Lord Jesus, we thank you for the call to be disciples which came in such an uneventful way.
Contrary to the wisdom of the world you didn’t start with the privileged and the wealthy and the powerful. You didn’t begin with those who had little need and little desire for change. Rather, you began with the ordinary. You began with some fisherfolk.
We pray that your call “Come, follow me,” might again reverberate through our souls and your church.
May we hear again the challenge to be your disciples and leave behind the security of our nets.
May we hear again the message of God’s good news and God’s vision for the world restored.
May we with courage respond to your invitation to “become” – living into transformation through the power of your Spirit.
May we be freed from all that keeps us from casting new nets – rethinking, reinventing, recasting, reimagining.
May we hear again those simple words: “Come, follow me,” and may we come, just as we are, and know again the depth of your grace and love for us.
Lord, we pray for world leaders that they might work for peace,
lay down the weapons of war, and uphold the dignity of each person.
We pray for the displaced, the despairing, and those who live in desperate situations. May all receive the security and safety they need to prosper and thrive.
We pray for your church that we may be salt and light,
hope and healing for the hurting, and those who struggle
We pray for our households of faith
our family and friends
Hear our prayers for
those struggling physically, emotionally, or relationally,
those working to overcome or live with mental illness
those facing challenges at home or at work,
those grieving the death of a loved one,
those who seeking wisdom and light amidst troubles.
. Strengthen those we pray, awaiting medical appointments;
draw near to those absorbing a hard diagnosis and uncertain next steps;
comfort those walking through the valley of the shadow of death and their loved ones.
We pray for all who stand in a place of need.
Holy One, open our eyes to recognize the new thing you are doing
In the world, in your church, in our lives.
Grant us grace to see, and courage respond.
We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray saying:
Our Father…….