May 26th, 2024

DEAR GOD thank you for guiding us another week. We have many experiences again.  Some are bumpy and some give us joy and excitement.  We thank you for keeping us safe and healthy for another week.  For those of us who have had some health issues we ask that you continue to give us strength to battle thru these tougher times of illness or injury.  

As the week unfolds, we again see your handiwork all around us as grass grows even greener and flowers continue to pop their buds.  We thank you for the opportunities to plant gardens, whether vegetable or flowers.  It allows us to help manage what gifts you have given to us in seeds and starter plants.   When we see things sprout it somehow gives us new life and energy.  Energy to face the day and whatever it may bring.  Help us not to pass over these beautiful signs and cues of growth and wonderment.  And yes, we even thank you for the rain that sometimes forces us in and alters our plans. 

We pray for those in power in our government whether local, provincially, or federally.  They all have tough decisions to make and it is not always easy to make tough decisions.  Continue to give our politicians, at all levels wisdom, respect for each other  and courage .  We also lift our prayers for other parts of the world that are not experiencing the peace that we do.  When we read or see the news it is unfathomable how people could treat others with such hate.   We know this has been in the world since time began but somehow, we wish and hope for a better opportunity for those in unsettled and troubled parts of the world.  Hold the innocent parents and children close to you and somehow give them peace.   In our own small way allow us to be peacemakers in the world that we live in. 

We are thankful for the ongoing work of the church here at WMC and we are thankful for our pastors Clare and Paul.  May you continue to give them wisdom as they lead us here.  We are blessed to have them here and we are thankful for their spouses as they offer support.  We also offer thanks for the administrative and support staff that keeps our church moving and viable.  For all the volunteers here we are also thankful for their energy and attention to detail.   Continue to guide leadership and also the Search committee here at WMC as we look ahead.  We fully believe you have a plan and you will lay it out to us.  Help us to be wise and patient in our decisions.  As you have for almost 50 years here at WMC continue to lead us and allow us function humbly and wisely moving forward.

We are reminded about your presence in PSALMS 23 where you describe yourself as a Sheperd.  You tell us that in good and bad times you are with us guarding and guiding.  Help us to remember that in the times of strife, anxiety and struggle we ALL face .  Forgive us when we go off on our own and try and do it our way.  It can be easy to do but help us understand the correct path.  As we hear the message on SUNDAY may we again understand that the Holy spirit is ever present.  This is a gift and a promise from you.  We are thankful for this gift.

We bring to you prayers for our body here at Wellesley Mennonite.