Our journey to Good Friday and Easter resurrection begins today with Ash Wednesday.
Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for Christ’s death and Easter joy.
Lent is marked with spiritual practices including: self-examination, prayer, fasting, giving to those in need, and more. In order for our Lent to be a time of renewal and growth we begin this season by remembering our need for repentance and for the forgiveness of God proclaimed by Jesus.
Many Christian traditions offer services on Ash Wednesday including the imposition of ashes.
The previous year’s palm branches are burnt and a smudge in the form of a cross is made on one’s forehead and these words offered:
Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Turn away from sin and be faithful to Christ
Repent and believe the Good News: God longs for you to be whole.
Today you may wish to prayerfully sing “Create in me a clean heart O God” offering your prayer in song.
We are also invited to turn our hearts to God with a Prayer of Confession:
We have not loved you with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
We have not forgiven others as we have been forgiven.
Lord have mercy.
We have been deaf to your call to serve.
We have been unfaithful, proud, and hypocritical.
Christ have mercy.
We have been self-centered, and have taken advantage of others.
We have been envious of those more fortunate than ourselves.
We have loved worldly goods and comforts too much.
We have been dishonest in daily life and work.
Lord have mercy.
We have neglected prayer and worship.
We have been blind to human need and suffering, and indifferent to injustice and cruelty.
Lord have mercy.
We have thought uncharitably about others, and we have been prejudiced towards those who differ from us.
We have wasted and polluted your creation, and lacked concern for those who come after us.
Lord have mercy.
Dear Jesus,
I confess my need of you.
I am sorry for my sin, and I trust that you forgive me.
I accept your love and grace for me
And welcome you into my heart and into my life
Help me believe in you and love you every day,
And help me show the world how great your love is.
I commit my life into your hands. Amen (Voices Together #22)
I pray that our Lenten journey will be a sacred time of reflection, renewal and new birth.
Pastor Kara