This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!Uplifted by the promised hope of healing and resurrection, we join with the people of God in all times and all places praying for our needs, those of the world, and the church:
May healing continue to be gentle. Let us pray for comfort and peace in the coming weeks in order to determine next steps. We hold in prayer those with ongoing health concerns and the vulnerable.
Let us continue to pray for all those who grieve. The grief journey is complicated when we are not able to gather as a community. May God’s comfort be wide and deep, holding us all.
We pray for all our long-term care residents. We also pray for all front-line and essential workers. May they be well-protected, kept safe, and encouraged. For parents who are juggling home-schooling, working from home, and uncertainty, may peace abound.
Let us pray for comfort and good recovery. Health crises are compounded these days when loved ones can not gather around. May peace and strength and hope prevail.
For our needs, fears, concerns, and for all suffering due to Covid 19, we offer our prayers in the strong name of Jesus.
Happy Birthday to all!
Entrusting all of our prayers to the wide embrace of God love Lord hear our prayers. Amen.