Holy God, carrier of our hearts, illuminator of our minds, knitter of our lives, we praise you. We lift our voices and our silences to you.
This morning we pray to you with mixed-bag emotions – some of us brimming with happiness, some of us weeping inside, some of us carrying a jumble of this and that. Thank you for loving us in our jumble. Thank you for remaining with us all along the way.
This morning we come to the end of a calendar year and so reflect: What has this last year been for us? For you? How has the journey been? Great Historian, what can we learn from 2024?
This morning we pray for members of our church family.
We pray for our Households of Faith.
We pray for our world. God, break into the world of politics. Rattle the systems, shake up the politicians, bewilder the bureaucrats, and inspire us as citizens to grab hold of the levers of power that are available to us. Break into the world of culture, and make it so that some of the greed and apathy fizzle away. Make it so that some of the scorn is brushed away by compassion. Break into the world of economics and make it so that the value our precious planet is accounted for. Make it so that more and more people think that it’s exciting and worthwhile to safeguard our ecological home.
Holy God, maker and carrier of this world. We lift our voices and our silences to you. Amen.