Thank you to Jamie Gerber for today’s prayer:
Holy God. We pray with Gratitude and adoration.
We marvel at your wisdom in creation,
the changing seasons, the bounty of harvest,
You have been so good to us.
We marvel at the grace of Jesus, sent to be your living word among us.
And at the preservation of Scripture through thousands of years… that still tells the story of your transforming love for people of every tribe and nation.
Thank you for Greg and Tracey and their family. … for calling them to serve as translators and developers who offer scriptures to many who would not otherwise hear the gospel
Thank you for your generosity.
Grace us with the same spirit of giving.
Bless the offerings we give
so that what we say about you,
can be a reality for others to experience.
We join our prayers today for members of our congregation
For those who experience life in decline through age or health. Give them hope for a better future and grace to face whatever transitions lie ahead.
For those who find life full of energy, … give them wisdom to use their strength for your glory – blessing humanity.
In silence now we offer unspoken prayers for ourselves and our loved ones.
We pray beyond ourselves for our world
For government leaders ensnared in greed leading to violence and oppression, … open doors of transformation
For those making decisions about global warming, …
may they have courage and common sense.
Free our world leaders from showmanship and posturing.
Forgive us for smug attitudes that we sometimes hold … thinking we are better then the other.
Nudge us with gentle conviction to enact good stewardship for the land.
Thank you now for hearing our prayer
Through Jesus we pray
We pray for our loved ones who are experiencing limitations due to aging bodies including loved ones in long-term care. Support each family and grant deep measures of compassion and patience.
As Covid and significant cold/flu viruses circulate in our communities and families, we pray for healing, grace and protection over all.
We pray for our Households of Faith.