Dear Friends,
This year’s Christmas season is unlike any other and yet there is still so much to celebrate.
“I bring you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2: 10-11)
May our hearts make room to receive Jesus and in response to God’s gift of Love, may we cherish the ones we love and share that love abundantly. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may you always know that the love of God and the light of Christ is with you.
Wishing you a blessed and safe Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, peace, joy, and love.
With a pastor’s love,
Here is the link for our Christmas Eve Service:
A Prayer for Christmas Eve…..
Holy One,
Prince of Peace,
though scattered in body, we are united in your love.
Though separated by distance, we are together in your Spirit.
Though uncertain of the future, we are
confident of your presence with us,
held within our hearts like the sturdiest
and most surprising of mangers for a bed.
Shine your light this night and into all the
dark nights to come.
Shine your light into ICU’s and vaccination rooms
into grocery stores and crowded warehouses
into food banks and homeless shelters
into long-term care and supportive living
into homes that feel too quiet and homes
where the yelling doesn’t stop.
Shine your light
into Zoom reunions and long-awaited phone calls;
into contactless deliveries and virtual hugs;
into physically distanced check-ins and homemade gifts
into all that is possible when the usual becomes impossible.
Shine your light, O Jesus Christ,
Shine it within us so that all might see. Amen