This week is “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” an occasion when we acknowledge we are members of a large body of Christ, a global body diverse in language, culture, practice, made one through Christ. We give thanks for ecumenical brothers and sisters in Christ – and we strive to build bridges of understanding and walk in the ways of peace together.
just as you prayed for your disciples so long ago
Pray for us,
Pray for our wellbeing,
Pray for our protection.
Pray for your joy to be made complete in us.
Pray for our spiritual growth and transformation.
Pray for your truth to be made complete in us.
we often do not know how to pray,
So pray for us,
Pray with us,
That we may be one with you,
One with each other, and
One in ministry to the world you love.
Pray for your weak ones,
Your strong ones,
Pray for your ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness
Pray for your ones who breeze through life,
And your ones who struggle in life.
Pray for those who have lost loved ones,
whose grief is deep
pray for those facing tough decision, those taking on new positions,
or those in need of freedom from bondage.
Pray for all impacted by covid – health care providers, the sick,
the dying, the recovering, the self-isolating, and all who
are experiencing isolation, loneliness, or disconnection.
Hear us now as we pray as you have taught us….
Our Father……
Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care. We pray for those who struggle with mental illness, anxiety, and addiction and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need. Hold all in need close to your heart. Surround them with care, protection, and strength. We also pray for our Households of Faith….. May they know your peace in their relationships, in their work, as they share their lives generously. Amen