December 4th, 2022

God of restoration and life,

draw near us as we journey the Advent story
of hope and mystery,
anticipation and preparation,
as we seek your kingdom
already here amongst us – and, coming in its fullness.

Heaven touching earth,
the footsteps of the divine
walking dusty roads,
we are a people searching for you.

We are people seeking restoration,

in our hearts, in our relationships,

in our relationship with creation,

In our relationship with You, O God.

We confess the world stands in need of restoration and healing

and we hear your call to return to you

and be restored to our belovedness as children of peace.

Forgiven, renewed and restored,

strengthen us to live generously,

to join with you in your mission of justice and peacemaking,

giving voice to the marginalized and oppressed,

speaking truth to power.

Open eyes and hearts,
to your restoring presence in the world.

May the weapons of war be laid down.

May there be peace through peaceful means.

We pray leaders will govern with wisdom and compassion

For the desert places in which we walk,
the streets we roam, the paths we cross,
guide our feet.
Take us to places
where you would go.
Give us words that you would use
that in this Advent season
ff promise and preparation
we might point the way with John the Baptist.

Restore us, O Lord, we pray,
bring us back to your heart,
Bring us back to that place
when our love was fresh,
and our joy uncontainable.
Restore us, O Lord, we pray.

We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and care.

As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray especially for the most vulnerable amongst us – the very young and the aged. May the light of your love shine bright as we journey dark days of illness, uncertainty, pain, and suffering.

We pray for deep peace for all who grieve and feel their loss more acutely these days of lights and glitter. Surround the grieving with care and comfort in healing ways.

We pray for our Households of Faith. May the gifts of this season inspire fruitful and faithful living. May joy fill each heart and home. Protect little ones from illness and grant strength for the roles of parenting. Amen