June 20th, 2021

Holy God

I have so few ways to pray,

   but you have so many ways to answer.

Keep me alert to your unpredictable answers,

   to your unexplainable surprises,

and by your grace.

make me one of those surprises,

for the sake of the One

  who taught us the surprises

    of moving mountains,

       healing touches,

          wondrous stories,

              great banquets,

                 first suppers,

                   broken bread,


                         and resurrections.

   (Voices Together – #1008)

We praise you Father for the ministry of Your Church, the Body of Christ around the world.

May you move with power and might in and through the church, bringing many to a

saving knowledge of Jesus through the faithful witness of believers.

Where there is suffering and persecution, bring hope, healing, and perseverance.

Today we continue to grieve the pain, suffering and loss in our world, whether through war, terrorism, neglect, or choices made. We pray that love would overcome hate; we pray for healing and cleansing of hearts and minds; we pray that peace and justice would reign in our hearts and lives, and in our world.

We pray for our households of faith.  May each rejoice in Your presence and work in their lives. Guide, strengthen and encourage them as individuals, and as a family. Pour our Your love in their lives.

We pray for Pastor Kara as she walks through these early days of her sabbatical. Lord, grant her deep rest and renewal. Speak peace into her heart and mind and continue to use her as an instrument of Your grace.

We pray for those who have spent time in hospital this week, for those waiting appointments, surgery, or test results. Grant patience and may Your will be done in each individuals life.

We pray for caregivers, for those who today are grieving the loss of relationship as a result of death or distance. We praise you that you are a God of Comfort.

Fathers Day Prayer:

Father God, Abba Father, on this day we as your children come before you with thanks and praise. We praise you because we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Thank you for our earthly fathers – those who gave us physical life.

Thank you for Dads who loved, played with, cared for, and lifted us – for those fathers who were, and still are integral parts of our lives. God, we pray for your blessing on their lives; may they experience your joy today.

Where absence, death, choices, or tragedy has taken a father from a child, God, may you be their Father.

Where there is hurt, pain or brokenness between father and child, bring forgiveness and healing.

Father God, bless the fathers of our congregation today; fill them with wisdom, with patience and with courage.

And above all, fill them with deep love for their children, especially in these days of Covid, these days of increased stress.

For those with elderly fathers – where the role of caregiver has reversed; God give wisdom, grace, and an abundance of love.

We give thanks for those men who have no children but cherish the next generation as if they were their own.

Thank you for their mentoring, teaching and love of others.

We also praise you for those men in our lives who have mentored us, whether in the past or yet today. May you fill them with joy.

Father, we celebrate and give you Thanks this day for our fathers.


Oh God, hear our prayers. We rejoice and give thanks that You are a God who hears and knows all our needs.

In the Name of Jesus, we pray.
