Come, Holy Spirit! Come, anew and fill us with your love.
Open our eyes to see the presence of God all around us,
in the stillness of this sacred space,
in the busyness and noise of full days,
in the joys and celebrations of our lives,
in the tragedies and struggles that break our hearts.
Come, Holy Spirit, and comfort those who grieve.
Grant them the peace that only you can bring.
Stir within us a trust in life beyond death,
as we ponder the mysteries of Christ’s resurrection
and the hope we have in new and everlasting life.
Come, Holy Spirit, and bring wholeness to the sick.
Strengthen those who are weak;
heal the wounded and broken;
give rest to the weary.
Hear us now as we name in silence our own needs for healing and wholeness.
Come, Holy Spirit, and inspire our troubled world to seek peace,
to love our enemies,
to lay down all weapons,
to respect the dignity of all.
Come, Holy Spirit, and ignite a fire in our bones,
a passion for justice that cannot be quenched
until all have bread,
until no one is marginalized or oppressed,
until everyone has the opportunity to thrive,
until the world is transformed and renewed.
Come, Holy Spirit, and revive your church.
Liberate us from complacency and apathy;
inspire us with Christ’s vision for a world reborn;
strengthen us in service for others;
and transform our hearts and our minds.
Gracious God, give us a glimpse of your kingdom
emerging around us
and drawing us into the new things
you are doing in the world.
It is for your kingdom that we now pray,
filled with your Spirit, using the words Jesus taught us.
Our Father…