Thank you God that you have called us to be your people, people who live generously, who love and serve generously, who give of our gifts and abilities, loving others as you have loved us. May you use our gifts to bless and encourage others and may you God be honoured and praised as a result
God, as we worship in the beauty of creation this morning, we give praise for the land, for the bounty of crops and food, for clean water and fresh air. We give praise for the evidence of your creative spirit, transforming even the smallest of seeds into the beauty of sunflowers, fields of corn, forests that very soon will be ablaze with your glory.
God, we also ask that your transforming power would also be at work in us, moulding & transforming us so that the character of Jesus is evident to all. Thank you for calling us to partner in your work so that the world would see and acknowledge that you are a God who redeems and restores. Give us the courage to step out, to be obedient to your call
Thank you Holy Spirit for your work in our lives, for holding us secure in the love of God, and for leading us, sometimes in ways we could not have imagined. Holy Spirit, may your transforming power change us as individuals, as a church
We give thanks God for answered prayer and for your invitation to bring all our needs and requests to you. Hear our individual prayers as we pause in silence before you.
(take a moment to pray for those individuals that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind)
Oh God, we lift up those in our congregation and community this morning who are grieving the death of a loved one or other tragedy of life. God, bring comfort, grant peace, and may your love bring deep healing into their lives. Jesus, be their hope.
We pray for those who are in need of physical healing and renewal….thank you that you are a God who heals and restores. Touch their bodies and renew their spirits. For those who are lonely or discouraged this day, bring hope and light into their lives.
Grant each of us Lord a discerning heart, eyes that see, and an obedient heart so that we may be people of grace and love in our workplace, our communities and families, used by you as instruments of hope and peace.
God, live in us and through us.
We give you praise and Thanks in the Holy name of your Son, Jesus.
We pray for our Households of Faith as this school year has begun and the children have enjoying their new classes and routines. May they continue to grow in wisdom and grace.
Thank you God for these folks and may your peace and presence be their strength.