September 24th, 2023

Holy One, you have built your church

on the foundation of disciples

and prophets, Jesus Christ himself, the chief cornerstone.

Join us together in unity of spirit

that we may become a holy temple,

ever growing and serving as your faithful people.

With reverence and awe,

we place our trust in you who

is able to do immeasurably more

than all we ask or imagine, according to your power that is at work within us.

Expand our minds;

guide us beyond our well-worn paths;

challenge our assumptions;

gentle our anxieties;

liberate us from all fear;

and grant us courage and patience to wait on you,

with hope and curious anticipation.

Loving God, hear our prayers for the world around us.

We pray for those oppressed by governments or economic systems,

those who are living amidst war and violence

those who can only stand by as their children die

from starvation, preventable disease,

or street violence.

Hear the rising cry from all who stand in need.

God of life hear our prayer for creation

Forgive us for our overuse and misuse

or natural resources,

for our excessive carbon footprint

and our contribution to climate change.

May we steward your gift of creation

with humility and deep gratitude.

Gracious God, we also bring to you our own needs.

Hear our prayer for all who suffer,

whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

May your presence surround and sustain us

so that we may know your love and live.

Where there is pain, grant peace;

Wherever grief is deep, grant comfort.

May your healing touch restore health and strength.

Hold the broken places of our hearts and our lives

In your loving hands.

We pray your kingdom come and your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven,

in Jesus’ name. Amen.