Holy One, you are our God and we are Your people,
and we are grateful that You have claimed us as your own.
You have set us in the company of your people across generations,
among those who have made bold witness to Your goodness, Your truth.
Your faithful accompanying presence opens up new futures
where we see no way forward.
Holy One, You know the places in our hearts where we are afraid:
afraid of a future we cannot control
afraid of losing health and independence
afraid for the well-being of our children
Holy One, You know the places in our hearts and bodies where there is pain and suffering:
be with the sick and those awaiting surgery or treatment
be with the lonely, the lost, the least,
be with all impacted by covid 19 including caregivers and administrators, and scientists
be with all who grieve. Surround the broken hearted with deep comfort, immeasurable love, and gentle care. Comfort all who grieve, we pray.
Holy One, You also know the places in our hearts where there is joy and delight and inspiration
Thank you for the beauty of creation
for all things pumpkin-spiced
the chill in the air as seasons turn
and the warmth of the fire
Holy One, we are your people on a journey.
Pour out your grace and peace upon all who stand in a place of need for healing, hope and wholeness.
We also pray for our Households of Faith.
Holy One, write the stories of all your people deep into our hearts
so that we may learn to trust you beyond our fears.
Give us hearts and minds and spirits
ready to trust and follow wherever your Spirit leads,
confident that you will not lead us beyond your loving embrace.
We ask in the name of the One who taught us to pray: Our Father ………….