Vine of life,
in Your branches we are gathered
taking shelter in the shade of Your strength.
With thanksgiving
we celebrate the growth and hope
we have found in placing
our roots in You,
for in life You nourish us
and Your Holy Spirit encourages us
to reach our full potential in the gifts we have been given
that others may know of Your love.
make us more than sour grapes and unripe olives.
In the hardships of the world
may we look beyond the bitter politics and divisions
to find Your love
at the core of our relationships.
There may all people work with what we have in common
that we might grow to be a people of respect and trust.
May our branches bow
with the weight of the fruit you provide.
Help us to look beyond our own needs,
to recognize those
who are hungry for food, love, and justice.
May we offer others the shelter needed
under the weight of Your branches
so they find a rest from the cold and darkness,
the pain and loneliness of this world.
Instead may Your Spirit enable us
to value the gifts and talents of all.
May our leaves soak up Your light.
When we meet those who are worn down
with illness, loneliness, grief and abandonment,
may the light of Your presence shine
in the encounters they have with others
that all might know Your compassion.
Gardener of all life,
as You trim and shape us for Your purpose
may we place our prayers into Your hands
and trust that new seeds may grow
from tired and empty thoughts. We offer all of our prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen
Surround and keep safe our loved ones in long-term care.
We pray for all who stand in need of healing for emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual pain. May your healing grace hold the wounded and those who love them. May all those who are struggling receive the care and support they need.
We also pray for our Households of Faith. Whether at work, at school, at rest, or at play bless their hearts and home with overflowing love and care. We give thanks for each household of faith. May your bright blessing be poured out upon them. Amen