March 26th, 2023

God of resurrection new life,

We are surrounded by a world of dry bones,

a world of death and despair,

a world where we lose hope in our structures, institutions,

and at times, one another.

We pray for this world in need of your life-giving hope.

We pray for creation groaning under the weight of

misuse, abuse, and the overuse of natural resources.

We pray for all people living through war,

oppressive political powers,

domestic violence, racism, homophobia.

God, who breathed life into dry bones,

We are surrounded by people with dried up lives,

people unable to see life past their tears.

We pray for all who stand in need of your healing presence:

the imprisoned, the lonely,

the aged and the young,

the grieving, and those who struggle to hold onto hope,

those living with cancer, and those struggling with addiction

and families who love and support them.

We pray for loved ones whose needs we carry deep in our hearts.

We name them before you now,

aloud or in silence………….

God of resurrection new life,

you long to unbind us that we may live fully alive,

in ways that bring you glory.

Free us we pray from all that keeps us bound:

resentment and shame,

fear or an unhealed past.

Open our eyes to the power of your resurrection power,

the mystery that transforms caterpillars into butterflies

and seeds into apple trees.

We confess that in our end is our beginning

in our time infinity

In our doubt there is believing,

In our life, eternity

In our death a resurrection: at the last, a victory

Unrevealed until its season, something you God alone can see.

God, who breathes new life into us, into your world,

call us forward to resurrection.

Call us to follow in the footsteps of your Son Jesus,

who taught us when we pray to say:

Our Father in heaven . . .

March 19th, 2023

Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness,

open our eyes, let us see……

amidst war and poverty,

injustice and oppression,

open our eyes to see

that which is beautiful – crocuses blooming, helping hands, the flicker of a flame;

open our eyes to see that which is just…

when all are fed, have safe shelter, clean water;

open our eyes to see that which is pure…..

glorious sunrises, sweet maple syrup, the warmth and comfort of your love.

Sight-giver, when you walked this earth

you healed the blind, restoring sight

and you uncovered the blindness of your people.

When we are blind to our pride, arrogance, privilege,

walking in darkness,

forgive us

restore us.

Open our eyes to see your gracious presence in the world,

and in our lives,

your beauty and your justice.

Light of the world,

you come to us,

You see us – our joys and our pain,

Our strength and struggle,

Our beauty and brokenness.

We offer our prayers for one another – our households of faith for this week, those awaiting test results, surgery, or recovering from surgery. We pray for those who grieve and those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray for those who live with uncertainty – grant peace we pray and acceptance. We pray for those receiving treatments, or carrying the weight of physical or emotional pain. May your healing touch and wide embrace bring comfort and deep peace.

We also pray for all who return to classrooms tomorrow. May minds be open to learn and teach and grow. May relationships be healthy and wholesome. May the refreshment of March break sustain.

Finally, Light of the world,

we hold in prayer places and people in the world

where suffering is deep…..

The people of Ukraine and Russia….

Those impacted by floods, or storm, or starvation.

We pray, Your kingdom come, your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

For yours is the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen. Amen!

March 12th, 2023

Holy God, whose Spirit moved over the waters at the dawn of creation,

hear our prayers for all who thirst today.

We pray for those who are spiritually thirsty,

who long to know Your presence, to hear your voice,

to be touched by your grace.

We pray for those who are alone and without hope,

those who long to feel needed and loved,

those who are searching for meaning and purpose.

May we remain thirsty, our deepest yearning quenched with your living water.

We pray for all who are physically thirsty,

who don’t have enough water to drink, or feed their animals,

whose fields are parched, whose crops have withered;

those who have to walk long distances to find enough water to survive,

or whose communities including or Indigenous siblings who do not have clean water.

We pray for those whose homes and communities are devastated

because of drought, famine, flooding.

We pray for those who are thirsty for justice,

who long for an equal sharing of resources among peoples and nations;

those who put their lives at risk to protect streams and rivers and oceans;

those who are working to find clean water,

and make it available to those who need it.

God, we ask that you would open our hearts to the needs of all who thirst.

Give us courage to work together for justice,

to stand alongside those who are thirsty,

so that all people, everywhere, may live without want or fear,

and may discover the abundant life You promise to each one.

Source of living water, we pray for all who stand in need of healing, hope,and wholeness, we pray for one another, including our households of faith for this week.

Draw near to those awaiting test results or appointments, surgery, or recovering from surgery. We pray for those who grieve and those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death. We pray for those whose burden is light and for those whose burden is heavy. Bring relief we pray and refreshment for mind, body, and spirit.

For needs named and yearnings too deep for words we offer all of our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, source of living water. Amen.

March 3rd, 2023

Oh God, in this time of Lent, we come humbly as your children, confessing our need of your work in our lives. Renew and restore us we pray.

God of Mercy and Grace, you came to us through your Son Jesus, to break down the dividing walls of hostility between us; yet we maintain walls that separate and isolate.

You give us the ministry of reconciliation; yet we nurse our wounds and withhold mercy and forgiveness.

You invite us to celebrate the glory of your presence as Peter, James, and John experienced on the mountain; yet we deny the wonders you have worked in our own lives.

You ask us to acknowledge and share our wealth; yet at times we refuse to recognize and relieve the poverty around us.

You bless our lives with boundless love; yet we fail to witness to that love,

and so keep others from knowing you.

Forgive our selfishness, we pray. Transform us by your Spirit and your Word into that which pleases you.

Make us new, enabling us to become the image of Christ in our world.

And as you renew us, we worship you, O God, with songs of praise.

We worship you with words of prayer and with ears that listen for you to speak your saving truth into our lives.

We worship you in the silent spaces where we struggle for hope and for courage.

We long for a glimpse of your glory; the glory that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it; the glory that touches lives with a beauty so holy that it heals the wounded soul;

the glory that gives strength to the weary.

We, who stumble and fall so often, worship you, longing for your light to shine upon us.

Pour your holy love into our lives; draw us into your purifying presence;

speak to us your transforming truth.

Then, grant us grace to live every moment changed by such glory—

daring to live with hope and courage and love, reflecting the life of Jesus,

through whom your glory shines in the most unexpected ways.

We lift up your Holy Name. Amen.