September 1st, 2024

We celebrate this morning Lord as we gather together as three churches, praising you for the gift of salvation, and the amazing privilege of being adopted into the Body of Christ. We give thanks for your call to be your witnesses in our homes, our communities, and in our world.

This morning we would shout aloud the words of the Psalmist as he wrote “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods….Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” (Psalm 95)

Thank you, God, for your amazing care and love, for the privilege of knowing that as your children, we can live each day with hope. We also recognize that on days when we struggle with grief, fear, loneliness or loss, you invite us into your loving embrace, calling us to walk with our hands firmly grasped in yours. God be our strength, our rock, and our hope.

This weekend we pray especially for all our children, grandchildren, teens, and young adults as they head back into the classroom to start a new school year. Jesus, you have promised that you would never leave or forsake us, and we pray for your presence over each of these students. Give strength and wisdom as they meet new challenges, make new friendships, and grant them courage to trust you in all situations. Jesus, be their heavenly shepherd.

We also pray for all teachers, staff, and Principals, especially those who know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Enable them to be the face of Jesus in their classroom, on the playground, in the office, and may they know daily the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We also pray for parents as they release their child into a system that is not always perfect. Grant them courage, and spirit filled wisdom as they affirm when appropriate and challenge as needed. God we give you praise.

O God, we praise you for the many we know who have experienced your gift of physical healing and renewal over the past months. We rejoice in your goodness and grace. However, we also pray for those who are waiting for test results, for medical appointments, and for continued healing. God, may you continue to work in their lives and grant them patience and perseverance.