God of wonder and mystery,
God of the stars and sky,
God of winding ways and straight paths,
our hearts overflow with gratitude
for the gift of your constant presence,
your trustworthy guidance,
and your daring risk-taking with us.
You dare to love us despite our inability to respond fully.
You dare to care for us, despite our challenge in caring for others.
You dare to walk with us, despite our wayward wandering.
As we journey into this new year,
lead us we pray,
light our steps,
guide us by the teachings of Jesus
to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly in your loving light.
God of peace, we pray for peace in this world,
the kind of peace in which we celebrate diversity,
are joyfully challenged by adversity,
and share in the joy that is to be found everywhere.
May peace grow in our hearts, in our homes,
in our actions and our words.
God of compassion,
we pray for those who are lonely.
Lead us to reach out with compassion and fellowship.
We pray for those who are hungry,
Lead us to respond to real human need.
We pray for the lost, the least, the last.
Lead us to share hope and joy.
We pray for the church.
May we work together, always lifting one another up.
May we be open to the transformation of your Spirit,
freeing us from fear and strengthening us to walk in faith,
liberating us from scarcity thinking that we may live generously
Gentle our wounds into wisdom, we pray,
our anxieties and worries into deep trust.
May your Spirit guide us
in decision making, giving, priority making,
as we come through so much change and transition
all for the furthering of your mission.
And we pray for our communities
in which we live, work, attend school, and serve.
May the light of your love shine in and through us
as faithful witnesses to the wonder of your incarnation.
Emmanuel, God with us,
as we continue on this journey with you and one another,
may we learn the lessons you offer
and seek the fullness of your purposes and your love,
Reveal yourself anew, your love and grace,
your mercy and forgiveness,
and may we respond with faithfulness and gratitude.
As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.