March 3, 2024

Dear God thanks so much again for hearing our prayers. As we enter the third week of Lent we were reminded that our world is filled with the tragic and the glorious, the terrible and the wonderful, the upsetting and the joyful. This week, we are invited to feed our souls with the beautiful, not to negate the difficult but to notice God’s love displayed all around us. We see it in the beautiful skies in the am. We see it in the bright shining stars and planets on cool clear evenings. We feel it in the longer days that are expressed even better with the sunshine. We feel it in the breeze sometimes cool and sometimes warm. We hear in the birds that are beginning to sense spring is coming soon. We feel it in the genuine concern that is offered to those around us.

In the 19th Psalm we read about the mysterious, unspoken voice that can be heard everywhere, revealing God’s nearness and glory. With the Psalmist we agree that Oh God, you promise that your presence and your love permeate our world and our lives, despite the sadness and brokenness that surround us.

As in the Lenten guide this week let us find the ways and take the times to truly use our senses to know you are God.

We are thankful for your presence even when we think we are far from it. Forgive us for the times we step away and try to do it on our own. Thank you for your never-failing love that brings as back to you. A love that has transcended years and many situations. A love and genuine concern that can hardly be replicated in human terms

As taken from the Lenten guide this week we conclude with :

For sunrises and sunsets, for the skies telling of your glory and for all your beauty displayed wordlessly around me, receive my endless gratitude. May my life reflect your beauty

Today we all come with different concerns, challenges and requests. Some we speak audibly and some we share with trusted friends and you in prayer. Sometimes we see challenging times coming and sometimes they meet us when we least expect it. When the outcome seems bleak help us to try the up look.

Our thoughts go to those tragedies that continue in various parts of the world. Whether in Israel or Ukraine we lift prayers for Peace . We also pray for the leaders of our world that they would use wisdom and genuine care as their basis for decisions.

In our local congregation we pray your grace and guidance for so many needs whether spoken or in the quiet of our hearts.

We as a congregation are thankful for guiding us thru this transition time. we Humbly thank you for all the gifts you have given each member here and for the leadership that has been shared by many. May you continue to be apart of all those involved in decision that affect who we are as a congregation. May your wisdom and guidance transcend all decisions and processes.

We now bring before you those who are struggling with health issues, those who await tests and test results, those who await surgery, we also pray for those that may suffer in silence. We pray your guiding hand of love and care and protection on each one and those that stand by them whether named or unnamed.