Spirit of transformation and power,
grant us the gifts of curiosity and imagination, to see the world as you do; to look on our neighbours with love and acceptance; to welcome the stranger with warmth and generosity. Grant us inspiration and courage to build bridges and connections beyond our comfortable circles of relationship and familiar neighbourhoods. May we be open to your presence, active, moving, moulding, transforming our hearts and minds, nurturing our growth as your disciples, deepening our capacity to love.
Spirit of transformation and power,
We pray the people of Pakistan amidst devastating floods;
The people of China sweltering amidst extreme heat
We pray for those whose homes and livelihood are threatened by wild fires,
The people of Ethiopia facing famine and drought
The people of Ukraine amidst war and unimaginable suffering.
You are the God who transforms ashes into new life;
You are the God who makes streams flow in the wilderness.
May your kingdom come in its fullness we pray…. that all may prosper, live in peace and justice.
Spirit of transformation and power, we also pray for:
All who stand in need of healing and wholeness for mind, body, spirit.
Be with the sick, those living with chronic pain, the dying;
Be with the lonely and isolated, most especially long-term care residents who continue to deal with covid outbreaks and lockdowns.
We pray for those awaiting test results, specialist appointments, those who are journeying cancer treatment, and those living with unexpected disruptions to daily life.
We pray for the discouraged, the heart-broken, those who carry the scars of abuse, and all who grieve.
Spirit of transformation and power, we pray for the church,
we thank you for gifts of leadership, flourishing ministries, and the enjoyment of serving together in ways that further your mission and your vision. Grant us strength to release that which has served its season. May we be open and faithful to walk the new paths you have for us.
Spirit of transformation and power, we offer all our prayers, those spoken aloud and those we carry deep in our hearts, as your people who strive to walk in your ways of peace. Amen.
We pray for our Households of Faith. Bless each one with the presence of your peace and the strength of your joy. Amen