“I will enter his gates with Thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter
his courts with Praise”
Dear Lord, you are a God of love and bless us with so much. In the
quiet of this moment we pause to give you praise and thanksgiving for
the many daily blessings you give us which we take for granted – for
food, for water, clothes, our church family, friendship, peaceful
neighbourhoods, health, your grace and peace.
We are grateful for our church family. We say thank you for bringing
Matthew to us and the blessing of this service. We are grateful to
those who give generously of their time and energy, those we can confide
in and know they sympathize as we deal with challenges arising in our
lives. We know there are those around us with inner conflicts whether
physical, mental or spiritual. May they too feel your
“He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort
We are thankful for health, for continued treatment and for healing
for those with recent challenges. We pray for those anticipating surgery
knowing you are in control. Give each one patience knowing you are with
”Healer of our every ill, Light of each tomorrow, give us peace beyond
our fear and hope beyond our sorrow.
Remembering others in the congregation: Those in LTC, or living alone
and feeling alone with their thoughts. We pray for those who struggle
with the daily chore of living, morning prep, meals, etc. Lord you know
their needs and may we all know with the rising sun and the evening
sunset that you are watching over us daily.
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face and the
things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory
and grace.”
We pray for those who survived the hurricane but have lost their homes,
possessions and worse, family and friends. Oh Lord we look to you for
food and water, clothes and a home for their care and comfort.
Lord have mercy on the people in countries suffering helplessly from the
effects of war today. Our hearts go out to those who just want to move
on with life and live peacefully. We are so fortunate that we can
worship in peace. Continue to nudge our hearts to remember those in
their suffering.
God’s grace is usually defined as ‘undeserved favor’. Grace cannot be
earned. It is something given to us. Because you Oh Lord gave your life
you have gifted us with life!
“Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once
was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.”
Remembering our Households of Faith this week.
We pray they have full, rich lives and healthy relationships with family
and friends.
Lord you know our thoughts, our words, deeds and actions. Lord God you
do know us better than we know ourselves.
“Be thou my vision…Be thou my Wisdom…Thy presence my light!”
With another new week, bless us with your continued grace, your
guidance, your peace and make us a light to those around us through
Jesus Christ our Lord.