Lord Jesus, friend and companion, your first and lasting acts of healing, teaching, and restoring reveal to us the deepest desires of God and you invite us to take the leap of faith and join with you on the journey of discipleship. Embolden us as your disciples of healing and hope and hear our prayers.
We pray for all nations that lie under darkness and oppression; where governments are corrupt, justice rare, abuse rampant, and the weak and the poor have nowhere to turn for hope. We pray for the ministries of Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Disaster Service which our dollars support. May these agencies and others be your channels of compassion, justice, practical aid, reconciliation, and peace.
We pray for people in all places who are affected by disease including covid 19. Protect front-line workers and our most vulnerable loved ones in long-term care or congregate settings. Grant wisdom to scientists and pharmaceuticals who continue to develop and roll out vaccines. Cast out the evil spirits of greed, inequitable practices, and selfishness. May compassion, equality, collaborative relationships flow generously.
God of life, we pray for households and places where food is scarce and hunger is deep. Bless the ministry of Wellesley’s Food Cupboard whose calling is greater than providing food; whose calling includes build healthy community.
God of compassion, hear our prayers for those who suffer due to neglect, illness, sorrow, grief or anger. Heal our bodies and the deepest places of our hearts and set us free from pain and disappointment that keeps us bound and robs us of fullness of life. We pray for families supporting loved ones from a distance due to covid restrictions and we pray for those awaiting treatment or surgery.
We also pray for our Households of Faith. We pray for continued health, contentment day to day, and meaningful connections with family and friends.
God of the church, we pray for the ministries of MCEC, the ministries of this congregation, its leadership and continued faithful stewardship. In response to your great gifts, we yearn to be generous people, freed from the fear of scarcity but rather living abundantly in your grace. Be with us today as we take steps to further the vision you have graced us with as your holy and called people.
God of the journey, give us strength and wisdom for each daily decision which contributes to a lifetime of faithful discipleship. Grace us with your peace, your hope, your joy, and your love and may we be generous to share these your gifts in Jesus name. Amen