January 26th, 2025


Everyday our life is guided by lights. Green to go, Red to stop, Yellow to caution. If we see flashing blue or redlights we are concerned and very aware of our current situation. When we enter our house at night one of the first things we do is snap on the lights so we can see. As the days grow longer daylight last longer. Increasing daylight forces us to reset our outdoor light timers.., 😊 . Light and/or lights are good and important in our lives . They guide us along the way. We need light to grow and feel healthy. Even plants need light to help in photosynthesis. We maybe appreciate light more when we are travelling at night when it would be impossible to see down the road with out light. So light is good and we are thankful for the many values of light

So in the same way we need light for our physical well being we know and can trust that God provides light in order to guide our spiritual life.

There are many verses in the bible about light but several stand out in this instance :

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

John 8:12 “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

Very encouraging words on light. May we understand this and look to turn on our spiritual light switch, so we don’t fumble in spiritual darkness.

God, we thank you for many answered prayers in our congregation. For the health and well being of each member we ask that you hold close all those who may be suffering or experiencing health issues. It can be scary if we try go it alone. Help us to be humble in sharing our needs . God you know the unspoken requests. We ask that you stand close with those needs.

Our world seems too chaotic and everchanging at time when we want consistency, normalcy, and some form of control. We ask that you be with all world leaders as the make decisions on a stage that seems to be more a carousel then a platform. Please grant presence of mind, integrity and unselfishness to those who govern whether internationally, nationally, or locally. Being a leader is not easy and it requires the ability to make sometimes quick decisions. Please grant clarity of mind for those making these decisions.

Thank you for the many gifts and talents that you have provide many members here at WMC. Continue to be with Pastor Matthew as he leads us and supports us. Bless both Matthew and Nina as they continue to make this transition.

Thank you for the many gifts of Leadership, Pastorship, Administration, Mentoring, Caring, Song leading …..etc. over the 50 years that WMC has been in existence. Thank you for those who are heading up the celebration. Give them energy as they take on this role.

This week we ask for prayers for our HOF

May they all feel your presence at some level.

God in the same way we require light to see our way may in our every day physical life may we in turn be light in a world that may often be dark and in desperate . A world in need of light that provides direction. Give us clarity to see when and where we can be that light.

In all this we ask it,