May 5th, 2024

“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145: 1-4

Creator God, we give you praise for the beauty and wonder of creation as brown lawns turn green, dry bulbs burst forth in beautiful flower, trees bud, blossoms proclaim your greatness, and birds sing. As you spoke this world into existence, you saw that it was good, and we too would say, yes and Amen. We give you praise!

This morning we are again keenly aware that many in our world also groan in pain, go to sleep hungry, and live in fear and uncertainty. God, we pray for a miracle of renewal and healing, peace and forgiveness in our world, especially in those parts of the world where hatred reigns and wars and conflict take centre stage. We also pray for a spirit of forgiveness and peace in our lives and our relationships. Make us instruments of your peace, Holy Spirit, and mould our hearts so that we grow in our walk of obedience to our Lord. Grant us sensitivity to hear the voice of God, eyes to see needs and opportunities, and courage to act with love and Holy Spirit power. God, we celebrate that you choose to work in us and through us. May your will be done.

For those in our families, our congregation, and our community who grieve today, grant hope and comfort. For those who face health challenges, anxiety over jobs, finances, or relationships, fill them with peace, courage, and holy wisdom. Be our strength in all situations and seasons of life. God, we celebrate answered prayer, we rejoice in your healing, and we praise you for your presence with those who are walking through seasons of fear.  God, for those in a season of waiting grant patience and perseverance, for the lonely bring comfort, and grant rest to those who are weary. We also pray for our church leaders as the pastoral search continues. Holy Spirit, be present as we work through our annual business meeting today; grant wisdom and unity. We give thanks!