July 2nd, 2023

Loving Parent,

who exists beyond the realms we can imagine

and within the deepest parts of ourselves,

we thank you for the joy of gathering in community

and we celebrate together,

all that is good, and beautiful, and holy in our lives.

Tender Parent,

we thank you for the teachings of Jesus

and for the privilege of coming to you in prayer.

We lift up the people in this community and those we love,

for concerns which we know,

for the needs of loved ones which we carry in our heart.

May your tender embrace each,

the weary, those who are awaiting on referrals,

treatments, or next steps,

and those who find life hard.

Nurturing Parent,

we pray that all people will have their daily bread—

the food, housing, health care, support, and safety they need

to survive and thrive.

We pray for equitable care, just systems,

and that the humanity of each be respected.

Guiding Parent,

let our earthly leaders follow your will

so that the people and the systems of this world

might look more and more like your reign of peace and justice.

Protecting Parent,

deliver your children from all harm.

We pray for all who suffer pain in mind, body, or spirit,

all who live in fear,

all who grieve,

all who face violence in its many forms.

Holy Parent,

let these prayers rise up as incense before you

as we pray with this community of faith

and in the quiet of our own hearts.

We offer our prayer in all the holy names of God. Amen.