Holy One, in whose love we live and move, we bow our hearts before you.
The beauty of autumn landscapes, bounty of crops, and tartness of apples reveal your goodness and how you hold all of creation in your loving and sustaining hands.
Holy One, your desire is for shalom – wellness and wholeness for all creation,
You yearn for our wellbeing, emotional, relational, spiritual, physical
We pray for a world rocked by conflict and war;
a world that lives uneasily in a climate of fear
We pray for a world that thinks less of others than of self;
a world where division between nations, race, religion,
neighbour, and family leads to distrust and divisions.
We pray for a world that is short on gratitude,
too busy to enjoy this world you have created,
too preoccupied with living to appreciate life.
We pray for a world ravaged by COVID, injustice, racism and institutional oppression.
We pray for a world where spiritual wellness is sought through things which do not satisfy or quench the deeper yearnings of the heart: love, belonging, connection.
We pray for a world groaning due to overuse and mis-use of natural resources and for all the ways our life-styles contribute to climate change.
We pray for our needs for healing, hope and wholeness.
We pray for the sick, those waiting surgery dates, those who have received a hard diagnosis.
We pray for those who wait for strength to be restored, those who are lonely and isolated.
We pray for Inspiring Minds here in Wellesley amidst outbreak.
We also pray for our Households of Faith.
Holy Listening One, may your love and care restore the broken places of our world,
our lives, our communities, our hearts.
May your love flow as a life-giving stream for the restoration of all creation.
Quench the parched places of this world and our lives with peace, with hope, and with joy.