God of blessing,
you open your hands and provide for our deepest needs…
healing and wholeness,
our need for hope that banishes despair,
our need for peace amidst uncertainties and chaos.
We pray, loving God,
for the blessing of your Spirit
on all people with their widely diverse needs
and your creation groaning
under the weight of climate change.
We pray, loving God
your blessing
on the sick and their caregivers
on workers and employers
on the unemployed, underemployed, and those who stand by them.
We pray, loving God
your blessing
on the hungry and those who feed them,
the unsheltered and those seeking affordable housing solutions,
refugees and those who welcome them,
We pray your blessing
on those who struggle with addiction and those who treat them,
the poor and those who see them,
the sorrowing and those who comfort them.
We pray, loving God
your blessing to be poured out
upon us as well.
When we are weak, be our strength,
when we are afraid, calm our troubled minds,
when we doubt, strengthen our faith,
when we see needs, guide our response.
For those living with pain, change, or hurt, we pray. For those awaiting test results, surgery,
and those recovering from surgery, we pray. For loved ones whose needs to hold deep in our hearts we
pray. For prayers offered aloud and for those not yet formed into words, we offer all our prayers in
the name of Jesus who blesses. Amen