O God, this morning we come into your presence with both cries of lament and praise on our lips. We bring our lament and anguish for the devastation and loss of life in both Israel and Gaza, crying out for your intervention, your work of grace in this land where Jesus walked and ministered. God, move in the hearts of leaders of both sides, calling them to agree to a ceasefire, opening their hearts and minds to Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
We also pray for countries such as Ukraine, Haiti and more recently Myanmar where war rages, civil unrest is the norm, and where people suffer and grieve the deaths of family and community. Lord, may the church rise up and become agents of your peace…may your will be done in and through us. God we lament and grieve with those within our church families who today face significant health challenges or are caregivers. We pray for your healing hand over those who suffer and for strength & grace for all who provide care, support and love. Jesus, remind us daily of your words, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
O God we receive your peace with joy and thanksgiving, and give you praise. We also give praise and rejoice with those in our midst who today celebrate healing and wonderful answers to prayer. We also give praise God for your leading and guiding, for daily provision of food and for the gift of life for this day. Holy Spirit, live in and through us in such a way that the world around us may see the face of Jesus. Father, we give you thanks.