December 20th, 2020

Our souls cry out with a joyful shout that the Lord of our heart is great;

and our spirits sing of the wondrous things that you bring to the ones who wait.

Revealing God, may Mary’s song be heard throughout the ages,
drowning out the din of consumerism during this season of celebration.

May it be heard by the victims of violence in Ethiopia and Eritrea
May it ring in the ears of the traumatised, refugees without homes in search of safety.
May it sing in the hearts of marginalized, the impoverished, the hungry and the homeless…
Revealing God, may Mary’s song be an earworm song of hope
for all standing strong for land rights, and for all who are crying out for an end to discrimination and oppression due to skin colour. May it be the rally cry of peace for the war-weary of the world. Revealing God, may Mary’s be a song that stirs reverent fear in the hearts of those who abuse power, those who seek to enrich their own coffers at the expense of the poor and the needy.

We pray Mary’s song nourish hope in the hearts of fearful, the isolated and the lonely. May it nourish comfort for all who grieve.

May healing grace surround the most vulnerable amongst us, especially those in long term care. We pray for all impacted by covid: the sick, the suffering, the grieved, front line workers, health care and essential workers. May hope burn bright for those receiving treatment or awaiting surgery.

We pray for our households of faith, may God’s gifts of Advent hope, peace, joy, and love fill their hearts and home.

May Mary’s song be the melody that guides our paths. May the joyful promises of justice and overturned powers fill our hearts to overflowing action including– giving generously, serving self-sacrificially, loving wholeheartedly.

Holy One we pray that we might be bold with our ‘yes’ in response to your invitation to participate in your unfolding mission of restoration of all creation, and your plan of salvation.

As we await your coming, nurture and nourish all that waits to be birthed.

We pray with confidence knowing nothing is impossible with you. Amen