January 5th, 2025

Holy God, we come together in prayer.

We pray for our Households of Faith.

We pray for our world that seems to ooze with violence and anguish. Lord, can you create some new options? Can you help us write new stories? Can you intervene when someone is planning to injure or kill? Can you inspire us with visions of wholehearted community, or visions of the common good? Lord have mercy.

At the same time, we give thanks for the big things and the little things that lift our spirits. Thank you for new animal species discovered this week: the starry night gecko, the patagona chaski hummingbird, the Guianan long-nosed armadillo. Beautiful work, God! Thank you for the news of the recent World Plogging Championship, where participants pick up litter while jogging. Thank you that making the world a better place can be filled with joy and camaraderie.

Jesus, thank you for being born, thank you for being the mysterious Word, thank you for shining the Light all around. Make us into light for all to see. Make us into your building, sheltering others. Amen.