth and supply its needs. Where people are hungry, give food. Where people are in distress, comfort. We hold before you the peoples of Ukraine… and the people of Russia. Hear the rising cry for help. May peace rather than missiles and weapons of war rain down in your world. Rain down peace in every nation, in every home, in every heart. Where people are in distress or in trouble, bring order and peace. And turn the whole world to you in faith, repentance, and praise.

    Lord Jesus Christ, as you abide in us and we abide in you, may your love flow freely to friends and family and those who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness.

    Heal those who are unwell.

    Grant hope for the despairing.

    Pour peace upon the troubled and the fearful.

    Minister patience and calm to those awaiting surgery, tests, or the doctors’ call.

    We pray for wisdom for all who carry the weight of decision making.

    We pray for justice for all who face of oppression,

    We pray for stamina as we continue to journey this pandemic

    Thank you, Lord Jesus, for hearing us and caring for us in all our needs. Constantly intercede for us before our heavenly Parent. We ask all this in all the holy names of God. Amen.

    We hold in prayer all those who grieve. May they know the peace of Christ.

    We pray for all who stand in need of healing for emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual pain. May your healing grace hold the wounded and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith. May each know the deep peace of Christ. Surround each one with comfort and joy, Whether at work or rest, bless their hearts and home with overflowing love. We give thanks for each household of faith. May your bright blessing be poured out upon them. Amen

    February 24th, 2022

    The invasion of Ukraine has shaken the nations. The human cost of war is too great to bear.

    In response, I have included a prayer offered by Ann Voskamp.

    May we join our hearts in prayer, petitioning the Prince of Peace with our heartfelt prayers for peace – peace for the world, peace for every nation, peace in cities, peace in neighbourhoods, peace in our homes, peace in our hearts.

    In the face of pain, may the people of God be found at their post, on their knees in prayer.

    Because we know prayer isn’t just the least we can do,
    and prayer isn’t all we can do,
    but prayer is ultimately the most important work we all can do.

    Because it’s calling on the One who slays all the dark, wins us all back from the mess, and cuts right through all the impossible knots of desperate things.

    Where there is an invasion on earth, may our prayers war an all-out invasion on the powers and principalities, “against the rulers of the darkness of this world,” (Eph. 6:16).

    Though missiles rain from the sky this morning, rain down Your mercy, Lord.

    Though black smoke rises, our prayers rise higher, surer, greater.

    Though explosions shatter and gunfire rattles, we hold our ground in the face of pain and we move toward the suffering, our hands reaching with bold solidarity.

    Ours is a tired world, Lord, weary of suffering, weary of the dark, weary of all the heartbreak, ours is a tired world, weary for hope — raise us up with the indomitable certainty that this world is a broken one and You alone are our unwavering hope, King Jesus.

    Lord, hear our cry:

    Comfort children who cry terrified, give courage to mothers who gather to calm, strengthen leaders who stand steady to find a way to peace.

    For those who need to flee — may they find our arms a safe haven.

    For those who are hungry — may they find our open hands offering bread for today and living bread for all eternity.

    For all the limping, weary and wounded — may they find us holding on to each other, because when we live like we all belong to each other — we answer so much of the longing in the world… even our own.

    And for all those who despair, both near and far — may they find our hands and feet today to be those of King Jesus, we who get to be His very body of peace in a hurting world today. Amen

    February 20th, 2022

    Vine of life,

    in Your branches we are gathered

    taking shelter in the shade of Your strength.

    With thanksgiving

    we celebrate the growth and hope

    we have found in placing

    our roots in You,

    for in life You nourish us

    and Your Holy Spirit encourages us

    to reach our full potential in the gifts we have been given

    that others may know of Your love.


    make us more than sour grapes and unripe olives.

    In the hardships of the world

    may we look beyond the bitter politics and divisions

    to find Your love

    at the core of our relationships.

    There may all people work with what we have in common

    that we might grow to be a people of respect and trust.

    May our branches bow

    with the weight of the fruit you provide.

    Help us to look beyond our own needs,

    to recognize those

    who are hungry for food, love, and justice.

    May we offer others the shelter needed

    under the weight of Your branches

    so they find a rest from the cold and darkness,

    the pain and loneliness of this world.

    Instead may Your Spirit enable us

    to value the gifts and talents of all.

    May our leaves soak up Your light.

    When we meet those who are worn down

    with illness, loneliness, grief and abandonment,

    may the light of Your presence shine

    in the encounters they have with others

    that all might know Your compassion.

    Gardener of all life,

    as You trim and shape us for Your purpose

    may we place our prayers into Your hands

    and trust that new seeds may grow

    from tired and empty thoughts. We offer all of our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for all who stand in need of healing for emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual pain. May your healing grace hold the wounded and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith. Whether at work, at school, at rest, or at play bless their hearts and home with overflowing love and care. We give thanks for each household of faith. May your bright blessing be poured out upon them. Amen

    February 13th, 2022

    Jesus, on the night you were betrayed,
    you took a towel, and washed our feet.
    We confess that we are reluctant to think of you
    doing such a humble task, all for us.
    Like Peter, we protest.
    We fail to see how love takes the lowly way,
    how it is worked out in a thousand small acts of kindness,
    a thousand humilities.
    For ourselves we prefer the grand gestures,
    love that can be seen and applauded,
    love that first and foremost makes us feel good.
    You showed a different way.
    Jesus, Towel-bearer, Foot-washer, Cross-carrier,
    you have set us an example
    We long to follow you, wherever you lead us.

    Jesus, your ministry was up close and personal

    Open our eyes with your healing grace that we may see our privilege in the world and how it is embodied as power over others….

    Open our ears with your healing grace to hear the rising cry for help from oppressed and hopeless people

    Soften our hearts with your healing grace as we serve and are served.

    We pray your healing grace for family, friends, and our siblings in Christ who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness.

    May comfort surround the grieving……

    May patience sustain those awaiting tests or surgery dates…..

    May protection surround the most vulnerable….

    May peace hold the anxious, the worried, the unsettled……

    May joy be the strength amidst difficult decisions……

    May hope burn bright as we seek your desires for our congregation.

    We pray that our lives will reflect your love in our words, in our actions,

    In our thoughts, as we served and are served in Jesus’ name.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith. Whether at work, at rest or at play, may their lives overflow with goodness and grace. May laughter, love, and joy overflow in their hearts and in their home. Amen

    February 6th, 2022

    Listening God,

    you hear our prayers before we speak

    yet welcome our praying;

    therefore we come with confidence to lay our requests before you.

    We pray for Christians everywhere,

    for our denomination and congregation

    for strength to persevere in faithfulness.

    we pray for the whole people of God.

    We pray for the earth and all living creatures.

    for regions and species at risk,

    and for the sharing of resources.

    We pray for the wholeness of creation.

    We pray for those who are overcome by violence,

    for victims of injustice or oppression,

    and for those in poverty or pain.

    We pray for all who need healing and peace.

    We pray for those who endure trials,

    for those who are dying

    and for those who mourn.

    We pray for all in need of comfort and hope.

    We also pray with rejoicing and ask for your bright blessing

    We rejoice with those who rejoice and we mourn with those who mourn.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.

    Over these past weeks covid has spread significantly. We pray for all frontline workers, the sick, the isolated, the dying, and the recovering. Grant strength for mind, body, and spirit as we continue to journey this pandemic season.

    We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need. We also pray for our Households of Faith….. Whether at work, at rest or at play, may their lives overflow with goodness and grace. Grant them deep measures of peace, contentment, resilience. Listening God, you have heard our prayers, those spoken aloud and those that reside deep within. We rest in the comfort of your care, as we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    January 30th, 2022

    Giver of every good and perfect gift, you tend to the earth as your vineyard, longing for it to bring fruit. You desire society and our lives to look more and more like the Kingdom of Heaven.

    We confess, at times we work against your plans, sometimes by what we do, and sometimes by what we leave undone. We abuse the land, take advantage of the weak, and turn a blind eye to the poor.

    We confess, we struggle to give back to you from the bounty of gifts your hand provides, worrying we will not have enough. In response, we hold tightly for ourselves and for our family. Remind us again that you have blessed us to be a blessing to others. Free us from that which we do not want to see in ourselves, free us for more generous living. Free us to see as Jesus sees.

    We thank you for the joy of community – growing together in faith, practicing our faith, making decisions, praising you together. Thank you for providing leadership, a shared mission and vision, and abundant gifts to minister together congregationally as we endeavour to do you will.

    As a community we rejoice with those who rejoice and grieve with those who grieve. We strive to share your love with one another through prayer, words of encouragement, and compassion.

    Today we pray for those facing significant decisions, those who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness, and all who are struggling from loneliness and isolation.

    We pray for peace in the world – for peaceable negotiations between nations, leaders, and peoples. We pray especially for escalating tensions between Russian and Ukraine.

    We pray for the most vulnerable, and for the strength and resilience we need for the living of these pandemic days.

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care including our Aldaview friends. Strengthen them in mind, body, and spirit.

    We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith. May each household be held in peace and strength, experience fulfillment in their work, and joy in their relationships.  For your faithful presence, your listening presence, your sustaining presence, we offer all of our prayers with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    January 23rd, 2022

    This week is “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” an occasion when we acknowledge we are members of a large body of Christ, a global body diverse in language, culture, practice, made one through Christ. We give thanks for ecumenical brothers and sisters in Christ – and we strive to build bridges of understanding and walk in the ways of peace together.

    just as you prayed for your disciples so long ago
    Pray for us,
    Pray for our wellbeing,
    Pray for our protection.
    Pray for your joy to be made complete in us.
    Pray for our spiritual growth and transformation.

    Pray for your truth to be made complete in us.


    we often do not know how to pray,
    So pray for us,
    Pray with us,
    That we may be one with you,
    One with each other, and
    One in ministry to the world you love.

    Pray for your weak ones,
    Your strong ones,
    Pray for your ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness
    Pray for your ones who breeze through life,
    And your ones who struggle in life.

    Pray for those who have lost loved ones,

    whose grief is deep
    pray for those facing tough decision, those taking on new positions,

    or those in need of freedom from bondage.
    Pray for all impacted by covid – health care providers, the sick,

    the dying, the recovering, the self-isolating, and all who

    are experiencing isolation, loneliness, or disconnection.

    Hear us now as we pray as you have taught us….

    Our Father……

    Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need. Hold all in need close to your heart. Surround them with care, protection, and strength. We also pray for our Households of Faith….. May they know your peace in their relationships, in their work, as they share their lives generously. Amen

    January 16th, 2022

    Holy God,

    thank you for giving us life and breath.

    The sun beams out praise!

    Pines and spruce offer their green hallelujahs!

    Winter birds join the seasonal song of praise!

    Buried in the cold earth, bulbs and roots rest at your command!

    The glory of your goodness bursts out all around us,

    The heavens declare your glory

    the skies proclaim your handiworks.

    Our hearts overflow with worship!

    Today we say thank you for all who are nurturing life.

    Parents awaiting the arrival of a newborn

    for those who cook and clean,

    for those who change diapers and do laundry,

    for those who listen and encourage,

    for those who give undivided attention,

    for those who provide the necessities of life

    willingly, lovingly, consistently.

    Be with those who face challenges,

    give patience where there is frustration,

    resilience where there is weariness

    and wisdom where there are challenges

    You walk beside us on long caregiving journeys,

    and you won’t leave us.

    We pray especially today of those in our own community living in poverty

    who have trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent;

    Guide our politicians as they make decisions that affect children.

    We pray for places where life is threatened…

    due to violence, political instability, divisive policy.

    We long for your intervention in these aching places of the world.

    We also acknowledge our carbon footprint is driving enviornmental disaster.

    Holy God, all of life on earth is your creation;

    we repent that we have disregarded and ignored the treasure of diversity.

    Help us find the will to change our ways and truly value all you made.

    You hovered over the deep at the beginning of time;

    you dared dream a world of life and beauty.

    We want to dream together with you!

    Send your Spirit on this community so that we can be your people of peace

    living life to the fullest on earth as it is in heaven.

    In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

    We pray for all who grieve. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith. Grant each of our households of faith much joy, loving relationships, and meaningful connections.

    This morning many engaged in our second “congregational conversation”.

    Here are the questions were are invited to reflect upon. As we continue to reflect, let us also continue to pray with John 15: 1-5 and listen for God.

    1. As we reflect upon stories on congregational time-line, where do we witness God’s faithfulness?

    2. Where do you witness abiding in God? Pruning? Fruit bearing?

    3. How have these practices shaped WMC as a worshipping community?

    1. Can anything that occurred over the past 22 months help us as we prepare for the next year?

    2. What have we learned about ourselves? God? The world?

    3. What are we learning about what people need from the church right now?

    4. What brings us joy?

    Have a blessed day,

    Pastor Kara

    January 9th, 2022

    Holy One, we thank you that we stand in a long line of believers who have been faithful through the ages. You have been leading your people through trials and change and have always set before them / before us, hope for today and bright hope for a better tomorrow. We pray that you would bless us each day as we strive to be your faithful followers. May we know your gift of faith given freely, filled with hope in things not seen.

    Give us faith we pray, like the grain of mustard seed which had small beginnings, but which yielded large results.

    Give to us faith to move the mountains of racism, marginalization, and injustice.

    Give us faith amidst our questions and when fear and doubts threaten to overwhelm.

    Give to us a faith which has a vision of a new world where peace and love flow abundantly – where your shalom permeates all, and where war, hunger, and oppression is no more.

    Give to us a faith such as Abraham’s to move forward not knowing our destination but trusting in your guiding providence.

    Give to us a faith which is able to endure those moments of personal disquiet and to trust that you are with us.

    Give us faith that you are growing something new in us as a faith community – something beautiful, something fruitful.

    Give us faith amidst pruning and fruit bearing, growing and releasing.

    Give to us a faith which sees the welfare of all creation including all peoples held in your enduring love and care.

    Give to us a faith which sees beyond the present to an eternal home within your very heart.

    God, give us faith to walk with you, vulnerability and courage to go wherever you lead.

    Deepen our capacity to listen for you and a surrendering willingness to respond.

    Surround our loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for all who grieve. May comfort and care surround them. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them.  We also pray for our Households of Faith….. May each know your love and care more deeply each day as they turn their hearts toward you. May their hearts and homes be filled with joy, peace, and love. We offer all our prayers in the name of your Jesus who taught us to pray. Amen

    January 2nd, 2022

    We come to adore you, little one. We come on bended knee with hopeful hearts, and eyes stretched wide with wonder and awe. The gentleness of your gaze draws us into the mystery of all that lies beyond, and in that place of falling into joy, we yield all that we are to you.

    We pray…..

    for those who are broken, those who seek, the trembling, and the rumbling tummies, those without a home, the haggard spirits and the ragged lives, and those whose hearts pine for love or the lost.

    We pray for our Households of Faith:

    We give thanks for all the ways each of these families share God’s love, for the ways they generously contribute to congregational life, community life, and enrich the lives of those they encounter day by day. Bless each with good health, peace and contentment, joy and fulfillment each day.

    We also pray for those whose needs we hold deep in our hearts…………

    Protect our loved ones in long-term care amidst tighter pandemic restrictions. Keep them safe and secure in your love.

    We pray with thanksgiving for your generosity moving in and amongst us – for faithful weekly tithes and offerings and the generous response that furthers the work of the church across the street and around the world. Bless the many ministries that are supported as we give of ourselves, our gifts, talents, and our money.

    We pray for all who are grieving this Christmas season. Grant peace and comfort.

    We also pray for wisdom and strength for all leaders charged with oversight and policy as covid infection rates soar. Help us to remember that human suffering is more than a number or daily statistic. We pray for the sick, those who grieve, the isolated, and the fearful. Continue to strengthen and uphold front-line workers, all who work and learn in classrooms, and provincial and national leaders. Be near to us and our loved ones as we continue to journey through this difficult time together. While we are receiving booster vaccinations, we pray for those in the world who continue to await their first vaccination. We pray for justice and equitable world-wide response amidst this global pandemic. As the privileged according to world standards, may we be humble, aware of our North American privilege, and be faithful in prayer, care, and compassion.

    Bless us, O Lord, whom we adore, and turn our faces ever toward you. We pray for peace, for mercy, for the sake of all that is holy. We come to adore you, O Christ. Amen

    December 26th, 2021

    Jesus, Light of the World, we celebrate your birth! We share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the wisdom of the magi. “Gloria in the highest and peace to all on earth” our hearts sing out. Lord Jesus, by being born one of us, and lying humbly in a manger, you came to show us how to live and how to love. Let the light of your love always shine in our hearts, in our homes, in our land, and in your world.

    God of peace, we pray for the world’s nations and their governments. We ask for peace and understanding between all nations. We pray for the churches of the world, leaders and congregations, as we enjoy freedom to worship. May we be a light in our communities, pointing toward your presence, your goodness, your grace.

    Generous God, in this season of giving and receiving we can so easily overlook your gifts to us. Thank you for so many reasons to celebrate including family and friends near and far and your beautiful creation. Teach us to take care of our family relationships, friendships, and your world which you love and sustain.

    Gracious God, we thank you for being with us in life’s trials. Draw us close and teach us to trust you more each day. Be especially near to all those who stand in need of healing, hope, or wholeness.  Surround our loved ones in long-term care.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith…..  May each experience a special blessing this Christmas season. Keep each safe and well. We pray for safe travels.

    We pray for all those suffering the effects of Covid, those ill at home or in hospital and those isolated, frightened, or alone. We pray for all who work in emergency and essential services who keep us safe and leaders charged with decision-making. Grant strength, deep compassion, and encouragement.

    God of Comfort, be near the grieving who experience the loss of their loved ones even more deeply amidst the festivities and feasting.

    Amidst this joyous season, grant us deep sensitivity for one another, as many carry pain that is unspoken. We give thanks that your son Jesus’ radiance filled a lowly manger and that through his suffering, death, and resurrection, you offer the gift of new life, hope, and resurrection new life.

    Jesus Christ, a star guided the magi to your birth. Guide us as we continue to celebrate through this season of Christmas. Be present with us as we continue to celebrate your holy birth, as we experience the deeper meaning of your birth, as we return to fields and flocks, and as we treasure and ponder your coming. We offer all of our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    December 19th, 2021

    Listening God,

    as we continue on our Advent journey,

    we acknowledge many ways we already filled up with waiting.

    Waiting to hear the next report of bad news;

    another mass shooting, another refugee crisis,

    another famine, another environmental disaster,

    another Covid outbreak, another variant.

    The news is a litany of things to fear

    that fills our heads with dread.

    We wait for your help.

    Remind us of Mary and Joseph,

    ordinary people living in a country

    under the boot of an oppressive regime,

    who believed in your salvation,

    holding on to hope against hope.

    We hold on to you believing in your ability

    to be born again even in times like these.

    Give us eyes to see your arriving,

    as we do the hard work of being kind and generous

    in the rough and tumble of family life.

    Give us ears to hear your arriving as we hear prophets proclaim good news

    that the powerful will be brought down

    and those who live in poverty will rejoice

    We long to touch the hem of your garment

    so that those we know who are sick

    could be healed…………

    Be present with loved ones in long-term care.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    May your love be born anew in each heart. May your blessing be poured out upon each.

    We pray for all who are grieving. May your comfort hold them.

    We long to taste your good news!

    In this season of growing darkness,

    keep our eyes fixed on the pinpoints of light

    that shine and shine

    because nothing can put them out.

    In the name of Jesus, our hope we pray. Amen

    December 16th, 2021

    This Sunday we will listen to the ancient prophecy of Micah in 5: 2-5a.
    We will also listen to an intimate encounter between Mary and Elizabeth and Mary’s song of joy, the Magnificat as recorded in Luke 1: 39-55.
    May these days of waiting, anticipating, and expectation, be filled with unexpected encounters with Emmanuel, God-with-us.
    As you re-read these familiar stories, pay attention to words and phrases that the Spirit of God brings to your attention.
    Sit with your questions, your wonderings and listen for God. Pay attention to images or an invitation that may arise.
    May your prayers with scripture both inspire and uphold you amidst the deep needs we carry and the deep needs of the world.

    God, who hears us,
    as we continue on our Advent journey, we acknowledge we are already filled up with waiting.
    Waiting to hear the next report of bad news;
    another mass shooting, another refugee crisis,
    another famine, another environmental disaster,
    another Covid covid outbreak, another Covid variant.
    The news is a litany of things to fear
    that fills our heads with dread.
    We wait for your help.
    Remind us of Mary and Joseph,
    ordinary people living in a country
    under the boot of an oppressive regime,
    who believed in your salvation,
    holding on to hope against hope.
    We hold on to you believing in your ability
    to be born again even in times like these.
    Give us eyes to see your arriving,
    as we do the hard work of being decent
    in the rough and tumble of family life.
    Give us ears to see your arriving as we hear prophets proclaim good news
    that the powerful will be brought down
    and those who live in poverty will rejoice
    We long to touch the hem of your garment
    so that those we know who are sick
    could be healed,
    those who are grieving could be comforted.
    We long to taste your good news!
    In this season of growing darkness,
    keep our eyes fixed on the pinpoints of light
    that shine and shine
    because nothing can put them out.
    In the name of Jesus, our hope we pray. Amen

    December 12th, 2021

    God, giver of joy,
    thank you for squirming of babies,
    for the irrepressible giggles of toddlers,
    for preschoolers with their boundless energy

    and for each child who shared the Christmas story with us this year.
    Thank you that we are made for joy
    and that advent reminds us of this.
    Help us wait in hopeful anticipation for this gift of joy–
    Saviour of the world, the Prince of Peace

    Jesus, give joy this week to those who are suffering:
    joy in the midst of illness, through a keen sense of your presence,
    joy in the midst of grief, through an awareness of love deeper than death,
    joy in the midst of anxiety, through sudden fleeting moments of beauty.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith.

    Listening God, we are waiting for joy in a world that is often bleak and cheerless.

    We can easily succumb to despair, discouragement.
    Violence and consumerism abounds and it blights lives and communities.
    And we help it flourish —
    we confess our own selfishness, hoarding things for ourselves,
    or our own racism, our own fear of the other, fear of the stranger.
    Around the world you know the suffering we inflict on each other.
    Thank you for that even in this barren earth,
    you cause joy to bubble up.

    In joy, help us lavish generosity at Christmas;
    not just on those we love, but generosity to charities, and to those in need.
    Help us lavish forgiveness on those who’ve hurt us.
    We long for the joy of relationships renewed and restored
    All this joy to the world is from you,
    radiating out from a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
    We join our hearts together this morning in joyful praise:
    Glory to God in the Highest! Gloria! Amen

    December 10th, 2021

    Good morning all,
    Over these past weeks our Friday Prayer gathering has spent time praying with Isaiah 9: 1-7.
    And this past Sunday, the congregation was invited to pray with verses from John 15 as we seek God’s wisdom and guidance.
    May you continue to be nourished through the Word and experience the voice of God that breaks through the loud noise of the world.

    The following in an Advent Prayer by Henri Nouwen

    Lord Jesus,

    Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas.

    We who have so much to do and seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day,

    We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.

    We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom.

    We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence.

    We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light.

    To you we say, “Come Lord Jesus!’


    December 5th, 2021

    In the lonely places
    The wilderness
    Where we stand forlorn
    Windswept and alone
    Your voice calls out
    Prepare a way for the Lord

    In the dark places
    The shadows
    Where we hide our fears,

    our insecurities, our doubts.
    Your voice calls out
    Prepare a way for the Lord

    Because of the tender mercy of our God,

    The dawn from on high will

    break upon us,

    to give light to those who sit in darkness

    and in the shadow of death,

    to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1: 78-79)

    Shine upon those who live in darkness, we pray
    That all might know the joy of your salvation
    the forgiveness of sins

    and your great mercy.

    For the desert places in which we walk
    the streets we roam
    the paths we cross
    guide our feet.
    Take us to places
    where you would go.
    Give us words that you would use
    that in this Advent season
    of promise and preparation
    we might point the way with John the Baptist,
    to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

    As we journey this season of Advent toward Christmas

    we pray for the light of your hope and peace to surround the sick,

    the suffering, and those in need of wholeness.

    Comfort all who grieve…  When Christmas cheer abounds, help us to be mindful of those who are struggling.

    Be present with loved ones receiving care in hospital or long-term care including:

    Restore the weary.

    Strengthen caregivers.

    Deepen our capacity for compassion.

    Pour out your peace upon the troubled places of your world and our lives.

                We also pray for our households of faith:

    Come among us O God and prepare our hearts for Christmas joy.

    Hear us now as we pray as you taught us:

    Our Father who art in heaven ………………….Amen

    December 2nd, 2021

    This week we began our Advent journey toward Bethlehem and Jesus’ birth. We lit the candle of hope.
    Where do you see hope springing up? As daylight hours shorten and darkness deepens, I experience hope as God’s sustaining presence through changing seasons, including the seasons of our lives.
    As you reflect upon hope, what rituals enrich your Advent journey? For years, I would light a candle each evening of Advent. In prayer I held before God places in the world that were in need of healing light. There has never been a shortage of situations for which to pray. Theologian Stanley Haueruas writes “Advent is patience. It’s how God has made us a people of promise in a world of impatience.”
    May we continue lighting our candles, offering our prayers, and living in hope with patience amidst a world of impatience.

    I would encourage you to check out an Advent resource as we journey to Christmas.
    Scholar and author Kate Bowler offers a free 4-week Advent Devotional available at katebowler.com
    Kate’s most recent book is “No Cure for Being Human and other truths I need to hear.” She is Canadian born and a gifted writer. .

    Advent Blessings,

    Pastor Kara

    November 28th, 2021

    O God, the days are surely coming when all your promises will be fulfilled to your faithful children. We thank you for your faithfulness to us throughout all generations. We pray for the church. May we listen deeply for your voice. Grace us with discerning minds and willing spirits as we join with you to further your mission and discern your path forward for us. Strengthen us to be your hands, and feet and hearts and to know you and your ways more fully.  

    As the pandemic continues, we pray for the grace for the challenging road yet to journey. We pray for the sick, health care providers feeling the strain of overwork, scientists, and governments making hard decisions. Calm our fears… Gentle our worries. Thank you that you are always with us and will never forsake us.    

    In your time, O Lord, a righteous branch sprang up and you brought justice and righteousness in every land. We pray for our nation, and all nations, that your peace would be manifest in every corner of the earth, that justice would rule.   

    In your Kingdom, O Lord, you bring your people safety and comfort. We pray your healing grace for the sick, the suffering, the wounded, and those in distress of any kind including those whom we name before you now……………..

    Comfort all who grieve, we pray. When Christmas cheer abounds, help us be mindful of those who are struggling during this season.    

    O God, your great works of redemption, span the ages. We also pray for those who rejoice this week. Thank you for answered prayer and open doors. May each who rejoices be filled with joy and gladness.

                We also pray for our households of faith: May your joy and peace fill each heart.

    In the fullness of time, O God, you sent your Son, to be born of  Mary. And his name was Emmanuel: God With Us. We thank you for your Presence with us, and we pray that you might be always present with those whom we love, our communities and beyond.  

     Come among us O God, and hear our prayers; so that when your Son Jesus comes among riding on a cloud and with great power and might, we might come to adore him. Amen.

    November 26th, 2021

    Good morning!
    As we anticipate our Advent journey toward Bethlehem and the stable, we strive to deepen our capacity to listen for God.
    Our journey through pandemic has been disorienting, unsettled. Many unknowns mark each step we take.
    During Friday Prayer these next weeks we will be praying with the ancient prophet Isaiah’s words as recorded in Isaiah 9: 1-7.
    Drawing upon the practice of lectio divina we approach Scripture, with anticipation that God will speak to us.
    We hear the text read aloud, letting it soak in as we take time for silent reflection.
    The text is read a second time aloud. This time we are attentive to a word that may stand out, perhaps a phrase, an image or a question.
    Following a time of silent listening we share with one another that which we have heard.
    Lectio divina is a life-giving spiritual practice. All are invited to join in from 11:30 – noon.

    Isaiah 9: 1-7

    But there will be no gloom for those who were in anguish. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time he will make glorious the way of the sea, the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.
    The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light;
    those who lived in a land of deep darkness—
    on them light has shined.
    You have multiplied the nation,
    you have increased its joy;
    they rejoice before you
    as with joy at the harvest,
    as people exult when dividing plunder.
    For the yoke of their burden,
    and the bar across their shoulders,
    the rod of their oppressor,
    you have broken as on the day of Midian.
    For all the boots of the tramping warriors
    and all the garments rolled in blood
    shall be burned as fuel for the fire.
    For a child has been born for us,
    a son given to us;
    authority rests upon his shoulders;
    and he is named
    Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
    His authority shall grow continually,
    and there shall be endless peace
    for the throne of David and his kingdom.
    He will establish and uphold it
    with justice and with righteousness
    from this time onwards and for evermore.
    The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

    May God’s Spirit bless us in our Advent journey,

    Pastor Kara

    November 21st, 2021

    Eternal God, you are our God and we are your people.
    You have claimed us as your own and have placed a seal on our hearts.

    You nurture and sustain us in the garden of life.

    Living God, we thank you for your gift of life eternal

    and for all those who, having served you well,

    now rest from their labours.

    Today we give thanks for those who during the last twelve months

    have died and entered into glory

    and those whom we hold in our hearts.

    We thank you for their life and love,

    and rejoice for them “all is well,

    and all manner of things will be well.”

    Be near to those who are grieving. Hold them.

    Fill them with your comfort and peace.

    Compassionate God, you attend to the wounded places of our hearts and lives,

    You grieve with us in our losses, our fears.
    You journey with us in our celebrations, our sorrows

    You are close even in the mundane routines of our days.
    You delight in us, and you love us.

    We pray for your healing grace to be with those whom we hold in our hearts…….

    We also pray for our Households of Faith:  May each of these families rest in your peace and be filled with your joy. May love rule in their hearts and fill their homes.

    We pray for this world,
    for the places and precious people

    who are striving to recover from hurricanes,

    raging fire, and floods. We especially think of those suffering in B.C.

    We pray for peace among nations.
    Make us instruments of that peace.

    We pray for our children and our youth

    that they may come to know you more fully,

    growing to be all of who they have been created to be.

    Bless the gifts of money we offer

    and bless each ministry supported whether across the street

    or around the world.

    Eternal God, you are our God and we are your people.

    Continue to write your law of love on our hearts.

    Give us an unwavering passion for justice,

    and a tenacious faith that will not rest

    until the hungry are fed,

    until the oppressed find relief,

    until the outsider finds welcome.  Amen

    November 17th, 2021

    This Sunday is Eternity Sunday, an occasion to reflect upon the eternal reign of God and remember those who have passed on to God’s eternal love this past year.
    In preparation for Sunday’s service let us join our hearts in prayer as provided by Carol Penner: :

    Eternal God,
    thank you for the things that do not end:
    the wind swirling around the globe,
    the sea rocking back and forth in its seabed,
    the sun rising and setting as we spin through space.
    Thank you for all the transient things we know;
    the frost on the window,
    the clouds in their majestic sailing beauty,
    the grass that flourishes for a season and withers,
    our own breath.
    All this from your hands.
    On this Eternity Sunday we come with grieving hearts,
    for some of us are missing loved ones.
    We feel the ache of love unanchored,
    of words we can no longer speak,
    of arms we can no longer embrace.
    We turn to you in trust that you are the keeper of souls.
    Hold our dear ones safe, and give to us
    the assurance of life unseen, and memories that comfort.
    Keep alive the love we shared, and multiply it.
    Give us love for the whole earth, every part of it,
    love which we cannot contain,
    but which can flow through us,
    in mysterious and wonderful ways.
    Help us this week to be channels of your love:
    where there is injury, let us bring healing,
    where there is want, help us share,
    where there is injustice, solidarity,
    where there is despair, hope.
    You hear the concerns of our community,
    and we lift up especially_________
    We pray all this to you, Lord of Life,
    knowing that you can grant us all rest,
    eternal rest. You grant us rest. Amen

    November 14th, 2021

    Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill-health, with their families, friends and those who care for them…

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit, and all who care for them…

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those suffering due to broken relationships, we pray for the marginalized, the silenced…

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those struggling with isolation, anxiety, mental health challenges….

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence those struggling to overcome addiction or abuse, those supporting and working with them, and all whose suffering has distanced them from those who love …

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those facing bereavement and those who are walking through the dark valley of grief. Be especially near to families who will remember loved ones at next week’s Eternity Sunday service.

                    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    We hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to us but known to you.  In silence, we name in our hearts those whose pain we carry….

    May they know the deep peace of Christ

    May they know the deep peace of Christ.

    We also pray for our Household of Faith:

    May they know the peace of Christ.

    God of compassion and love, we offer you all our suffering and pain. Give us strength to bear our weakness, healing even when there is no cure, peace in the midst of turmoil and love to fill the spaces in our lives.

    Glory to God from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus who showed his love through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit who brings light to the darkest of places.    Amen.

    November 10th, 2021

    “Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)

    A congregational leader admits “I’m intimidated by prayer. I want it to be neat and tidy with words that make sense. But most of the time, I don’t have words.
    I have a mix of feelings, or other times there’s nothing there.”
    Perhaps you can relate. Or, perhaps you experience a rich prayer life.
    I have been a member of a Shalom Pastor’s Group for several years and we agree, one of the members has the best prayers!

    If we are to pray “at all times,” we have to allow ourselves some run-on sentences and messy thoughts.
    Our whole lives are lived as a big messy prayer. Sometimes we need prayers that others write.
    Sometimes we need to sit with ourselves and God in silence. And sometimes, we have to live out our prayers with our actions.
    It has been said the desire to pray is itself a prayer…. and that is enough.

    This Sunday in our worship we will offer prayer for the healing of creation, the healing of the nations, and pray for healing for ourselves and others.
    When the needs of the world, the climate crisis, or our own needs seem too big for words, we trust that God listens to our hearts.
    As God listens to our hearts, may we also listen for God. Amen

    November 7th, 2021

    Today MCEC encourages us to pray for the Climate Summit and to pray for the Mennonite church nationwide as we discern and act together to witness to the gospel of peace for all people and all creation.

    O Holy One, God of all creation,
    galaxies, molecules, and life itself are encircled in your loving embrace.
    We come to you, on behalf of your beloved earth and all its inhabitants.
    We come to you with the caution of Job ringing in our ears.
    “Miners put an end to darkness, and search out to the farthest bound
    the ore in gloom and deep darkness.
    They put their hand to the flinty rock,
    and overturn mountains by the roots.
    But where shall wisdom be found?”
    We come to you with the warning of creation ringing in our ears.
    Fire, drought, storms, rising temperatures, changes in the earth’s currents and flows,
    unlike any experienced by our ancestors.
    Something is wrong, with your world and with us.
    And so, we pray for the political leaders gathered in Glasgow.
    Allow them to hear the voices of those most vulnerable.
    Give them the courage to act in ways that will make a difference.
    Bring change, O God, a rushing wind of change,
    a change as intimate as the desires of our hearts,
    a change as big as the marketplace of nations.
    May your economy come and your will be done,
    on the earth, in the earth, and above the earth,
    just as it already is in heaven.
    Make us instruments of your peace.
    Make us instruments of holy ferment.

    Gracious Lord, we dream of a world free of poverty and oppression, and we yearn for a world free of vengeance and violence. We pray for your peace.

    When our hearts ache for the victims of war and oppression, help us to remember that you healed people simply by touching them. Give us faith in our ability to comfort and heal bodies and minds and spirits that have been broken by violence.

                When the injustice of this world seems too much for us to handle, help us to remember that you fed 5000 with five loaves and two fish…. that in your economy small things do great things. Give us hope and faith that what we have to offer will turn out to be enough too.

                Liberating God, when fear of the power and opinions of others tempts us not to speak up for the least among us, help us to remember that you dared to turn over the tables of money changers..  give us the courage to risk following you without counting the cost.

    God with us, when we feel ourselves fill with anger at those who are violent and oppressive, help us remember that you prayed for those who killed you. Give us compassion for our enemies too.

                Companioning God, walk with us as we answer your call to be peacemakers, around the world and across the street. Increase our compassion, our generosity, our hospitality for the least of your children. Give us the courage, the patience, the serenity, self-honesty, the gentleness of spirit and hope that is needed in a world filled with need.

                God of compassion we also bring our needs for hope, healing, comfort, and peace.

                We pray for our Households of Faith:

               May God’s gifts of joy and love fill their hearts and home. May work be meaningful, relationships loving, and each day filled with blessing.

                We offer our prayers and those which we hold deep in our hearts in the name of Jesus. Amen

    November 3rd, 2021

    This Sunday we will celebrate Peace Sunday and focus on the theme “Defending Hope.”
    Mennonite Central Committee has provided a devotional guide as we prepare to worship together.
    This year’s theme involves learning from the global church. We will hear stories from MCC’s Palestinian, South Sudanese, Columbian, and Korean friends and partners. May the experience of engaging with these stories, our personal reflections, and prayers serve to strengthen our faith, our journey with Jesus, and our journey with one another.
    Here’s the link:


    All are welcome to join Friday prayer from 11:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
    Friday Prayer began early on during the pandemic as a way to remain connected personally and through prayer. It met an important need.
    Is Friday Prayer continuing to meet our needs? Perhaps you have suggestions/ideas of other ways to nurture our faith and strengthen our spiritual practices.
    I welcome your feedback and your ideas.
    We could also be thinking about our next book club! What are you reading that you would like to welcome others into?
    This fall I read Kate Bowler’s latest book: “No Cure for Being Human and other truths I needed to hear.”
    In a culture that constantly strives to improve, Kate encourages us to cut back on self-help Kool-Aid and get off the toxic positivity band wagon.
    With a deep faith and spiritual wisdom, Kate writes with deep hope.
    I’d love to hear what you’re reading and how it is nourishing your spirit.

    October 31st, 2021

    Listening God, you hear our prayers before we speak

                    yet welcome our praying;

                    therefore we come with confidence to lay our requests before you.

    We pray for Christians everywhere,

                    for our denomination and congregation

                    for strength to persevere in faithfulness.

                    We pray for the whole people of God.

    We pray for the nations of the world,

                    for all leaders,

                    and for those who make policy decisions.

                    We pray for the well-being of our global community,

    We pray for the earth and all living creatures,

                    for regions and species at risk,

                    and for the sharing of resources.

    We pray for the wholeness of creation.

    We pray for those who are overcome by violence,

                    for victims of injustice or oppression,

    and for those in poverty or pain.

    We pray for all who need healing and peace.

    We pray for those who endure trials,

                    for those who are dying,

                    and for those who mourn.

                    We pray for all in need of comfort and hope.

                    Hear our prayers for our Households of Faith:

                    Faithful God, you have heard the prayers of your people. We rest in the comfort of your care, as we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen

    October 27th, 2021

    It is good to be back with you following the gift of sabbatical! Thank you for your patience as I get caught up.

    This past Sunday I shared how vital a spiritual practice it is to slow down and take time for reflection. The spaciousness of sabbatical provided abundant and fruitful times of reflection.

    In follow up to Sunday’s message…

    As you continue to reflect upon your water jar – are you filled to the brim? What is life-giving? What fills you with gratitude? With joy? 

    Are you noticing that your water jar is depleted? What is draining your reserves? Is there a heavy burden you are bearing?

    Perhaps your water jar is empty, completely poured out. What energies have been poured out to the point that you are experiencing a parched and dry spirit? 

    As you sit with your water jar, take the time to be open to what God wants to say to you. 

    Sometimes God’s voice is revealed with a word. Other times, with an image, a metaphor, a question, or invitation.

    It’s been my experience that when I listen for God, my eyes are opened to see something new. Sometimes a new pathway is presented, a barrier shifts, or a perspective is reframed. 

    As a congregation as we continue to discern and live into being a faithful church, we want to continue to strengthen our capacity for listening – to God, to that which lies deep within ourselves. We also want to listen to one another. As the song writer proclaims “Let all who thirst, let them come, come to the water…”

    May the living water that Jesus provides, refresh us, renew us, and fill us as we continue to journey together.   

    October 24th, 2021

    Loving God, Creator and Sustainer, You open Your hand,

    and satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.

    And so we look to You whenever we are in need,
    trusting in Your love and Your abundant goodness.

    As trees planted by flowing streams, Your waters of grace nourish us

    that we may bear fruits of love and peace, generosity and goodness,

    kindness and compassion. May our roots go deep as we drink deeply from your life-giving stream.

    God of mystery, deepen our awareness to untapped potential of buds forming within and grant us strength to risk blossoming, individually and congregationally.

    Grant us the courage to release, in order for new life to emerge –

    Grant us stillness to sit with you, open to what you long for us to see and to hear.

    May your grace abound as we seek to live and move in the gentle current of spiritual growth.    

    Listening God, today we hear your invitation to come away and rest while,

    to be attentive to mind, body, and spirit;

    To attend to our relationship with You, creation, with others, and ourself.

    We confess many things distract us – productivity, perfectionism….

    Draw near to us as we draw nearer to you. Spirit of the Living God all afresh upon us and grant us rest.

    Lord Jesus as You once fed the hungry crowds with five loaves and two small fish,

    we ask that You would again fill those who are empty this day.

    Pour out Your Spirit on all who hunger and thirst.

    We pray for those who are physically hungry—whose stomachs are empty.

    We think especially of the people who are facing critical food shortages;

        who are suffering the effects of malnutrition and starvation;

            and watching helplessly as loved ones die.

    We pray for those who are empty emotionally—

    who are lonely and long for companionship and love,

            who are caught in the grip of depression,
                or overwhelmed with grief. 

    May warm memories and the love and compassion of family and friends hold all who grieve.

    Hear our prayer for those who are spiritually empty—

    who are troubled, but don’t know where to turn;

        who long for purpose and meaning, but don’t know where to look;
            who need You, but do not yet know You.

    Hear our prayer who stand in need of the flow of your healing.

    God, we praise You for Your abundant gifts in our lives.

    Pour out Your Spirit on us as we engage in important conversation today.

    May we listen deeply and attentively to you and to one anther.

    May our conversation be seasoned with grace and love.

    We thank you and praise you, O God, that however we may thirst,

    whatever we may need to satisfy our souls, You offer it freely and abundantly in Christ;

    So we drink deep of the living water and, as we draw from your wells, we seek to pass the cup to others

    who, like us, are thirsty for your grace. We offer our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen 

    October 17th, 2021

    This morning in the service, I will be praying two prayers, penned by the apostle Paul, over you as a congregation. I would invite you to receive these prayers as a blessing and an encouragement. I would also invite you to pray these prayers over others during this week. You may feel led to pray these scriptures over a family member, a friend, a fellow member of this congregation or anyone that God would bring to your mind. Let these words minister to your heart & soul as well, causing both challenge and growth.

    Col. 1: 9-14

    For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

    Eph 3: 16-21

    16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you God that you comfort the broken hearted, those who have experienced great loss. Holy Spirit, be present with all in our congregation who are hurting and grieving, grant strength and peace, and the courage to move forward. Lord Jesus, we give thanks.

    ·       We give praise and thanks to God for His hand on Pastor Kara over these weeks of sabbatical and celebrate that she will return to her pastoral role today. Pray for His strength and peace to flow into and through her life as she returns to lead, instruct, and encourage all here at WMC. God, grant her fresh joy and a passion to serve and love as Jesus would.

    Households of Faith: Praise & Prayer

     We are blessed to have frequent contact with several friends and family members and keep informed of information regarding WMC and following on YouTube.

    “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Eph. 5:1-2

    October 13th, 2021

    Let me start what will be my final “Wednesday Inspiration” writing with a few personal comments. What a privilege it has been for Gloria and me to worship and walk together with you as a body of believers over these past 4 months during Pastor Kara’s sabbatical. We give thanks to God for your welcome, your encouragement, and for His leading and presence among us. It has been a joy to minister together, to share, to learn, and to grow together spiritually.

    We have enjoyed getting to know many of you very well, but also recognize that there are numbers of you here at WMC that we have never met…one of the many pains of COVID.

    However, my prayer is that as you reflect on these past four months, you can honestly say that God has invited you and enabled you to grow in Him. I also pray that our times of worship and meeting together, whether in person or online, your times of conversation and prayer with other believers, or times of solitude and reflection, have all moved the needle of your spiritual tank closer toward “Full” versus “Empty”. God’s desire is that we grow and mature in Him.

    May God continue to lead, grant wisdom, and pour out His blessings on you as individuals and as a church.

    These are difficult days for many in our communities as well as around the world. As I leave WMC, I would like to challenge each of you to become “difference makers”; to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever God places you and however He inspires you. Read the following prayers from Voices Together as well as the Isaiah passage and invite God to speak to you through His Holy Spirit.

    VT – 1035

    Christ has no body now on earth but yours;

    yours are the only hands with which Christ can do His work,

    yours are the only feet with which Christ can go about the world,

    yours are the only eyes through which Christ’s compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world.

    Christ has no body on earth now but yours.

    VT – 1036

    Lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time;

    we can be responsible only for the one action of the present moment.

    But we know that God will take them and multiply them,

    as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes.

    VT – 1029

    Christ, whose insistent call disturbs our settled lives;

    give us discernment to hear your word, grace to relinquish our tasks,

    and courage to follow empty-handed wherever you may lead;

    that the voice of your gospel may reach to the ends of the earth.


    Isaiah 58: 6-9

    “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
    to loose the chains of injustice
        and untie the cords of the yoke,
    to set the oppressed free
        and break every yoke?
    Is it not to share your food with the hungry
        and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
    when you see the naked, to clothe them,
        and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
    Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
        and your healing will quickly appear;
    then your righteousness[
    a] will go before you,
        and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
    Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;
        you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.

    “God, break our hearts with what breaks Yours….”

    October 10th, 2021

    Oh God, we come into your presence this morning with thanksgiving in our hearts and praise on our lips. We come as your children, loved and welcomed by a Holy, awesome God.

    We give praise for your gift of salvation and grace, for the transforming work that you do in and through us. God, continue to shape your image in us.

    On this Thanksgiving Sunday, we give you thanks for the simple things of life…. for the beauty of coloured leaves, the gift of clean water to drink, that breath of fresh air, for the gift of stars in the night sky. Thank you, God, for the gift of eyesight, the ability to hear music and the voices of loved ones. We praise you for family, for children and grandchildren, for friends and those we love. God, hear our prayers of personal thanks as we pause in your presence.

    (Take a moment to pray for individuals that God brings to your mind)

    God, we also give you thanks for this congregation, this body of believers that together comprise a part of the Body of Christ. What a privilege to be called by that name.

    We pray today for those in this Body who are grieving…Lord bring comfort and peace through your presence. For those who are struggling with health issues, physical, emotional, or mental, God again we pray for your power to heal, to transform and to make new.

    And God, where there is need, for food, for encouragement, or finances, give us the wisdom and grace to respond in love.

    God, thank you for your work in and through our lives as individuals and through the ministry and presence of the church. Lord, give us together the wisdom, strength, and love to be the face and presence of Jesus in this community, to our neighbors, and in our places of work.

    May this church, all who love and desire to serve you, stand up with courage, committed to follow you Jesus, committed to make a difference in our world.

    God, as this church again walks a road of change, of transition, I would pray the words of the apostle Paul for each individual within this Body here.

    “I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

    May God’s will be done in and through you all!


    Pastor Clare

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you God that you comfort the broken hearted, those who have experienced great loss. Holy Spirit, be present with all who are hurting and grieving, grant strength and peace, and the courage to move forward. Lord Jesus, we give thanks.

    ·       Pray for wisdom for the leadership of our Christian Ed. program at all age groups as decisions are made concerning programming this Fall. May God’s will be done.

    ·       We give praise and thanks to God for His hand on Pastor Kara over these weeks of sabbatical. Pray for His strength and peace to flow into and through her life as she returns to lead, instruct, and encourage all here at WMC. God, place a fresh vision of your call within her heart and mind. Father, fill her with your joy.

    Households of Faith: Praise & Prayer

    Pray for these families that God would bless and encourage them over this Thanksgiving weekend. God, draw then close to you and may they grow to know you better.

    “Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make know among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of His wonderful acts. Glory in His Holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.” Psalm 105: 1-3

    October 6th, 2021

    Thanksgiving – Yes, this is the weekend when we here in Canada celebrate a holiday we call Thanksgiving. I also realize that this day has different meanings for each individual….some see it as a great time to connect as family, enjoying wonderful food and laughter; for others it is simply a holiday from work and school. And for some it is a deeply spiritual event as they reflect on and give thanks for the work of grace and transformation that God has done in their lives.

    So, what will this day we call Thanksgiving mean for you? I suspect that if we polled 10 individuals, we may receive ten different responses, or possibly 10 different responses from each person if we gave them time.

    It is good to be thankful, to live with a heart of thanksgiving. Giving thanks impacts my perspective of life, my attitude toward a specific task, and yes, my attitude toward others. Does that mean it is always easy to be thankful? No, not for me anyway. And yet, over and over in scripture, God calls us to give thanks including this statement from our friend Paul, “…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:18 (NKJ). How about that as a challenge for each day!

    I encourage you to read the following two portions of scripture, reflect on them, and again ask yourself, “what will this day we call Thanksgiving mean for me?”. Invite God to stretch you and refine your perspectives of living with a spirit of thanksgiving. God bless you as you do this.

    Psalm 100 (NIV)

    Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
        Worship the Lord with gladness;
        come before him with joyful songs.
    Know that the Lord is God.
        It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
        we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

    Enter his gates with thanksgiving
        and his courts with praise;
        give thanks to him and praise his name.
    For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
        his faithfulness continues through all generations.

    Psalm 136

    Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
    His love endures forever.
    Give thanks to the God of gods.
    His love endures forever.
    Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
    His love endures forever.

    to him who alone does great wonders,
    His love endures forever.
    who by his understanding made the heavens,
    His love endures forever.
    who spread out the earth upon the waters,
    His love endures forever.
    who made the great lights—
    His love endures forever.
    the sun to govern the day,
    His love endures forever.
    the moon and stars to govern the night;
    His love endures forever.

    Yes, give THANKS! Let that thought permeate your heart and mind.

    October 3rd, 2021

    O God, we give you praise for each one who is a part of the Body of Christ here at Wellesley Mennonite Church. Thank you, Father, for the gifts each one brings, for the fact that as a part of the body, each one plays a crucial role, each one is a vital part. God, you have combined the members of the body “so that there would be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part is honoured.” 1 Cor. 12: 25-26. God give us the insight, compassion, and grace, so that this may become the reality within the body here at WMC.

    Lord Jesus, as we again come to a time of transition as a congregation, may we keep our eyes on you. May your love flow in and through us, may we walk in step with you through the guidance of the Holy Spirt, and may forgiveness, grace, and humility become the hallmark of our character. This we pray in your holy name Jesus, for ourselves and for each other.

    9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Col. 1: 9-14

    Prayer Requests:

    · The road of grief presents a unique challenge to each person who finds themselves on it. Thank you for your continued prayers for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Do not forget these individuals but allow God’s love to flow through you as you provide both care and support. Pray for God’s peace and comfort in the life of each individual.

    · Pray for wisdom for the leadership of our Christian Ed. program at all age groups as decisions are made concerning programming this Fall. May God’s will be done.

    · Continue to pray for Kara as she concludes her sabbatical within the next weeks. May God provide physical and spiritual rest and renewal through His presence and place a fresh vision of His call within her heart and mind. We pray Father that you would fill her with your joy.

    Households of Faith: Praise & Prayer

    “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them together in perfect unity.”

    Col. 3: 13-14

    September 29th, 2021

    This Sunday we will continue to focus our time together on God’s Grace as we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. Yes, as followers of Christ we have all experienced “Failure, Forgiveness and Grace”. God is totally able to take our failures, those times when we mess up, yes, even our acts of sinfulness, and transform them into growth, of holy learning, and righteousness, all through His forgiveness and grace.

    And one of the amazing aspects of Grace is that in love, God chooses us to be a part of His family. Take a moment to read the following from Pastor Max Lucado in his book “GRACE: more than we deserve; greater than we imagine”.

    My child, I want you in my new Kingdom. I have swept away your offenses like the morning clouds, your sins like the morning mist.

    I have redeemed you. The transaction is sealed; the matter is settled.

    I, God, have made my choice.

    I choose you to be a part of my forever family.


    Lucado also writes the following:

    “To live as God’s child is to know, at this very instant, that you are loved by your Maker not because you try to please him and succeed, or fail him and apologize, but because he wants to be your Father. Nothing more. All your efforts to win his affection are unnecessary. All your fears of losing his affection are needless. You can no more make him want you than you can convince him to abandon you. The adoption is reversible. You have a place at his table.”

     All by Grace

    So, you are invited to come to the table, to eat, to share, to celebrate. But then to also walk in obedience and to invite others to the table as well.

    And the table will be wide. And the welcome will be wide.

    And the arms will open wide to gather us in. And our hearts will open wide to receive.

    And we will come as children who trust there is enough.

    And we will come unhindered and free.

    And our aching will be met with bread. And our sorrow will be met with wine.

    And we will open our hands to the feast without shame.

    And we will turn toward each other without fear.

    And we will give up our appetite for despair. And we will taste and know of delight.

    And we will become bread for a hungering world.

    And we will become drink for those who thirst.

    And the blessed will become the blessing. And everywhere will be the feast.

                                                                                           Voices Together

    September 26th, 2021

    Over these next two weeks, the focus of our Sunday worship will be on “Failure, Forgiveness & Grace”. Each of us has experienced failure, we have sinned, BUT God…. As we come to him with confession, He forgives and through His grace redeems and restores. Praise God.

    May this be true in your heart and life.

    The following prayer speaks so well to the work of God in restoring that which is broken and damaged. May God answer this prayer in each of our lives.

    From all that is broken, let there be beauty.

    From what is torn, jagged, ripped, frayed,

    let there be not just mendings but meetings unimagined.

    May the God in whom nothing is wasted

    gather up every scrap, every shred and shard,

    and make of them new paths, doorways, worlds. 


    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Pray for leadership of our Christian Ed. program as decisions are made concerning programming this Fall with the uncertainties of Covid. Lord, continue to lead!

    ·       Grief is a difficult road and different for all who walk it. Thank you for your continued prayers for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and comfort in the life of each individual.

    ·       Continue to pray for Kara as she concludes her sabbatical within the next three weeks. May God provide physical and spiritual  rest and renewal through His presence and place a fresh vision of His call within her heart and mind. We pray Father that you would wrap your arms of love around her.

    “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

    Psalm 139: 23-24

    September 22nd, 2021

    Failure is very much a part of our life experience. We may have failed that first Driver’s Road Test (yes, that was me); that waterskiing attempt which ended with a huge gulp of lake water and some very sore muscles the next day; or that great Business idea that struggled to a horrible death after months of effort and money. Failure is painful. It can be discouraging and lead to a time of discouragement and depression. But it can also become a time of growth.

    Yes, the reason for failure can be as simple as poor planning, a lack of giftedness, or it may be the result of sin in our lives. Our world and the scriptures are full of examples of moral failure and the consequences that result. But failure is not the end of the story. Many times, great success and significant discoveries come after multiple failures. And the same can be true regarding sin. Forgiveness and grace is available through Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection…..what a gift!

    The focus of our worship for the next two weeks, as we look to celebrate The Lord’s Supper together on Sunday Oct. 10, will be Failure, Forgiveness and Grace. God is totally able to take our failures, those times when we mess up, yes, even our acts of sinfulness, and transform them into growth, of holy learning, and righteousness, all through His forgiveness and grace.

    Read and reflect on the following two examples where the disciples stumbled & failed, and how Christ responded in love.

    A.     33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” 34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.

    35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

    36 He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”   Mark 9: 33-37

    B.     54 Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance. 55 And when some there had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with them. 56 A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, “This man was with him.”

    57 But he denied it. “Woman, I don’t know him,” he said.

    58 A little later someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them.”

    “Man, I am not!” Peter replied. 59 About an hour later another asserted, “Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean.”

    60 Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” 62 And he went outside and wept bitterly.

    Luke 22: 54-62

    [To read Christ’s response of love to Peter, read John 21]

    September 19th, 2021

    As we enter the Fall season this week, my prayer is that God would reveal His beauty and power to you through all that you see around you. May you know security in His love, peace through His presence, and joy in the reality of His power working in and through you.

    May the Son of God, who is already formed in you,

    grow in you so that for you he will become immeasurable,

    and that in you he will become laughter, exultation,

    the fullness of joy which no one will take from you.

    VT 1057

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for your continued prayers for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    ·       Continue to pray for Kara as she continues her sabbatical over these next weeks. May she find deep rest and renewal through the presence of God in her life, and a fresh vision of God’s call on her life in the church

    “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.  Psalm 100: 1-2

    September 12th, 2021

    This Sunday morning as we gather for worship (whether for an outdoor service or back at the church), we will spend significant time praying for each other. We will pray for our children as they return to school, for teachers and parents, for Christian Ed. Staff and for all who serve in some capacity in the life and leadership of Wellesley Mennonite Church. We so look forward to having you join us.

    The following would be my prayer for each of us as we move into this Fall season.

           May God bless you with a restless discomfort about easy answers, half-truths,

           and superficial relationships, so that you may seek truth boldly

           and love deep within your heart.

           May God bless you with holy anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people,

           so that you may work tirelessly for justice, freedom, and peace.

           May God bless you with the gift of tears to shed with all who suffer from pain,

           rejection, and starvation, so that you may reach out to bring comfort

           and transform pain into joy.

           May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you really can make a

           difference in this world, so that you are able, with God’s grace,

           to do what others claim cannot be done.   VT 1058

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for praying for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    ·       Continue to pray for Kara as she continues her sabbatical over these next six weeks. May she find deep rest and renewal through the presence of God in her life.

    “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Col. 4:2

    September 15th, 2021

    Over the past two days we have had some good thunderstorms roll through the KW area. Last night again as we were heading to bed, the drums of thunder were loud, the lightning was flashing, and the rain was being driven against the back wall of the house. I actually enjoy a good thunderstorm, because as a child we would often sit outside on the porch of the old farmhouse and joy in the crashing and the show of lightning. But last night, as was true as a child, I had significant protection. A strong roof over my head, a solid structure around me, protecting me. There was really nothing to fear.

    Not so for the disciples as recorded in Mark 4: 35-41. Read the following and sense the terror of the disciples.

    35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” 39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

    40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” 41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

    Can you feel their terror, the fear that literally takes your breath away? Have you walked in their shoes? Maybe not while in a boat on a stormy lake. Your storm involved the word “cancer” coming from the mouth of a doctor, the pink slip from an employer, or the reality that you do not have the funds available to pay the bills at month end, and there appears to be no one to help.

    That is what the disciples experienced as well, yet Jesus was right there in the boat with them. “Don’t you care?,” they shouted to Jesus. And what was His response? “Why are you so afraid?” “Do you still have no faith?”

    Jesus was right there; He was present, yet the disciples were still overwhelmed with fear. Yes, Jesus is right there in your life and experience today…. right now! He knows exactly what you are facing and in absolute love He says “Peace. Be Still.”

    Over the past two weeks, God has brought to my mind Phil 4 again and again. “Do not be anxious about anything….pray.” “And the peace of God…. will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

    Yes, storms will come. But Jesus is present, and He cares about you because you are His child. “Fear not…Peace be still.”

    God Bless you and keep you….

    September 8th, 2021

    Last evening as the rain at times dumped down, at other times a gentle sprinkle, my mind slipped back to our final song of worship this past Sunday morning. Yes, you remember….”Rain Down”.

    Take a few moments to read and meditate on these words:

    Rain down, rain down, rain down your love on your people.

    Rain down, rain down, rain down your love God of life.

    1.     Faithful and true is the word of our God,

    All of God’s works are so worthy of trust,

                 God’s mercy falls on the just and the right;

                 Full of God’s love is the earth.

    2.     We who revere and find hope in our God

    Live in the kindness and joy of God’s wing.

    God will protect us from darkness and death;

    God will not leave us to starve.

    3.     God of creation, we long for your truth;

    You are the water of life that we thirst.

    Grant that your love and your peace touch our hearts,

    All of our hope lies in you.

    Rain down, rain down, rain down your love on your people.

    Rain down, rain down, rain down your love God of life.

    Oh, how we need God’s love to be poured out in our world. Mental stress, antagonism and frustration with others, anger and bitterness all seems to be the norm around us. But, if we truly believe that last line of verse 3 – “Grant that your love and your peace touch our hearts, all of our hope lies in you.” – then this song should become our daily and consistent prayer.

    Invite God to pour His love into your heart and life in such a way that it naturally overflows to all those you connect with, from family, to co-workers, to the cashier at TIMS. And as His love “rains on you”, take the time to observe the changes in brings to those around you, and to you!

    All are welcome!

    “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

    Col. 3:23

    September 5th, 2021

    Let me again encourage you to pray the following simple prayer this week as you start each day…. may you experience God’s amazing peace.

    This day, God, may I dream your dreams;

    This day, God, may I reflect your love;

    This day, God, may I do your work;

    This day, God, may I taste your peace.

                        Voices Together #313

    Sometimes we struggle to know how to pray for the country of Afghanistan. We grieve for people who continue to wait, hoping to flee to safety. We cry out to you Father for the women and children that today are living in fear of the Taliban, and the repression that potentially lies ahead. We grieve for those families who lost family members in the latest terrorist bombings, both American and Afghani. We also grieve for the many who had hoped to flee their country to safety elsewhere. God, hear our cries, may your power come down and may your will be done. We also pray for those families who have been spirited to safety to a new country and homeland. Lord, may there be individuals and organizations that will step up in love and compassion, providing care as needed. And Lord, if that is a role you are calling us to fill, grant us courage and wisdom

    Save us, God, from being self-centered in our prayers,

    and teach us to remember to pray for others.

    May we be so caught up in love for those for whom we pray

    that we may feel their needs as keenly as our own,

    and pray for them with imagination, sensitivity, and knowledge.

    We ask this in Christ’s name. Amen              Voices Together 1000

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for praying for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    ·       Continue to pray for Kara as she continues her sabbatical over these next six weeks. May she find deep rest and renewal through the presence of God in her life.

    “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes……”  Eph 6: 10-20

    September 1st, 2021

    Good morning and welcome to this first day of September. As a former teacher & Principal at the Secondary School level, September 1 always felt like the beginning of a new season.A new school year was about to begin along with a whole lot of time and energy to be given, joys and frustrations experienced….it was all part of the work. This coming weekend as we celebrate Labour Day, we will take some time on Sunday morning to consider our “work”. How does it mirror the work of God in creation? Can our work, our deeds be an offering to God? What does it look like to do all that you do in life “in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him”? Col.3:17

    Where do you start? Take a few minutes to read the following portion of scripture from

    Col. 1: 15-20 from Voices Together #189.

    Christ is the image of the invisible God. Christ is the firstborn of all creation.

    Everything was created in Christ, everything in heaven and on earth, everything seen and unseen, including all forces and powers, and all rulers and authorities.

    All things were created through Christ, and everything was made for Christ.

    Christ is the one who was before all else, and the one in whom everything is held together.

    Christ is the head of the body which is the church.

    Christ is the very beginning, the first to be raised from death, so as to be above all others.

    God was pleased to live fully in Christ. And God was pleased for Christ to make peace through His blood, shed on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God.

    I invite you to pray for the many needs around the world, families in Louisiana, struggling from the effects of the recent hurricane, the many in Haiti who need assistance after the earthquake, the turmoil in Afghanistan, the elections in Canada etc., as well as for needs within our church community.

    “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

    Col. 3:23

    August 29th, 2021

    Let me encourage you to pray the following simple prayer this week as you start each day…. may you experience God’s amazing peace.

    This day, God, may I dream your dreams;

    This day, God, may I reflect your love;

    This day, God, may I do your work;

    This day, God, may I taste your peace.

                        Voices Together #313

    God of every place, some of us see you today from mountains of joy and confidence,

    mountains of gratitude and praise.

    Some of us seek you today from valleys of grief or doubt, valleys of loss or exhaustion.

    And in all places, you are there with us, nudging us onward.

    When we descend from the heights, show us your presence on the ground.

    When we rise from the depths, show us the light of your way.

    Meet us all on the path made by Jesus.

                         Voices Together #859

    God, today we lift the people of Haiti as they strive to overcome the impact of the recent earthquake. Bring healing to those who were injured; comfort those who are grieving the death of loved ones; may Your peace surround and lift those who are living in fear; Lord, protect those who are desperately working to provide care, food, and clean water to those in need. We give you thanks.

    We pray also for MCEC congregations, Famille Assemblée de la Grâce , Anjou, QC and Ma Destineé, Montreal, QC, as they pray for family and friends in Haiti. Grant them courage and faith.

    [You may wish to respond with a donation through MCC Canada who will be working with local partners to provide assistance where needed most.]

    Sometimes we struggle to know how to pray for the country of Afghanistan. We grieve for people who continue to wait, hoping to flee to safety. We cry out to you Father for the women and children that today are living in fear of the Taliban, and the repression that potentially lies ahead. We grieve for those families who lost family members in the latest terrorist bombings, both American and Afghani. God, hear our cries, may your power come down and may your will be done. We also pray for those families who have been spirited to safety to a new country and homeland. Lord, may there be individuals and organizations that will step up in love and compassion, providing care as needed. And Lord, if that is a role you are calling us to fill, grant us courage and wisdom

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for praying for the other many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    ·       Continue to pray for Kara as she continues her sabbatical. May she find deep rest and renewal through the presence of God in her life.

    Households of Faith: Praise & Prayer

    “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Eph. 6:18

    August 25th, 2021

    Thank you for taking the time to read these weekly “Inspiration” emails, and for your prayer as well.

    I came home last evening somewhat worn and tired. You understand the feeling; you have experienced this as well before. This morning I found myself going to Isaiah 40, reminding myself of the renewing strength that God provides for us. Maybe you are in need of this renewing as well.

    So I invite you to read the following portion of Isaiah 40; joy in the power and glory of God, and His gift of strength to all who hope in the Lord.

    Isaiah 40

    21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning?  Have you not understood since the earth was founded?
    22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
     and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

    25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.
    26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?
    He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name.
    Because of his great power and mighty strength,
     not one of them is missing.

    27 Why do you complain, Jacob? Why do you say, Israel,
    “My way is hidden from the Lord; 
     my cause is disregarded by my God”?
    28 Do you not know?
     Have you not heard?
    The Lord is the everlasting God,
     the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
    29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
    30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
     and young men stumble and fall;
    31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
        they will walk and not be faint.

    I invite you to pray for the many needs around the world, Haiti, Afghanistan, the elections in Canada etc., as well as for needs within our church community.

    “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”


    August 22nd, 2021

    Begin your times of prayer this week with the following:

    Come, Holy One, work upon us, set us on fire and clasp us close;

    be fragrant to us, draw us to your loveliness;

    let us love, let us run to you. Amen


    God of every place, some of us see you today from mountains of joy and confidence,

    mountains of gratitude and praise.

    Some of us seek you today from valleys of grief or doubt, valleys of loss or exhaustion.

    And in all places, you are there with us, nudging us onward.

    When we descend from the heights, show us your presence on the ground.

    When we rise from the depths, show us the light of your way.

    Meet us all on the path made by Jesus.

                         Voices Together #857 and #859

    Prayer for Haiti

    Please pray for the people of Haiti who experienced a magnitude 7.2 earthquake on Saturday, August 14, 2021 that has resulted in significant loss of life and left tens of thousands of people homeless. Rescue work has been hampered by heavy rains brought by Tropical Storm Grace, and of course the country is still wavering from the pandemic and from the assassination of their president last month. Pray also for MCEC congregations, Famille Assemblée de la Grâce (westefag@yahoo.com), Anjou, QC and Ma Destineé (jcrheau@hotmail.com), Montreal, QC, as they pray for family and friends in Haiti. You may wish to send the congregations notes and prayers of encouragement or respond with a donation through MCC Canada who will be working with local partners to provide assistance where needed most.

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for praying for the other many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    Households of Faith:

    Pray for our Households of Faith during this next week as follows:

    Pray for God’s presence to flow over their lives, that they would live in joy and peace, knowing that God is near. May His grace be an encouragement in each of their lives and may they each grow more in love with Jesus.

    “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Eph. 6:18

    August 18th, 2021

    Words make a difference! They can lift and encourage, they can rip down, they can spur you on, or leave you in despair. Words matter. Words can impact our emotional state, they can calm fears or can create greater anxiety.

    The Word of God also makes a difference for our lives. My prayer is that over this summer you have had or have taken increased time to really dig into the Word of God. Getting to know Jesus, the Living Word, is vital for spiritual growth. It is like fertilizer for your soul.

    I invite you to read the following selections of verses from John 1, as written in

     Voices Together # 235

    In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was truly God.

    From the very beginning the Word was with God.

    And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word.

    From this Word, everything that was created received its life, a life that gave light to everyone.

    The light shines in the darkness, and darkness has never put it out.

    The Word was in the world, but no one noticed,

    even though God had made the world with the Word.

    The world belonged to the Word, but its nations did not welcome the Word.

    Yet some people accepted the Word; to them was given the right to be the children of God.

    They were not God’s children by nature or because of any human desires;

    God was the one who made them children.

    The Word became human and lived here with us.

    We saw the Word’s true glory, the glory of a parent’s only child,

    full of grace and truth.


    Living God, by the power of your Spirit, help us to hear your holy Word,

    that we may truly understand; that understanding, we may believe;

    and believing, we may follow in faithfulness and obedience,

    seeking your honour and glory in all that we do, through Jesus Christ.


    I invite you to pray for the many needs around the world, Haiti, Afghanistan, the elections in Canada etc., as well as for needs within our church community.

    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”


    August 15th, 2021

    During this Sunday’s worship service we will be challenged to grow as we put scripture into practice, to apply it into our daily lives. Our focus will be on Phil. 4: 4-8, and we will hear from four members of our congregation as to their spiritual walk and growth as they strive to put these commands of Paul into daily action.

    However, God’s desire is that all of His Word would become an integrated part of the fabric of our lives. What is it that God is teaching you? What steps is He calling you to take as you continue to grow?

    Over these past months we have been challenged with the issues of injustice and racism in our world. This is not a new issue, and the following word of God spoken through the prophet Isaiah could very well apply to our lives today

    Here is a portion of Isaiah 58 (you may wish to read the complete Chapter)

    “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice
        and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and break every yoke?
    Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them,
        and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
    Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear;
    then your righteousness
    [a] will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
    Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.  If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
        with the pointing finger and malicious talk,
    10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
    11 The Lord will guide you always;
     he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
        and will strengthen your frame.
    You will be like a well-watered garden,
     like a spring whose waters never fail.
    12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations;
    you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,
     Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.

     Prayer: (Voices Together)

    Living Christ, in these times when we fear we are losing hope and feel that our efforts are futile, let us see in our hearts and minds the image of your resurrection,

    and let that be our source of courage and strength.

    With that, and in your company, help us face challenges and struggles

    against all that is born of injustice.  Amen

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for praying for the many spouses, children, and family members of our church community who are grieving the death of a loved one. Invite God to bring these individuals to your mind; invite Him to guide as to how you may reach out with support, care and love. Pray for God’s peace and presence to reign.

    Pray for our Households of Faith during this next week.

    “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth….” Psalm100:1

    Pastor Clare

    August 11th, 2021

    This coming Sunday, August 15, we will wrap up our series on Phil. 4: 4-8 with several members of the congregation sharing their experiences, challenges, and joys of putting these verses into practice. It is with this in mind that I want to focus our thoughts this morning on God’s offer of peace. Paul encourages us to not be anxious, but rather to pray, presenting our requests to God with thanksgiving. Is this easy? Sometimes yes; however, many times we choose to struggle through the situation/issue we are facing on our own strength and lose out on the amazing work of God in and through our lives. Yes, I too struggle and stumble in this area at times and need to be reminded of Paul’s encouragement and God’s promise of peace that results from my obedience.

    Here is what Jesus had to say regarding the peace of God as recorded in John 14: 23-27

    23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

    25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

    As you walk through this day and the remainder of this week, invite the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, to provide the strength necessary to walk in obedience, and to then to fill you with God’s peace.

    Let the following be your prayer:

    O Risen Christ, you breathe your Holy Spirit on us and you tell us: “Peace be yours.”

    Opening ourselves to your peace – letting it soften the harsh and rocky ground of our hearts – means preparing ourselves to be bearers of reconciliation

    wherever you may place us.

    But you know at times we are at a loss.

    So come lead us to wait in silence,

    to let a ray of hope shine forth in our world.

                        (Voices Together – #1013)

    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

    August 8th, 2021

    Over the past weeks as we have looked at Paul’s commands and prodding in Philippians 4, we have reminded ourselves numerous times that we are not alone. God is present. He is there in every situation, through every issue or challenge, present in every moment of joy.

    This past week as Gloria and I had a few days of rest and renewal at the lake, I again was reminded that God is present. In the calmness of “paint splashed” water at sunset; in the beautiful whirr of the hummingbirds as they came to feed; in the silent darkness of midnight…He is there.

    Celebrate and rest in that awareness as you read the following.

    Psalm 139

    1-6 God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
    I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking.
    You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight.
    You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence.
    I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too—
        your reassuring presence, coming and going.
    This is too much, too wonderful— I can’t take it all in!

    7-12 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? to be out of your sight?
    If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there!
    If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon,
    You’d find me in a minute, you’re already there waiting!
    Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
        At night I’m immersed in the light!”
    It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to you;

    night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to you.

    We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

    Thank you for being a congregation that hears and responds to God’s call through the scriptures to pray. There is power in prayer. You will note that the following requests are a repeat of last week, partially due to the fact that I have been away from the office, but more critically, due to the fact that these are ongoing issues and needs.

    Pray for patience as families and individuals cry out to God for renewed strength for each new day, each new week. Pray that God will work His perfect will in His perfect time. 

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for your prayer support & love expressed to those of our church community who are grieving the death of a family member.

    Pray that God thru the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will minister His grace and peace to all of these individuals and their families as they have need. 

    ·       Pray for Pastor Kara…may God fill her with His joy and peace; may she know His presence and the gift of renewal in her heart, soul, and mind.

    Households of Faith:

    Pray for our Households of Faith during this next week.

    Pray for their well being, for summer enjoyment, and for rest and renewal. May God’s peace and presence rest on each individual

    “We are not alone. Thanks be to God.”

    Pastor Clare

    August 4th, 2021

    Over the past four weeks we have been digging into Phil. 4: 4-8, learning, struggling, and joying in the process of understanding Paul’s commands and the experience of putting them into practice. (Before you proceed, re-read or recite Phil. 4: 4-8)

    The following is a story Max Lucado shares regarding the experience of a member of his congregation.

    In her short thirteen years Rebecca Taylor has endured more than fifty-five surgeries and medical procedures and approximately one thousand days in the hospital.

    Christyn, Rebecca’s mom, talks about her daughter’s health complications with the ease of a surgeon. The vocabulary of most moms includes phrases such as “cafeteria food,” and “too much time on the phone.” Christyn knows this language, but she’s equally fluent in the vernacular of blood cells, stents, and, most recently, a hemorrhagic stroke.

    In her blog, Christyn wrote:

    This past week’s new land mine was the phrase “possible hemorrhagic stroke,” a phrase I heard dozens of times used by numerous physicians. Over and over and over that phrase filled my mind and consumed my thoughts. It was emotionally crippling.

      This past Sunday our preacher, Max Lucado, started a very fitting series on anxiety. We reviewed the familiar Philippians 4:6 verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

       I presented my requests to the Lord as I had so many times before, but this time, THIS time, I needed more. And so, using Philippians 4: 8 as a guide I found my answer:

      “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true…” What was true in my life at this particular moment? The blessing of all family members eating dinner together.

      “Whatever is noble.”  The blessing of enjoying each other’s presence outside of a hospital room.

      “Whatever is right.”  The blessing of experiencing my two sons’ daily lives.

      “Whatever is pure.”  The blessing of all three children laughing and playing with each other.

      Whatever is lovely.”  The blessing of watching Rebecca sleep peacefully in her bed at night.

      “Whatever is admirable.”  The blessing of an honourable team working tirelessly on Rebecca’s care.

      “If anything is excellent.”  The blessing of watching a miracle unfold.

      “Or praiseworthy.”  The blessing of worshipping a Lord who is worthy to be praised.

      “Think about such things.”

    I did. As I meditated on these things, I stopped the dreaded phrase “hemorrhagic stroke” from sucking any joy out of my life. Its power to produce anxiety was now rendered impotent. And when I dwelt on the bountiful blessings in my life happening AT THAT VERY MOMENT, “the peace of God which transcends all understanding,” DID guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. A true, unexpected miracle. Thank you, Lord.

          Anxious For Nothing – Max Lucado pg 119-120

    May God encourage you with this story. But my prayer is also that God would give us the courage and strength to put these principles into practice in our own lives.

    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”


    August 1st, 2021

    Over the past weeks as we have looked at Paul’s commands and prodding in Philippians 4, we have reminded ourselves numerous times that we are not alone. God is present. He is there in every situation, through every issue or challenge, present in every moment of joy.

    Celebrate and rest in that awareness as you read the following. (Voices Together #922)

    We are not alone; we live in God’s world.

    We believe in God: who has created and is creating,

       who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh,

       to reconcile and make new,

       who works in us and others by the Spirit.

    We trust in God.

    We are called to be the Church:

       to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation,

       to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil,

       to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.

    In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us.

    We are not alone. Thanks be to God.

    Phil. 4:4-8

    Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again: Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent of praiseworthy – think about such things.

    Thank you for being a congregation that hears and responds to God’s call through the scriptures to pray. There is power in prayer.

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Thank you for your prayer support & love expressed to those of our church community who are grieving the death of a family member.

    Pray that God thru the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will minister His grace and peace to all of these individuals and their families as they have need. 

    ·       Pray for Pastor Kara…may God fill her with His joy and peace; may she know His presence and the gift of renewal in her heart, soul, and mind.

    Households of Faith:

    Pray for our Households of Faith during this next week.

    Pray that God would strengthen them with His presence, would guide them with His hand, and would encourage each as they have need.

    “We are not alone. Thanks be to God.”

    July 28th, 2021

    Just over a week ago, Gloria and I had the privilege of visiting the St. Jacobs Market. While the plan was to pick up some pickles for canning, the list of items gathered seemed to grow. A beautiful bouquet of flowers, some fresh blueberries, new potatoes (baked potatoes with a few garnishes….what a joy) and yes, a basket of early peaches from Niagara. Can you feel the juice running down your chin?

    How fortunate we are to live in a land of such plenty and variety….all kinds of fruit and vegetables to fill our tables. Yes, that experience got me thinking about the fruit that the Spirit of God desires to produce in your life and mine. The fruit of joy, peace, faithfulness and so much more.

    What fruit does God desire to grow in you during this season of your life? May the following become your prayer. (Voices Together, #1028)

    Nuturing God, root us in Your love and grow us up to bear

    the fruit of Your Spirit:

    love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

    gentleness and self-control.


    For a portion of our time together on Friday, we will read and share reflections from the Psalmist David’s prayer of praise in Psalm 145. Read and rejoice in our God.

    I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.
    Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.

    Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
    One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.
    They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—

            and I will meditate on your wonderful works…….

    The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.

    The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
    10 All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you…….

    The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.[c]
    14 The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down….

    17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.
    18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

    21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name
        for ever and eve

    May God bless and encourage you in your walk with Him this week.

    July 25th, 2021

    This week I have been reminded of the issues around our world with climate change and the impact on our environment. Flooding in Europe, China and now India, forest fires across the West of North America, tornados and storms that bring devastation etc.

    As such, I would encourage you to share in offering the following prayer to our Creator & Sustainer God.

    Source and sustainer of life, we cherish the myriad works of your hands.

    Water, earth, and sky are yours, as are all their inhabitants, wild and tame.

    We thank you for creatures that nourish and serve us,

         befriend, enrich, entertain, and protect us.

    May we, who are made in your image, care for them well.

    And may your groaning yet wondrous creation rally and thrive,

        revealing to all who come after us your wise, redemptive,

       transforming love,

       through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen     (Voices Together #1009)

    Phil. 4:4-8

    Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again: Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent of praiseworthy – think about such things.

    Thank you for being a congregation that hears and responds to God’s call through the scriptures to pray. There is power in prayer.

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Pray for our neighbours in Barrie who have lost homes, possessions and security as a result of the tornado. Pray also for those across our country who have been evacuated due to forest fires, who have lost homes & possessions.

    And as we pray, may God grant us wisdom of how we can love in practical ways.

    Psalm 100

    Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
        Worship the Lord with gladness;
        come before him with joyful songs.
    Know that the Lord is God.
        It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
        we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

    –        Enter his gates with thanksgiving
        and his courts with praise;
        give thanks to him and praise his name.
    For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
        his faithfulness continues through all generations.

    Our Hope is in the Lord…

    July 21st, 2021

    What is it that God desires to do in and through you today? Invite Him to speak into your mind and heart; listen carefully and then choose to respond in obedience.

    I appreciated this prayer as recorded in Voices Together #984….make this your prayer today (or tomorrow.)

    This day, God, may I dream your dreams;

    This day, God, may I reflect your love;

    This day God, may I do your work;

    This day, God, may I taste your peace.

    For a portion of our prayer time together on Friday, we will read and share in the Psalmist David’s prayer and rejoicing in his awareness of the presence of God and the miracle of our creation. The concluding 2 verses are a beautiful prayer of submission. Can you identify with any of the feelings expressed by David written here in Psalm 139?

    You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.
    You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.
    You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.
    Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.
    You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.
    Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

    Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
    If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
    If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
    10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
    11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”
    12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day,
        for darkness is as light to you.

    13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
        your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
        when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

    23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
        test me and know my anxious thoughts.
    24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
        and lead me in the way everlasting.

    July 18th, 2021

    We repeatedly hear the call to pray in scripture. It is a vital part of the call to us as believers and followers of Jesus. What a privilege to lift individuals, situations, crises, or victories to our God in prayer and with thanks. Praying is one of the joys of being a part of the Body of Christ.

    Here are a few reminders:

    Romans 12:12-13

    Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

    Col. 4:2

    Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

    1 Thess. 5: 16-18

    Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

    Eph. 6:18

    And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.

    Phil. 4:4-8

    Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again: Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    Yes, God prods and reminds us to pray. Thank you for responding as such.

    July 11th, 2021

    Zephaniah 3:17

    “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.

    He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.

    Psalm 95: 1-7

    “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

    Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.

    For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.

    In His hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him.

    The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.

    Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;

    for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.”

    Phil. 4: 4-5

    “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

    Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

    Do not be anxious about anything, BUT…….”

    As we as the Body of Christ here at Wellesley Mennonite Church come to God in prayer this week, it is my encouragement to spend some time in praise and rejoicing. Challenges do come; grieving and loss is a part of our lives; we will face hardship, yet scripture consistently calls us to persevere and here in Phil 4, Paul challenges us to “Rejoice in the Lord always”. And yes, I struggle with his use of the word “always”. But it is only in God’s strength and by the work of the Holy Spirit that I can rejoice, that I can “delight in the Lord”, even when circumstances are not what I would desire.

    So, focus your heart and mind on rejoicing, giving thanks to God for all that He has done and continues to do in your life. Then, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God as well.

    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Pray for all who grieve loss these days, whether loss through death recently or in the past, loss of relationship, loss of health, loss of job, or those who have lost focus and purpose during these days of COVID.

    ·       Pray for those seeking medical help, surgery or appointments, and continue to wait. Grant patience and peace, and we pray that God will bring answers at exactly the perfect time.

    ·       Pray for Pastor Kara that these will be days of renewal and rest, that she will be able to complete the work needed on her doctoral thesis, and that God would speak deeply into her heart and soul. We praise God for her!

    A Call to Prayer

    · Please pray for and with MCEC congregations, Famille Assemblée de la Grâce, Anjou, QC and Ma Destineé, Montreal, QC, as they pray for family and friends in Haiti in the wake of the assassination of President Jovenel Moise. Many in the congregations are from Haiti. Pray for God’s peace and for the safety of the Haitian people. Pray also that the violence will not setback efforts to fight Covid-19 in Haiti. Haiti is one of only a handful of countries worldwide that has yet to administer coronavirus vaccine.

    · Pray for the country and the people of Myanmar. Amos Chin, leader of the Bible Missionary Church (a Mennonite World Conference denomination) says, “The death toll has risen to the highest level in Burma’s Kalemyo, which is suffering from the third wave of Covid. There is a shortage of oxygen for our patients. We have to supply our patients with oxygen and treat ourselves because there is no government treatment. 63 Christian pastors, including two of our pastors, have died in Kalemyo. People are suffering and dying because of the civil war and Covid.”

    “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.” Phil. 4:23

    July 7th, 2021

    Thank you for your many prayers, your loving support, and your gracious care this past week. You have demonstrated what it means to be the Body of Christ.

    However, as many of you know, the walk down the road of grief will continue and as such I would ask that you continue to lift up others through your prayer and acts of love in the weeks ahead.

    May this be your prayer. (Voices Together)


    make me an instrument of Your peace.

    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

        where there is injury, pardon:

        where there is doubt, faith;

       where there is despair, hope;

       where there is darkness, light;

       where there is sadness, joy.

    O divine Spirit,

       grant that I may not so much seek

       to be consoled as to console,

       to be understood as to understand,

       to be loved as to love.

    For it is in giving that we receive;

       it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

       it is in dying that we are born

            to eternal life. Amen

    May you be an instrument of God’s peace this week, within your family, your community and your workplace. May God go before you, His presence behind you, over you, and under you…..may He hold you in His Hands.

    This Friday as we gather to pray we will also look together at portions of Psalm 51, David’s prayer of confession. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness!!

    Psalm 51

    Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love;

    according to your great compassion, blot out my transgressions.

    Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

    For I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me.

    Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight……..

    Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;

    wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

    Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice.

    Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.

    Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

    Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

    Restore to me the joy of your salvation

    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me……

    O Lord, open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise.

    You do not take delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;

    You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

    The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;

    A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

    May God bless and encourage you in your walk with Him this week.

    July 3rd, 2021

    Romans 12: 9-13

    Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.


    Prayer Requests:

    ·       Pray for those who are struggling with loneliness and fear during this season of COVID. May God grant encouragement and peace, and may the Holy Spirit open our hearts and minds to those who need our support and love.

    ·       Pray for all those in our church and local community who are grieving as a result of the death of a loved one over the past months or the loss of a relationship. God, wrap them in your arms of love.

    ·       God, for those waiting for medical treatment or an appointment, or for a second vaccine, grant patience and peace. God open the door to answered prayer and do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine.

    Households of Faith:

    ·       May God also bring healing and restoration to all who have been wounded through these school experiences.

    Prayer  (Voices Together)

    Gracious God,

    when there is nothing we can say,

    we give you thanks

    that your Spirit intercedes for us

    with sighs too deep for words.

    Loving God,

    when there is nothing we can do,

    we give you thanks

    that you are working for good

    in this world of struggle and pain.

    Holy God,

    when there is nothing else we know,

    still we give you thanks

    that nothing in life or in death,

    nothing in heaven or on earth,

    nothing in this world or the world to come

    will ever separate us from your great love;

    through Jesus Christ.


    June 30th, 2021

    Let me share this Prayer with you (adapted from Voices Together)

    God, in our grieving

    let your peace rest on the Wagler family

    and all who love them.

    For the fullness of life together,

    for shared sorrows and joys,

    for the blessing of treasured memories,

    we give you thanks.

    For words unwise or left unsaid,

    for things done or left undone,

    grant your forgiveness,

    and help us to forgive.

    During our time of mourning and gratitude,

    comfort our hearts and strengthen our faith

    as we await the day of our reunion,

    in the power of the risen Christ.


    I also invite you to spend time over these next days, reading and praying Psalm 23, a familiar and beautiful Psalm.

    Psalm 23

    The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

    He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

    He restores my soul.

    He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

    I will fear no evil, for you are with me,

    your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

    Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

    And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

    May God encourage you as you pray and lift others up to the Lord.

    June 26th, 2021

    Psalm 100

    Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.

    Worship the Lord with gladness;

         come before Him with joyful songs.

    Know that the Lord is God.

    It is He who made us, and we are His;

         we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise;

        give thanks to Him and praise His name.

    For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues

        through all generations.

    Hear Our Prayer:

    Everlasting God, in whom we live and move and have our being:

    You have made us for yourself, so that our hearts are restless

         until they rest in you.

    Give us purity of heart and strength of purpose,

         that no selfish passion may hinder us from knowing your will,

         no weakness keep us from doing it,

    that in Your light we may see clearly,

         and in Your service find perfect freedom, through Jesus Christ,

    who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God

          now and forever. Amen

                   #343 Voices Together

    The congregations of Mennonite Church Saskatchewan sit in a season of grief in the wake of the discovery of a further 751 unmarked graves near a former Indian residential school close by the Cowessess First Nation. We also join with them in lament, in solidarity with the sorrow of Indigenous neighbours and communities throughout southeast Saskatchewan and southwest Manitoba whose children were abducted to the Marieval Indian Residential School. We too grieve with those who are impacted by the news of these deaths, and we pray for all those who bear the wounds of the residential school system, as well as for those who have been retraumatized by this discovery. God bring healing to minds and hearts.

    God we pray for your peace, comfort and presence in our community, in our families and in our church family. We give thanks for your leading in our lives, and rejoice in the strength and grace your provide each day.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    Oh God, hear our prayers for those in need of healing, hope and wholeness.

    Oh God, we also pray for others in our church family who are in need of healing, who need your encouragement Father, or simply need the hope that comes from your presence. We pray for your healing grace and for your strength to all who today are serving as caregivers.

    Oh God, we confess our need of you. Hear our prayers.

    We rejoice and give thanks.

    In the Name of Jesus we pray.


    June 23rd, 2021

    Wednesday Inspiration & Friday Prayer Link

    Thank you all for your commitment to pray for others, for specific needs, for situations in their lives, and that God would continue His work in and through us all as we grow in Him.

    Our focus in these upcoming Friday prayer times will be on prayers from scripture.

    However, first let me share a prayer from Voices Together. May this become your heart’s cry.

    O Risen Christ, you breathe your Holy Spirit on us and you tell us: “Peace be yours.”

    Opening ourselves to your peace – letting it soften the harsh and rocky ground of our hearts – means preparing ourselves to be bearers of reconciliation, wherever you may place us.

    But you know at times we are at a loss.

    So come lead us to wait in silence, to let a ray of hope shine forth in our world.


    This Friday we will again focus our time on a prayer of the apostle Paul, written to the church at Colosse. In this prayer, Paul again indicates that “since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you….”

    As you spend time meditating on and reading this prayer, I invite you to substitute for the “you”, the names of people that you wish to lift up to God. You may possibly name a family member, a child, a friend or co-worker, the list could go on. Pray with intent and invite the Holy Spirit to bring the names of people to your mind.

    And then give Thanks to God for what He will do in that individual’s life.

    9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

    May God encourage you as you pray, and fill you with His joy!

    June 20th, 2021

    Holy God

    I have so few ways to pray,

       but you have so many ways to answer.

    Keep me alert to your unpredictable answers,

       to your unexplainable surprises,

    and by your grace.

    make me one of those surprises,

    for the sake of the One

      who taught us the surprises

        of moving mountains,

           healing touches,

              wondrous stories,

                  great banquets,

                     first suppers,

                       broken bread,


                             and resurrections.

       (Voices Together – #1008)

    We praise you Father for the ministry of Your Church, the Body of Christ around the world.

    May you move with power and might in and through the church, bringing many to a

    saving knowledge of Jesus through the faithful witness of believers.

    Where there is suffering and persecution, bring hope, healing, and perseverance.

    Today we continue to grieve the pain, suffering and loss in our world, whether through war, terrorism, neglect, or choices made. We pray that love would overcome hate; we pray for healing and cleansing of hearts and minds; we pray that peace and justice would reign in our hearts and lives, and in our world.

    We pray for our households of faith.  May each rejoice in Your presence and work in their lives. Guide, strengthen and encourage them as individuals, and as a family. Pour our Your love in their lives.

    We pray for Pastor Kara as she walks through these early days of her sabbatical. Lord, grant her deep rest and renewal. Speak peace into her heart and mind and continue to use her as an instrument of Your grace.

    We pray for those who have spent time in hospital this week, for those waiting appointments, surgery, or test results. Grant patience and may Your will be done in each individuals life.

    We pray for caregivers, for those who today are grieving the loss of relationship as a result of death or distance. We praise you that you are a God of Comfort.

    Fathers Day Prayer:

    Father God, Abba Father, on this day we as your children come before you with thanks and praise. We praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    Thank you for our earthly fathers – those who gave us physical life.

    Thank you for Dads who loved, played with, cared for, and lifted us – for those fathers who were, and still are integral parts of our lives. God, we pray for your blessing on their lives; may they experience your joy today.

    Where absence, death, choices, or tragedy has taken a father from a child, God, may you be their Father.

    Where there is hurt, pain or brokenness between father and child, bring forgiveness and healing.

    Father God, bless the fathers of our congregation today; fill them with wisdom, with patience and with courage.

    And above all, fill them with deep love for their children, especially in these days of Covid, these days of increased stress.

    For those with elderly fathers – where the role of caregiver has reversed; God give wisdom, grace, and an abundance of love.

    We give thanks for those men who have no children but cherish the next generation as if they were their own.

    Thank you for their mentoring, teaching and love of others.

    We also praise you for those men in our lives who have mentored us, whether in the past or yet today. May you fill them with joy.

    Father, we celebrate and give you Thanks this day for our fathers.


    Oh God, hear our prayers. We rejoice and give thanks that You are a God who hears and knows all our needs.

    In the Name of Jesus, we pray.


    June 16th, 2021

    Thank you for your willingness to pray and hold others to our God. Pastor Kara reflected last week on the recent tragic act of terrorism that took place in London as well as the horrific discovery of the remains of 215 young people in Kamloops. She invited us to share in a prayer of lament which I have again included below. I invite you to use this pray as your lament, but also pray for God’s healing grace to be poured out in both of these communities and that God would bring healing.Prayer of Lament

    God, we lament the damage that our silence in the face of racial violence has done,
    for the sins of racism that run through our lives like so many threads in a cloth.
    Forgive us for the times we have given in to our discomfort, for the times
    we have forgotten our own privilege and failed to stand with our black siblings, our Indigenous, and our Muslim neighbours.
    Help those of us who experience white privilege every day remember that, with our privilege,
    we are imbued with the responsibility to challenge and hold one another accountable.
    Give us the courage to educate ourselves, to listen well,
    and to use our voices when it is most needed. Amen    (adaptation of a prayer written by Clara Weybright)

    And it was out of these tragedies that I was led to bring the message for this coming Sunday, “Hate vs Love….The Battle”

    Therefore, I also invite you to spend some time praying the words of the apostle Paul from Ephesians 3: 14-21. Pray this for yourself and for others that you love in your sphere of influence. As you note, I have included both the NIV and The Message version. Invite God to speak deep into your heart as you pray.

    (NIV)14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

    20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

    (The Message) 14-19 My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.

    20-21 God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

    Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!

    June 13th, 2021

    Holy God, who called creation into being,

    Who calls us into Christ’s church;

    We thank you for the church

    For the mission of the church

    For the ministry of the church.

    Today, we thank you for the ministry of this church,

    For pastors and people who have named your name and lived your life.

    We thank you for cleansing us and making us alive through the waters of baptism. We give you thanks for new life you offer us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Thank you also for the ministry of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada – our brothers and sisters in faith:

    For steadfastness over time,

    For faithful witness in the struggle

    For justice and peace,

                    Christ of love, hear our prayers for those in need of healing, hope, and wholeness and those whose needs we carry  deep in our hearts.

    We pray for all awaiting appointments or test results.

    We pray for caregivers including those supporting loved ones in long term care including Aldaview residents.

    We pray for all who are suffering due to covid pandemic: the lonely, the sick, the over-whelmed. We pray for the grieving. May your comfort and peace abound.

    We also pray for our households of faith:

    Christ of love, hear our deep lament, our deep sorrow

    in response to the tragic discovery of 215 First Nation’s children’s bodies at a Residential School in Kamloops.

    Hear our deep lament and sorrow due to act of terrorism and tragic loss of life of our Muslim neighbours in London.

    Where hate resides may love overcome.

    Where bitterness takes root, we pray for cleansing and deep healing.

    Where oppression rages, we pray for peace, the blessed peace that comes from doing justice.  Lord, hear our prayer.. and show us how to respond as peacemakers…   

    Spirit of guiding, continue to guide our congregation in our shared life of faith. We strive to be your faithful people.

    Guide us to listen deeply and love one another generously.

    Guide us with clarity as we take next steps

    Guide us as we live within the tension of holding multiple understandings,

    bind us together as one body, your body, bearing witness to your love


    Spirit of guiding, move among us

    Receive our prayers those spoken and those held deep within our hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    June 6th, 2021

    In the past days we have bore witness to horrific violence, racism, and the devastating outcome of hatred due to one’s faith. What is our response?

    Last year the birch tree on the church’s front lawn became a place where we could add our prayers in solidarity with our community and those who have suffered deeply. In light of the tragic act of terrorism in London, and in light of the discovery of 215 bodies on the grounds of a Kamloops Residential School, how are we being called to respond? Perhaps one place to begin is with lament.

    Biblical lament shows us how to express deep sorrow, name suffering and cry out for God. “Laments tell the truth of the suffering that is smothering our worthiness, our dreams, our ability to work toward a better tomorrow,” writes womanist scholar Dr. Emilie M. Townes. “Naming these horrors in an unrestrained lament helps mold us into a people who respond with an emphatic ‘No!’ to the ways our nation and our communities of faith are turned into graven images of hatred and despair.”

    Let us pray,

    God, we lament the damage that our silence in the face of racial violence has done,
    for the sins of racism that run through our lives like so many threads in a cloth.
    Forgive us for the times we have given in to our discomfort, for the times
    we have forgotten our own privilege and failed to stand with our black siblings, our Indigenous, and our Muslim neighbours.
    Help those of us who experience white privilege every day remember that, with our privilege,
    we are imbued with the responsibility to challenge and hold one another accountable.
    Give us the courage to educate ourselves, to listen well,
    and to use our voices when it is most needed. Amen    (adaptation of a prayer written by Clara Weybright)

    My summer reading list includes the highly recommended book: “White Fragility: why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism.” May we commit to continuing the discussion, to feel the raw edges of our discomfort, name our privilege in the world, and work for justice, in the name of Christ our Lord.

    June 6th, 2021

    Ever living and ever loving God,

    We praise you for your loving presence with us.

    Come, Holy Spirit,

    take and transform our communities and neighbourhoods—

    that broken people find healing;

    that lonely people find love;

    that oppressed people find justice;

    that bitter people find peace;

    that fearful people find hope.

    Come, Holy Spirit,

    take our world’s leaders and governments and bring renewal—

    that communication can be open;

    that relationships between hostile people and hostile nations be reconciled;

    that a hunger for justice address the hunger for food felt by so many.

    Come, Holy Spirit

    Pour out your compassion, healing, and grace upon all who stand in need

    of physical, emotional, or relational healing.

    Hear our prayer for all who grieve, the lonely, and those struggling with mental wellness.

    We pray for all caregivers including Aldaview Staff.

    In response to a community request, we hold in prayer a medically fragile baby boy who is fighting a non-covid pneumonia and is currently on a ventilator. God may your breath of life fill him, restore him, renew him. Hold his family in peace we pray as they hold to hope.  

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    Come, Holy Spirit,

    Bless your church—

    that our worship will be pleasing to You;

    that prayers might change our hearts, our minds, and our lives

        instead of trying to get you to change Yours;

    We pray that that our lives will make a real difference

    to real people in the real world.

    Open our hands that we might live generously

    Open our hearts to be encouragers, always ready to build up

    Rather than tear down

    Strengthen us to serve in your name and act with love

    Come, Holy Spirit,

    fill our lives with your presence—

    so that more and more every day,

    all that we do and say and hope

    will be an act of worship to you and an expression of love to others,

    to the glory of your name.  Amen.

     This week we continue to join in prayer in response to the discovery of 215 First Nation’s children’s bodies in Kamloops.Here are resources provided by MCEC to add to the list of resources that were sent on Wednesday of this week.We pray, God have mercy. https://mcec.ca/article/13275-responding-to-the-loss-of-215-indigenous-children

    peace be yours,Kara

    June 2nd, 2021

    Our hearts ache in response to reports of the discovery of a mass grave holding the remains of 215 Indigenous children on the grounds of a First Nations Residential School in Kamloops.How will we respond? Inshallah, a choir I have sung with recently recorded the song: Senzenina. “What have we done?”https://youtu.be/yHjpeRyZaWA
    May this be our prayer… and may our lament and song move us to action.Perhaps you have hung an orange shirt in front of your home as I have.Perhaps you will add your voice to those calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada to recognize a national day of mourning. ..Perhaps you will consider a donation to support Residential School survivors and their families or a local Indigenous Centre such as the Seven Generation or Anishinaabe Outreach Centre. Here are several links with information

    Perhaps you will want to learn more. Here are some educational resources on residential schools: 

    Following in the footsteps of Jesus involves responding to injustices. Congregationally, we adopted a Land Acknowledgement Statement, engaged in a “Blanket Exercise” led by MCC and Kairos. We have read Indigenous authors….  What next steps is the Spirit of God inviting us to take. May we listen deeply for the Spirit and pray for courage and grace to respond with healing and hope.

    May 30th, 2021

    Creator of life, we give thanks for this spring season of cultivating and planting, growing and greening, blooming and blossoming.

    We thank you for the mystery of seeds so small, dry, seemingly lifeless and yet within, holding the promise of new life.

    We thank you for seeds of faith that have been sown and nurtured, through family, mentors, teachers, friends.

    We thank you for diverse journeys of faith for healthy roots that hold us steady We are grateful for questions that unsettle us and invite us to go deep We are grateful that we can be dissatisfied with easy answers.

    Creator of life, grow something new within us.

    Christ of love,

    For your parables and teachings that challenge us

    For keeping company with the marginalized which has modelled a way of life For your healing touch, words of wisdom, and engaging conversations, For your self-sacrificing love that saves us and does not condemn, we offer our praise.

    Redeemer of all, grow something new within us.

    Christ of love, hear our prayers for those in need of healing, hope, and wholeness, and those whose needs we carry deep in our hearts.

    We pray for all awaiting appointments, medical treatments, and those awaiting test results.

    We pray for caregivers including those supporting loved ones in long term care.

    We pray for all who are suffering due to covid pandemic: the lonely, the sick, the over-whelmed.

    We also pray for our households of faith:

    Christ of love, hear our deep lament, our deep sorrow

    In light of the discovery of 215 Nation’s children’s bodies in Kamloops B.C.

    God have mercy.

    Christ have mercy.

    Spirit have mercy.

    Open our hearts to hear the agonized cry of traumatized people

    Their call for justice

    Their pain, their inconsolable grief.

    May we be honest about institutional sin

    And work honestly and humbly

    toward reconciliation and the healing of relationships.

    Spirit of guiding,

    We thank you for your accompanying presence,

    windy, moving, uncontained,

    unbounded, all-embracing,

    comforting, disrupting, transforming.

    Spirit of guiding, guide our congregation on our discerning path.

    We strive to be your faithful people.

    Guide the Elders in their leadership.

    Guide us to listen deeply and love one another generously.

    Guide us with clarity as we take next steps

    Guide us as we live within the tension of holding multiple understandings,

    bind us together as one body, your body, bearing witness to your love


    Spirit of guiding, grow something new in us.

    Triune God,

    Creator of life

    Christ of love

    Spirit of guiding

    You come to us in diverse ways.

    Open our hearts to your presence

    Open our hands to serve

    Ignite within us a fire of love

    Thank you for hearing our prayers which we offer

    In the name of the Triune God.


    May 26th, 2021

    As the rain refreshes the earth today, it is my prayer that God will grant you a refreshed spirit and renewed mind.
    May God open the eyes of your heart to see the world as God sees the world – its beauty, diversity, abundance, and the sustaining presence of the Holy Spirit. May God’s refreshment seep deep into the pandemic parched places of our hearts and lives with a generous sprinkling of hope, light, and joy. May the greening be abundant and life-giving.

    May 23rd, 2021

    Come, O Holy Spirit, come. Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us with your love.
    Open our eyes to see the renewing presence of God all around us,
    in the melody of song birds, in the growing and greening of spring,
    in the joys and celebrations of our lives,

    in the tragedies and struggles that break our hearts.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and comfort those who grieve. 
    Grant all who grieve the peace that only you can bring.
    Stir within us a trust in life beyond death,
    as we ponder the mysteries of Christ’s resurrection
    and the hope we have in new and everlasting life.

    Come, Holy Spirit, and bring wholeness to the sick.
    Strengthen those who are weak; heal the wounded and broken;
    give rest to the weary. Comfort the anxious, the lonely. Including all those in long-term care

    We pray for restored strength, patience, and peace.

    May your compassion hold all who suffer due to covid – the sick, the recovering, the bereaved… the isolated….and front-line workers…  

    We also pray for our Households of Faith.

    Amidst fullness of life, may quietness and peace flow freely each day. Grant perseverance for ongoing virtual learning, changing work environments, and the stresses of life amidst covid 19.

    Come, O Holy Spirit come, and inspire our warring world to seek peace,
    to love our enemies, to commit to the common good of all.

    We hold in prayer the leaders and people of Israel and Palestine and pray that a path to peace in which the dignity of all persons is upheld.  

    Come, O Holy Spirit come, and ignite a fire in our dry bones,

    with a passion for justice that cannot be quenched
    until all of your children are loved,

    until all who hunger are fed
    until no one is marginalized or oppressed,
    until everyone has the opportunity to thrive,
    until the world is transformed and renewed.

    Come, O Holy Spirit come, and revive your church.

    Liberate us from complacency and apathy;
    inspire us with Christ’s vision for a world reborn;
    help us to recognize our gifts for ministry
    and to develop and use them in service of others;
    transform our hearts and our minds; fill us with love that overflows;
    remind us that there is no greater calling
    than to love you with all that we are
    and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

    Come, O Holy Spirit come, give us a glimpse of God’s kingdom
    emerging around us and drawing us into the new things,

    New life, new possibilities, new visions and new dreams.

    It is for your kingdom that we now pray,

    filled with your Spirit, using the words Jesus taught us.

    Our Father who art in heaven..………. Amen

    May 19th, 2021

    This Sunday we celebrate the birth of the church with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
    Let us pray:
    “Lord, send the gift of your Spirit to fill this place
    and myself
    and the world.
    Touch me with truth
    that burns like fire,
    with beauty
    that moves me like the wind;
    and set me free, Lord
    free to try new ways of living;
    free to forgive myself and others;
    free to love and laugh and sing;
    free to lay aside my burden of security
    free to join your mission of justice and peace;
    free to see and listen and wonder again
    at the gracious mystery of things and persons;
    free to be,
    to give,
    to receive,
    to rejoice as a child of your Spirit.
    And Lord,
    teach me how to dance,
    to turn around
    and come down where I want to be,
    in the arms and heart of your people
    and in you,
    that I may praise and enjoy you forever. Amen
    (prayer by Ted Loder)

    May 16th, 2021

    God of resurrection life,

    in this Easter season we pray with gratitude for the gift of courageous imagination.

    We pray with thanksgiving for dreams that seem impossible,  –  because we have begun to believe with you, all things are possible.

    Thank you for your faithfulness through changing times and changing seasons.

    You are faithful through all the stages of life.

    For infants and children,  we pray that they may they be guarded from evil and be nurtured in love and grace

    For youth with dreams and wild imaginations,  guide them on paths of purpose that build the world you imagined for humanity from the beginning of time.

                Help them through these days of interrupted education, 

    help their teachers impart knowledge wrapped with wisdom

    For all who awaken to go to jobs each day we ask for strength

    For those who awaken but can no longer work because they have no job.

    those who endure boredom at home 

    because of lock downs, or illness  give patience and peace

    In silence we name those among us who suffer from illness,  those who anxiously await test results,  those who are  recovering from surgery,  those who struggle with the stress and emotional anguish of life. Help each of these imagine walking on the road to wellness.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    They are patiently waiting for summer and a time when we can be with family and friends. May your love fill their hearts and home and grant them peace.

     Lord God we thank you for your church and calling us to be part of a supportive community. Thank you for Mennonite church Eastern Canada.  May its mission and influence be multiplied.  We pray for church leaders,  for Leah Reesor Keller. Thank you for her ministry gifts.  Continue to lead her as she leads MCEC.

    As your people we pray for your world.  You have called us to be peacemakers.

    Though conflict often seems far away and out of our control, you have filled our hearts with images of peace where lions and lambs live together safely.

    We pray for Israel and Palestine.  May all people in that land learn to live as sisters and brothers.  May children of Arabs and Jews play together in safety and one day shape a country at peace.    

    These things we pray in the name of the prince of peace. Amen

    (prayer by Jamie Gerber) 

    May 9th, 2021

    Mothering God, you conceive us, give birth to us. You claim us as your own, call us by name, and have placed a seal upon our hearts.

    You are our source of nurture. Your love is patient and kind.

    You smile on us,

    protect us,

    feed us,

    give us words to say,
    show us how to walk,
    cheer for us in our successes,
    wipe our tears when we fail or suffer.
    You encourage us,

    dream big for us,
    and love us for who we are.

    We thank you for your mothering love.

    Good and Gentle God,
    we pray with gratitude today for our mothers,

    for those all who have mothered us,

    and for all the women who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life.

    You who became human through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings.
                    Give them the strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly.
                    Surround each with faithful support and guide them as they provide for the physical and spiritual growth and needs of their children.

                    Grace mothers with joy and delight in their children to sustain them through the trials of motherhood. Most of all, give them the wisdom to turn to you for help when they need it most.

                    We also pray for those for whom today is tinged with pain…… women who have suffered maternal loss, those unable to conceive, those who longed to bear children but due to circumstances feel the ache of empty arms. We pray for those who experience distance from their mothers whether physical or relational. We pray for those who mourn the death of their mothers and we pray for mothers who are mourning the loss of a child including the loss of dreams, hopes, and future. Comfort and hold each in your warm and compassionate embrace.

    God of compassion , our hearts reach out to you today to hold those who are suffering, those who are grieving, the fearful, the anxious, the lonely, the isolated.  

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    God, continue to draw near to all your children as we draw near to you….     We are grateful that you are the God who hears our prayers before they are even formed into words. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen 

    May 5th, 2021

    Today, May 5 is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).
    The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) honours all Indigenous mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters,
    grandmothers, nieces and cousins. On this day of national importance we can honour the MMIWG by embracing and supporting community healing. What part of community healing will you take part?
    As Anabaptist we strive to walk in the shoes of peace with our actions and our words.
    Perhaps your commitment to peace will involve researching the “REDdress Project” inspired by Jamie Black.
    Perhaps you will feel nudged to learn more about Canada’s history including Indigenous Peoples’ history in Canada.
    Perhaps you will consider the societal and familial impact of violence against women.
    We hear God’s call to seek justice, to work for peace, reconciliation, and restoration. What is your response?
    May our journey of faith with Jesus lead us to honour all of life, build connections, nurture relationships, embrace diversity, and participate in the healing of creation. Amen

    May 2nd, 2021

    God, we are thankful for the gift of your calling on our lives, for the gift of faith that urges us to keep hoping, keep striving, toward your kingdom.

    There’s so much to lament in this world, to get upset about, to worry us. Will there be enough hospital beds? Will the vaccines arrive for us? What about others? How are businesses doing? What about the kids and the teens and the young adults – we’re tired of the disruption of learning, and life! We can only imagine what it’s like in places where life is insecure to start with. God hear our prayers for healing, for provision, for wise leadership, for daily struggles, and for the time ahead. We pray for patience, and we pray for energy.

    Our hearts reach out to hold those who are suffering, and those who are grieving.

    We pray for those whose needs we carry in our hearts.

    Amidst many challenges, open our eyes to see as you see, God. Fill us with compassion and wrap us in your care. Open our lives to serve your kingdom, even as we are receiving your love and care as your children, ourselves. May the love that flows into us, flow out as well.

    We also hold our Households of Faith in prayer.

    Continue to be with all our loved ones in long-term care as well as their caregivers. Grant them strength and patience for the living of these days.

    May we believe in your kingdom ways, God, to the extent that we have the courage to actually implement them in our lives. May our hearts and our hands, our words and our actions, line up, as we strive to live lives of integrity and purpose.  

    All this, and the unspoken prayers on our hearts we pray in the name of Jesus, who taught his disciples to pray: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen. (thanks to Jane Kuepfer for offering today’s prayer)

    April 25th, 2021

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we are safe and secure. Within your embrace we know that we are precious in your sight. Within your embrace we feel the warmth of family, relationship and belonging. Within your embrace we grow and are nurtured together as one flock, the people of your pasture under your loving care and protection.

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find comfort and healing. We bring to you those who are weak, or struggling with physical, mental or spiritual health. We pray that your comfort will enfold all who grieve. We pray for deep measures of peace as well as restored strength.  You are the great healer, and we pray for healing of mind, body, and spirit for those we now name in the silence of our hearts……..

    We pray for our households of faith.

    We pray for strength and wisdom for each new day.

    We pray for continued good health and for family bonds to be strong with love, laughter, and fun.

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find justice. We bring to you the brave voices who cry out for freedom, those prepared to stand up and be heard without counting the cost. We pray for those who have been marginalized or suffer due to their race, skin colour, gender, or faith.

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find life in you. As your resurrection people we join with you in your mission of restoration for all creation. You have made us stewards of the earth’s resources. May we do our part to protect, to restore, to further life rather than destroy it.

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find peace. We bring to you those without homes, those who are displaced due to war, refugees wandering this earth in search of a home. We pray for all victims of violence and for all those who have dedicated their lives for the search for peace and reconciliation.

    Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find our true identity as your beloved children. Continue to lead us. Continue to feed us. For we need your help from day to day…..  we pray in the name of Good Shepherd who laid down his life that we might have life in abundance. Amen

    April 21st, 2021

    Tomorrow April 22 is Earth Day. In praise and thanksgiving for Creation offered to each of us by our Creator, let us call to mind how we depend on and care for our common home:

    • How do we return to the Earth the love, care, and sustainment we receive from it?
    • How can we better attend to the needs of one another through our attention to creation?

    Let us pray,

    God, Creator of All, we offer our prayer in gratitude and humility that we might heed your call to care for one another through our care of the least, the lowest and the most vulnerable of all your blessed creation. Grant, we pray, the courage to speak on behalf of the soft soil under our feet, the running and still waters, the warmth of the sun on our face, and all the crawling, flying and swimming creatures you love. May our courage to speak translate into actions that protect our planet – so that our children and their children might enjoy the fruits of what we sow. In your name, we pray…

    WMC Missions Committee encourages us to take action this week, caring for creation in our own neighbourhoods.

    April 18th, 2021

    Risen Christ, the light of your love shines on, illuminating the places where you are present.  As disoriented and bewildered disciples pondered the stories of your appearance, you penetrated the darkness of their fear and doubt with your word of peace.  You showed them the marks of evil and violence that pierced your hands and your feet. You opened their minds to understand how through your death you defeated evil and death. Increase our understanding, we pray. Open our minds and hearts to receive you.

    Bring to us O God, a sense of your living presence as we go into this new week. Renew in us the faith you want us to have, the faith that is not afraid to reach out in your name, the faith that assures us you are walking with us and will provide all that we need for the living of these days…

    All-knowing God, you know our hearts, you know our needs, you know the deep sufferings of the world….

    We pray for our world’s suffering amidst global pandemic. Strengthen front-line workers, grant patience as vaccines are rolled out, comfort the grieving, and strengthen the weak. Grace us with deep patience and resilience for this continued hard journey. May the sound of your steps by our side grant us strength and courage.

    Compassionate God we pray for all who grieve. May our Easter faith which proclaims death and suffering is never the final thing, be a source of solace and hope.

    Listening God, hear our prayers for all who stand in need of hope, healing and wholeness.

    Hear our prayers for those whose needs we carry deep in our hearts.

    We also pray for our households of faith.

    May your love and care surround them day to day.

    May each day be filled with deep joy, contentment and gratitude.    

    Eternal God, as your gathered and scattered body, guide us each day. Deepen our awareness of places that are shimmering with your grace, compassion, your presence of peace. May we be bold to join you in your mission. Lord Jesus, help us each day to bear witness to your name and to do that which you are calling us to. We pray in your name. Amen.

    April 4th, 2021

    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,

    we raise our Alleluias with fullness of heart.

    Christ is Risen! Love is stronger than Death!


    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,

    we welcome you, risen Christ into our lives.
    We welcome your resurrection for it is
    life changing, life giving, and life sustaining.
    We welcome the hope it brings to the world.
    We welcome the joy that breaks through all darkness.
    We welcome the empty tomb

    for we know that it means you are alive, amongst us and within us.

    In the midst of our Easter morning praise and hymns,

    we know there are those who are bewildered and sad.

    We pray for those who suffer from anxiety, loneliness, and fear.

    We pray for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness and those whose needs we carry deep in our hearts …………..

    We give thanks for your healing grace and celebrate. We pray for deep measures of comfort and patience amidst many adjustments.

    Hear our prayers for our loved ones in long term care and families providing support safely distanced.

    We pray for our Households of Faith. We pray that your love and grace will surround each one and that their lives will be filled with peace and deep joy.

    We pray for those places and peoples in our world

    where death and domination rule,

    where imperial powers ignore the poor,

    where war never ends,

    where covid infections continue to rise

    where children are hungry,

    where parents grieve because they cannot provide,

    where violence rages and death abounds senselessly.

    We pray for those held hostage to addiction and chronic illness that debilitates.

    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning,

    we realize the depth and breadth of what it means

    to be your Easter people.

    For we are the ones who are called

    to go into the places in our lives and world

    to work for justice and life for all in your Creation.

    It is up to us to bear witness to the promise of resurrection,

    to hold those in despair,

    and believe for them,

    that Love is stronger than death.

    In the joy and hope of this Easter morning, O God,

    give us the courage to bear witness to and share your living Love

    in every corner of our lives,

    so that your peaceable realm will be so,

    here on earth, as it is in heaven.

    In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray,

    Alleluia! Amen.

    March 31st, 2021

    As we follow Jesus into Holy Week, we sense the rush of the crowds and seek the deep, steady current of God’s steadfast love, calling us to deep hope in the One who comes in the name of the Lord.

    God of passion and life,
    this is a week of
    conflicting emotions,
    We have come to a bend in the river, a turning
    in the narrative,
    a juxtaposition of celebration
    and impending sorrow.

    We too feel the strangeness
    of life sometimes weighed
    down with the stresses of
    pandemic life, yet dotted
    with joy and hope.
    We pray for moments
    of relief, for times of
    pleasure in life even
    in the face of challenge.

    Like a river in spring
    that sometimes overflows
    her banks, flooding the
    surrounding lowlands,
    may love and joy overflow
    in the low places
    in our lives. May we
    delight in your never
    ceasing goodness,
    bubbling and dancing
    like water flowing over rocks and obstacles.

    Pull us deeper into your
    current of life,
    a river that is wide
    with mercy and justice,
    a river that carries
    the full range of emotion,
    a river that ebbs and flows
    but never ceases.
    (prayer by Wendy Janzen Burning Bush Forest Church)

    Have a blessed Holy Week,
    Pastor Kara

    March 28th, 2021

                   It is relatively easy for us to find someone to go and gather palm leaves to spread in the church today. And we can easily find music and a few good words to help us to remember and re-enact Palm Sunday. We remember how quickly we change. How fickle we are, how we pledge our devotion one moment and turn our backs the next. We go from shouting “Hosanna! Save Us!” to “Crucify Him.”

     We declare that we love our neighbors and then we turn our backs on the homeless and hungry in our communities. We speak up for change and justice in one breath, and then continue unjust practices in daily lives by what we consume and the needs we ignore.

    What if we knew the imminence of the danger that accompanies You or sensed that the authorities were watching us as we worship, as they watched You. What if You arrived, inviting us to really lay down something important to us to acknowledge Your arrival? How then, Jesus, would we meet You today. And what would we spread before You? And how would we regard humility from the One we hope will save the world?

    On this Palm Sunday, Jesus give us hope. Help us to see how and where You enter our world today, and what You ask us to lay at your feet, and how we may welcome You in.

    Listening God today we raise our “Hosanna’s!” “Save us!”

    God of healing and wholeness, we confess our need for you today. Hear our prayer for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness and those whose needs we carry deep in our hearts …………..

    Hear our prayers for all who grieve.

    Hear our prayers for our loved ones in long term care and families providing support safely distanced. 

    We pray for those struggling with anxiety, loneliness, mental illness, and loved ones who support them.

    We pray for patience as we wait our turn for vaccination. Comfort all affected by covid, the sick, front-line workers, government officials, and those who grieve.

    Hear our prayers for our Households of Faith.

    As we journey Holy Week, draw near to us as we draw near to You. Amen  

    March 24th, 2021

    During this 5th week of Lent, like a seed that falls into the earth, we are called to deep growth. We are invited to release the attachments that prevent us from growing and producing fruit. We ask God to free us and renew us in the deepest part of ourselves – the soil of our hearts.
    Let us pray:

    Mothering God,
    who created Earth
    and formed
    rhythms and seasons
    and cycles:
    I celebrate the
    coming of spring once again.

    As the warming sun
    melts frozen earth into
    mud and snowdrops bloom,
    emerald moss invites me
    to lay down my head
    and listen to earth’s heartbeat.
    Give me pause here,
    God of mystery,
    to stop and ponder
    what lies beneath.

    Do not let me turn away
    from examining the unseen
    places deep within.
    What secrets are hidden there?
    What wisdom have you planted,
    what seeds of
    transformation are just waiting
    for the right conditions?

    Make of me a fertile soil
    where spring’s eternal
    lessons of regeneration
    might take root and grow:
    death is not the end
    of the story, but rather
    the place of new beginnings.
    (by Wendy Janzen Burning Bush Forest Church)

    March 21st, 2021

    Gracious God,
    we come to you this Lenten season acknowledging our brokenness –

    We name that which confines us:
    prejudice buried,
    fears and mistrust that weight us down,
    distorted self-protection,
    breaking us, breaking you.

    We bow our hearts before you,

    we come seeking you,

    seeking to go deep, seeking growth, seeking to be made whole.
    For you, God, put your love within us;
    you wrote it on our hearts, that we may be your people.

    Listening God, hear our prayers for those who weep,
    those who are struggling from lack of
    clean water
    healthy food,
    quality, affordable health.

    Hear our prayers for global suffering due to covid pandemic, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized who bear the brunt of inequitable systems.

    We pray for world government leaders and pharmaceuticals charged with timely and wise response. We pray for patience as we wait out turn for vaccination.

    Compassionate God, we pray for our Asian brothers and sisters and all who have experienced racial violence.

    We pray for all who experience violence due to gender.

    We confess our biases that insight violence and division.

    We come to you seeking to be made whole.
    For you, God, put your love within us;
    you wrote it on our hearts,
    that we may be your people.

    Compassionate God,
    God of love,
    We come to you tired and pandemic weary,
    yearning for peace and harmony and refreshment.

    Hear our prayers for all who grieve.

    Hear our prayers for loved ones in long term care and their families providing support safely distanced.  

    We pray for those struggling with anxiety, relational pain, loneliness, mental illness, and loved ones who support them.

    We pray for our Households of Faith.

    Lord Jesus, you taught your disciples that unless a grain of wheat

    falls into the earth and dies it remains just a single grain,

    but if it dies it bears much fruit;

    as we prepare our hearts to remember your death and resurrection,

    grant us the strength and wisdom to serve and follow you,

    this day and always. Amen.

    March 17th, 2021

    As we live into week 4 of Lent, deep in the wilderness we hear God’s call to deep healing.
    The wilderness confronts us with our vulnerability and exposes our wounds and
    our needs. We are called to deep healing by trusting in God, who calls us in love.

    Let us pray:
    This has felt like
    a year in the wilderness
    O God.
    A year of wandering,
    sometimes utterly lost,
    often alone,
    facing challenges we
    weren’t prepared for.
    There have been thorns
    and snakes
    and wild animals,
    dark moonless nights,
    endless days,
    and clouds of dread,
    disorientation, and danger.

    A year already,
    of wandering
    far away from
    what was familiar,
    of wondering
    what lies ahead.
    God, in this wilderness
    save us. Remind us
    Wild Christ, that wilderness
    can be a place of ferment,
    introspection, prompting
    insight and transformation.
    Teach us that
    facing our fears is often
    a remedy for our malaise.
    Restore a sense of wholeness.
    Heal our wounded spirits,
    Reorient our lost souls.
    Rescue us from trouble
    and inject us with hope. Amen
    (prayer by Wendy Janzen, Burning Bush Forest Church)

    March 14th, 2021

    God of healing and wholeness, we confess our need for you today.

    We need your love and your grace. We need hope restored.

    We need to be reminded that you work on behalf of those you love, constantly, powerfully, completely.

    Forgive us for trying to fix our situations all on our own.

    Forgive us for running all different directions and spinning our wheels to find help when true help and healing must be found first in You.

    Forgive us for forgetting how much we need you, above everyone and everything else.

    Compassionate God, we come to you and bring you the places we are hurting. You see where no one else is able to fully see or understand.

    You know the pain we’ve carried. The burdens. The cares.

    You know where we need to be set free.

    We ask for your healing and grace to cover every broken place.

    Every wound. Every heartache.

    Hear our prayers for all who grieve.

    Hear our prayers for our loved ones in long term care and for families providing support safely distanced.  

    We pray for those struggling with anxiety, loneliness, mental illness, and loved ones who support them.

    Listening God, hear our prayers for our Households of Faith.

    All-powerful God, thank you that you are able to do far more than we could ever imagine. Thank you for your Mighty Power that acts on behalf of your children. We reach out to you and know that you are restoring and redeeming every place of difficulty, every battle, for your greater glory.

    Thank you that you will never waste our pain and suffering.

    We love you. We need you today and everyday in Jesus’ name, Amen.

    March 10th, 2021

    Tomorrow, March 11 marks the one-year anniversary since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic.
    How will you reflectively and prayerfully mark this significant date? Will you light a candle? Observe a few minutes of silence?
    Just as celebration is so vital for our wellbeing, so too is lament, reflection, and prayer.
    Sarah Bessey offers a prayer as we mark one-year of pandemic:

    God, you hold our memories of this past year in your capable hands.
    I imagine you’re weaving the moments that have shaped us into what will be a beautiful quilt, bringing all of the collective grief and the individual sorrow, the small delights and ordinary goodnesses, the moments we were afraid and angry alongside the moments when we felt joy and contentment, all stitched together with your grace for it all.
    Wrap us up in the warmth of your love, knowing we are held, beloved, worthy just as we are in this moment.

    We have been living in an apocalypse, Jesus, a true unveiling: help us to see clearly ever after this.
    Help us to name and remember what we have lost, what we have gained, and where we saw you at work in this broken and beloved world. Help us to be gentle with ourselves and with each other, we’re still not done yet.
    Help us to see the world more clearly and to love each other more particularly.

    May we rest in that imaginary quilt of the totality of this year, be held by your grace,
    your love, your faithfulness, and your tenderness with us.
    May we always find you in the small ordinary things of our lives.
    May we always see the world as it is now and always, and love it all the more for the very things that break our hearts.

    And because I am who I am and I just can’t help it, Jesus, would you give us unexpected hope today?
    May we be surprised with a moment of joy, a good meal, a deep breath, a bit of beauty.
    May our roots go down deep into your marvellous Love. May we bear fruit even in times of famine.
    May we be small outposts of truth and love together.
    May we read good books, be gentle with our wounds, text a friend, or simply go for a walk with You.

    May we know you in the silence, in the exhaustion and anger, in the grief and joy,
    and in our humanity which you blessed and called good. And we ask for an end to the suffering
    and for your justice to roll down, your healing to mend us, your love to hold us all even when we are in peace.
    We love you. Amen.

    March 7th, 2021

    The apostle Paul addressed the church of Ephesus saying:

    “I pray for you constantly, asking God,

    the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding,

    so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.”( Ephesians 1:16-17)

    Holy Wisdom,

    with a word you breathed creation into being

    waterways and forest lands

    starry skies and pasture places

    snow capped mountains and soaring eagles.

    The heavens declare your glory; the firmament reveals your wisdom….

    We hear your invitation Holy One to go deep into wisdom…

    And so we pray for your wisdom to discern your ways and path for our own lives.

    We ask for your wisdom to discern how to live peaceably and justly with those we meet, live with, work with, drive our roads with, wait in line with, and worship with.

    We ask for your wisdom in the difficult situations and barren places we may face as we go through life.

    We ask for your wisdom in dealing with injustices in our world and courage to act in ways that bring restoration, healing, reconciliation. Forgive us when our actions create divisions, marginalize, and cause harm.

    We ask for wisdom for our leaders in our world, our country, and our communities.

    We ask for wisdom for those charged with rolling out vaccinations and for administrators creating policy amidst covid pandemic.

    We ask for wisdom for our church leaders, worldwide and local.

    We ask for wisdom for our congregational leadership and staff  – as they lead, serve alongside one another and faithfully strive to further your vision and mission.

    We ask for your wisdom as we reach out to those in need in our communities and in our world.

    We ask for wisdom as we minister to those who are lonely, isolated, loved ones in long term care and those we hold in our hearts ………

                    We hold our Households of Faith before you God asking that you meet them at their deepest places of need. Bless them in their work, in the rest, day to day with joy and peace.  

                    Holy Wisdom, enlighten us, transform us, guide us, and inspired by wisdom bring new life, new hope, new vision. We offer our prayers in all the holy names of God. Amen

    March 4th, 2021

    As we live into this week’s Lenten theme: “Deep in the woods: called to deep commitment” we offer our prayer:

    Creator of all,
    Tree of LIfe,
    Spirit among us:
    as we wander deeper into the
    wilderness of this season,
    searching for paths among the
    woods, be our companion
    along the way less travelled.

    The forest is calling us:
    come. Come, stand among us.
    Come where light and shadow dance
    as branches sway with the wind.
    Come in wonder and worship, you
    powerful and powerless,
    come, children and elders,
    come, from all directions,
    come, learn the secrets of life:
    dormancy and growth,
    interconnection and community,
    rootedness and reaching upward.

    We confess our devotion to independence,
    our belief we can go it alone, and
    our me-first mentality.
    Heal us from our short sightedness
    so we might see the forest for the trees,
    recognize our dependence on you
    and our interdependence with all life
    from mycelia to majestic pines.

    Shelter us, O God, in the safety
    of your strong branches.
    Nourish and strengthen us, but
    keep us humble of heart.
    Tune our ears to your timbered voice,
    and tune our hearts to praise.

    Have a beautiful day,
    (prayer by Wendy Janzen, Burning Bush Forest Church)

    February 28th, 2021

    Covenant-making God, we give you thanks for the example of Abraham & Sarah and for all our forefathers and foremothers who have gone before us –

    for those who waited in patience for your promises to come to pass –

    for those who lived in hope while around them it seemed to be only darkness,

    for those who forgot their own selves in their desire to obey your commands and respond to your call upon their lives.

     Gracious God, walk with us this Lenten season, as we practice self-examination and look seriously at our resistance to talk about suffering, the cross and about sacrifice; our reluctance to give up the things of this world – to risk our reputations, our comfort, and our security for the sake of following you.

    Transforming God, make us bold in our faith as we live into deep commitment. Through self-sacrificial love and self-denial, help us make visible to all our brothers and sisters the reality of your power and care – that power and care that is so often made evident when we confess our weakness – and so often concealed from others when we are strong….. 

                    Compassionate God, we pray for those whose needs we hold deep in our hearts….

    members of our congregation who are facing health challenges, awaiting surgery, or treatments.

    We hold in prayer our loved ones including family members in long-term care and residing in assisted living.  We pray for those who are grieving……

    all those struggling with mental health challenges, isolation, anxiety, and their families

    We pray for front-line and essential workers,

    teachers, students and administrators rolling out ever-changing policies

    and all those who are facing struggles, challenges, and emotional or relational pain…

                   We also pray for our households of faith.

    Listening God, we also pray for ourselves, asking for the stamina and resilience to continue this covid journey. Many of us are weary. We miss our family and friends. We miss routine and freedoms and yet we are aware that we each have an important role to stop the spread of infection. Continue to journey with us, providing enough patience, and strength, and bright hope. Refresh us for the journey ahead. Draw near to us as we draw near to you. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen 

    February 24, 2021

    As we continue to live into this Lenten’s theme “deep calls to deep” we are reflecting upon how God calls us to go deeper in our relationships.
    Let us pray,

    From the depths
    of our souls we call out
    to the Source of all being;
    deep calls to Deep,
    hear our cries.
    We are born of water,
    watery wombs hold us
    then spill us out into
    this world of light.

    At times – like now – it is easy
    to feel like life has us
    in over our heads.
    We are treading water and
    growing very weary.
    The vastness of the sea,
    with no shore in sight,
    waves and storms,
    sea monsters, real or imagined,
    all threaten us.

    Buoy us, O Presence.
    Preserve us from the storms,
    have compassion on us,
    embrace us with mercy.
    Hold us, so that we might stop
    our striving, at least for a bit,
    catch our breath,
    regain our strength,
    find hope in our waiting.
    Calm our weary souls
    that we might find true rest.

    when the time is right
    invite us to dive beneath
    the surface,
    down to the deep,
    and discover the
    treasure that awaits.
    (prayer by Wendy Janzen, Burning Bush Forest Church)

    February 21st, 2021

    Almighty Creator, Loving God,

                    Every rainbow reminds us that you are in control of the earth, of nature, of the seasons, and of the end. Your Spirit enriches the earth with the gift of life to all creatures, including all the varieties of birds and animals. Help us to care for the environment so that the earth is a healthier place to live for our children and all the generations who follow us. Help us to live like the humble earthworms who leave the soil richer and more fertile after using it, so that your name is then respected and honoured by all peoples.

                    We thank you for your Son, our Lord Jesus, who has taken all our sins, especially those we are ashamed of from our past, and paid for them on the cross even before we were born. Renew us to be more humble and loving like he is, so that we can be walking advertisements for you wherever you lead us in the coming weeks.

                    By your Holy Spirit, help us to swim in and enjoy the waters of our baptism in the way that surfers love to live in the waters and ride on the waves each day. Let us live with a good conscience along with all your people who flock to the living waters on the shore of eternity, as we anticipate the resurrection we share with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    In your grace draw near to:

    – those who are suffering due to isolation, loneliness

    – those in need of healing.

    – those who are in long term care and for those who can’t give company to a loved one in long term care.

    We also pray for our households of faith.

                   May the peace of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit surround, enfold, and hold all.

    Send your Spirit to strengthen your children as they travel like backpackers over the earth, moving on each day a little closer to their permanent home with Jesus in heaven.

                    Bless the work of those who minister to the sick and dying, to the people who are depressed and to those who want to give up on life here in your world. Watch over those who work in dangerous occupations to make the world a safer place for us to enjoy.

                    Thank you for filling our deepest hunger with the bread of life, Jesus himself. Quench our deepest thirst through the wine of his suffering, which was too deep for us to drink. We watch in wonder and praise as we focus on him during this Lenten season. In these days draw us closer to the one who died for us, for his sake. Amen.

    February 17th, 2021

    Today, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent with its call to turn toward the cross and follow Jesus to death and new life.Today many Christians around the globe, including Anabaptists will be marked with the sign of the cross with ashes and receive the words “ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”This ritual is an act of repentance and a reminder of our own mortality. Our worship theme for this coming season is “Deep calls to deep.” In the coming weeks we are invited to go deep and to live deeply.This Friday and each Friday during Lent you will receive a “Lenten Guided Prayer”  which includes many options for reflection and prayer. It is my prayer that we will experience spiritual nourishment as we engage with Scripture and listen for God. You may want to take time for silence today to consider what other spiritual practices help you to go deeper with God and with one another.  In preparation for Sunday’s worship, please gather 6 stones which will represent our prayers for this season. We will be invited to participate in a reflective ritual during our worship service. May this season be rich with inspiration, listening, growth, self-reflection, and more.  As we begin our Lenten journey together, here is an Ash Wednesday Blessing by Jan Richardson

    Blessing the Dust: For Ash Wednesday

    All those days
    you felt like dust,
    like dirt,
    as if all you had to do
    was turn your face
    toward the wind
    and be scattered
    to the four corners

    or swept away
    by the smallest breath
    as insubstantial—

    did you not know
    what the Holy One
    can do with dust?

    This is the day
    we freely say
    we are scorched.

    This is the hour
    we are marked
    by what has made it
    through the burning.

    This is the moment
    we ask for the blessing
    that lives within
    the ancient ashes,
    that makes its home
    inside the soil of
    this sacred earth.

    So let us be marked
    not for sorrow.
    And let us be marked
    not for shame.
    Let us be marked
    not for false humility
    or for thinking
    we are less
    than we are

    but for claiming
    what God can do
    within the dust,
    within the dirt,
    within the stuff
    of which the world
    is made
    and the stars that blaze
    in our bones
    and the galaxies that spiral
    inside the smudge
    we bear.

    – from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons

    February 14th, 2021

    Holy One,

    we come before you,

    many of us feeling like we have climbed just a part of the mountain,

    and there is so much more of a climb left to even get to point

    to dream that we might be dazzled by what is Divine.

                    Lord, listen to your children praying……..

    Holy One,

    our loads are heavy with worry,

    we are in the midst of a global pandemic and we don’t know when it will end.

    Our loads are heavy with regret for words spoken, actions taken, and for things left undone that called for our attention.

    Our loads are heavy with fatigue due to disrupted work schedules, virtual classrooms, isolation, and loneliness.

    Our loads are heavy with despair for all in the world that is hurting, in danger, in bondage and more.

    Our loads are heavy with illness and concern for loved ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness……

    We hold in prayer those who grieve. May Your comforting presence surround them and hold them in peace.

    We pray for strength for mind, body, and spirit.   We also pray for our loved ones whose needs we name ……..  

    We also pray for our households of faith.

    Lord, listen to your children praying……….

    Holy One,

    we trudge ahead, following you,

    sometimes stumbling, sometimes stammering,

    but with each step clinging to hope and praying…

    breathing hard, hearts pounding, and yes,

    even some of us nimble and skipping.

    Release us from our need for tent building and pounding in stakes

    that we may live vulnerably, open to your gentling and transforming love.

    On this journey as our eyes are opened to see you as Savior and Lord,

    help us to also see ourselves and one another through your eyes of grace,

    to see all that is beautiful, beloved, worthy, called.

    And may we in faith follow where you lead and be transformed with each step through Jesus our Lord. Amen

    February 10th, 2021

    February is Black History Month and so we offer our prayers…….

    We bring ourselves into your presence, O God. To you we offer our prayers, our praise, and our supplications.

    This month, we celebrate Black History Month and honor the culture of our brothers and sisters. We remember the legacy of those who came before us – who not only paved the way but carried the bricks on broken backs that then built that road. We remember the songs, stories, and fiery hope of old men and little girls, granny midwives and marvelous musicians, great orators and leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators – those who are earth-tone brown, black as night, fair like the sands of Egypt. We are kings and queens. We are descendants of royalty.

    Lord, when it’s too hard living, we remember you are the great “I am” and our source of strength and purpose for each new day. Help us in our advocacy efforts to honor you with our work for justice, healing, and peace in our day. Help us as we labor for the end of hunger. Help us to stay educated and active as we read the unacceptable statistics that point to the fact that 1 in 4 African-American households is food-insecure as compared with 1 in 10 of white households, and that more than 1 in 3 African-American children live in food-insecure households compared to 1 in 7 white children.

    God, help us to value diversity beyond variety. Help us value diversity with a vision for a progressive future that acknowledges our strength together as well as the power, creativity, ideas, and part that we all bring when we are all welcome – to come to the table and taste and see that the Lord is good.Help us labor on until we all can sing, for good and right reasons: Oh happy day! Amen. (Prayer by Kierra Stuvland)

    February 7th, 2021

    Sheltering God, we long for the day when all people will live in justice, love and peace.

    We confess that the ways of justice often sound foreign to our ears.

    We ask your forgiveness.

    We pray from the comfort of luxurious homes while others live in the cold without a roof.

    We pray with bellies well fed and nourished when many go hungry.

    Yet too easily we throw up our hands  – feeling helpless and hopeless,

    carrying guilt, because we don’t know how to fix the troubles of our world.

    So we pray, free us from guilt and move us to gratitude and generosity.  

    Thank you for the warmth of our furnaces,     

    the aroma of dinner and the security of solid walls. 

    Thank you for MennoHomes and other agencies that work for justice by providing affordable housing. Continue to bless them in service to our communities.

    Thank you for our government leaders, 

    give them courage to serve the poor and not the popular.

                We give thanks for health care workers,

                Protect them as they risk their own health for the healing of others

                Thank you for teachers, and parents with students learning from home,

                For creative planning and perseverance in patience these past weeks

    –  thank you.

                As many schools  re –open tomorrow may reunions be joyful,

    may classrooms be caring,

                            And may kindness for our fragile humanity be shared by all.

    Thank you for this congregation, 

    for healing prayer offered for one another,

    for kind words shared,

    for support arriving at just the right time   … all of these are gifts shared in your body, and given by your spirit to build us up as your people.

    A people who long for the day

    when all people will live in justice, love, and peace.

    Hear our prayers for our Households of Faith for this week.

    We offer all our prayers including those not yet formed, in the name of Jesus. Amen

    January 31st, 2021

    Lord Jesus, friend and companion, your first and lasting acts of healing, teaching, and restoring reveal to us the deepest desires of God and you invite us to take the leap of faith and join with you on the journey of discipleship. Embolden us as your disciples of healing and hope and hear our prayers.

    We pray for all nations that lie under darkness and oppression; where governments are corrupt, justice rare, abuse rampant, and the weak and the poor have nowhere to turn for hope. We pray for the ministries of Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Disaster Service which our dollars support. May these agencies and others be your channels of compassion, justice, practical aid, reconciliation, and peace.

    We pray for people in all places who are affected by disease including covid 19. Protect front-line workers and our most vulnerable loved ones in long-term care or congregate settings. Grant wisdom to scientists and pharmaceuticals who continue to develop and roll out vaccines. Cast out the evil spirits of greed, inequitable practices, and selfishness. May compassion, equality, collaborative relationships flow generously.

    God of life, we pray for households and places where food is scarce and hunger is deep. Bless the ministry of Wellesley’s Food Cupboard whose calling is greater than providing food; whose calling includes build healthy community.

    God of compassion, hear our prayers for those who suffer due to neglect, illness, sorrow, grief or anger. Heal our bodies and the deepest places of our hearts and set us free from pain and disappointment that keeps us bound and robs us of fullness of life.  We pray for families supporting loved ones from a distance due to covid restrictions and we pray for those awaiting treatment or surgery.

                    We also pray for our Households of Faith. We pray for continued health, contentment day to day, and meaningful connections with family and friends.

    God of the church, we pray for the ministries of MCEC, the ministries of this congregation, its leadership and continued faithful stewardship. In response to your great gifts, we yearn to be generous people, freed from the fear of scarcity but rather living abundantly in your grace. Be with us today as we take steps to further the vision you have graced us with as your holy and called people.

    God of the journey, give us strength and wisdom for each daily decision which contributes to a lifetime of faithful discipleship. Grace us with your peace, your hope, your joy, and your love and may we be generous to share these your gifts in Jesus name. Amen  

    January 27th, 2021

    We are trusting that 2021 will usher in a season of healing. Watching for signs of light that break through the darkness, we give thanks that vaccines have been approved and are being distributed amongst our most vulnerable and front-line workers.
    Let us pray:
    Loving and compassionate God,
    Lord of all health and wholeness,
    we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
    Thank you for your miracle of healing.
    You gift our bodies with incredible means of protection and repair,
    immune systems that shield and heal us,
    wounds that heal, bones that knit, tissues that repair themselves.
    Thank you for your miracle of healing.
    You gift our world with plants and herbs that cure our diseases.
    They provide our medicines and pain killers,
    They form the basis of our antibiotics and antiseptics.
    Thank you for your miracle of healing.
    You gift us with the wonder of preventative health.
    Masks that protect us and others from infection.
    Water and soap to cleanse our hands and the surfaces we touch.
    Thank you for your miracle of healing.
    You gift us with the power to reconcile and be reconciled.
    Ways to bridge bridges and not walls,
    Ways to listen and learn and seek forgiveness for the wounds we have inflicted.
    Thank you for your miracle of healing.
    (pause as you bring to mind times when you have experienced God’s healing presence.)
    Scripture readings: choose from the following:
    Psalm 139, Exodus 1: 22-27, Matthew 8: 14-17, James 5: 13-16.
    This Sunday’s worship text is Mark 1: 21-28
    (pause to pray for those who are in need of healing.)
    God of health, God of wholeness, God of love,
    Heal our bodies, Heal our souls, Heal our spirits, Heal our world.
    May we embrace this week knowing we are touched by the God who heals. Amen
    (this prayer was adapted from a resource from godspacelight.com)

    January 24th, 2021

    God of Life, we are the church united as we pray from different locations,
    connected through something more marvellous than technology–
    your Spirit filling us with life and hope and vision.

    We come before you with thanksgiving.

    Thank you for the many kindnesses we have experienced
    in this time of physical distancing:

    neighbours connecting with one another,

    some households learning about togetherness,
    others learning new quieter rhythms.

    Thank you for the joy of good food, the beauty of music.

    this winter season which delights with its 

    Pink-hued sunsets, icy patches for skating, and the brilliance of cardinals.

    We thank you for sustaining life deep in the root systems of barren trees which in due season will bring forth new life… In this winter season, we give thanks there is new life even now that waits to be….  

    As we offer our thanks we also come together with lament;

    this virus has caused so much loss of life around the world.
    So many suffer, so many families grieve,
    10 months in and we are weary and we don’t know when it will end.
    We lament the financial burdens of this pandemic,
    and that it has fallen heavily on the poorest,
    with inequalities standing out more sharply than usual.

    We lament the loneliness and fear experienced

    amongst the most vulnerable especially those who reside long-term care.

    We lament that children are not in classrooms,

    and how deeply they are missing their friends and routines.

    Listening God, we pray for front-line and essential workers.

    Keep them safe and strong, fill them with extra measures of compassion

    As they care for the sick and families at a distance.

    Strengthen parents who are home schooling while juggling work loads.

    We pray for government officials and local health units

    working hard to get immunizations into people’s arms.

    Grant us all the grace of waiting our turn,

    the grace of gentleness amidst challenging time, the grace of loving kindness toward one another.

    We pray for our congregational leadership, treasurers,

    And Stewardship and Finance committee as

    we prepare for our annual financial meeting next week.

    Generous God, we thank you that you have unleashed

    generosity amongst us in order to further your mission.

    We pray your blessing upon the ministries of this congregation

    and the finances that support each one.  

    May we be wise stewards of all that you have blessed us with.

    God of comfort hear our prayer for the sick, the weak, the lonely, the grieving and all who stand in a place of need. And all of our loved ones who reside in long-term care or congregate settings. Keep them safe, encourage their spirits, protect them and surround them with loving kindness.  Grant grace and strength to their families at this difficult time.  We pray for those whose needs we carry in our hearts. We pray for families supporting loved ones from a distance due to covid restrictions. May connections be meaningful and care run deep.

                    We also pray for our Households of Faith.

                    Fill their hearts and home with your love and grace and encourage them each new day. Keep them safe and well.

                    Encourage them we pray as they look forward to the time when they can be together again with family and friends. Keep them safe and well.

    Fill them with peace and care for them and their family as they cope with school and work. Keep them safe and well.

     Jesus, walk with us this week. We trust in you, because you have been with us, showing us the faithful path in good times and bad, We are grateful you are faithful to remain with us. Amen.

    January 20th, 2021

    “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9)

    This year’s “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” focus includes these words of Jesus, spoken prior to his passion.
    It is the great desire of God, expressed by Jesus, that we might come to him and abide in him.
    Jesus waits for us tirelessly, hoping that, united to him in love, we will bear fruit that will bring life to all.
    Faced with the difference of ‘the other’, we risk withdrawing into ourselves and seeing only that which separates us.

    As we pray let us remember the call of Christ. May we turn to his love, to Jesus who is the centre of our life
    for the path of unity begins in our intimate relationship with God.

    In peace let us pray: Lord, you are the vinedresser who cares for us with love. You call on us to see the beauty of each branch united to the vine, the beauty of each person. And yet, too often the differences in others make us afraid. We withdraw into ourselves. Our trust in you is forsaken. Enmity develops between us. Come and direct our hearts toward you once again. Grant us to live from your forgiveness so that we may bear good fruit and praise your name. Amen

    Here is a link to access further resources for “The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.”

    January 17th, 2021

    Holy One,  Father of Christ who asked the disciples,

    “What are you looking for,” and who offered the invitation to “Come and See,”

    open our hearts to what you reveal and give us the courage to follow. 

    By Your Spirit aid us in our journey,

    so that like John, our words and deeds point to the Lamb of God. 

    For those who are suffering, let us point to Christ through comfort. 

    For those who are hungry, let us point to Christ through bread. 

    For those in the grip of despair, let us point to Christ through hope.

    Lord God, you call your people to tasks we would not ourselves choose. Give us the grace to love you enough to follow when you call.  You know our weakness and have promised to give resources for that which you ask of us. We praise you for your generous care. Like Samuel, let us say “Here I am.” God of surprising light, here we are.  

    Lord God, hear our prayer for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness. We pray for our loved ones in long-term care, front-line and essential workers. Keep them safe and strong in mind, body, and spirit. May strength be renewed, may hope burn bright, may comfort and peace abound.  We pray for all who grieve. May God’s comfort surround them at this time of loss. We pray for those awaiting diagnosis, surgery, or treatment. Grace each one with strength for the journey and a wide circle of support. For needs named and for those we hold deep in our hearts, we offer our prayers……

    We also pray for our Households of Faith.

     Lord God, we are surrounded, with people who need to hear the gospel story, people who need to meet the one from Nazareth, Jesus our Lord.  As we worship virtually and live deeply into this time of being the church in the community, may we reach out and care generously. Make our words and actions gracious and inviting. Like Philip, let us say, “Come and see.” God of surprising light, here we are.  Amen  

    January 13th, 2021

    In follow-up to this past Sunday’s scripture – Jesus’ baptism – and in response to unsettledness and violence in the world, here is a prayer offered by Nadia Bolz Weber:

    God, You once tore open the heavens and descended as a dove upon Jesus and a dirty river full of repentant people. I don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but now would be a good time to tear open the heaven and send down that dove again.

    Send your Holy Spirit to stir up repentance in your people:

    Who would rather double down than admit we were wrong; Who fill with pride at being one of the few who “know the real truth”; Who only manage to point to others and never ourselves, (and are maybe a tiny bit grateful for the obvious, overt racism, violence and xenophobia of others since it conveniently takes the spotlight off of our own)

    I pray that you send your Holy Spirit comfort your people:

    Who are grieving our dead; Whose rightful rage might be corroding the edges of our hearts – because those hearts are still needed elsewhere; Who have had to break up with abusers or draw boundaries with unstable people in the past and know in our bodies how ugly this all gets; Who have joyous news they feel they cannot share; Who are trying (and failing) to still love those who voted differently than themselves; Who literally or figuratively find themselves (yet again) sweeping up the detritus of others’ racism, violence, and ignorance

    Send down that dove, Lord, but help us look to the needs of our neighbor and not to the escape hatch of heaven to find her. Amen

    January 10th, 2020

    God of new beginnings and endings and all moments in between be with us this coming year. Through the waters of baptism you name us beloved – you confer our identity as your beloved children. May this identity grow and be shaped richly as we journey with you. May ‘beloved’ flow to the deep places of our hearts and being and may we embrace deeper understandings of our identity. May we be open to how you reveal yourself to us and shape and transform us as your holy called people.  

    As we embrace this new year beginning, may we relearn lament and strive for joy. May we show up with courage and faithfulness for our lives and our callings as your people. May we be restored and renewed, the wilderness places becoming our cathedral and our altar.

    As we embrace this new year beginning, may we say good-bye to the things that do not serve us – the selfishness, the fear, the illusions of control, the bitterness, the doom-scrolling, the self-pity, the martyr complex, the us-and-them fire stokers.

    As we embrace this new year beginning may we say hello to wisdom, to kindness, to justice, curiosity, wonder, goodness, generosity, possibility, peace making.

    As we embrace this year we pray for the sick, those who grieve, and those struggling to hold onto hope amidst isolation and loneliness.

    We also pray for our Households of Faith.

    Good and gracious God, throw open the doors of our lives to the disruptive, wild, healing Holy Spirit. May this be a year of unclenched hands and new songs, of vaccines and reunions, of good food and laughter, of kind endings and new beginnings. May we be given a mustard seed of faith knowing it will be enough. All this we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    January 6th, 2021

    Today is Epiphany, an occasion to celebrate that the Light of the World has come!
    It is my prayer that the light of God and the peace of Christ be with you all.

    Due to provincial lockdown we are spending more time in our homes than ever before.
    As we embrace this New Year, it’s challenges and opportunities, here is a special house blessing for the year:
    God who is Three, God who is One,
    Give blessing to the house that is here.
    Bless it from roof to floor,
    from wall to wall, from end to end.
    May your Spirit alone dwell within these walls,
    to bring joy and laughter to all who enter here.
    We call upon the Sacred Three
    to save, to shield and surround this home.
    The circle of God around it,
    The peace of Christ within it,
    The life of the Spirit above it,
    this day, this night and every night.
    May the Triune God be the guardian of this place.
    Peace be here in the name of the God of love.
    Welcome be here in the name of the Christ of peace,
    Joy be here in the name of the Spirit of life.
    God who is One, God who is Three,
    Bring light for the day and rest for the night
    We call upon the Sacred Three
    to welcome, guide and nurture all who enter here.
    The circle of God, around friend and stranger.
    The peace of Christ within guest and host,
    The life of the Spirit above all who stand at the door,
    this day, this night and evermore.
    (adapted from a blessing in Celtin Daily Prayer)

    January 3rd, 2021

    Lord, as we begin a new year we remember what has gone before and we anticipate new beginnings. Like the wise men on their journey, we face uncertainty about what is to come. As we move into the unknown, help us to learn from the lessons of yesterday, and fill us with a vision of what we can be as we move forward.

                We ask that you keep the Advent candles of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love burning in our hearts. Above all, help us to continue to be drawn to the light of the Christ candle, which reminds us that You are the light of the world and in You there is no darkness.

                Lord, shine Your light into all those places where we experience anxiety, worry and despair. Bring us your comfort and your peace.

                Shine Your light into all places of conflict and tension – in families, in friendships, in workplaces, in our communities, and among nations. Bring us to forgiveness and reconciliation.

                Shine Your light of love upon all those who stand in a place of need. We pray for all who grieve. Bring them to wholeness.  

    We pray for our households of faith. We pray that your peace and joy will surround each one whether at work or at rest, in their relationships and in their homes. Bring them to gratitude and contentment.

    Help us to walk boldly into the future, knowing that You are our Light. You are Emmanuel – God with us. Amen
    (prayer provided by Diane Peters)

    December 27th, 2020

    Holy One, born in a manger, Word become flesh, we rejoice in your coming.

                    We rejoice that you came to save, not with might and power but through vulnerability and love.

                    In this dark season, thank you for Christmas, and the gift of a child of hope.
                    We rejoice for news so good it still rings out through voices around the world speaking of good tidings of great joy which shall be for all people.
                We rejoice that people around the world each day are loving their neighbor, opening their door, sharing what they have, trying to find a way to live in peace.
               We rejoice that the best laid plans of those who sow hatred and fear, will come to nothing. We rejoice that your angels tell us to “Fear not.”
                    Today we rejoice that hope lives even in places designed to be hopeless; hope ringing out and over every wall, rising up in refugee camps, walking through locked prison doors, simmering in the hearts of those brought low, rising up in the laughter of children who have no home and no citizenship. We pray that your gift of hope will surround and uphold the lonely, isolated, sick and the suffering.   

    We pray for all of our loved ones in long-term care. May they know the love of God and the love of family and friends. Grant deep measures of patience, we pray.

    We pray for all impacted by covid: the sick, the suffering, the grieved, front line workers, health care and essential workers. May hope burn bright for those receiving treatment or awaiting surgery.

    We pray that the comforting presence of God will surround all who are missing loved ones this Christmas.

    We pray for our households of faith.

    We pray for deep relationships of love and joy especially at this challenging time.

    This Christmas open us to your gift of revolutionary hope, and your new ways of seeing and being. Where there is judgement in our families and relationships, bring acceptance. Where there are grudges, your sweet release. Where love has faltered, renew it like the dawn. Let hope be born again in our humblest, darkest places as we join with the angels in their song of joy, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to all .” Let this be our benediction, let this be our song. Let rejoicing be on our lips and in our hearts: “Hallelujah, Christ is born!” Amen

    December 24th, 2020

    Dear Friends,
    This year’s Christmas season is unlike any other and yet there is still so much to celebrate.
    “I bring you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2: 10-11)
    May our hearts make room to receive Jesus and in response to God’s gift of Love, may we cherish the ones we love and share that love abundantly. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may you always know that the love of God and the light of Christ is with you.
    Wishing you a blessed and safe Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, peace, joy, and love.
    With a pastor’s love,

    Here is the link for our Christmas Eve Service: https://youtu.be/PfNQeAhY5vU

    A Prayer for Christmas Eve…..
    Holy One,
    Prince of Peace,
    though scattered in body, we are united in your love.
    Though separated by distance, we are together in your Spirit.
    Though uncertain of the future, we are
    confident of your presence with us,
    held within our hearts like the sturdiest
    and most surprising of mangers for a bed.
    Shine your light this night and into all the
    dark nights to come.
    Shine your light into ICU’s and vaccination rooms
    into grocery stores and crowded warehouses
    into food banks and homeless shelters
    into long-term care and supportive living
    into homes that feel too quiet and homes
    where the yelling doesn’t stop.
    Shine your light
    into Zoom reunions and long-awaited phone calls;
    into contactless deliveries and virtual hugs;
    into physically distanced check-ins and homemade gifts
    into all that is possible when the usual becomes impossible.
    Shine your light, O Jesus Christ,
    Shine it within us so that all might see. Amen

    December 20th, 2020

    Our souls cry out with a joyful shout that the Lord of our heart is great;

    and our spirits sing of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait.

    Revealing God, may Mary’s song be heard throughout the ages,
    drowning out the din of consumerism during this season of celebration.

    May it be heard by the victims of violence in Ethiopia and Eritrea
    May it ring in the ears of the traumatised, refugees without homes in search of safety.
    May it sing in the hearts of marginalized, the impoverished, the hungry and the homeless…
    Revealing God, may Mary’s song be an earworm song of hope
    for all standing strong for land rights, and for all who are crying out for an end to discrimination and oppression due to skin colour. May it be the rally cry of peace for the war-weary of the world. Revealing God, may Mary’s be a song that stirs reverent fear in the hearts of those who abuse power, those who seek to enrich their own coffers at the expense of the poor and the needy.

    We pray Mary’s song nourish hope in the hearts of fearful, the isolated and the lonely. May it nourish comfort for all who grieve.

    May healing grace surround the most vulnerable amongst us, especially those in long term care. We pray for all impacted by covid: the sick, the suffering, the grieved, front line workers, health care and essential workers. May hope burn bright for those receiving treatment or awaiting surgery.

    We pray for our households of faith, may God’s gifts of Advent hope, peace, joy, and love fill their hearts and home.

    May Mary’s song be the melody that guides our paths. May the joyful promises of justice and overturned powers fill our hearts to overflowing action including– giving generously, serving self-sacrificially, loving wholeheartedly.

    Holy One we pray that we might be bold with our ‘yes’ in response to your invitation to participate in your unfolding mission of restoration of all creation, and your plan of salvation.

    As we await your coming, nurture and nourish all that waits to be birthed.

    We pray with confidence knowing nothing is impossible with you. Amen

    December 16th, 2020

    A blessing for the third week of Advent:
    Light of Life,
    we light candles this season, not simply out of tradition or coziness,
    though there’s that,
    but because we believe in the Light
    that shines in the darkness,
    restoring all that is lost and broken,
    relegated to shadow, forgotten, or desecrated.
    Restore us to wholeness – to our state of original blessing,
    to be bearers of your light and goodness.
    Restore Earth to wholeness – to her state of blessedness and sacredness,
    vital, fruitful, balanced.
    Restore the threads of the web of Life – once strong but now frayed
    from lack of attention and care, consumerism, and poor theology.
    Restore our joy in life – bring laughter
    to our lips, beauty to our eyes,
    and deeper bonds to our relationships.
    We pray as those who sense your presence among us
    in light and dark, now and always Amen
    (written by Wendy Janzen)

    As we anticipate a very different Christmas this year and as many struggle with loneliness, isolation, or anxiety, WMC Elders wish to make available once again two panel discussions which were prepared earlier this year. It is our prayer that this resource will give voice to your feelings and experience and offer you practical help as we continue to find our way. Please feel free to share this resource with friends or family in need of care and encouragement.

    December 13th, 2020

    Lord our God, you have revealed yourself as One

    whose desire it is to bring justice, peace, and joy to all people.

    In a world that turns away from and participates in injustice,

    You cast your eyes on the destitute, the poor, and the wronged;

    You have called us to follow you, to preach good news to the poor,

    to proclaim release for the captives, and recovery of sight for the blind,

    to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the time of your blessing.

    Lord our God, be present with your church as we respond to your call.

    Open our eyes to those in need, especially the lonely and the isolated.

    Fill us with compassion for refugees and immigrants who seek safe refuge

    Fill us with mercy for those who struggle with addiction and mental illness, or bear the weight of abuse in its many forms..

    Fill us with gifts of caregiving for the sick, those who suffer pain whether in mind, body, or spirit……

    May your healing grace surround the most vulnerable amongst us, especially those in long term care. We pray for all impacted by covid: the sick, the suffering, the grieved, and all health care and essential workers. May hope burn bright for those receiving treatment or awaiting surgery. Comfort the hurting, encourage the weary, grant full healing and restoration to broken bones and tired spirits. May the hope of gentle healing and the gift of accompaniment of family and friends be a deep source of comfort for all who grieve.

    God of peace hear our prayers for our Households of Faith. We pray for continued good health, patience for this journey, and energy and joy for the task of parenting. We give thanks for health and the gifts of love and joy in their