January 20th, 2021

“Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9)

This year’s “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” focus includes these words of Jesus, spoken prior to his passion.
It is the great desire of God, expressed by Jesus, that we might come to him and abide in him.
Jesus waits for us tirelessly, hoping that, united to him in love, we will bear fruit that will bring life to all.
Faced with the difference of ‘the other’, we risk withdrawing into ourselves and seeing only that which separates us.

As we pray let us remember the call of Christ. May we turn to his love, to Jesus who is the centre of our life
for the path of unity begins in our intimate relationship with God.

In peace let us pray: Lord, you are the vinedresser who cares for us with love. You call on us to see the beauty of each branch united to the vine, the beauty of each person. And yet, too often the differences in others make us afraid. We withdraw into ourselves. Our trust in you is forsaken. Enmity develops between us. Come and direct our hearts toward you once again. Grant us to live from your forgiveness so that we may bear good fruit and praise your name. Amen

Here is a link to access further resources for “The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.”