Our gracious God we are grateful to you for so many blessings – For the
beauty of a white blanket of snow to shed light on our world during the
dull days of winter.
We are grateful for our homes and warmth with the past week of cold
weather but our hearts ache for those without a place to call home and a
warm meal. May they know to draw near to you and may those who work to
find shelter and food for those in need be blessed.
Our thoughts go to those in war torn countries, The Ukraine and Gaza –
The Israeli and Palestinian conflict ongoing since October 7, 2023. Oh
Lord we think of the innocent victims of war. The children who when
they hear a noise tense up knowing a bomb has fallen too near. The
parents who try to shelter their children themselves struggling with
physical and emotional pains of war:
When asked what message he has for Christians outside Palestine to know,
Palestinian Pastor Ashraf
Tannus leader of Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation in Beit
Jala stresses:
‘Remember the kinship shared among all brothers and sisters in Christ.
We are all praying
the Lord’s prayer. When we say “Our Father” this indicates relationship.
We are all God’s children!”
(From A Common Place MCC publication)
Father we pray as your children, as brothers and sisters in Christ for
peace in a world of unrest.
In our local congregation we pray your grace and guidance for so many
needs whether spoken or in the quiet of our hearts.