February 14th, 2021

Holy One,

we come before you,

many of us feeling like we have climbed just a part of the mountain,

and there is so much more of a climb left to even get to point

to dream that we might be dazzled by what is Divine.

                Lord, listen to your children praying……..

Holy One,

our loads are heavy with worry,

we are in the midst of a global pandemic and we don’t know when it will end.

Our loads are heavy with regret for words spoken, actions taken, and for things left undone that called for our attention.

Our loads are heavy with fatigue due to disrupted work schedules, virtual classrooms, isolation, and loneliness.

Our loads are heavy with despair for all in the world that is hurting, in danger, in bondage and more.

Our loads are heavy with illness and concern for loved ones who stand in need of healing, hope, and wholeness……

We hold in prayer those who grieve. May Your comforting presence surround them and hold them in peace.

We pray for strength for mind, body, and spirit.   We also pray for our loved ones whose needs we name ……..  

We also pray for our households of faith.

Lord, listen to your children praying……….

Holy One,

we trudge ahead, following you,

sometimes stumbling, sometimes stammering,

but with each step clinging to hope and praying…

breathing hard, hearts pounding, and yes,

even some of us nimble and skipping.

Release us from our need for tent building and pounding in stakes

that we may live vulnerably, open to your gentling and transforming love.

On this journey as our eyes are opened to see you as Savior and Lord,

help us to also see ourselves and one another through your eyes of grace,

to see all that is beautiful, beloved, worthy, called.

And may we in faith follow where you lead and be transformed with each step through Jesus our Lord. Amen