Dear Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth, the sea and sky, humans and
animals. We come before you with humble hearts knowing you have given us
these many blessings to care for and to enjoy. May we continually praise
and thank you for your gifts to us.
May we earnestly seek your will. Influence our thoughts and lives to
follow in your footsteps and use our gifts thereby enhancing your
kingdom. You are forever faithful to us and we give you thanks.
We thank you too for life.
Today we remember others who are mourning their loses. This can be
ongoing and difficult but we know our ongoing communion with you helps
us find comfort and peace.
Then our thoughts go to those in Long Term Care. May they feel your
presence oh Lord while living in their twilight days.
There are others awaiting surgery or results and those who have unspoken
concerns. May you draw near to them during their challenges and may they
know you care.
Lord, we name our Households of Faith for this coming week.
With life and daily living comes joy and sorrow, cares and concerns. We
pray Lord that they each feel your presence and feel surrounded by your
love and guidance throughout this coming week.
We know of the struggles of war, pain, loneliness, fear, hurt and sorrow
in this sad world.
May those in leadership whether local or global aspire to the words from
Matthew 6:10: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is
in heaven”
Be with each of us as we search your will for our lives. We pray you be
the guiding light that leads us all through life.
May we seek peace, love and joy today knowing you will reign today and
We give you all the praise and thanks! Amen