Good Shepherd, within your embrace we are safe and secure. Within your embrace we know that we are precious in your sight. Within your embrace we feel the warmth of family, relationship and belonging. Within your embrace we grow and are nurtured together as one flock, the people of your pasture under your loving care and protection.
Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find comfort and healing. We bring to you those who are weak, or struggling with physical, mental or spiritual health. We pray that your comfort will enfold all who grieve. We pray for deep measures of peace as well as restored strength. You are the great healer, and we pray for healing of mind, body, and spirit for those we now name in the silence of our hearts……..
We pray for our households of faith.
We pray for strength and wisdom for each new day.
We pray for continued good health and for family bonds to be strong with love, laughter, and fun.
Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find justice. We bring to you the brave voices who cry out for freedom, those prepared to stand up and be heard without counting the cost. We pray for those who have been marginalized or suffer due to their race, skin colour, gender, or faith.
Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find life in you. As your resurrection people we join with you in your mission of restoration for all creation. You have made us stewards of the earth’s resources. May we do our part to protect, to restore, to further life rather than destroy it.
Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find peace. We bring to you those without homes, those who are displaced due to war, refugees wandering this earth in search of a home. We pray for all victims of violence and for all those who have dedicated their lives for the search for peace and reconciliation.
Good Shepherd, within your embrace we find our true identity as your beloved children. Continue to lead us. Continue to feed us. For we need your help from day to day….. we pray in the name of Good Shepherd who laid down his life that we might have life in abundance. Amen