December 18th, 2022

Waiting and anticipating, we bow our hearts before you Holy One.

Today we hear the angels’ proclamation:

“The virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

His name will be called Emmanuel, God with us.

Show us your child, O God,

For we walk together in hope and with deep yearnings.

Give your justice to the nations and their leaders,

and give your mercy to all whose decisions

affect the peace and well-being of the world.

Where we have power ourselves,

open our ears to the cries of the weak, the poor, and the needy,

and open our hearts to answer their call.

Show us your child, O God,
For we walk together in hope and with deep yearnings.

Bless this community, we pray

that in your light we may each become a servant, one to the other

holding the Christ light for one another in the night time of our fears.

Bring us together in story, song, joy, and sorrow;

and let each person who comes among us

find community and your presence of love in this place.

Show us your child, O God,
For we walk together in love.

God of compassion, pour out your healing grace upon all

who are dealing with sickness, fear, or any kind of trouble;

Draw near to those awaiting surgery, treatment, and those awaiting recovery of strength.

Comfort the grieving who feel their loss even more deeply amidst Christmas celebration.

Meet each be met with rest, peace, and your comfort.

Show us your child, O God,

For we walk together in peace.

God of restoration, with longing and thanksgiving,

knowing that you hold this world and all its children deep in your heart,

we pray for the grace to receive your gift given to the world.

May we lift up our eyes and look around,

and boldly join in your mission of restoration and reconciliation.

Grant us courage as it was for Mary and Joseph

to follow your pathway, to answer your call, to live in faith.

Emmanuel, God-with-us, we journey to Bethlehem and the manger

Prepare our hearts to receive you anew –

To receive the wonder, the miracle, the profound gift of your love.

We pray in the name of the Christ child. Amen.

We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies and our loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.

As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.

We pray for our Households of Faith.

We pray for meaningful family time over Christmas and deep sense of Christ’s presence with them.

Amidst many ups and down over this past year, we give thanks for God’s faithfulness, for providing all the strength, peace, and courage they need for each day.

We pray for safe travels and a beautiful Christmas with family. Bless them with health, much joy, and peace. Amen