Today, May 5 is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG).
The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) honours all Indigenous mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters,
grandmothers, nieces and cousins. On this day of national importance we can honour the MMIWG by embracing and supporting community healing. What part of community healing will you take part?
As Anabaptist we strive to walk in the shoes of peace with our actions and our words.
Perhaps your commitment to peace will involve researching the “REDdress Project” inspired by Jamie Black.
Perhaps you will feel nudged to learn more about Canada’s history including Indigenous Peoples’ history in Canada.
Perhaps you will consider the societal and familial impact of violence against women.
We hear God’s call to seek justice, to work for peace, reconciliation, and restoration. What is your response?
May our journey of faith with Jesus lead us to honour all of life, build connections, nurture relationships, embrace diversity, and participate in the healing of creation. Amen