As we live into week 4 of Lent, deep in the wilderness we hear God’s call to deep healing.
The wilderness confronts us with our vulnerability and exposes our wounds and
our needs. We are called to deep healing by trusting in God, who calls us in love.
Let us pray:
This has felt like
a year in the wilderness
O God.
A year of wandering,
sometimes utterly lost,
often alone,
facing challenges we
weren’t prepared for.
There have been thorns
and snakes
and wild animals,
dark moonless nights,
endless days,
and clouds of dread,
disorientation, and danger.
A year already,
of wandering
far away from
what was familiar,
of wondering
what lies ahead.
God, in this wilderness
save us. Remind us
Wild Christ, that wilderness
can be a place of ferment,
introspection, prompting
insight and transformation.
Teach us that
facing our fears is often
a remedy for our malaise.
Restore a sense of wholeness.
Heal our wounded spirits,
Reorient our lost souls.
Rescue us from trouble
and inject us with hope. Amen
(prayer by Wendy Janzen, Burning Bush Forest Church)