June 4th, 2023

Earth-maker, Creator,

giver of food and drink,

security and warmth,

love and hope,

life in all its goodness – 

we praise you –

for corn and grain sprouting,

the smell of fresh cut grass,

the birds of the air.

Jesus, wisdom and word;

lover of outcasts,

friend of the poor;

one of us yet one with God;

crucified and risen;

we praise –

for teaching us how to live and how to love,

including those who do us harm.

Holy Spirit, wind and breath of life;

bridge-builder, eye-opener,

unseen and unexpected,

untameable energy of life –

we praise you –

for your gifts of inspiration,

disruption, and comfort.

Holy Trinity, forever one,

whose nature is community,

fellowship, and communion

may we heed your call

to live wholly connected,

supporting and receiving support

giving generously and open to receive.

May our lives together reflect

your sacred fellowship as one.

Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,

You see us, you know us, you love us.

Hear us now as we offer our joys, our needs, and our prayers for one another.

We pray for our households of faith for this week – the Poole households, the Pretorius household. We pray for those awaiting test results, follow up, and those recovering from surgery. Comfort the grieving and strengthen those walking with loved ones through the valley of the shadow of death.

Grant courage for those facing uncertainty, bright hope for those receiving treatments, peace for those living in pain.  May your healing touch and wide embrace of love sustain.

            So many places in the world are rocked with violence, fear, and more. We hold in prayer all those affected by wildfires. We pray for shelter and an outpouring of support. We pray for peace amongst waring nations, the peace that comes form making justice.

May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
