Gracious God,
In love you created us,
and in love you sustain us, day after day.
We bow our hearts and heads before you,
knowing you hear us, you know us,
and you will respond to our deepest prayers.
We pray for the world,
for all who suffer and call out for help:
those without shelter or enough food to eat ,
those caught up in violence and political uprisings,
those picking up the pieces after a natural disaster and wildfires,
those desperate to find work to support their families.
We pray for our neighbours and households of faith
our family and friends
Hear our prayers for
those struggling physically, emotionally, or relationally,
those working to overcome or live with mental illness,
those facing challenges at home or at work,
those grieving the death of a loved one,
those who seeking wisdom and light amidst troubles.
. Strengthen those we pray, awaiting medical appointments;
draw near to those absorbing a hard diagnosis and uncertain next steps;
comfort those walking through the valley of the shadow of death and their loved ones.
We pray for all who stand in a place of need.
In your mercy Lord, hear our prayer.
God, you have called us to pray for our enemies;
to bless, rather than curse, those who cause us harm.
We bring before you those who have wounded us, physically or emotionally;
those who have broken trust;
those who have caused harm through words, actions, or silence
Lord hear our silent prayers…
Forgive us when we have wounded physically or emotionally,
have broken trust,
or caused harm through words, actions, or silence.
Lord, hear our silent prayers
Open our hearts so that we may see one another as you see us,
and be able to live in the ways of your love, your kindness, your compassion.
God, we praise you for your faithful love,
and for your sustaining strength.
Open our eyes to recognize your presence in our lives
and the power of your love and care transforming us.
Give us grace to hear your call,
and courage to follow without hesitation.
We offer our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray saying:
Our Father…….