Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those who suffer pain and ill-health,
with their families, friends and those who care for them:
May they know the deep peace of Christ
We hold in your healing presence those who suffer in mind and spirit, and all who
care for them…
May they know the deep peace of Christ
We hold in your healing presence those suffering due to broken relationships, we
pray for the marginalized, the silenced…
May they know the deep peace of Christ
We hold in your healing presence those struggling with isolation, anxiety, mental
health challenges….
May they know the deep peace of Christ
We hold in your healing presence those struggling to overcome addiction or
abuse, those supporting and working with them, and all whose suffering has
distanced them from those who love them…
May they know the deep peace of Christ
Loving God, we hold in your healing presence those grieving the loss of loved ones
and those who are walking through the dark valley of death and those who care
and support them.
May they know the deep peace of Christ
We hold in your healing presence and peace those whose needs are not known to
us but known to you. In silence, we offer our prayers ….
May they know the deep peace of Christ
God of compassion and love, we offer you all our suffering and pain. Give us
strength to bear our weakness, healing even when there this is no cure, peace in
the midst of turmoil, and love to fill the spaces in our lives.
Glory to God from whom all love flows, glory to Jesus who showed his love
through suffering, and glory to the Holy Spirit who brings light to the darkest of
places. Amen.