Good evening God
Thank you again for guiding us thru another week. For some it has been a good week. For some it has been a busy week. And for some it has been a challenging and tough week. We see so many signs of your creation in the Fall colors. It seems like there are new colors every day , for this we are thankful
This week I became increasingly aware of how LIGHT or LIGHTS are a part of and Impact our lives. There are many things to be learned through light. We know that when you created the world you created night and Day. Genesis 1:3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. The original beginning of light and Dark.
Light or Lights are there to guide us and for us to see our way. Light makes things safe for us to move around whether in a vehicle or just walking. Without light signs our travel would be chaotic and out of control. Lights give us direction as well, it can tell us when to walk and when to wait . in the same way the light that you provide in our spiritual life can guide our faith walk. Psalm 119:105 says : Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path If we keep our heads up and appreciate what you want us to see we can be safe in our spiritual life. Can you imagine what it would be like to be out in a boat at night without navigational lights? Or to not be able to see that bright light of lighthouse on a foggy stormy night. We know how anxious we get when the power goes out in our house and the lights don’t work. We are thankful for the warning lights that you provide us as we navigate thru life.
We recognize that as days get shorter how important light is for getting our outside work done. We are able to see your handiwork in the trees and sunsets and sunrises.
We also recognize that you are present in the sunsets and night time as the light of Day fades. When it is dark and there is no daytime light it helps us vividly perceive the nighttime universe in Stars, Planets and the Moon. Yes Beauty in the Darkness. You provided darkness to so that we would have to slow down and rest. Help us to recognize this more.
And then in Matthew 5:16 you state In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
In this way we are challenged to be a light to others in the world where much light is needed. Help us to be a light in what ever corner of the world we are in. Help us to be beacons of light wherever we may be and what we may be experiencing, even when our energy levels and patience may be low.. Give us strength for this .
Thank you God for Light and Darkness, Day and Night.
We thank you for the ways you have provided some healing for those members around us.
For other who may be experiencing health concerns or medical follow-ups please be close to them as well. We know your ways are higher then our ways and your strength will always be there.
God for a world that often seems to be coming apart at the seams sometimes we ask that we could see and feel you at these times. For the unrest, wars and bombings around the world we pray for PEACE. We ask that leaders would understand the destruction that is caused by War. Be with the innocent children and families who live in fear. Grant them courage in troubled times.
We thank you for the ways you have been faithful to us here at WMC. We have been very Blessed by the leadership in our Pastors. Today we especially thank you for allowing Clare and Gloria to be a part of our lives here at WMC. We have been so blessed by your servant Clare and for the gifts you have bestowed on him. May Both Clare and Gloria feel your presence in their lives going forward. We join together in saying “ Well done you good and faithful servant.”
We want to recognize our HOF this week as well.
God, we do not know what the week ahead may have for us. But as we head out in whatever direction we may be going may we be the light that you want us to be. And we ask that you continue to shed light on both our physical and spiritual paths
In all this we ask it.