God of the lost, the last, the least, and all who long for home,
when we wander from your ways and waste the gifts you have given us,
welcome us back we pray, so that we may celebrate and rejoice
in your presence.
God, of prodigal grace, we give you thanks for the gift and the blessings of life,
for family, friends, community, belonging.
God of restoration we confess the lines we draw between ourselves and those we believe to be lost. Reveal to us the lostness of our pride, entitlement, and sin.
Transform us and all our broken ways and make us whole.
We pray for our community:
Lead us through the trials; the suffering and sorrow; the challenges and struggles
the tired time, despair, and bleak places.
Continue to grace us with hope, with joy, and healthy relationships.
God whose giving knows no ending, we ask your blessing upon the offerings we freely give. Bless the ministries that are supported here within these walls,
across the street and around the world. Bless the portion we keep – make us wise stewards.
We pray for world peace – especially the Ukraine – hear our prayer for the grieving, those whose homes have been destroyed and are far from home. We pray the wounded, the weary, and the aggressors. We pray for global leaders that they may govern with wisdom and integrity.
Finally, for the church, your body, your hands and feet and heart in this world.
We stand in need of wisdom and deep listening to discern who you are calling us to be, who we are becoming. May your Spirit move amongst us bringing clarity to your call and your will for our shared life together. Bathe us with your grace and you love and may that love move freely into your world.
We pray as those who seek to walk in your footsteps. Amen.
We pray for measures of patience and compassion for all caring for aging parents and loved ones.
We pray for all who grieve. May comfort and peace surround the grieving.
We pray for our Households of Faith.