Holy God,
thank you for giving us life and breath.
The sun beams out praise!
Pines and spruce offer their green hallelujahs!
Winter birds join the seasonal song of praise!
Buried in the cold earth, bulbs and roots rest at your command!
The glory of your goodness bursts out all around us,
The heavens declare your glory
the skies proclaim your handiworks.
Our hearts overflow with worship!
Today we say thank you for all who are nurturing life.
Parents awaiting the arrival of a newborn
for those who cook and clean,
for those who change diapers and do laundry,
for those who listen and encourage,
for those who give undivided attention,
for those who provide the necessities of life
willingly, lovingly, consistently.
Be with those who face challenges,
give patience where there is frustration,
resilience where there is weariness
and wisdom where there are challenges
You walk beside us on long caregiving journeys,
and you won’t leave us.
We pray especially today of those in our own community living in poverty
who have trouble putting food on the table and paying the rent;
Guide our politicians as they make decisions that affect children.
We pray for places where life is threatened…
due to violence, political instability, divisive policy.
We long for your intervention in these aching places of the world.
We also acknowledge our carbon footprint is driving enviornmental disaster.
Holy God, all of life on earth is your creation;
we repent that we have disregarded and ignored the treasure of diversity.
Help us find the will to change our ways and truly value all you made.
You hovered over the deep at the beginning of time;
you dared dream a world of life and beauty.
We want to dream together with you!
Send your Spirit on this community so that we can be your people of peace
living life to the fullest on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen
We pray for all who grieve. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.
We also pray for our Households of Faith. Grant each of our households of faith much joy, loving relationships, and meaningful connections.
This morning many engaged in our second “congregational conversation”.
Here are the questions were are invited to reflect upon. As we continue to reflect, let us also continue to pray with John 15: 1-5 and listen for God.
1. As we reflect upon stories on congregational time-line, where do we witness God’s faithfulness?
2. Where do you witness abiding in God? Pruning? Fruit bearing?
3. How have these practices shaped WMC as a worshipping community?
1. Can anything that occurred over the past 22 months help us as we prepare for the next year?
2. What have we learned about ourselves? God? The world?
3. What are we learning about what people need from the church right now?
4. What brings us joy?
Have a blessed day,
Pastor Kara