“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to release and a time to embrace……” (Ecclesiastes. 3: 1-8)
Fall has arrived in all her glory! Trees have begun to turn shades of crimson, orange, and gold. Apple trees are ripe with fruit and farmers are busily harvesting corn and beans. We are on the cusp of a new season. Summer blossoms have been kissed by frost. Daylight hours are shortening. Fall scents fill the air and the flavours of fall dance on our tongue.
What autumn sights and sounds and smells capture your attention and create a sense of awe, praise, thanksgiving?
Spiritual writer Joyce Rupp reflects upon lessons learned in the seasons of the year. She suggests each season teaches us by her natural turning about the fine art of loss and new life.
Find a quiet spot today. Take several slow, deep breaths to settle your body and calm your mind.
Be open to the Holy Spirit’s nudgings and reflect upon the lessons of autumn: releasing and embracing, letting go and new life.
Invite God’s Spirit to show you what has served its time.
What is God’s Spirit inviting you to let go in order for new life to emerge?
May God’s grace be abundant as we continue to journey this holy path.
For everything there is a season… a time to release; and a time to embrace.
Pastor Kara
* There will be no Friday prayer this week. See you next Friday!