January 17th, 2021

Holy One,  Father of Christ who asked the disciples,

“What are you looking for,” and who offered the invitation to “Come and See,”

open our hearts to what you reveal and give us the courage to follow. 

By Your Spirit aid us in our journey,

so that like John, our words and deeds point to the Lamb of God. 

For those who are suffering, let us point to Christ through comfort. 

For those who are hungry, let us point to Christ through bread. 

For those in the grip of despair, let us point to Christ through hope.

Lord God, you call your people to tasks we would not ourselves choose. Give us the grace to love you enough to follow when you call.  You know our weakness and have promised to give resources for that which you ask of us. We praise you for your generous care. Like Samuel, let us say “Here I am.” God of surprising light, here we are.  

Lord God, hear our prayer for all who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness. We pray for our loved ones in long-term care, front-line and essential workers. Keep them safe and strong in mind, body, and spirit. May strength be renewed, may hope burn bright, may comfort and peace abound.  We pray for all who grieve. May God’s comfort surround them at this time of loss. We pray for those awaiting diagnosis, surgery, or treatment. Grace each one with strength for the journey and a wide circle of support. For needs named and for those we hold deep in our hearts, we offer our prayers……

We also pray for our Households of Faith.

 Lord God, we are surrounded, with people who need to hear the gospel story, people who need to meet the one from Nazareth, Jesus our Lord.  As we worship virtually and live deeply into this time of being the church in the community, may we reach out and care generously. Make our words and actions gracious and inviting. Like Philip, let us say, “Come and see.” God of surprising light, here we are.  Amen